Chapter 13 Part 1/2

(No one P.O.V)

*Izuku is in a private jet with all might heading to I-Island*

Izuku: 'So who are visiting again all might?'

AM: 'We are heading to I-Island to visit My friend david also known as your uncle and your cousin melissa who you and your sister may or may not this remember buy you and Izumi met her when she and her father came to japan to visit us when you were kids'

Izuku: 'Alright so why do we need to see them?'

AM: 'Melissa wanted to see how i was doing after your supposed "suicide" which you did try but you survived and if i'm correct i've heard from david that melissa had a crush on you before you *Ahem* "died and her father needed to see me to check up on my progress on my hold on One for all after from my fight with All for one back then cause i gained a wound from the fight'

Izuku: 'Alright then'

*Izuku sees the Island before they land and he looks at it with an awe expression*

*Their plane landed at the airport and before they got out all might had to transform into his buff form and Izuku had to wear his hero costume*

Izuku: 'Uh all might why are you in your buffed form?'

AM: 'Incase i need to avoid the press and your cousin can't see my true form'

Izuku: 'Alright'

*Suddenly a blonde teenage girl on a pogo stick is jumping toward them and and jump off her pogo stick then said*

Melissa: 'Uncle All might!'

AM: 'Melissa dear'

*He catches her and put's her down*

Melissa: 'So uncle how have you been sense you know Izuku suicide?' *Small tears form in her eyes from remembering the day she was told by her father that Izuku commited suicide and how she cried and cried into her father chest wondering why did he take his own life*

AM: 'Well actually melissa dear he's right here'

Melissa*Shocked*: 'W-What are you talking about un-'

*AM moves the side to reveal Izuku in the flesh and he waves and her and she starts to cry*

Melissa*Crying*: 'N-No t-this c-can b-be r-real *Her hand reached out and touched his face and she felt his face* I-Izuku *She starts to break down crying*'

Izuku: 'Heya meliss- OOF! 

*Izuku then gets tackled by melissa who hugs him and he comforts her and then she pulls him into a kiss which shocked him but melted into the kiss*

*Pretend they're on the ground and melissa is in her academy uniform and izuku is still wearing the boot's,scarf,and blue jacket*

*They kissed and stay their for a minute before letting go*

Izuku: '*Huff* Was that *Huff* real enough for you?'

Melissa: '*Huff* Yes thank you *Huff* Izuku'

*Melissa then realised what she did and blushed like a red tomato and repeatedly apologied to him*

Melissa*Blushing*: 'I-Izuku I'm so sorry!'

Izuku: '*Chuckles and kissed her cheek* It's ok i'm with it'

Melissa: 'Really?'

Izuku: 'Yeah well you need to ask my girlfriends if they're ok with you in the harem'

Melissa: 'Harem?!'

Izuku: 'Yeah after i faked my death i managed to get a girlfriend which is Fuyumi and after that was aunt Rei and Mitsuki and then lastly my classmates Uraraka, Tsuyu, and Momo'

Melissa: 'Oh ok so let's head to my father's workplace cause he needs to see you uncle'

AM: 'Alright let's head over there'

*Melissa then puts her pogo stick back which turns back into her watch and they head to david's lab and enter it and see david and his assist sam working on something and sam noticed them*

Sam: 'Sir your daughter is here with your friend All might and somebody else'

*David turns and see her daughter and his friend and somebody that look familar to him*

David: 'All might my dear friend how are you?'

AM: 'I'm great how are you'

David: 'I'm doing fine and sweetie i thought you were in your lab working on your project?'

Melissa: 'I was until i decided to bring you the company you were expecting'

*David then turns to Izuku who had his hoodie up*

David: 'And you are...?'

Izuku: 'Really uncle can't even remember your own nephew?'

*David eyes widen from hearing that*

David: 'Izuku!?'

Izuku: '*Pulls his hoodie down* Hey uncle david'

David: 'My boy i thought you took your own life but your still alive?'

Izuku: 'I think it be better if i told you the full story of what happened'

*Izuku whispered the whole story to his uncle from his Abuse, and Neglected from his past family and friends because he was quirkless and david was filled with rage and anger and turn toward all might*

David: 'All might what the hell is wrong with you! You neglected and abused your own son just because he was quirkless!'

*All Might held his head down in sadness and was regret full for what he did to his son and melissa was shocked to hear this*

Melissa: 'Uncle all might is this true?'

