Chapter 6


*After Izuku met his cousin fuyumi aka now girlfriend and auntie rei and cousin natsuo, Izuku headed back to his home and sleep so he can wake up for his 2nd day at UA High*

*Next day*

*Izuku says goodbye to his monster famliy and head's out of house and the wood's*

Time-skip to izuku getting to UA and after uraraka tells him that the nickname deku could sounds like a good hero name and he accepts it

*Izuku enter's his classroom and takes his seat*

*The rest of his classmate's enter and take their seats and then later their teacher enter's the classroom*

Aizawa: ' Alright everybody quiet down today you need to do something'

The class: 'Not another test!'

Aizawa: ' Your gonna need to pick a class president' *He said's that and head to his sleeping bag and put's it on and head's to sleep*

*After that was said the class roared*

Mina: 'Pick me!'

Kaminari: 'No pick me!'

Katsuki: 'No pick me you extras!'

Iida: 'Everyone stop!'

*Everybody listen and stop and listen to Iida*

Iida: 'Listen how about with vote for class president?'

Momo: 'Great idea Iida!'

*Momo creates a bag and everybody starts to right down who should be class president, after that the bag is full of votes*

*Izuku got almost half of the class votes and Momo got 2*

*Aizawa woke up and got the bag of votes*

Aizawa: 'It's looks like Dreemurr is class president and yaoyorozu is vice rep'

*Izuku and Momo got up and head to the front*

Izuku: 'Well i don't know how this happen but i promised to be the best class president'

Momo: 'I know that your gonna be a great one' *This comment makes Izuku blush but he accept this*

*Then the bell rings and they head to lunch*

*Izuku gets his lunch that his mother made him and sits down next to Uraraka,Iida, and Momo*

*Izuku opens his bento and see his homemade katsudon, his uncle papyrus spaghetti, and last but not least his mother famous butterscotch pie*

A/N: 'Back then Izuku taught his uncle how to not make his spaghetti so papyrus spaghetti taste better now.'

Uraraka: 'Hey Deku what's that?'

Izuku: 'This is my homemade katsudon, and my uncle papyrus speghetti, and lastly my mother's famous butterscotch pie'

Uraraka: ' Oooo, Can i have a taste test?

Izuku: 'Uh sure'

*Uraraka grabs her chop-sticks and eats a piece of katsudon and her mouth melt after tasting the katsudon, she uses her chop-sticks and wraps some of his uncle spaghetti and tastes it, it was more tasting than the last, after that she rips a piece of the pie and tastes it, the taste was Amazing, no unexplainable it was so tasting, she wanted more of the pie*

Uraraka: The katsudon was great, the speghetti was amazing but this pie is... Really delicious!

Momo: Wait is it?

Uraraka: Yes it is! Try it!

*Momo uses her chop-stick and grab some of the katsudon and eats it, She was amazed her mouth melted, She then pick some of the speghetti up with her chop-sticks and her expression was the same as uraraka, she then rips a piece of the pie and eats it, When she ate it, the pie made her fell in love with eat and rips another piece, Izuku had to stop her from Eating the entire pie*

Momo: 'It's just so... AMAZING!' *She then blushes from a thought* *Her mind*: Oh Izuku if i married you i would ask for this pie everyday

*Iida then ask to try it and Izuku lets him but ask for him to not eat it all, Iida nods his head and then eat the katsudon, he nearly cryed from how good it was, he then tried the speghetti and it was almost better than the katsudon and he then tried the pie and he shear a tear and hugged Izuku, Izuku hugged him back and then they let go*

*Izuku managed to eat all of his food and before he got up an alarm rang, Iida ran to a 3 year student*

Iida: 'What is going on!'

3rd year student: 'Somebody broke in and managed to pass the UA Defence system, This hasn't happen in 3 years!'

*Students started to panic and rushed to the nearest exit, Izuku, Momo, and urarake got shove to a window, Izuku took a look outside and saw the media walking in and the staff not trying to let them in, Izuku tried to calm everybody down but it didn't work, He then uses his eye and summoned a gaster blaster, hopped on it and flew up to the roof and then blasted it*


*Everybody stopped and looked up at him*

Izuku: 'Everybody shut the fuck up! Look outsideI it's just the media! SO CALM THE FUCK DOWN!'

