
Okay, last change. But.
I think I kinda wanna keep Tiffany pregnant for Seed Of Chucky. I have a reason! It's mainly because I have a plan, I can't reveal it yet. But i think it's a good plan. (And since Tiffany is still pregnant, it won't be six years later. Instead, this part of the story takes place a few months after Bride)

Bonnie's POV.

Not really a lot has happened since that incident a couple of months ago. Tiffany is..I think 3 months pregnant? She doesn't look that far along, but the bump is still noticeable.

We managed to actually find my old hideout, it looks surprisingly good. Even though I haven't been in it for years.

But Tiffany and I are doing fine, we've tried looking for new bodies to get in once she gives birth, and even wondering a body for the baby. (We are still debating on what the gender will be, Tiffany thinks it will be a girl)

But, I'm thinking we should expand our horizon, like search for bodies somewhere else other then Jersey.
We'll figure it out..sooner or later.


"Where could we move to?." Tiffany asked as I looked on the computer for different states to go.

"Somewhere we haven't been to before." I stated.  "Maybe.."


"I've always wanted to go. San Diego?." I typed the state into the keyboard.

"I was thinking Los Angeles, or Hollywood." Tiffany said.  "Just imagine if we were in the bodies of movie stars."

I chuckled and typed in LA instead, there is a lot of people there, it wouldn't be hard finding a body. Also like Tiff said, a lot of movie stars. The main problem about that is they usually have bodyguards with them.

"We could go there, we just need to figure out how to get there."  I quickly typed how far it is from Jersey to LA.  "If we fly it will take about 5 hours to get there, so maybe we could sneak onto an plane going to LA."

"Okay, it's a plan."
We both grinned, as I shut the computer.
