
"Where were you?." Jesse spoke after a while of silence. We've been on the road for a couple of minutes.

"Is that all you have to say?." Jade asked him.

"What do you want me to say?."

"Well I just think you'd have something to say about what happened back there."

"Oh I have something to say, I think your fucking crazy." Jesse said glancing at her.

"I'm crazy?." Jade asked with disbelief.
"You say you'll do anything for me and this is what I get."

They continued arguing about the explosion and all that. I was too tired to listen to this shit. But I knew we were close to Jersey as I saw a sign that read Niagara Falls, which is in New York.

I was honestly trying to keep my fucking eyes open. I took a deep breath, looking out the window.

I saw we were stopping at some kind of hotel. I saw a sign about weddings so, guess it also does weddings. As long as it has a bed I'll be fine.

"What are you doing?." Jade asked as he parked.

"Do you trust me Jade?."

"..of course I do."

You hesitated. I quietly yawned as both of them got out and went inside.

Chucky chuckled. "Sucker."

"I think they make a really cute couple." Tiffany stated. "And if you ask me I think it'd be a shame to break them up, if you know what I mean."

I nodded as both of us looked at Chucky.


Tiffany's POV..

Bonnie fell asleep not long after, so I laid down some blankets on the floor and she's sleeping on that right now.

I got in the passenger seat as Chucky was in the driver's seat changing the channels on the radio. He eventually landed on some rock music.

I looked out the window, at the angel statue. I've always dreamed of getting married, I thought it would be with Chucky. We've been dating since high school, Bonnie introduced us in freshman year and I instantly got a crush on him. I don't know how I feel now, I can't say exactly how I feel about him right now.

"Isn't it beautiful?." I said still gazing at the angel statue.      "I've always dreamed of having a big church wedding, with bridesmaids and a cake, and my picture in the paper not just the usual mugshot, but something really flattering."

"Tiff." Chucky called, I looked at him.
   "I'm sorry. For everything."

"Oh, I guess I can't complain. I mean. I always wanted us to spend more time together, maybe do some traveling and see the world. Well, just look at us now." I chuckled.

The two of us began to laugh together. My feelings are everywhere, do I love him or not?

"Yeah, life sure is full of surprises." Chucky said.

Right after he said that, I heard a scream coming from the back. My eyes widened as we turned around.

That cop, the one we stuck all the nails in his face, was still alive. Alright how? Even if the nails did knock him out he would've at least bled to death.

"Stop him!." I told Chucky as he tried to crawl away. Chucky pulled out a knife from his overalls.    "Kill him!."

Chucky quickly ran to to him and started stabbing, maybe 39 times. I smirked, remembering how good he is at killing.

"A true classic never goes out of style."

I grinned.   "That was good."


   Bonnie's POV.

Okay so apparently I slept through Chucky killing that cop again, as they told me before Jesse and Jade came to get their stuff, including us, and brought us to the hotel room. I mean I'm not surprised, I'm a very heavy sleeper.

Anyway, so we're in the room right now. They are currently watching tv and, the news was saying how Jesse and Jade are suspects for murder. The three of us stayed in barbie mode as we sat on the sofa, with the bed in front of us.

Jesse muted the tv, as the detectives started to talk about them being dangerous. "First thing tomorrow morning, we deliver the dolls and collect our money." He told Jade. She just stared at the tv. "We're gonna need it."

I kinda jumped when the door burst open, but remained frozen and cool. I can be..easily startled sometimes alright?

It was an older women, she was wearing some kind of slutty outfit.
"Sorry, the door was open, I didn't realize there was anybody in here." Okay first, the door was not open and second if you know this is the wrong room why don't you leave.

Then an man came in, I'm guessing the girl's husband or something. Jade told her that this was their room. But. They. Still. Didn't. LEAVE.

I almost lost it when that slut came over and picked up Tiffany. But I need to remain calm. She called Tiff and I cute..but called Chucky "a face only a mother could love". That's triggering.

I glanced over at her, as the women stole Jesse's wallet. That thief!

