Chapter 21

(Narrator's P.O.V)

The heroes were struggling after they losted Izuku to the same black goo that warped the Nomus. Shigaraki was standing still as he remembered All For One's words.

"Don't worry. I am here for you."

Tomura: "Master..."

Suddenly, the rest of the league coughs up the same black goo that happened to Izuku.

GT: "Stop them! Don't let them escape!"

All Might then charged at Shigaraki.

AM: "Dammit! You won't escape, Shigaraki! Take me with you!"

Unfortunately, All Might couldn't grab Shigaraki as he warped away along with the rest of the league.

Kamui Woods: "No, no! I'm so sorry!"

Edgeshot: "This wasn't your fault. None of us were to do something. Kurogiri's Quirk allows him to open up warp gates that'll let anyone to pass through. But this was targeting specific people."

Three Nomus then grabbed a hold of All Might.

GT: "All Might!"

AM: "Oklahoma Smash!"

He spun around, sending the Nomus away and crushing through the walls.

???: "Hope that wasn't a load-bearing wall."

???: "Just focus on shooting them!"

The SWAT teams try to shoot the Nomus but their bullets reflect off of them.

???: "They're monsters."

Endeavor then blasts the Nomus with his fire.

Endeavor: "These guys.. Did they come from over there?"

Naomasa: "I can't get a hold of Jeanist and the others! It's possible that they failed at the Nomu factory!"

Endeavor: "This is turning to be mess."

AM: "Endeavor!"

Endeavor turns to face All Might as he was coughing and alongside Inko.

AM: "How are you holding up?"

Endeavor: "Does it look like I need to answer? Worry about yourself, you fool. If you're gonna go after them, then now's the time!"

Inko: "Go, Toshinori. Save Izuku!"

AM: "I will! I'll leave the rest to you!"

[Meanwhile at the Nomu Factory]

The heroes were now on the ground, unconscious because of the blast. But Jeanist managed to manipulate their clothing and move them out of the way. After that happened, All For One clapped slowly while Jeanist was still conscious.

Afo: "As I expected from the number four hero. I thought' I'd blown everyone away. But you manipulated everyone's clothing to move them out the way. You're a man who has nerves of steel."

Best Jeanist: "This man..."

Best Jeanist then remembers the police chief's words before coming to Kamino.

"The League definitely has a leader behind it. His strength must be comparable to All Might's. But if he doesn't feels like his safety isn't guaranteed, then he won't reveal himself. So that's why, you must capture Shigaraki and the League as quickly as possible."

Best Jeanist: "This isn't what we were told..."

He then uses his Quirk to pick himself up.

Best Jeanist: "But that doesn't matter... Because a true hero doesn't believe in excuses!"

Jeanist then tried to send shreds of his cloth at All For One but he blasts open a hole threw Jeanist's stomach. Quickly defeating the number four hero as life vanishes from his eyes and drops to the ground.

Afo: "I see... Your strength comes from raw talent, practice and practical experience... But it wouldn't compare to Tomura's disposition, so I don't need it."

Iida, Momo, Kirishima, Izumi, Shoto and Shoka were hiding behind rubble in fear to what they just saw.

Shoto: "*Thought* Who is this guy?"

Shoka: "*Thought* What just happened?"

Kirishima: "*Thought* He took out three pros... in an instant!"

Momo: "*Thought* We must escape...! I know that, but..."

Iida: "*Thought* My body is so scared, that..."

Izumi: "*Thought* It's can't move... Just... What in the world... was that...?!"

Suddenly, Izumi heard the sound of water coming out of nowhere along with some coughing. They knew who it was.

Izuku: "*Cough* Cough* What the hell was that...?"

Izumi: "*Thought* Onii-Chan!"

Momo: "*Thought* Zuzu!"

Kirishima: "*Thought* Dreemurr!"

Izuku saw that he appeared in front of All For One.