*All Might nods sadly and for melissa tear up a bit because her crush was abused and neglected and Izuku saw her crying and when over to her where she just pulled him into a hug and never let go and he didn't let go either*

Izuku: 'Shhhh melissa it's ok'

Melissa*Crying*: 'How? *Sniff* you were abused by them and can stand the thought of you getting hurt like that'

Izuku: 'Because i have a better life now'

Melissa: 'What *She sniffs and wipes the tears off her eyes* What do you mean Izu-kun?'

Izuku: 'I've been adopted by monsterkind and their better than my past family'

Melissa: 'Really well can we meet them?'

Izuku: 'Sure! Except their not here with us at the moment they're back in Musutafu in the city where we're having some trouble with the humans cause one of their party's known as the AMD or anti-monster-department thinks that's monster are still dangerous to humans so my sibling frisk is trying to get them to sign the treaty'

Melissa: 'Oh alright then'

David: 'Well it's glad to hear you have a better life now but uh sweetie can you take your cousin with you to the I-Expo please? Your uncle and I have something we need to talk about'

Melissa: 'Alright papa *She grabs Izuku hand and they walked to the expo* Cmon Izuku!'

Izuku: 'Alright let's go'

*As they head to the expo david and all might began to talk*

David: 'So tell me all might why? Why would you neglected you own son and forget about him and replace him with your daughter?'

AM: 'I-'

David: 'You know what we can just talk about that later but now how's your usage on One for all?'

AM: 'Now good i can only use it for a good solid 3 hours and it's time usage is getting shorter and you figure it out'

David: 'Yeah just let me scan you real quick'

*David scans all might with a machine and the results came back they weren't good*

David: 'All Might my friend i'm sorry but the result's came back and they're not good'

AM: 'What do you mean?'

David: 'You hold on One for all is slowly vanishing and once you use up the last of it's energy it's gone'

AM: 'I...I see'

David: 'So you have a little time usage for One for all still but you gonna have little time to use it so i hope you have the best of luck when that time come's'

AM: 'Alright'

*Then david had a thought*

David: '*Thought* I wonder how Izuku and melissa are doing at the expo?'

*At the I-expo*

*In the expo melissa was helping Izuku test bunch of things that they had and they were having fun*

Melissa: 'Isn't this amazing Izuku?'

Izuku: 'Yeah it is!'

Uraraka: 'Looks like your having fun deku-kun'

*They turn to see Uraraka, Momo, Jirou looking at them with their looking at melissa with a kinda annoyed and jealous look on their face for being with Izuku and they noticed her arm is around his arm and it made them have tick marks on their face*

Izuku: 'Uraraka-san! Momo and jirou! What are you guys doing here?'

Uraraka: 'Looks like your having fun'

Izuku: 'Well yes i know that Uraraka-san but what are you all doing here?'

Momo: 'My parent's wanted me to come over here to represent my family'

Jirou: 'I've also had to come to represent my family too *She said with a stern look as her earphone jack's moved around*

Melissa: 'Oh well how about we head to the table and sit down and talk about this?'

Momo: 'Yes that would be lovely' *Momo said smile and with a tick mark on her face cause she's still pissed that melissa still having her arm around her Zuzu arm still and her face's expression turn into angry one and was creating a bazooka to shoot at melissa*

*They head out side and the girl's sit down on another table while Izuku sits down an another and then Iida comes out see them*

Iida: 'Midoriya-san! What you doing here?'

Izuku: 'I've come to this island with all might cause he wanted me to visit my cousin'

*He points to melissa and this shocks them*

Everybody(Except Izuku and Meilssa): 'Wait you two are cousin's!'

Izuku: 'Yes we are cousin's now what about you Iida why did you come to the Island like the rest?'

Iida: 'Just like them i've come here to represent my family'

Izuku: 'Alright then'

Kaminari: 'Say deku who's the hot blonde chick you managed to grab?'

Mineta: 'Yeah just tell us so we can do our business'

*They were both having perverted looks on their face when taling about melissa and Iida was about to step in but Izuku told him not to because he had it undercontrol and he scared them by making the hate face*

*This scares the them and they passed out from fear and this also scared the other's and melissa was scared but shocked and spoke out while still being in shock from what she saw*

Melissa*Shocked*: 'W-What was that?!'

