Chapter 20

(Narrator P.O.V)

[At the UA Press Conference]

Nezu, Aizawa and Vlad King were answering the questions that the reporters there had for them.

Reporter: "You spoke about keeping the students safe, Eraserhead. But according to our information, you encouraged them to fight during the attack on the training camp, putting them in grave danger. What was your reasoning for this?"

Aizawa leaned to the mic to give his answer.

Aizawa: "I concluded that because we didn't know the full situation. Allowing their Quirks would help avoid the worst possible outcome."

Reporter: "And what would that outcome be? Do you think that 26 victims and one kidnapped child is a win for UA High?"

Aizawa: "I assure you that things could have gone much more poorly. I feared every student would be tortured and killed in the end."

Nezu: "Most of the victims were harmed by the gas attack. We've determined it to be the result of a poisonous Quirk used by one of the villains. It's thanks to the quick actions of Ms. Kendo and Mr. Tetsutetsu that injuries were keep to a bare minimum. Additionally, we're providing mental health counseling to every student, although we do not see any signs of phychological trauma."

Reporter: "So you've found a bright spot in this tragedy?"

Nezu: "We're relieved that an entire class of burgeoning heroes still has a future."

Reporter: "But what about the abducted, Izuku Dreemurr?"

Aizawa had his attention when he heard his student name been called out.

Reporter: "He enrolled at your school with outstanding marks, and went on to win the sports festival. But before that, it was shown that he was the middle school student from a couple of months ago that tried to commit suicide by falling into Mt. Ebbot, then came back to show the world that he was alive. But during the sports festival, when he was talking to his classmate, Momo Yaoyorozu. His own face changed into a demonic look that made everyone wonder if he's really human or not. And how he showed tremendous power during the sports festival, that made him win each of the rounds. So what if this is what the villains want from him. What if they're brainwashing Dreemurr right now to see if he'll join so they'll be able to get a hold on his power and pulling him toward the path of evil? Do you think that he could still have a future?"

Vlad King was having thoughts after hearing the reporters words.

VK: "*Thought* This reporter knows what he's doing. He's trying to antagonize us so we say something damning."

Vlad then turns to see Aizawa with a ticked off look while the reporter looks at him with a smug look.

VK: "*Thought* You can't fall for him, Eraser. He probably knows how much you hate the media. Don't let him trick you!"

Aizawa gets up from his seat and then bows.

Aizawa: "As Izuku Dreemurr's teacher, I can only tell that he only made that face just because that he was able to. He isn't a demon, he's still human. And if your thinking that if the villains can just make them turn to their side so easily, then I think they're grossly mistaken."

Aizawa then lifts his head up.

Aizawa: "If I know anything about Dreemurr. Is that he's able to not be convinced that easily. So no. The villains don't have a chance on turning him to their side. I can guarantee you that much."

The reporter then began to speak again.

Reporter: "That doesn't point out to real evidence, though. I didn't ask how you feel, I asked if you had concrete information."

Nezu: "We're doing our best with the intel we currently have available. I have now doubt the police will break this case very soon. We won't rest until our missing student is returned to UA."

[At the L.O.V's Base]

Izuku was still in the League's hideout as he then heard the words of the principal.

Izuku: "Heh. Did you hear that? They believe that I can be a hero and never become a one wannabes. So for one last time, Hand Man. I won't join your league of idiots!"

After he said that, Izuku was having a thought.

Izuku: "*Thought* So, they went through the trouble of mounting a huge attack, all just to bring me back here. The dumbasses even told me what they wanted. For me to join their group. Which means I know that they won't kill me."

Izuku was looking around to room to think and create multiple strategies on how to get take some down. He also thought on teleporting out of there, but he knew that Kurogiri would just try and warp him back.

Izuku: "You know that we're not at camp, but I'm still allow to fight!"

Magne: "He must've figured out that he's important to us. What a clever boy."

Dabi: "No. He's a fool."

Toga: "Let me stab him!"

Compress: "A clever performer would've acted like we were winning him over. Now that he's broken out of character, he's finished."