Afo: "I'm sorry for that, Dreemurr."

Izuku: "You again..."

Izuku then heard something and turned around to see black goo appearing in thin air as the rest of the league appears.

Spinner: "Gagh!"

Toga: "That was so disgusting!"

Twice: "This black stuff reeks!/ I love it!"

Tomura: "Master..."

All For One walked to him as he talked.

Afo: "You failed again, huh, Tomura? But do not be discouraged. Just try again. I have brought back your comrades as well. Even this one. Because that you judged that he was an important piece."

He then lend his hand to him.

Afo: "Try as many time as you need to. That's why I am here. It's all for you."

Izuku just glared at them as he tried to hold his own. Momo was in her own thoughts.

Momo: "*Thought* Remember! We here to save him! We couldn't do anything as he gave himself up to protect us! And just to say that you're scared, when he's right in front of us. He shouldn't have noticed us yet. If he had, then he wouldn't spoken so freely. There's only up to about 6 or 7 meters between us and Zuzu. We'll try to get his attention and when they're all distracted, he can teleport to us and we can get out of here. But they might notice us. Then what'll we do?"

She tried to step foward but Iida held her back.

Momo: "*Thought* Iida?"

Iida: "*Thought* I have to... I must protect us all!"

Then All For One spoke out.

Afo: "Ah... There you are."

Shock filled their body's as they wondered how he saw them. But it wasn't them he was talking about. Suddenly, All Might came out of the sky, as he and All For One clashed with each other.

AM: "I'll have you return, Young Dreemurr! All For One!"

Afo: "Have you come to end me again? All Might?"

They then pushed away from each other, causing a burst of wind that made everyone fall back.

Momo: "A-All Might's here to him...!"

All For One then walked to his opponent was he talked.

Afo: "You're pretty late. It more then five kilometers from the bar to here. It was at least thirty seconds after I send the Nomus before you arrived. You've gotten weaker, All Might."

AM: "Says, you. You're still alive with that fancy life-support mask you've got on. Aren't you overexerting yourself?"

Izuku watched what happened and was shocked to see All For One being able to fight All Might.

Izuku: "*Thought* The bastard managed to keep All Might back with his bare hands! All Might's gonna be in trouble!"

AM: "I won't repeat the same mistake six years ago, All For One! I will take Young Dreemurr back! And I will make sure that you're locked up for the rest of life. Right along with your despicable, League of Villains!"

All For One then charged up his attack.

Afo: "There's still so much to do. But it'll be tough..."

He then shoots a gust of air but All Might tried countered with a smash.

Afo: "...for both of us."

The pressure then blasted All Might toward the buildings as he crashed through them.

Afo: "Hm... Air Cannon plus Spring-like Limbs, Kinetic Booster times fours, Strength Enhancer times three. What a delightful combination. Maybe I'll add a few more next time."

As the smoke cleared, Izuku saw what happened.

Izuku: "All Might!"

Afo: "Don't worry, he won't die from something like that. Run away from here, Tomura, and take him with you. Kurogiri, take everyone away from here."

He then lend his hand out as black tendrils come out of his finger tips with red lines and it stabs Kurogiri's body while Magne walked up to him.

Magne: "Hey, wait! He's been knocked out! I'm not sure of what's going on, but if you can use a Warp Quirk, then why don't you get us out of here instead?"

Afo: "My Warp power is still new, Magne. While he can use his Quirk based on coordinates, I have a limit where I can warp people to me where they're at. So I'll him do it."

Then a warp opened up from Kurogiri's head.

Afo: "Forcible Quirk Activation! You must leave this place, Tomura."

Tomura: "What about you...?"

All Might then jumps into the air at them while All For One starts to float into the air.

Afo: "Think constantly, Tomura! You still have much room to grow!"

AM: "I won't let you get away!"

All Might then lands a punch on All For One but he managed to keep still.

Tomura: "Master..."