*Everybody listen and look at the window and saw the UA Staff and the police arrested the reporters and calm down*

Momo: 'Thank you for that Izuku'

*As a thank you she hugged him for calming everybody down, he blushed and returned the hug, she then saw what she was doing and blushed madly*

Momo: 'I-I'm sorry Izuku!'

Izuku: 'It's fine Momo'

*She smiled and they left back to their dorms and sleeped for the next day*

*His sister and katsumi and shoka look pissed that somebody tried to steal their man*

*Next day*

*Izuku woke up at 6:30 and headed to the common rooms to cook pancakes for everybody*

*Everybody started to wake up and headed down to the common rooms to see Izuku cooking for everybody*

Izuku: 'Hey guys sit down i'm cooking pancakes for ya!'

Izumi/Katsumi/Shoka: 'Thanks Oni-ch-/Icch-/Izu-k-'

Izuku: 'Call me those names again and your not getting any pancakes' *He said with venom in his voice making the 3 shut up*

Izumi: 'I'm sorry'

Izuku: 'Like hell your sorry'

*The girls started to cry about their actions towards him*

Izuku: '*Sighs* Look if i give you pancakes will you stop crying *They nod*

Izuku: 'Ok go take a seat'

*They take their seat and get their pancakes which tasted so good, After eating they head to class and they all sit in their desk's and then their teacher enter the room*

Aizawa: 'Ok listen up you and class 1-b are heading to the usj today'

Kaminari: 'Usj? Universe studio japan?'

Jirou: 'No you idiot it's the unfornseen simulation joint'

Aizawa: 'Alright enough talk head outside'

*They head outside and see 1-b enter another bus*

Time-skip to the Usj

*On the bus*

Tyusu: 'Hey dreemurr'

Izuku: 'Yes Asui?'

Tyusu: 'Call me tsu, I speak things from my mind, Now is it true that your old famliy abused and bullied you?'

*Izumi and her group looked down in sadness*

Izuku: 'Yes they did, but I don't care anymore'

*Izumi and her gang looked up and thought he was gonna forgive them but the next thing they hear made them even sadder*

Izuku: 'I have a better famliy now the monster's, There my true famliy'

*They see the Usj and hop off the bus and see the space hero: Thirteen*

Uraraka: Oh my god it's the space hero thirteen!'

Thirteen: 'Hello i am Thirteen and now let's enter the usj also known as the unfornseen simulation joint'

*They enter the usj*

Thirteen: Now we use the usj to train our quirks to see which Disaster it's useful for and my quirk known as Black hole allows me to sucked things up into dust and if i'm not careful enough i could be able to kill somebody with it, So this is what we use the simulation for.

*Then the light's started to flicker then a man in the form of a shadow appeared and stretched and a man with Grey Lookin hands all over him came out, after him other villains came out, then a black human like bird monster*

Kirishima: 'Cool they even have fake villains'

Aizawa: 'Those's aren't fake's thoses are the real deal, Thirteen protect the students i'll handle the villain

???: 'Hello i am Tomura Shigaraki we are the league of villains and we're here to kill all might'

*Aizawa puts his goggles on and jumped down and fought the villains*

Izuku: Iida! Head back to UA and get back up now!

*Iida nodded and ran out the door*

*Suddenly that misted man surrounds the students of 1-a

Kurogiri: 'Don't think that your getting out that easy'

*The man made out of mist started to send everyone out to different zones*

*Izuku,Tyusu, and Mineta end up in the shipwreak zone*

*Izuku is underwater holding his breath, He then saw a villian looking like a shark coming at him, But then Tyusu kicks the villain away from Izuku and grabs him with her tounge, And launches him on to the ship, and throws mineta to the ship as well and climb the wall of ship*

Izuku: 'Thanks for that asui'

Tyusu: I told you to call me Tsu

*Izuku looks and see his sensei fighting off the villains one by one until Shigaraki spoke out*

Shigaraki: 'Nomu take him out'

*Then the big giant human-like bird monster rushed to aizawa, He tried to use his quirk to erase the being's quirk but it didn't work, the beast the punches aizawa to the ground and started to beat him to a bloody pulp*

Izuku: I got a plan! Tyusu when i make a whirlpool in the water i need you to drag the villain to it!, Then mineta I need to see your quirk and how it works!