Izuku: "I only do whatever I want to, and I won't even pretend. And I'm tired of being surrounded by a group of lame-ass idiots."

Tomura was still looking at the ground after getting punch, which resulted in his hand falling off his face and landing on the floor. His hand then twitched as he then raised it up.

Shigaraki: "Father..."

Kurogiri: "No, Tomura Shigaraki! Be calm!"

Tomura then looked at Izuku as then he stopped the rest from moving.

Shigaraki: "Don't lay a finger on him. Any on you."

He then picked up the hand as he then raised it up to his face.

Shigaraki: "This 'hero'..."

Tomura then placed the hand on his face.

Shigaraki: " still a valuable piece."

He then faced towards Izuku.

Shigaraki: "I wished that you would've listened to what I had to say. I thought that you and I could come to an understanding."

Izuku: "Like hell I would understand! You bastards just want to cause chaos and destruction to those living under protection of the heroes. Not only that, but also try to destroy hero society. So just forget about it!"

Shigaraki: "Then I have no choice. The police said that they'll continue investigation on our group, so we don't have time to stand here and talk."

Tomura then turned around to look at the T.V that displayed the words: "Sound Only".

Shigaraki: "Master. Lend me your power."

Then, a voice replied to his question.

???: "That is a wise decision, Tomura Shigaraki."


Momo, Iida, Shoto, Shoka and Izumi were still walking down the streets of Kamino as Momo was looking at the tracking device. They then reached a building.

Momo: "Okay, this is the spot the tracker is broadcasting from."

Kirishima: "So that's their hideout? Now a bad one, I guess."

Momo: "Maybe it is and it isn't. According to the tracking history, the villain hasn't left this location from the past day. But that's all we know."

She then turned to the rest of them.

Momo: "One villain is hiding here, but that could be it. They might have Zuzu somewhere else. We're going into this operation completely blind for the most part. Please try to proceed logically."

Iida: "I don't like this. None of us are good at sneaking around. We need Hagakure or Jirou here. If I think things are gonna be the least bit dangerous, we're done. I won't hesitate to call the police, either. To make sure that my friends are safe."

Izumi: "Thank you, Iida. But we need to make a plan on what to do on what's in front of us."

Kirishima: "I think that we'll be able to make one during this don't worry!"

Izumi: "Right. Let's go!"

They then proceed to head toward the building.

[Someplace Else]

Tsukauchi and the heroes were now in Kamino as they were waiting for the signal for them to proceed with the plan.

GT: "Toshinori. You're thinking that the leader of the league is the same person that we're thinking of?"

AM: "Of course. I'm pretty sure that he is involved."

GT: "All For One..."

Best Jeanist then came over to Gran Torino.

Best Jeanist: "Say, Gran Torino. Your the grandfather of Dreemurr, right? What do you think the villains want from him?"

Gran Torino thought for a while before speaking.

GT: "It probably for his incredible power. If they make him join the league then I think it's all over for us and hero society."

He then had a serious look.

GT: "I can imagine that he's fighting off the villains as they're trying to making him join them. We gotta hurry!"

Tsukauchi got off the phone then looked at them.

Naomasa: "We got the green light. Which means we have the element of surprise! The villains will not succeed! At the press conference earlier, we had Principal Nezu act clueless to deceive the villains! He feigned ignorance on camera, as if we didn't have leads. After hearing his words, the villains won't expect us to rush in on the very same day." Now, everyone let's move out!"

The heroes and police nodded as they rushed toward the building.

Naomasa: "We'll retaliate! It's time for our counterattack! Remind the world what you can really do, Heroes!"


Izumi, Iida, Shoto, Shoka, Kirishima and Momo were now at the building.

Momo: "We've gotten pretty close, but I haven't seen anything move inside."

Kirishima: "And not a signal light is on. It doesn't look like anyone's home."

Shoto: "They're hiding this lair in plain sight. It looks like any other abandoned warehouse."

Izumi: "The weeds under the front door are thick and undisturbed. There must be another way to get in. Maybe someone's Quirk is hiding it. We can't just enter carelessly. It could be a trap. If we could just see inside somehow..."