Compress: "Let's go, Shigaraki! While he's holding him back. Claim your prize!" He then compressed Dabi as he said that.

Izuku then saw that the league was now in front of him. He then summoned his DT Sword out.

Izuku: "Sorry to burst your bubble, Pal! But I think that this is between me and Shigaraki!"

Izuku then rushed and hit Shigaraki with his sword, sending back toward the rubble of the destroyed buildings.

AM: "Izuku!"

He then quickly dodges an attack from All For One while Momo and the others watched the fight.

Momo: "*Thought* All Might! That man's in the way, so he can't save Izuku! While the League is trying to escape in that opening with him! Izuku's surround so he can't leave!"

Izuku quickly dodged Twice's attack as he saw Toga rushing at him with her knife. He blocked it with his shield as he then made a wall of fire.

Izuku: "*Thought* They're in crisis mode, too! But unlike earlier, they'll drag me with them if it's by force. It's six against one..."

He quickly turned around to see Mr. Compress trying to compress him into orb but he teleports into the air to get away.

Izuku: "*Thought* I can't let the guy lay a finger on me!"

All Might then tried to rush to save Izuku.

AM: "I'm coming for you!"

Suddenly, All For One pins him down with his attack.

Afo: "I don't think so... That's because I am here!"

He mocks him before tossing him at another building. Izuku see Tomura rushing at him. He tried to touch him but Izuku used his sword to make him back off by slashing him. He then rushed at him.

Izuku: "Take this!"

Izuku made a fireball and compressed into a pellet and he blasted Shigaraki back.

Tomura: "Gagh!"

Momo: "*Thought* Both All Might and Zuzu are in trouble... But we have to come up with a plan... though..."

They all knew it clearly.

All: "*Thought* We can't fight them head on."

Izumi: "*Thought* There has to be a way to save him..."

She then had an idea.

Izumi: "Iida!"

Iida: "No! I won't let you!"

Izumi: "Listen! I figured out a way to save him! A way that won't involve us fighting and he'll be able to saved!"

Shoto: "Let's hear it."

Izumi: "But this plan also depends on him... so that's why it depends on you, Momo!..."

Momo gasped at her words.

Izumi: "He won't listen to me, Shoto or Shoka. But you... You and Onii-Chan were kind to each other and had a relationship thing going on. So if you call him out. Then he'll listen."

Shoka: "Alright. Give us more details."

All Might tried to punch All For One but he caught it. He tried again but he caught the other one.

Afo: "Are you holding back? Just to keep everyone around you safe." 

He then jumped back.

Afo: "It's rough, isn't it? To be these things called 'heroes'."

Izuku dodged another attack as he jumped into the air.

Izuku: "It's hard for All Might to fight because I'm still here."

While this was going on, Izumi finished explaining her plan to the group.

Iida: "What?"

Izumi: "Onii-Chan must've realized the situation that All Might's in."

Shoka: "Right."

Izuku: "Onii-Chan must be on guard against the enemy, fighting from a distance. We must do this at a time when he's a certain distance away from the enemy."

Momo: "Iida, what you do think?"

Iida: "It's a gamble, but considering the situation, there isn't much risk to us. But more importantly, if we succeed, it'll changed the tide of the fight for the better... Let's do it."

Momo and Iida held onto Kirishima as he activated his Quirk, causing his arms to harden. Iida then activated his Reciproburst as he then blasted themselves at the wall with Kirishima breaking it. While also getting the League to notice them.

Shoto and Shoka then made a slab of ice as a ramp for them. Izumi then used her telekinesis to push them all the way forward and up the ice then into the air. All For One was about to stop them but All Might managed to punch him in his face, making him back off.

Izuku then noticed them as Momo turned her head to face him.

Momo: "Zuzu! Come to us!"

Tomura reached his arm towards Izuku. But he raised his arm up as he looked at Tomura with a face of anger.