Mineta: 'My quirk is called pop-off i can pull sticky balls off of my head and stick them to stuff but they can only stick on to things on how i feel if I feel scared then they won't stick'

Izuku: 'Ok then i need you to throw them at villains when Tyusu get them near the whirlpool ok?'

*Mineta was scared for a bit but then nodded and got ready*

*Izuku then jumped into the air and aimed his finger towards the water then yelled out*


A/N: Do you guys want him to combine his determination with the smash attack? Like i name a move for him called determination smash, So do i give him that move?

*Izuku then flicked his finger and a gust of wind hit the water and made a whirlpool and then the villains got dragged into the whirlpool due to Tyusu using her tounge and dragging each other villains into it then mineta then grab a bunch of balls and threw them at the villains making them stick together, After that they head to land and see their teacher on the ground getting his elbow breaked by the beast*

Aizawa: AH! GOD DAMN IT!

*Izuku had enough and summon gaster blaster and started to blast the beast to pieces*

*Instead of aiming at the air it's on the ground and aiming at the nomu and delta is izuku*

*The beast had holes all over it but the holes started to patch up*

???: 'Ha! You fool! The Nomu has Instant regeneration and shock absorb'

Izuku: 'Heh... Oh really? Then can it survive this!'

*Izuku summoned some blue bones to stun the beast and the man with hands all over looked confused until Izuku summon a one giant Gaster blaster and blasted to the Nomu to ashes*

*Instead of the Bete Noire it's the Nomu*

*The Nomu screamed in pain before turning into a pile of ashes*

Shigaraki: no No NO! YOU CHEATED!

*Then shigaraki rushed over to Izuku and tryed to touch his face with the palm of his hand, but Izuku just dodged and launched shigaraki with a bone up into the air and slammed him back down with a gaster blaster*

*Instead of sans and frisk it's Izuku and shigaraki*

*Instead of the city and the bete noire, it's in the usj and shigaraki*

*Shigaraki get slammed down to the ground*

Shigaraki: *Coughs* Kurogiri we need to retreat... RETREAT NOW!

*Then kurogiri come and warps shigaraki away from them*

*Iida and the rest of the UA staff come with all might but see that all of the villians were beating*

*The police arrive and arrested all of the villains that shigaraki brought with him*

*Izuku was tired, Izumi,Katsumi,and shoka were gonna help him get back up but Uraraka,Momo,Jirou,Mina,Tyusu, and toru beat them there and helped him up instead and it made them very pissed off*

*Izuku headed back to the Dorms and rested and sleeped for a couple of hours before getting up and getting some clothes on headed to his gf and aunt and cousin's house*

Time-skip to when he gets to their house

*Knock knock*

*Fuyumi opens the door and see izuku*

Izuku: 'Hey ready to see my famliy?'

Fuyumi:*Giggles* Yes yes we are, Mom! Natsuo! Cmon we're going to see the people who took care of Izuku!

*Izuku then see rei in a lovely dress and natsuo in normal jacket and then they head out*

Izuku: 'Also i decide to bring mitsuki along as well so we need to get her cmon'

*They nod and head over to the bakugou's house*

Another time-skip to the bakugou's house

*knock knock*

*Mitsuki opens the door and sees Izuku and start to cry and hugs him to death with her squishing him with her massive breast and he starts to blush*

Izuku: 'U-Uh auntie i... can't... brea..the'

*Mitsuki saw what she was doing and smirked and let go and then said*

Mitsuki: 'So my dear Izuku did you like my breasts~'

Izuku*blushing*: 'A-Auntie i don't know what your talking about'

*Mitsuki just laughed at his actions and then saw Fuyumi, Rei, and natsuo*

Mitsuki: 'So what are you guys doing here?