Izuku: 'That oh... It's just an emotion that me and my other sibling chara like to called the hate face or from what my brother asriel used to call it the creepy face but ig you just want to know what it really is it's just a power boost of mine called HATE or otherwise known as the HATE substance'

Melissa: 'This is... Unremarkable! Izuku i need to do some test's on it can i run some test's on it?'

Izuku: 'No'

Melissa: 'What?! Why not?'

Izuku: 'It's dangerous and also if you touch it it'll corrupted you and take over you according from my sibling chara sense they were a personn who had to go under corruption'

Melissa: 'Oh alright then'

*They then heard an explosion and see Bakugou and his sister in a speed tourament where they were trying to beat each other in a race to see who could be fast to destroy a bunch of robot's*

Woman: 'And... That's time! It looks like these two have been able to destory the robots in under 9 seconds so can anybody beat that?'

*She then turns and looks and at Izuku*

Woman: 'You in the blue jacket!'

*Izuku turns and looks at the woman*

Woman: 'Would like to beat their record?'

Izuku: 'Eh... Sure why not'

Woman: 'Alright get ready'

*Izuku Smirked and took out his knife and it was starting to glow red*

Woman: 'Set and GO!'

*Izuku stab his knife into the ground and the ground start to glow red like back at the sport festival and Iida saw this and yelled out*


*They listen and melissa was confused but listen as well and they hid behind the tables that they knock down and the ground was fully red and it caused an explosion destroying the robots and melissa and everybody around them(Except Izuku classmates because they saw this back at the sports festival) was shocked to see the intense power Izuku had and after smoke cleared all they could see was the robots all destoryed*

Woman*Shocked*: 'Th-This person m-m-managed to defeat a-all of the r-robot in 2 second's can anybody beat that?!'

*No body answer cause they knew that they couldn't beat izuku outstanding power and melissa was shocked to see this power that her cousin had and when to him*

Melissa: 'Izuku... What was that?'

Izuku: 'Oh human soul magic'

Melissa: 'What's that?'

Izuku: 'Before quirks us human had a more stronger power and that was soul magic it was some much stronger power but then when quirks came around due to the lack of use the humans lost their use of soul magic'

Melissa: 'Oh well can you teach me?'

Izuku: 'Only if my mom was here then i would so sorry'

Melissa: 'Oh it's alright i'll wait'

*They talk and it started to turn to night and they see kaminari and mineta both on the ground tired out from working*

Kaminari: 'This was so exhausting'

Mineta: 'Imagine if this was open to the public that would be super exhausting'

Iida: 'Well sense you two have work so hard i like to reward you with these'

*Iida pulls out two tickets for them*

Kaminari: 'What are those?'

Iida: 'Tickets for the upcoming party'

Mineta: 'Our hard work payed off!'

Momo: 'Well we can't go cause we don't have any ticket's'

Melissa: 'That's won't be a problem sense i can get you guy free tickets to the party'

Uraraka: 'Really thank you melissa-san'

Melissa: 'No problem also Izuku can you come with me?'

Izuku: 'Uh sure?'

Melissa: 'Great! Cmon'

*As they head off the three 3 girls watch in anger that another girl is stealing their man and Momo aimmed the bazooka that she created and fired it but it missed them but also alerted them*

Melissa: 'What was that!?'

Izuku: 'I don't know but cmon let's hurry'

*He carries her bridal style and she blushes a red crimson with steam coming out of ears as they head off and this makes the girl fuming with anger*

*They made it to her dorm and she enter's it and grabs his arm and puts something on it and he press it and red ribbon lookin thing wrap around his arm*

Izuku: 'What's this?'

Melissa: 'It's called the full gaunlet it allows you to stabilize you use of your quirk and is able to use three powerful punch's that's similar power level's to uncle all might punch's and your able to use it without harming yourself because i saw the scars on your arm i thought it be a good idea for you to use this so there you are'

Izuku: 'Thank you melissa'

*He does his famous smile and it causes her to blush*

Melissa*Blushing*: 'N-No p-problem Izuku'

Izuku: 'So you still gonna be a hero?'

Melissa: 'Oh no because i'm quirkless and sense i don't have a quirk i decided to become a person who supports the hero's with the support gear'

*Melissa had tears in her eyes remembering the day she couldn't be a hero but then Izuku hugs her from behind*

Izuku: 'I know your pain of couldn't have the chance of being a hero i was also quirkless too remember? So you now know that your not alone'

*Melissa then cried into his chest and then was bawling into tears for know that Izuku knows her pain cause he was quirkless as well back then*

Melissa*Crying*: 'T-Thank you*She breaths in and out like how somebody does when they cry* Thank you so much Izuku for knowing my pain'

Izuku: 'Your welcome you want to stay here?'