He summoned his Gaster Blasters into the ground and it blasted the field. Izuku jumped when the blast happened and he flew threw the air. He then grabbed Momo's hand.

Izuku*Smile*: "Are you guys crazy or somethin'?"

Spinner: "What?!"

Iida: "Dreemurr, on my mark, you warp us out of here!"

Izuku: "Got it!"

Shoto: "It's just as we thought. Their eyes are now locked on them. This is our change to leave!"

Izumi: "Right!"

Tomura watched in anger as they three managed to get away with Izuku.

Tomura: "Why the hell do you always keep show up!

Compress: "We can't let them get away! Who can do long distance?"

Spinner: "Kurogiri and Dabi! But they're down!"

Magne: "You two! Come over here!"


His Quirk: Magnetism - "His Quirk gives the ability to create a magnetic force to anyone within a 4.5 mile radius. It's also possible to adjust to weather it's on the whole body or just a body part. Men become south poles and Women become north poles. But Magnetism doesn't work on himself, though."

Magne: "Now!"

Spinner then launched Compress at them.

Compress: "Repulsion Breakup: Night Flight Cannon!"

Mt. Lady woke up and saw Compress heading towards them. So she quickly stopped him.

Mt. Lady: "Titan Cliff!"

Compress then hit her nose, causing blood to come out.

Izuku: "Mt. Lady!"

Mt. Lady: "It's the rescue orders... Go home, ya brats..."

She then fell down and shrank back down to normal size. Izuku then quickly made them stop by summoning a Gaster Blaster.

Kirishima: "What the heck is this for?"

Izuku: "It'll get us away much quicker!"

He then used his blue magic to grab Mt. Lady and bring her towards them. He set her down on pile of bones.

Izuku: "Alright! Hold on tight!"

The blaster then fired off as they managed to escape.

Spinner: "Dammit!"

Magne: "We can still do it agai--"

Gran Torino quickly made it and knocked them out as Inko also made it to the battlefield.

AM: "You're were too slow!"

GT: "You're too fast! Jeez. Those kids that you're training are almost like you. But in a bad way.

AM: "*Thought* Teenagers theses day..."

Izuku and the others landed far away from the battlefield as they hopped off the Gaster Blaster. Izuku quickly used his healing magic on Mt. Lady. All For One then got up.

Afo: "Shimura's friend, huh?

AM: "It's shameful, but with this, I can defeat you without reserve! All For One!"

GT: "We got two left here!"

Inko: "We can take care of them!"

Toga: "Tomura, I do not want to die in this place!"

Afo: "They got us. They neatly turned the tables on us in one move."

All For One then stabbed his tendrils onto Magne.

Afo: "Forcible Quick Activation! Magnetism!"

Gran Torino then rushed at Tomura and Toga.

Tomura: "You're dust!"

But Gran Torino swiftly kicked Tomura as Magne's Quirk caused them to rush at Toga.

Toga: "Hey, wait guys! You're coming at me too fast!"

Their bodies then hit her while Tomura fought back as he didn't want to go.

Tomura: "Wait, don't, Master!"

Inko: "We won't let you escape!"

Another tendril grabbed Inko and knocked her back.

Tomura: "Your body's too damaged...!"

His body is then pulled into the portal as his arm was reached out.

Tomura: "No!

He then remembered when he first met All For One.

Afo: "No ones come to save you haven't they? You had a hard life, Tenko Shimura. Don't worry. I am here for you."

Tomura: "I... won't go...!"

Tomura was then fully pulled into the portal.

Afo: "Tomura. You must continue to fight."

All Might was about to rush in for a punch but Gran Torino coughed out the black goo.

Afo: "Warping... Plus Shock Inversion!"

Gran Torino then appeared from the goo in front of All Might as he punched his teacher's face, while All For One laughed.

AM: "I-I'm sorry!"

Afo: "I only came to save Tomura, but if you say you're going to fight, then I will, too. In the past, your fists crushed one after another of my comrades, as you were extolled as the Symbol of Peace. The view you had from atop our sacrifices..."