???: "Hey! Why don't you girls come drink with us?"

However Izumi was interrupted when they were a voice. they see two men drunk as they try to get Izumi, Shoka and Momo but they got away while Kirishima, Iida and Shoto defended them.

Kirishima: "Get away from our friends!"

Iida: "Leave them alone!"

Shoto: "Let's just get out here!"

They then ran away from the two men as they now were at another part of the building.

Momo: "We can't do something like that or we'll draw attention to ourselves. So what's our next move?"

Izumi: "Let's go around the back. It might be the best chance we have to get some soild intel on this place."

They nodded and made their way through the narrow slide of the building.

Momo: "This is so narrow. I might get stuck."

Izumi: "Just keep on moving. We have to figure out what's happening inside. No one will see us from back here."

She then spotted a window.

Izumi: "There! We can look through that window."

Shoka: "But we'll be blind in the darkness."

Momo: "Hang on, I'll make a night vision scope."

Kirishima: "No need."

Kirishima proceeds to take a night vision scope out from his pocket.

Kirishima: "I brought one along with me for this."

Izumi: "But wait, aren't those models like super expensive?"

Kirishima: "It's fine, it doesn't matter."

Shoto: "Alright then. Kirishima will serve as out scout. Back him up, Izumi."

Izumi: "Right."

Iida helps Kirishima get up to look at the window while Shoto and Shoka help Izumi look at the window too.

Iida: "Tell us what you see inside. But be quiet."

Kirishima: "Got it."

Kirishima then proceeds to take a look through the scope.

Kirishima: "The place is pretty trashed. Doesn't look like... Uh... AH!"

He saw something that shocked him.

Shoto: "What's wrong? You weren't spotted were you?"

Kirishima: "The back left... The corner, Yagi. Look!"

Izumi takes the scopes then proceeds to see something that shocked her too.

Izumi: "No way... Are those all... Nomu...?"

[Back with Izuku]

Izuku heard what Shigaraki said and he knew what it meant.

Izuku: "Your master? I'll guess that you mean that All For One is your master? No wonder. You're just nothing but a side-kick for him."

Shigaraki: "Kurogiri. Compress. It's time to put him back to sleep."

Compress: "*Sigh* I can't believe he's such a bad audience member. It's almost inpressive."

Izuku: "There's no why in hell I'm gonna listen to you. So how about you all just shut up!"

During that moment, Izuku was in his thoughts.

Izuku: "*Thought* I need to teleport out here, quickly! But what that warp villain will get bring me back here. Gah! There's no time! I have to get out of here!"

He then raised his hand to snap his fingers and teleport out here but then.

*Knock! Knock!*

???: "Hello? I got a pizza delivery here!"

They were all confused on what was happening until...


All Might punched through the wall, knocking Spinner down.

Spinner: "What the?!"

Shigaraki: "Kurogiri! Gate!"

Kurogiri listened and tried to warp them out but then something stopped them.

Kamui Woods: "Pre-emptive Binding..." 

Kamui quickly captured the villains with his attack.

Kamui Woods: "Laquered Chain Prison!"

Dabi: "Huh? Is that all?"

Dabi was about to burn the wood but he was stopped by Gran Torino with a side kick, knocking him out.

GT: "Don't try anything foolish! It's in your best interest to cooperate with us."

AM: "Just what I'd expect from a competent new hero. And a veteran pro who's faster than the eye can see. You can't run anymore, League of Villains. Understand? Because we are here now!"

Compress: "Right after the press conference? They had this ruse planned the whole time!"

Toga was struggling while Twice has... having his own problems.

Twice: "Tree man! You're hugging me way too tight!/ God damnit!"

Edgeshot then proceeds to show himself by folding through the door.

Edgeshot: ""One tends to neglect defence while they're on the offense. But we didn't come alone. Take a look."

Edgeshot then proceeds to unlock the door and open it to reveal the police's riots squads.

Edgeshot: "You're surrounded by the police. Not to mention powerful heroes like Endeavor."

Endeavor: "Tsukauchi! Why does Edgeshot get to rush into the right while I'm stuck out here with you!"