Melissa: '*Sniff* Yes please that would be lovely'

*They stay there and then she stops crying and thanks him for being there for her and she head over to dress for the party*

*Izuku then changed into a tuxedo and heads to the party where he meet's the other's*

*Here's him in the tuxedo*

Izuku: 'Iida where are the girls?'

Iida: 'They're not here yet maybe still changing'

*Izuku then see shoto and shoka*

Izuku: 'You guys what are you doing here?'

Shoto: 'We're here for the party and because our father wanted us here to represent him so... yeah'

Izuku: 'I see that...'

*He hears yelling and see shoka and katsumi in an loud chat with shoka being calm while katsumi is yelling and being a loud mouth and then Izuku had an idea and walked over to them*

Izuku: 'Hello there'

Katsumi: 'I-Icchan?!'

Shoka: 'Izu-kun'

Izuku: 'You know did anyone tell you two that you look very beautiful~'

*They blushed blush profusely and fainted and Izuku managed to catched them*

Izuku: 'Wow i didn't expected that to happen'

*He carries them and then the door opens to reveal jirou, momo and uraraka in beautiful dresses*

Momo: 'We're here'

Uraraka: 'Sorry if we're late Izuku'

Jirou: 'We're here so let's get this party started'

*Izuku starts to look around for melissa but doesn't see her*

Izuku: 'Say where's melissa?'

Melissa: 'I'm sorry if i'm late!'

*Izuku turns and sees melissa in a lovely gown*

*He heads over to her*

Izuku: 'Oh wow melissa you look beautiful'

*This cause melissa to have a little blush on her face*

Melissa: 'Thanks Izuku'

*The girls were right behind them and they saw Izuku and melissa walk up to each other and then they kissed and this triggered them and Momo and Uraraka walk up to them while having the same thoughts*


*As Izuku and melissa were still kissing suddenly he was pulled by the 3 girls and momo had that pissed off look and created the same bazooka and aimmed it at her and Izuku stand in front of her stopping momo from shooting the bazooka at melissa*

Izuku: 'Momo stop! Please let her explain!'

Momo: 'Oh there's no time for explaining Zuzu... Cause it's simple isn't it? That the fact that this bitch tried to steal you from us!'

Izuku: 'No she wasn't she want to join the harem!'

Jirou: 'Wait harem?'

Uraraka: 'Wait really?'

Izuku: Yes she wanted to join so she gonna give you her reason on why'

Momo: 'Alright then melissa tell us why you like zuzu so much?'

Melissa: 'Alright i'll tell you girls'

*Melissa then told them that when she told Izuku that she was quirkless like Izuku back then and she thought he was gonna just ingore her like the rest of the quirkless people but... no Izuku hugged her and he told that he was quirkless like her and he stood by her side and comforted her and she gained her feeling for him after he faked his death and she felt happy by his side and after she told them her reason they wait for they're answer and then they spoke out*

Momo: 'Alright i'm convinced and now melissa your in the harem welcome in!'

Uraraka: 'Yeah another sister'

Melissa: 'T-Thank you so much'

Izuku: 'Let's now enjoy this pa-

*Izuku was about to finish his sentence but an alarm rang out and an announcement spoke out*

Announcer: 'All visitor's please leave the Island and all staff of the Island please hide the Island is being invaded'

Izuku: 'Who's here on the Island?'

Iida: 'Let's head down and see what's going on'

Izuku: 'Right!'

*They head down and used the elevator but it broke down*

Izuku: 'Damn it! Now how do we get out of this'

Melissa: 'We can use the vent's!'

Iida: 'Let's go throught them'

*Izuku summons a lone bone and it hits the open part of the elevator and the latter drops down and they see a vent away from them but Izuku summons a big gaster blaster and he and the rest of them hop on it and they ride it to the vent and open it and crawl threw it and they made it to the other side but then saw a bunch of villain and a tied up and people along with all might and this shocked Izuku*

Izuku: 'Oh god'


End Of Part 1

A/N: 'I'm sorry if i left you guys on a cliffhanger but i was in a hurry so yeah sorry!'