He then charged up his Air Cannon as he put his hand up behind Gran Torino.

Afo: "It must've been a great one."

AM: "Detroit..."

He managed to pull Gran Torino out of warp and land his punch.

AM: "Smash...!

Their attack collided with each other, causing a giant gust of wind.

Afo: "He forcibly negated it, huh? I won't let you fight without reserve, though. Heroes have a lot of things they need to protect, don't they?"

AM: "...Shut up."

Afo: "Huh?"

AM: "You toy with people like that! You break them! Steal from them! And take advantage of them and control them! You scoff at people... Who are just trying to live their happy lives!!!"

All For One tried to fire his attack but All Might quickly grabbed his arm and twisted it.

AM: "I cannot..."

Afo: "It's time for warp, again."

AM: "...let that happen!!!"

All Might then punches All For One's mask, shattering it as he punched him down to the ground. Gran Torino then raised his head to see All Might's face was different.

GT: "Toshinori... You're at your limit...!"

All For One then spoke up.

Afo: "What's wrong? You seem to be very worked up about something, All Might. I heard that same line before..."

All Might gasped as All For One laughed.

Afo: "From the previous holder of One For All before you... Nana Shimura."

All Might then realized something.

AM: "*Thought* My origin..."

He then had a flashback of his past to when he first met Nana.

Toshinori: "I wanna make a world where everyone can smile and live together. A symbol is necessary for that to happen."

Nana then spoke.

Nana: "A symbol?"

Toshinori: "A Symbol of Peace... The reason crime in this country isn't decreasing is that the citizens don't have anyone to rely on. They don't have someone who is there of their need. That's why I will become that pillar."

Nana: "So that's why you want to become a hero? Even though you're Quirkless."

Toshinori: "Yes."

Nana: "Heh."

She then turned to face him.

Nana: "Toshinori Yagi... right? Those are some funny ideas you got. You're kind of crazy."


After saving Izuku, Shoto called Momo and the others.

Shoto: "Where are you guys?"

Momo: "We're in the front of the station. We got Izuku out of there before that shockwave happened."

Izuku: "Why does the media have to make this into a deal."

Kirishima: "You got Mt. Lady to Hospital, right?"

Izuku: "Yeah. I also just didn't want to get in his way. I just hope that All Might can take him down."

Izuku then saw two news choppers heading towards the scene.

[Back with All Might]

All Might was still as All For One continued to talk.

Afo: "You really are similar... to the previous One For All holder, Nana Shimura.

All Might then remembered his master's words.

"Be proud, Toshinori. You came a long way to earn this power. It's different from what you had to begin with. You worked hard to secure that power!"

AM: "Don't mock the name of honorful master... with that filthy mouth of yours...!"

Afo: "A woman who had accomplishing goals and ideals she could've live up to. It's embarrassed forr me, the creator of One For All, to see her inherit the power. And her death was so pathetic. Shall I tell you about it?"


All Might was about to punch him again but All For One blasted him back with his Air Cannon towards a new chopper. But Gran Torino caught him at the last second.

AM: "Sir!"

Afo: "*Cough* You're in the way."

GT: "It's the same as last time! Toshinori, calm down! Six years ago, you were distracted by him and that's how he escaped and put a hole through your stomach!"

They then landed on the ground.

GT: "That's what's hopeless about you! Don't exchange words with him!"

AM: "Yes, sir..."

GT: "His Quirks and fighting style aren't the same as they were back then! You won't be able to get a good hit in! Use your wits! Can you still fight? You must go beyond your limit! It's do or die!"

AM: "Yes, sir!"

The new chopper watches the scene as the reporter talks.

Reporter: "The scene looks like it's straight out of nightmare! In an instant, half of Kamino Ward has been destroyed! All Might is fighting the villain who caused the damaged!"