Naomasa: "Because if one of them escapes, we'll need you to capture them immediately."

Endeavor just got annoyed by his answer.

All Might gets up and looks at Izuku.

AM: "Ah, sorry for the scare there. But don't worry, you're safe now young man."

Izuku: "Whatever..."

Inko: "My baby boy!"

Inko hugged Izuku as he was just standing there.

As this was happening, Tomura was having thoughts.

Shigaraki: "*Thought* After I went through all the trouble of preparing this, the final boss goes and shows up at my front door step. Everyone's been restrained. There's no easy way to escape. It can't be helped. So, they've got back up, huh? Well, we do, too."

Tomura then shouts to his asissant.

Shigaraki: "Kurogiri! Warp over as many as you can!"

AM: "The Nomu, right?"


Izumi, Kirishima, Shoto, Shoka, Momo and Iida then hear something and Kirishima spots it.

Kirishima: "Hey!"

They turn to see Mt. Lady picking up a truck with her right foot then raising it up to the air.

Mt. Lady: "*Grunt*"

She then proceeds to break down the wall of the building.

Tomura was wondering about of where the Nomus were.

Shigaraki: "What are you waiting for, dammit?"

Kurogiri: "I'm sorry, Tomura Shigaraki. But the Nomus were supposed to be in a fixed location but... they're gone!"

Shigaraki: "Huh?"

AM: "It seems that you still have a lot to learn, Shigaraki. You're still green."

Shigaraki: "Grrr..."

AM: "Your little league underestimated all of us. The soul of this young man. The police's diligent investigations. And... our righteous fury!"

Then Best Jeanist responds through the communicator.

Best Jeanist: "We have control. The Nomu are neutralized."

AM: "Enough is enough. Your game has come to an end, Tomura Shigaraki.

Spinner: "Ah! All Might, please! You're the only hero Stain respected! You are worthy!"

Shigaraki: "You think it's over? Don't be stupid. I've only just begun to play." 

Tomura then begins to get up while having trouble because of the wooden chains.

Shigaraki: "Justice. Peace. You created a garbage society by lifting up such ridiculous ideals. That's why I targeted you, All Might. It's way I've started to gather people to my cause. You think this is the end? Then you've lost... KUROGIRI!"

But suddenly Kurogiri falls over unconscious.

Magne: "Ah! What just happened! I didn't see it! Did they kill him?"

Edgeshot: "I played around with his insides and made him fall unconscious. Ninpo: 'Thousand Sheet Pierce.' He was such a nuisance. He had to sleep."

GT: "Weren't you listening earlier? You'll all be better if you take us seriously. Kenji Hikiishi. Atsuhiro Sako. Shuichi Iguchi. Himiko Toga. Jin Bubaigawara. Though it took some time, the police have worked hard through the night to discovered. Do you understand? It's over, there's no chance for you to escape. So, Shigaraki, one question. Where is your boss hiding?"

Tomura then had a flashback to his childhood of when All For One helped him.


Afo: "No ones come to save you haven't they? You had a hard life, Tenko Shimura."

A small Tenko looks up to the man in suit.

Afo: "I'm sure he's fine. Eventually the heroes will come around. I'm sure that's what everyone thought as they looked away and ignored you... The world shouldn't be so unforgiving."

All For One then lends his hand to him.

Afo: "You didn't do anything wrong. But don't worry, I am here for you."

[Flashback Ends]

Shigaraki: "No... This is... not over."

AM: "You'll tell us where he is right now."

Shigaraki: "Go away... Disappear..."

AM: "Grrr, Shigaraki!"

Shigaraki: "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!! I HATE YOU!!!"

Suddenly, a black substance appears out of nowhere and out came a bunch of Nomus.

Kamui Woods: "Nomu! How'd they get here! What is this!"

GT: "Dammit, Edgeshot! Stop Kurogiri!"

Edgeshot: He's still out this isn't his doing!"

Then more and more kept coming out of more black substances.

GT: "They keep on coming!"

All Might then turned to face Kamui.

AM: "Don't release them under any circumstances, got it!"

