
              Bonnie's POV.

That next day, Andy brought Chucky to school, well daycare, whatever you wanna call it. I snuck there and met them at the subway. And from there we made our way to Eddie's house.
      As we came off the subway and into the street we told him where to go.

And I will say something, the neighbor hood where our hideout was at, not even an adult would go there, let alone a kid. The place was infested with hookers, addicts, thieves, and bums. You had to be tough in order to live here. Andy started to go down the street holding both me and Chucky.

We stopped at an windowless, abandoned two story house directly ahead of us. This was it.

"Is that it?." Andy asked, but we made no movement at all, this was between only me, Eddie and Chucky.
   "Look you two stay here, I have to tinkle." He sat us down on a busted chair and went behind some tall weeds.

Chucky and I exchanged glances and ran into the abandoned building. This was our hideout, this is where we hid from the cops.

Exactly when we walked in I noticed Eddie changed a lot of stuff. Also the fact that this place was crawling with rats. But that didn't matter to me right now, we slowly made our way into the main room. And that's when we saw him.

Eddie was laying on a mattress in the half light of the room, he's unshaven and still wearing his prison clothes, he pulled out a liquor bottle as he stared at nothing. We head upstairs purposely making the floors creak, so Eddie would hear us. And sure enough he followed.

"Hello Eddie." I spoke, making him freeze in his tracks, I watched all the color drain from his face.

"How's it goin?." Chucky asked. He looked at him in shock, me too.

"Chucky, Bonnie?." He asked, clearing not expecting us to be dolls.

Chucky chuckled.  "Who else would it be? This is our hideout, isn't it?."

I saw Eddie wipe his forehead nervously, the sweat already beginning to pour down his face. Which caused me to smirk.

"I thought you were both dead."

"Naw. We wouldn't do that." I told him. "Not and leave you alive anyway."

Eddie starts to go down the stairs, I saw he had a gun ready.

"What are you talking about Bon?." He asked, using my nickname, which he knows I hate.

"You fucking left us!." I yelled at him.  "You chickened at and left us! You really think we're gonna let you live after that?."

Eddie then runs down the stairs, firing the gun behind him. He ain't getting away that easy. Luckily Chucky locked the door when we entered. We started to mess with him, running from one room to another and calling him in.

I saw him head into the kitchen, and I ran in, and dragged Chucky with me.

The gas stove hissed, I knew that if Eddie shoots that stove, the place blows up. I heard Andy calling our names but we ignored him.  We quickly jumped out of a window and landed safely on the ground, the next thing we knew, I heard a gunshot and the house practically blew up.

We did it. There's no way Eddie survived that explosion.

I then saw Andy fall in a ditch right before I heard sirens approaching in the distance.

3rd Person POV.
(Police station)

Karen walked down the corridor, her high heel shoes sounding hollow and lonely as there was no one around. Suddenly an officer came by and she stopped him.

"Pardon me, I'm looking for Lieutenant Norris-." She told him. Before he could answer Mike steps out of the Roman further down the corridor. She hurried to him.    "Lieutenant Norris-."

"Thank you for coming, Ms.Barclay." Mike said.

"What's wrong?." Karen asked concerned.  "I came as soon as I got the message."

"Have you been home yet?."

"No I came directly from work."

"We have your son here." Mike informed her.

"Andy's here. Why?." She Asked.

"Let's step into my office." He led her to an clustered looking office

She was still very confused, She sat down on a chair as Mike sat down at his desk.

"Now, why is Andy here?."

"Well, it isn't set in stone yet but-. We think he might've killed someone today."

Karen looked at him in disbelief.  "Who?."

"Well, Eddie Caputo." Mike said.

"Who's that?." She Asked blankly.

"Haven't you heard about him on the news?."  Karen shook her head.    "He was partners with the Lakeshore Strangler and Bonnie Bundy. They'd kill people, and they each had unique ways of doing it. They were serial killers."

"No, I dropped Andy off at school, he wasn't anywhere near that Eddie guy."

"Well I hate to break it to you but- when Eddie's hideout blew up, with him in it, Andy was sitting outside clutching his doll when we arrived. And, he had a female doll with him."

Karen rose from her chair, stunned.
"I need to see Andy."

"Are you sure your in the right shape for this right now Ms.Barclay?." He asked her.

Karen sighed. "I am perfectly fine Lieutenant Norris. Now let me see my son."

He nodded and led her to an room, like those room's police use to interrogate people. As soon as Karen entered Andy got up from his chair and ran to his mom.  Karen immediately hugged him back and sat him down in the chair next to the Chucky doll and the female doll named Bonnie.

"Okay, Andy listen." Karen said.  "Nobody believes you about Chucky, or about this female doll that you have with you. Unless you start telling the truth, right now, they're going to take you away from me."  Andy glanced over at the two dolls.

"You hear that Chucky, Bonnie." Andy said to the dolls.  "Their taking me away unless you say something."  He got up to get in front of them.
    "Please say something. Come on guys! Say something! Tell me why you lied to me about everything."  After a second more Andy ran over to his mother.    "Mommy, their doing it on purpose. They told me never to tell about, or they'll kill me."  Karen hugged her son.

"Ms.Barclay." A man's voice came over the intercom.   "My name is Dr.Harwell (is that his name? I didn't really hear him.) "I'm from the local hospital, I've seen more then enough, maybe Andy should spend some time with us."

So the next chapter is when Chucky and Bonnie finally reveal themselves to be alive and jump right into action. So it's bound to get more interesting.