Nezu, Aizawa and Vlad King watch the fight in the Teacher's Lounge.

Reporter: "I can't believe it! How is one person so powerful?! He's destroyed more then half of the city and is holding his own against the Symbol of Peace!"

Nezu: "*Thought* Our plans have been thwarted...! It's up to you now, All Might!"

Many people in the country watch the fight with worry and doubt. 

Afo: "I'm a little conflicted... Tomura has been the one to chip at society's trust in heroes... So is it fair that I should land the final blow? But you know, All Might, as much as you hate me, I hate you in the same way. I killed you master, but you took away the things I built up, too, right? That's why I want you die the most ugliest and gruemost way for everyone to see!"

He then charged his air attack but with more power as red lighting coming out of his arm.

GT: "Bigger one's coming! Dodge and counter!"

Afo: "Is it just big enough to dodge?"

All Might quickly realized that All For One aimed his attack at a woman, who was injured from the blast.

GT: "I got her!"

Afo: "I will steal away the things you protected until now."

He then fired a bigger blast of air at them but All Might tried to hold back the attack but couldn't. As the smoke cleared, All Might was now reverted back to his skinny form.

Afo: "First to go will be your self-respect, and public image. Show the world who you really are, 'Symbol of Peace'."

Every person watching the fight was now shocked to see All Might, looking like some sort of skeleton.

Reporter: "I...Is everyone seeing this? It looks like... All Might shrunk somehow!"

Izuku: "*Thought* His secret... is out..."

Afo: "Hollow cheeks and sunken eyes! What a pathetic 'top hero'! Don't be embarrassed! That's your true form, the real you, isn't it?"

However, All For One saw that even though All Might was in his weak form, he still glared at him.

Afo: "I see..."

All Might then begins to stand up.

AM: "Even if my body rots and grows weak... Even if you expose my weaken state..."

He then clenched his fist.

AM: "In my heart, I will always remain as the Symbol of Peace! And there's nothing that you can do to take it away from me!"

Afo: "Is that so? Well I might as well give up. I'd forgotten how stubborn you were. Oh."

He then raised his hand up.

Afo: "But I do think there is one more thing that you should know about. Both Tomura Shigaraki and Izuku Dreemurr? They're both the grandsons to Nana Shimura."

Silence. Complete silence happened as he said that. All Might's jaw dropped in realization.

Afo: "I kept thinking about what you would hate the most. And so I searched for Tomura and while doing that I also found out about what you did to Izuku. I then found Tomura and groomed him to hate you and I bet that Nana saw what you did to her grandson, Izuku, all those years ago. She must be very disappointed in you."

AM: "You... must... be lying..."

Afo: "Oh come on. That is something clearly that I would do."

All For One then saw something happening with All Might and spoke about it.

Afo: "Well, isn't that strange, All Might."

He then put two fingers on his cheek bones imitating a smile.

Afo: "Where is your smile now, huh? Hahaha."

AM: "You... bastard..."

Afo: "Hehehe. Maybe I was able to steal a piece of you after all.

AM: "They're both my master's grandsons... My god, what will she say about this now?! AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!"

The woman in the rubble started to move.

Woman: "Don't... lose... Keep... going... All Might...! We need you!"

Even though people saw that All Might was now in his weak state, they didn't care. They know, somehow he can still win. They all cried for him to win. Izuku looked down before speaking.

Izuku: "All Might... I hate you and the others for all the things you done... But time have now change... We're different now... So if you able to listen... Win damn it! You're the Symbol of fucking Peace, for crying out loud! So c'mon! Win, All Might!!!"

All Might felt a little bit of energy from One For All as it made his arm bigger.

AM: "Do not be afraid, miss. Yeah, there's a lot of things... That a hero has to protect, All For One... So that's why I will defeat you!"

He then remembered something else that Nana told him.

"Toshinori, when you think you're at your limit. Then remember why you clench your fist. You must remember your origin, and that'll bring you to go past your limit!"