Rei: 'Izuku wanted to bring you with us, We're going to see the people who took care of him when he faked his death, So cmon'

Mitsuki: 'Alright wait right here'

*Mitsuki headed to her room and changed into a fine dress*

Mitsuki: 'Ok let's go see them'

*Izuku and the rest enter the car and heads toward the little town were all of the monsters*

TIme-skip to when they're at the town

*They enter the small town of monsters and they park in a parking space*

*Every monster was confused until Izuku and the rest stepped out of the car then rest of the monster says hi to their other ambassador and who are the people are*

Izuku: 'These people are the ones who really took care of me'

Random monster: 'Oh so you four took care of our great ambassador'

Fuyumi: 'Ambassador?'

Izuku: 'You see me and my sibling frisk have decide to be come the ambassador to the monsters'

Rei: 'Oh Well let's go see the monster's who took care of you'

A/N: Quick question do you guys want Izuku to be another ambassador along with frisk? You know to help them with the monsters?

*The four of them head toward the end of the town a find a big house bigger than a mansion*

Mitsuki: 'Is this the house you live in?!'

Izuku: 'Yup'

*They knock on the door*

*Toriel opens the door to see her son and four other people she didn't know*

Toriel: 'My child who are these people?'

Izuku: 'These are the people who i told you about who took care of me during the days of my bullying, neglect, and abused'

*Toriel shook they're hands and said*

Toriel: 'Thank you for taking care of my child during when his very very! VERY! Horrible famliy abused, and neglected and bully by his past famliy and friends, So thank you very much'

Rei: 'Not a problem ms...?

Toriel: 'Toriel, You can call me toriel'

Rei: 'Well it wasn't problem Ms. Toriel'

Toriel: 'Come inside we're having dinner'

*They head inside*

*Inside the house they see a short skeleton with a hoodie sleeping a tall skeleton with gloves and boots and a scarf matching too Izuku's and a goat looking kid playing on his console with a kid with brown shorts and purple and blue striped shirt and another kid with brown pants and green and yellow striped shirt, then they see a lady that looked like a fish with a leather jacket and jeans and with a ponytail, They then see a short dinosaur with a labcoat on her laptop doing her work, They each sit down at the table and then Izuku, Toriel brought out the food, they got some soba, katsudon, and ham, and toriel's butterscotch pie*

Fuyumi: 'Izuku, What type of pie is this?'

Izuku: 'It's my mother's famous butterscotch pie, Everybody in the town was to know how she makes it but she won't reveal how she does makes it'

Fuyumi: 'Oh ok'

*They take a bite of the soba, it tasted so good, They ate their soba and then moved on to the katsudon and it was even better than the soba after they ate it next was the ham, It was making their mouth melt with delicousness, after that they ate the a piece of the pie and then... *Drop* They drop their forks and started to eat the pie with their hands like wild animals and finish in 5 sec, Everybody including Izuku was shocked to see them eat Toriel's pie in the matter of 5 seconds*

Natsuo: 'That was amazing!'

Fuyumi: 'Simply outstanding'

Rei: 'It was delicous'

Mitsuki; 'That was so damn good!'

*Mitsuki then ask Fuyumi about something so they head into the hallway*

Fuyumi: 'What is it aunt Mitsuki'

Mitsuki: 'W-Well i was wondering if you can share Izuku w-with me?'

Fuyumi*Mind*: 'Another sister in the harem'

Fuyumi: 'Yes'

Mitsuki: 'Oh i knew i was gonna ge- WAIT WHAT!'

Fuyumi: 'You heard me i said ye-!!!'

*Mitsuki then hugged her niece and said thank you a bunch of time*

*Then rei came in*

Rei: 'I think Izuku is getting angry with the more mentions of his past famliy'

Fuyumi: 'What can we do to calm him down?'

Rei: What if we can pleasure him?'

Fuyumi: 'You mean?'

*Rei nods her head*

Fuyumi: 'Ok then'

Rei: 'You got the condoms i gave to you?'

*Fuyumi opens the small pocket on her shirt and got out about 6 condoms*

Rei: 'Ok then lead him to his room we'll being waiting there'

A/N: This is my first time writing a lemon let me know if i do good!