Then suddenly, Izuku vomits out the same black stuff that warped over the Nomus.

Izuku: "What the crap!"

Inko: "My baby!"

AM: "Son!"

They tried to reach and grab him but it was too late as Izuku was warped away.

Both: "NOOOOOOO!!!!!"

Kamui Woods: "Endeavor! Help us!"

Kamui then gasped as he then saw more Nomu coming out of black goop like from where he and the others were at the bar while Endeavor and the police fight them off.

Kamui Woods: "No!"

Endeavor fired his flames at Nomu that was coming out of the black warping goo.

Endeavor: "Tsukauchi! Evacuate the area!"

Naomasa: "They're from the other hideout... But that place should locked out..."

Tsukauchi then grabbed his radio.

Naomasa: "Come in Jeanist, what the hell is going on over there!"

He didn't get an answer.

Naomasa: "Jeanist?!"

Gran Torino kicks one Nomu down while All Might punches away the second and Inko throws another Nomu back.

GT: "Toshinori. What now?"

AM: "They shouldn't have been able to warp Nomu here! And this backup came too fast!"

He then had a thought of who could've possibly done it.

AM: "*Thought* I have a feeling that... he has made a move."

While this was going on, Shigaraki standing still before saying one thing.

Shigaraki: "Master..."

[2 Minutes Earlier Ago at the Nomu Factory]

Izumi, Shoto, Shoka, Iida, Kirishima and Momo were regaining their balance after Mt. Lady crushed the wall down with a kick.

Iida: "What happened? Did a building just come down?"

Kirishima and Momo look over the wall to see a bunch of pro heroes and some police members there as they handled the Nomu.

Kirishima: "Whoa! Gang Orca and Mt. lady! Even Best Jeanist is here!"

Momo: "And Mr. Tiger, too!"

Mt. Lady managed to hold two Nomu down while Best Jeanist and Gang Orca got the rest. Tiger found Ragdoll near them.

Mt. Lady: "Ugh. Are these gross dudes really alive? I thought we'd be in for a fight, but this was super easy. Maybe we should've left this to the police and gone with All Might."

Best Jeanist: "Difficultly and Importance are two very different things, rookie. Riot Squad! Get the transports ready. There could be more of them. Be on your guard."

Riot Squad: "Yes, sir!"

Tiger: "C'mon, Ragdoll! Wake up for me!"

Gang Orca: "Is that your teammate? She's breathing. That's good."

Tiger: "Yes, but... Look at her! What have they done to you my friend?"

Kirishima and Momo get down head with the others.

Iida: "The heroes were on top of this way before we were."

Kirishima: "This is great!"

Iida: "Now then, let's get back home. At least we won't have to explain outselves."

Izumi: "But it sounded like All Might was here but somewhere else... Does that me that they found Onii-Chan?"

Momo: "If All Might's on the scene, then there's no reason to worry. Now. Let's go back."

All: "Right."

They then start to walk out of there but stop when they started to hear something...

*Step* Step*

They and the Pro Heroes start to hear footsteps then they start hear someone talk.

???: "I'm sorry, Tiger. But Ragdoll's Quirk was so useful. I just had to take it. How could I not?"

Gang Orca: "Are you with the league?"

Tiger: "Somebody get us a light!"

???: "Since my body was mostly destroyed, I haven't been able to stock up on Quirks."

The figure then started to come out of the shadows.

Gang Orca: "Stop there! Don't move!"

The person ignored his warning as it moved closer. Best Jeanist used his Quirk to wrap the fiber of his costume to tie up the person and not being able to move.

Mt. Lady: "Hey! You can't attack like that! What if he's just a bystander!"

Best Jeanist: "Think about the situation! A moment of hesitation could decide the fight!"

Suddenly, the man's body looked diffented. And then...


Izumi and the others hide behind the rubble as she then sees the man come out of the shadows and into the light. She then turns back around. She didn't know who that person was, but it was one person that All Might knew about... It was none other than...

All For One...

Afo: "Now with that commontion out of the way... Let's begin, shall we?"

[End of Chapter 20]