Gran Torino and Inko slowly got back up after being thrown away.

GT: "*Thought* How many times is he going to counter a large-scale attack? He should've reached his limit a long time ago... Muscles are only formed on his right arm... That distorted form won't handle the attacks..."

All For One then began to float up into the air again.

Afo: "There it is. That's last of your strength, isn't, All Might? A wounded hero is the most frightening. I can see the image as you come at me with your guts strewn around in my dreams sometimes even now."

He then began to charge up his air cannon Quirk.

GT: "*Thought* Oh, no!"

Afo: "You have what? Two or three punches left?"

Suddenly, All For One dodges flames that came out of nowhere. All Might turns to see Endeavor arrived along with Edgeshot.

Endeavor: "What's going on. What the hell's happening with that weak little body?!"

Edgeshot: "Looks like we made it. Just in time too."

They remember how Tsukauchi told them that they could go and help All Might in his fight because they got the Nomus under control.

Edgeshot: "*Thought* He knew... that it would turn out like this..."

Afo: "Oh? Even if they're all mid-rangers, I didn't think that you'd be able to suppress them so quickly. As expected from the man who climbed his way to the number two spot."

Endeavor: "All Might..."

He then remember back in the past. How hard he tried to surpass All Might.

Endeavor: "*Thought* I worked diligently to surpass you... The harder I worked, the more I realized... How big of a gap there was between us. As I watched you grow farther away... I dispaired...!"

He then spoke.

Endeavor: "So c'mon! Show them why you're better!"

AM: "Endeavor..."

Afo: "If you came to cheer him on, then be quiet and watch like a good audience!"

Edgeshot then folded himself at All For One.

Edgeshot: "Quiet, you fiend! We have come to help.

Kamui Woods picked up Gang Orca and Best Jeanist.

Kamui Woods: "That's our job!"

AM: "Kamui..."

Tiger: "All Might..."

He turned to face Tiger, who was now awake and picking up the injured civilian along carrying an unconscious Ragdoll.

Tiger: "This is all we can do... If we can help ease your burden even a little...!"

AM: "Tiger!"

Tiger: "You must him, All Might! This personification of evil! Right now, every pro and citizen is praying for your victory! No matter what you look like, you're still everyone's number one hero!"

Gran Torino remembered when Nana told him about Toshinori.

GT: "Toshinori... You are a pillar. One that must not be broken. You are the number one hero. You can hear them, can't you? Even if he exposed your weak body, everyone's voices are continuing to cheer you on! Their united voices cry out for your victory! The voices of your students who admire you and want to be a hero like you! Even Izuku wants you to win!"

Everyone: "All Might...!"

Afo: "How pointless."

All For One blasts the ground with Air Cannon, blasting everyone except All Might back.

Afo: "Let's stop focusing on heroism and start focusing on reality."

All For One's right arm then began to grow as he focused on putting all of his Quirks that he had into it, making everyone watch with fear and in shock.

Afo: "Spring-like Limb, Kinetic Booster times fours, Strength Enhancer times three, Multiplier, Hypertrophy, Rivets, Air Walk, Spear-like Bones. The shockwaves until now were just to wear you out."

All Might saw that All For One's right arm was bigger due to the bunch of Quirk he put in it.

Afo: "In order to kill you, I'll punch you with the ultimate combination of Quirks that I have stored up in me right now!"

He then thought of something.

Afo: "*Thought* I wasn't sure of sure of it but now that we're gonna be exchanging blows tonight, All Might... One For All no longer dwells inside of you. What you're attacking me with is nothing but a lingering ghost. The embers that you have left after you passed it on are just sparks of a fire. And that fire gets weaker every time you use it. Eventually, it will put itself out."

All For One then rushed at All Might.