*Fuyumi finds Izuku resting on the couch and asks him to follow her, He does and follow her leading to his room and he opens the door to reveal his Girlfriend and Two aunts in their bra's and panties


Izuku: F-Fuyumi and Aunt rei and aunt mitsuki what are you doing?!

A/N: I decided to changed their breast size for yall perv's out there and if your wondering what size are they here they are:

Fuyumi Is the N-Cup

Mitsuki Is the Q-Cup

Rei Is the P-Cup

*Alright back to the lemon*

*Rei walks up to him and kisses him, He shocked but get even more shocked when he noticed that Fuyumi isn't even mad at it, She then let's go of the kiss and he's broken and confused after that mitsuki walks over to him and kisses him too, After 5 minutes of kissing She let's go and he starts to say sorry to fuyumi of what just happen*

Izuku: 'F-Fuyumi i am so sor-MMM!'

*Fuyumi kissed him and after a couple of seconds later she let's go*

Izuku: 'Fuyumi what is going on?!'

Rei and mitsuki: 'W-well Izuku the thing is... WE LIKE YOU!'

Izuku: 'Huh?! Well i'm glad that you have a thing for me but i'm already with fuyu-'

Fuyumi: 'I allowed it'

Izuku: 'Huh?! So wait you're really ok with this?'

Fuyumi: 'Yes because your aunt Mitsuki was very sad and depressed after you faked your death and mother was doing horribly due to my past fathers action's and now sense they know your alive they finally feel safe with you, So i decided to allowed to date you as well and sense your angry about your past famliy... So we decided to pleasure you enough to forget about them... So what you think'

*Izuku tooks sometime to think about and then just nodded*

Rei: 'Then let's get started'

*Ok sorry for the Looong diologue the Lemon truly starts now*

*Rei started to take his pants and boxers off and saw his 9 soft inched dick and while Fuyumi took his shirt off and played and lick with he tounge on his muscles and Mitsuki started to make out with him, Then Rei started to jerk him off a few times and then his dick grew into a 19 inched dick then used her massive breasts and clamped his dick in between them and does a titjob for his dick, It felt so great to Izuku after sometime later rei saw that his long dick throbbed and then Izuku let go from Mitsuki lips and said*

Izuku: 'Aunt rei! i'm gonna-!'

*After saying that he climaxed on his new lover's face and breasts, She scooped up some of his semen and put it in her mouth and swallow it*

Rei: *Gulp* 'Ahh that tasted like vanilla~'

*Rei saw the his was still hard and decided to give him a blowjob, Rei then grabbed his dick and put in her mouth and was started to move back and forth and later the pace sped up when Izuku grabbed behind her head and Shoved his whole dick down her throat, Her eyes were rolled back,Izuku then picked up the pace and kept shoving his dick down her throat and kept this up for a couple of minutes and then he said*

Izuku: 'Rei i'm gonna cum ag-!'

*He didn't get to finish his sentence cause he climaxed again in her mouth, Rei started to gag but managed to shallow all of his semen, Mitsuki turned him around and he saw that her panties were off*

Mitsuki: 'Would you like to try a different hole~' *She says it as she fingers her pussy*

*Izuku then ripped open one of the condom packets that fuyumi dropped cause she started to masturbate and take out the condom puts it on his dick and picks his aunt up and aims his dick towards her entrance*

Izuku: 'Are you ready this is gonna hurt?'

*Mitsuki nods as for a yes*

*Izuku then pushes her down about 6 feet before her hymen breaked and it started to hurt, She screamed out in pain*

Mitsuki: 'AHH!'

Izuku: 'I'm sorry are you ok'

Mitsuki: 'Y-Yeah just give a couple of minutes to get used to this'

*It took about 5 minutes for her to get used to it*

Mitsuki: 'O-Ok you can go ahead and do it'

*Izuku nod and started to push his dick in and out of her, She moaned loudly*


Izuku: 'Aunt mitsuki your moaning to loudly'


*Suddenly she felt Izuku dick throb inside of her, She knew he was gonna cum*

Izuku: 'M-Mitsuki i'm gonna cum!'

Mitsuki: 'Go ahead do it!'

