
I sat on the bed and turned on the tv. I seriously need to think some things over. I honestly don't know why Chucky is doing all of this, I know for a fact he wants to marry Tiffany, he's told me before but asked me to keep it a secret. And I have...Okay fine I've been dropping hints over the past 8 years. But one thing doesn't make sense, he said he stole that ring from Vivian Van Pelt..I don't remember him ever killing anyone named Vivian, because i helped him with all of the "famous murders". And plus we would've told me immediately after he killed her. So that kinda makes me wonder.

I put my attention back on the tv. The news was on, the reporter was talking to some detective about the recent murder's that have been happening.

"While there are still no leads in the murder of Officer Bob Bailey, evidence suggests that his death may be linked to Damien Baylock, whose real name was Howard Fitzwater, was dragged from the east river this afternoon." The reporter was saying.    "Detective Preston, is there a connection between these two murders?."

"Could be." I chuckled.

"Possibly." The deceive replied.

"Is this the work of a serial killer?."

"Oh, not just one." I smirked. They then went on so I picked up the remote and changed the channel. Once I did the lights began to flicker and I heard splashing in the bathroom. What the hell is going on? I jumped up and ran to the bath to see the curtain has been torn down, not only that but the playpen bar was gone, and so was Chucky.

My eyes widened as I heard Tiff scream. I quickly ran in to see Chucky roll the tv right into the bathtub, electrocuting the water..and Tiffany.

"CHUCKY!." I shrieked. He jumped and turned to me, as bubbles started to float up.     "You are dead."

"No Bonnie!." He put his hands up, and pointed to the doll.

Oh no he isn't.

"Just calm down and don't do anything you'll regret."
   I growled at him, as he dragged the bride doll up to the bath. Tiff had already sank into the water lifeless.

Chucky began to chant to put her soul inside the doll. I would've stopped him but..I would rather have her inside the doll then actually dead, which is what she is right now. I just wish I would've stopped him from pushing in the tv.

He finished the chant by yelling awake. Nothing fucking happened. The bubbles from the water landed on the doll's face.

I stormed up to Chucky, pushing the doll behind us.

"She's dead now no thanks to you!." I shouted at him.

"In my defense, I thought the chant would work." Chucky shrugged.

I punched him square in the face. He groaned, holding his nose. It was bleeding.

He was about to say something before I interrupted.

"Listen, yes you can bleed but you can use the heart of Damballa do transfer your soul into a human body." I informed him.

He nodded and wiped the blood off.

Suddenly Tiffany's dead body shot up from the water screaming. That caused me to jump in surprise as Chucky began to yell. I breathed in deep as her body fell back into the bath.

I began to collect my thoughts when I was startled again but another scream right behind me. I turned around to see the bride doll standing up, it ripped off its veil and glared at Chucky.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!." Tiffany? She punched him like I did making him land on the floor.

"My god your alive!." I exclaimed happily and ran up to hug her. "I would've saved you but I came in too late and-."

"Bonnie it's alright, I know you would've too." Tiffany softly smiled.

I pulled her into a hug. We pulled apart and both of of glared at Chucky.

"You got your wish." He said standing up and rubbing his cheek. "Your mine now doll." He then threw that damn ring onto the floor. "And if you know what's good for you, you are going to love, honor and obey!."

Tiff and I scoffed at that.

"I wouldn't marry you if you had the body of G.I Joe!." She shouted.

"Hey raggedy ann, you looked in the mirror lately? Now's not the time to get picky." He said.

I glared at him, and both of us growled.


We went to the sitting area. Chucky sat on a shelf, while Tiff and I sat on the sofa reading through her "voodoo for dummies" book.

"Face it Tiff, you need me otherwise your stuck like that for good." Chucky said.

"I don't need you, I have Bonnie, she knows voodoo as much as you." Tiffany told him, continuing to flip through pages.

"Page 217." I told her, and gave Chucky a look.

She flipped to that page. On it was the heart of Damballa.

"The heart of Damballa. What's that?." Tiffany asked, glancing at both me and Chucky.

"An amulet, and we can use it to transfer our souls into human bodies." Chucky explained. And who told you that? Yep it was me.

"Okay and where the hell is it?." Tiffany asked.

"Chucky was wearing it around his neck that night those bastards shot us down." I informed her.    "And it was buried with his corpse in Hackensack New Jersey."

"Alright let's go." Tiffany said determined.

"Sure! I'll steer and you can work the pedals." Chucky said sarcastically.  "We're dolls! We can't drive cars!."

"Oh my god what are we gonna do?!." Tiffany cried. She buried her head in my shoulder.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay, we'll figure it out." I rubbed her back trying to calm her down some. I know how emotional you get when your inside a doll.  Then I got an idea.     "What about your neighbor Jesse. He could drive us there."

That made Tiff look up, wiping her tears.   "Yes! That's a great idea. I could call asking for a favor. He's a sweet kid he would most likely agree to it."

"Then let's put our plan into action." I smirked.