Afo: "Izuku Dreemurr! He's the one you passed One For All on to, isn't he? I bet that he still feels hatred for you for all you done to him. So you'll die full of regrets, All Might. Even as his used to be step-father, it's your loss!"

They then clashed their fists with each other.

Afo: "Impact Nullification!"

All For One's fist then put more power into the punch, causing All Might's arm to break and bleed as he was pushed back.

AM: "You're may be right... But he told me that I had a change for him to forgive me. And for that I will work hard on the path for his forgiveness!"

Afo: "I see then... While you're still fight, the embers that you're using are resisting, huh? They're trying to keep from going out until they fulfill their duty... How unsightly!"

He then pushes more which causes All Might's arm to bleed even more as it also makes him cough up blood. He then remembers Nana's words.

AM: "It's not just because I'm a symbol. But I will do as my master did for me... and until I can be forgiven by him... I..."

Afo: "For you to resist so much in such an unsightly way..."

AM: "I can't..."

His left arm then grows big.

Afo: "I miscalculated..."

All Might then rushed at his while using his right arm as bait.

AM: "I can't die!!!"

All Might then punched All For One in the face, causing a gust of wind to happen as Gran Torino and Inko watched.

GT: "*Thought* In the last moment, he swapped the power from his right arm into his left! He used his right arm as bait! But..."

Afo: "That was so unlike you..."

He then made his left arm grow bigger.

Afo: "It was still weak though!"

All For One then saw All Might transfer the power of One For All back into his right arm.

AM: "That's because... I didn't put my back into it that time!"

He then charged up the last embers of One For All while hearing his master's words.

"This power has been entrusted to the next generation by many people, praying that One For All will give them hope. And now it is your turn. Do your best, Toshinori."

All Might put the last of One For All's energy into his arm as he then rushed at All For One.

AM: "Goodbye, All For One!"

He then punched All For One in his face.

AM: "United States of... SMASH!!!"

All Might slams All For One into the ground with his fist, causing a tornado of air to happen. All Might then felt the last of the embers of One For All finally vanish.

AM: "Goodbye, One For All..."

After the smoke cleared, Inko, Gran Torino and the news choppers saw Toshinori over All For One's unconscious body. He then stands up and raises his fist into the air before turning into his muscle form, one last time.

Reporter: "All Might, wins!!!"

Everyone then cheers.

Reporter: "The villain's knocked out! All Might stands victorious!"

Edgeshot: "He shouldn't push himself any further."

GT: "Let him be. He's still working."

Gran Torino knew why.

GT: "*Thought* This is his last job as the Symbol of Justice and Peace, and the number one hero."


It was now day time as heroes made it to the scene and began search and rescue.

Uwabami: "Two people below the rubble! And over there, too!"

Reporter: "The heroes continued rescue operations during All Might's fight, but it's expected that there is a large number of casualties... The villain who has thought to be the leader is now... 

They turn to see the police putting All For One in a cylinder looking cell.

Reporter: "Oh, they're leading him into the Maiden right now! As of now, All Might and the others are put on high alert!"

She stopped talking when All Might puts his hand up, pointing at the camera.


Iida, Kirishima, Momo and Izuku were now walking through the crowd.

Iida: "We can't get to the station because of the crowd. I wish we met up with Yagi and the Todoroki's, but..."

Kirishima: "Yeah, I get it, man. But anyways, let's move. We have to tell the heroes that we got Dreemurr."

They began to walk towards the police station. But Izuku stopped when he saw All Might pointing at the screen.


Izuku then turned to face the giant television.

"Next, it's your turn."

Izuku gasped as he realized what he meant.

???: "That's All Might for ya!"

???: "He can't be any cooler!"

???: "Yeah!"

The crowd roar with cheers for All Might. As they thought that his message was for the villains. But for Izuku it was different. He knew what it truly meant.

"I used up everything."

Izuku looked down with a face of sadness. He knew that this was gonna happen soon. He and the rest continued to walk to the station.

[End of Chapter 21]