*After a few thrust into his lover he cummed inside the condom, He and Mitsuki moaned out each other names*


Mitsuki: IZUKU!~

*After climaxing inside the condom, He pulled out and she pulled of the condom and licked the remained's of his semen that was in the condom, They let go of each other and she fell on the bed and Rei when to him and grab one of 4 condoms and opened it up and placed it on his still hard 19 inched dick and she order him to put it in her*

Rei: 'Cmon Izuku shove the cock deep in me~'

*Izuku nodded and aim his dick at her pussy*

Izuku: 'Ready it's gonna hurt'


*Izuku just nods and pushes 5 feet and already breaking her hymen, She then screams in pain*

Rei: 'AHH!'

Izuku: 'I'm sorry rei do you want to wait so the pain can go away?'

Rei: 'Y-Yes please

*They waited for 5 minutes and she gives him the signal to go and he's start shoving his cock deep in her causing her to moan loudly*


*Izuku listen and he shove in her deeper whiched she liked, A couple minutes later she felt his cock throb*

Izuku: 'Rei i'm gonna cum again!'


*A couple of thrust later and he climaxed in her, They moaned out there names*

Izuku: REI!

Rei: IZUKU!~

*He pulls out of her and pulls off the condom and gives it to her which she licked the remaines of his cum that laid in the condom and she rested on his bed with Mitsuki*

*Fuyumi turns him around and started kiss him and they closed their eyes as they do it, While fuyumi was opening up the 3rd condom and placed it on his dick and took her bra and panties off and Izuku picked her up and placed her pussy at his dick and warned her like her mother and aunt*

Izuku: 'Are you ready for this?'

Fuyumi: 'Yes izuku please shove you cock in my pussy'

*Izuku shoves his cock into her pussy about 5 ro 6 feet before breaking her hymen*

Fuyumi: OW!

Izuku: I'm sorry do want me to slow do so you can get uses to this?

Fuyumi: Yes please

*They wait for a longer time than Mitsuki and rei and they had to wait for nearly 8 minutes and fuyumi told Izuku that he can do it and he started to thrust into her then they laid on the bed here's what they look like*


*Izuku did as she ask and shove his cock all the way reaching her womb*

Fuyumi*In-Mind*: Oh my god!~ It feel's so good!~ It's reaching my baby room!~

*Izuku then said in his mind*

Izuku*In-Mind*: ONE FOR ALL 5% PERCENT

*After he says that Green lighting surrounds him and start's to powd in her hard her, Which makes her moan very louder than rei and mitsuki*


*He makes her laid on her back on the bed and keeps on shoving into her*

*She felt his cock throb and knowing that he was gonna climax soon*

Izuku: Fuyumi i'mm gonna cum!


*Izuku climaxed and but the condom wasn't strong enough and it broke through filling up Fuyumi's womb*

Fuyumi*In-mind*: I think the condom broke my womb is being filled up with his hot baby batter

*Izuku then pulled out and saw took the condom off and saw how it was ripped open and started to panic*

Izuku: Fuyumi I'm sor-MM!

*Fuyumi quieted him down with a kiss and put her finger on his lips*

Fuyumi: Shhh~ It's fine i always wanted children wiith you~

Izuku: If it makes you happy then i promised to take care of our child

Fuyumi: Yes that makes me very very happy~

*They kiss and they laid on the bed and before they went to bed, Rei and mitsuki woke up and rei put a towel on to make a lie about showering to her son and Toriel was kind enough to give Natsuo the guest room while his mother and sister and aunt sleeped naked with Izuku they locked the door and open the window and sleeped naked together with Rei taking his left arm to hug and squished his arm with her massive breast and Mitsuki took the right and hugged and the same thing while Fuyumi is on top of with her big breast on chest*

Izuku: Goodnight you three

The 3 of them: Goodnight Izuku

End Of Chapter 5

A/N: WOOO it took me a lot of time to write this and this might be my longest chapter yet i wrote down about 4958 words so yea, Also did you guys like the lemon? If so let me know cause it's my first time making one so yea cya ya'll in the next chapter!

Also i'm still taking request if you want any other women from different animes in the harem if so write them down here!
