
Okay, so I forgot to do the mental hospital scene. So I guess in my story Andy escaped and Chucky and Bonnie followed him to the apartment.

I hid on the other side of the couch as Chucky grabbed the baseball bat. Andy warily looked around, he backed up when Chucky snuck up behind him.

"Batter up." He said as he knocked Andy out. I came out of my hiding spot.
   Chucky then leaned over Andy and started chanting. While he did that, I went over to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. When I came back, I saw Karen and Mike. Karen threw Chucky in the fireplace, I threw my knife toward her but Mike got in the way.

I growled and ran to Karen, I bit her once again causing her to scream. I saw Chucky look up and that's when I saw Andy. I shot a glare at him.
    Andy was holding a match, and lit it.

"No Andy, we're friends till the end. Remember?." Chucky asked him in a soft voice.

Andy glared down at him.  "This is the end, friend."  I gritted my teeth as Andy dropped the match into the fireplace.

Karen quickly got out of the way and pushed me into the fire, I heard Chucky yell and I let out a scream as my plastic body became covered in flames.
   I began to burn badly, I couldn't see at all, and I'm pretty sure my hearing also gave out.

This isn't the end Andy, I will come back, and your getting it you little brat.

3rd Person POV.

Bonnie laid there lifeless. Her dark eyes had shut a final time as the fire was still burning her, but she was dead, she couldn't feel it.

Chucky laid on the other side of her, the fire had gone out on him, he was burnt to the crisp, almost all of his plastic had melted off.
    But he wasn't dead, just as Karen, Mike and Andy sighed in relief Chucky shot up, his blue eyes glaring at all of them.

Karen glanced at a gun that Mike had dropped on his way in and picked it up, aiming it at Chucky.
     She fired it, blowing his arm off, making it land on the sofa. Chucky ignored it and still made his way to her.

Steadying her aim, Karen fires again and again, the bullets hitting the doll repeatedly, and eventually blowing off his leg. But Chucky only grins at her and starts to drag his burnt body to her. Karen backs up only to hit a footstool, stumbling back and hitting her head on the chair. Chucky crawls to her, pulling his knife over her chest.
     Just as Chucky is about to strike down with the knife. Mike steps out with the baseball bat in hand, and hits the doll square against the side of the head.

Chucky's plastic head goes flying off, as Mike sinks to the floor exhausted.

Karen sits up, rubbing her head and looking up a Mike. He leans against the wall, blood running down his leg from the previous knife wound.
     Karen pulls Andy into her arms, holding him tight.

"It's alright Andy." Karen tells him.
   "It's all alright."

Behind her, the headless, one-armed, one-legged doll torso sits up. The body turns to her, and starts to crawl to her.

"Karen, behind you!." Mike yelled as he is too far away to reach her in time.

She turns to see the headless torso pushing itself across the floor towards her, the knife in its hand.
    Karen calmly picks up the gun and aims it directly at Chucky's heart as the charred body rises up to strike her.

"Fuck you, you little prick."
     She pulls the trigger, the bullet blowing a hole in Chucky's chest right where his human heart is. Blood flies as the doll slams back against a wall and sinks to the ground, dead.

Karen sighs in relief and puts Andy back into her arms.

Andy looks at Bonnie and Chucky's bodies. Knowing their dead now but..he has a bad feeling that they won't be for long.