Finally, Jesse and Jade eventually began to led them out of the room.

"That thieving slut!." Tiffany whispered to us. "She doesn't deserve to wear that ring!."


After Jesse and Jade went to bed, Chucky and Tiffany snuck off to that couple's room to kill them. They wanted me to join but honestly I'm so tired I told them for them to have fun and I'm gonna go to sleep. So they're in that room. I waited till they turned to lights out and that's when I laid down on my side..and drifted off to sleep.


I was fast asleep. But yet, I could hear something. This sounded distant, I fully opened my eyes and listened more closely. It almost sounded like someone throwing up. I saw light shining from the bathroom door. I saw Chucky sleeping beside me, Jesse and Jade were in the bed so that meant..


I quickly got up and made my way to the bathroom. I opened the door slowly and saw Tiffany sighing, kneeling down in front of the toilet.

"Tiff..?." She glanced at me and didn't really say anything. "Are you alright?." I rushed over to her and pushed her hair away from her face.

"I've been throwing up for at least, maybe, 20 minutes." She sighed, turning the lean against the toilet.

"What did you and Chucky do when you two killed that couple?." I asked.

"Oh! He proposed to me!." She said excited but still sounded drained. I saw the ring on her finger.

"Oh my god!." I smiled.

"Then we...you know..did it."

I thought for a quick moment. Maybe she's..no..but..

"Well. Maybe that explains maybe why your throwing up."

"Wait you don't think-? No I'm not. I wouldn't be getting sickness this early on."

Yeah she is right. But I guess we'll see later on whether she is or not.


I ended up waking up at like..10Am? I mean that's what it said on the clock. Chucky and Tiffany woke up a minute after.

I was leaning back as I heard a scream coming from another room. That made Jesse and Jade wake up, and they rushed outside.

Before I knew it, they grabbed us and their stuff and rushed to the van. Putting us in the same spot in the backseat. They must've seen that couple dead.

"I-I can't do this." I heard Jade say.

"What?." Jesse asked.

"I can't go with you Jesse. Not anymore."

"Oh man I'm glad you said that first." Jesse sighed, Jade gave him a confused look, Ooh drama's about to start. "Listen Jade, this is too much for me, I love you and I will always love you, but there is a limit to how much i can take."

"Would you please stop talking to me like I'm the one that's crazy, Your the crazy one, your the mass murderer! I can't take this shit anymore!."

Suddenly there was a banging on the window honestly making me jump a little. Okay can we just get going now?


Turns out that their friend decided to join them. He was sitting in the back, basically telling them how he doesn't think that they murdered anyone. Well he's right, it wasn't them.

"Do you guys smell something in here?." He suddenly asked.

That made Chucky, Tiff and I exchange glances at each other. The body is rotting.

"Okay, for the sake of argument, if it wasn't you and it wasn't me. Then who else would wanna kill Warren and Needlenose." Jesse asked.

"And those people from last night." Jade included.

I let them have their conversation and looked out the window. As long as we're driving, I have to get outta this doll body.

I got more attention to them when their friend continued to sniff around. If he finds that body I won't hesitate to take care of him. I don't care if it blows my cover.

He eventually lifted us off the backseat and opened the compartment..seeing the body. I then saw him grab the gun that was on the cop and quickly sit back down.

Then that's when everything went downhill. He pointed the gun at both of them and ordered Jesse to pull over. Us three then grabbed the other guns that were in here and waited for the perfect moment.

He opened the back doors, stepped out and called a cop over.

"NOBODY MOVE!." I yelled as us three pointed our guns at them.

"Oh!." Jade and Jesse turned around and saw us. That "friend" stared in terror as he began to back up...right into the road. Causing a truck to run him right over.

"NO!." Jade screamed.

"That works too." Chucky shrugged.

"Get this van moving!." Tiffany yelled as we heard sirens. "Now!."

Jade closed the doors as Jesse sped off. But that damn cop was still following us. Chucky then ordered her to open them back up, when she did, he began to shot at the car causing it to crash and stopped following us. He laughed as Jade closed the doors back.
