
"Why don't you just mail the dolls?." Jesse asked through the phone.

"These doll's are very special." Tiff answered.

"What do you mean special?."

They're alive. But none of us are gonna tell him that.

"I mean, there's 500 bucks in it for you if you get them there by tomorrow." Tiffany told him, well I guess money is in the plan now. "I'd do it myself but, I have to take care of a friend who's mentally incapacitated."

Both of us looked over to Chucky, who was drinking out of a fish bowl with a straw. I gave him a disgusted look.

"Yeah, yeah I'll do it." I heard Jesse say, which made me grin. "But I want a thousand." I raised an eyebrow.

"Okay sweetface, I can give you half now and my friend in Jersey will give you the rest, key is under the mat." Tiff then hung up.


Before Jesse came to get us. Tiffany wanted to do a little makeover. I did one to myself too, look I know we're gonna transfer our souls into human bodies but we want to look good even if we're doll's.

I went to a little area and started on my makeup. I applied a dark eyeshadow, crimson red lipstick, I painted my nails dark purple. I also got into the leather outfit and put my hair up in a half-up half-down style.

I went over to where Tiffany was, and I loved her new look.

She had dyed her hair blonde with black highlights to the roots. She had dark makeup on, and I could see she had added the mole above her lip like she had as a human. For clothes, she kept the wedding dress but added some black tights and boots, and topped it off with a black leather jacket.

I looked over at Chucky, who had his mouth open at the sight of her. I smirked and walked next to her, taking a cigarette as we both lit ours.

"Barbie, eat your heart out." Tiffany turned to Chucky with a smirk.

(I love this gif so I decided to add it in)


We looked out the window to see Jesse's van parked and him walking up.

We jump and sit on the sofa, Chucky held the note that Tiff wrote so Jesse would know where to take us. Chucky and I went immediately into Barbie mode, but I could tell Tiffany was confused on how to pose.

"Just act natural." Chucky told her.

"Right." Tiffany nodded. Right before Jesse entered, she went into some kind of fainting pose.

Jesse opened the room, his eyes drifted to us, he went for the money and counted it. Once he made sure we actually gave him 500, he put it in his pocket and picked up the note Chucky had.

He read the note and afterwards picked us up, and put us in the backseat of his van.


We sped down the road until Jesse suddenly stopped at an house. It was pretty nice, you know for a neighborhood house. He got out and approached a pretty, young girl. She hugs him and they begin to talk, only I couldn't hear anything they were saying.

"We don't have time for this shit." Chucky moaned. I ignored him and kept watching.

An minute flew by, they kissed again and rushed toward the house.

"Oh, so romantic." Tiffany smiled.

"I give them six months." Chucky shook his head.   "Three if she gains weight."  Tiff and I both gave him a look.

By the side of the van, I saw someone standing up to the window. It was an older man, maybe in his 50's, he talked into a radio. And was trying to get into the van.

"Who the hell is this bozo?." I asked.
   "What's he doing?."

"Screwing with our ride that's what." Chucky said, then grabbed a knife out of his pocket.   "Ah what the hell, I need the exercise."

"Where you born with that knife superglued to your hand or what?." Tiffany said annoyed.

"What are you talking about?." Chucky asked gripping the knife.

"For gods sake Chucky, drag yourself into the 90's." Tiffany told him. "Stabbings went out literally in the late 80's, you look like Martha Stewart with that thing."

"Who the fuck is Martha Stewart?."

"My idol. And what does Martha tell you to do when guests drop by for dinner and you haven't had time to shop? You improvise."

We jumped to our feet and began to look around for weapons.

"What about.." Chucky held up a hammer.

"Predicable." I told him. My eyes looked around, when I spotted a glass pot of sharp nails. I nudged Tiffany and she too looked at them and grinned.


We climbed to the front seat. Chucky lined up a bunch of nails onto the dashboard. When he cuts a wire, the air bag will come lose and hopefully, if our plan goes good, he nails will fly into the face of the man. Tiff and I sat together while Chucky held the wire and the knife to cut it.

As soon as I heard the door open, the three of us went into Barbie mode.

After a moment, Tiffany let out a giggle, to lure him to the front. He jumped and turned his head to the front. Tiffany giggled again and he slowly made his way up here. He looked to see us sitting in barbie mode and then at Chucky, who was in barbie mode, holding the wire that triggers the air bag.

"Now!." We shouted to Chucky in unison. He pulled the wire and the airbag released, sending the nails into the man's face. The man flies back screaming.

Chucky, Tiffany and I poked our heads around to see the man, laying on the floor with nails in his face, he was defiantly dead.

"Why does that look so familiar?." Chucky asked.

"See? Now that's the work of a true homicidal genius." Tiffany grinned.

"Not bad, for an amateur."

I turned around to see Jesse and that girl had returned. They walked out the front door hand in hand.

"Shit here they come!." I whispered to the two.

"What do we do with him?." Tiffany asked.

"I don't know, what would Martha Stewart do?." Chucky teased in a very sarcastic voice.

I rolled my eyes as the three of us jumped down and tried to lift the man.

There were seats back here, so we thought we would hide him beside the empty space underneath the backseat.

He was really heavy but we managed to put him in and shut the seats. I helped Tiff quickly clean up the blood, but we were running out of time so I got a carpet and put that over the blood stain.

We go and sit back in our original positions just as the couple opens the back door to put their suitcases in. They jump in the front seat, and Jesse began to drive.


He continued to drive down the road, until I heard a police siren behind us. Oh you gotta be fucking kidding me.

I rolled my eyes as Jesse parked in some kind of food place, I guess it was a popular hang out spot since there were a lot of people there.

"Now what?." Chucky quietly asked, annoyed as I was.

It was only one police officer, Jade and Jesse got out of the car and began to talk to him. While they were outside, the three of us got some cigarettes and smoked.

I couldn't hear anything outside, but I saw Jade go inside the food place and the cop go back to his car, but the bastard didn't leave. If we wanna get to Hackensack we gotta take care of this guy...if you know what I mean.

"Tiff, hand me your lighter." I told her, knowing she still had it.

"What are you doing?." She Asked while handing me it.

"Improvising." I Said with a smirk. I jumped to my feet and grabbed an old shirt. I knew exactly what to do.

I swiftly exited the van, and crawled over to the cop car. I made sure no one was looking and stuffed the shirt in the gas tank, and lit it on fire. I quickly crawled back to the van, and shut the door.

"Nice." Tiffany grinned, we looked out the window to see the gas tank on fire.

The cop looked at us, we all grinned and waved. He screamed, and not even a second after the car burst into flames.

Took care of that problem.

The three of us went back into barbie mode as Jesse and Jade rushed into the van, well Jade was kinda rushing.

"Go!." Jade yelled.  "Jesse drive! Go!."

The car started and we backed up, I looked over to see people panicking running around.

We then drove onto the main road, leaving the chaos behind us.
