Chapter 10

*Izuku training with his grandpa began and GT asked Izuku what is he gonna call it when he makes Ofa spread to his body and Izuku called it Full cowling*

A/N: 'Should i call it something else if so what name should it be?'

*Izuku then managed to increase Ofa limit from 5% to 20% and with this Izuku managed to transform his attack DT Explosion attack into DT Laser*

*Izuku also managed concentrated hard enough he was able to summon arrows from his sword and control it with his fingers and called it determination arrows*

*Izuku then thought of mixing Ofa at 20% with his monster magic and activated full cowling and mixed Ofa with the gaster blasters and snapped his finger's causing multiple gaster blaster to spawn and calls it Gaster Destroyer*

*He also made another attack called Gaster barrage where he summon many gaster blasters as he could and made them spin and blast at the same time*

*Sans,Frisk, And chara are Izuku*

A/N: 'I'm trying to think of what move should Ofa upgrade with his fire magic can anybody give me anynames of the moves that i should call with Ofa mixed with his fire magic?

*GT was shocked and impressed by his power and kept on training him on how to dodge while full cowling and Izuku got better at it everyday, then one day GT decided to take Izuku out on a mission in hosu*

*They hopped on a train that's head for hosu*

Izuku: 'So where are we going to grandpa?'

GT: 'Well sonny we're gonna go to hosu that where most crime happens so i'm giving you full permission to use your qui-

*He couldn't finish his sentense when somethimg hit the side of the train making a hole and out came the pro hero native and another weird looking nomu it grab him and ran off*

Conductor: 'Ladies and gentelmen our ride has stopped do to the distruction near us please stay in cars until we are able to move again'

GT: 'Alright kid listen stay in here i'll deal with this'

*GT hops out of the train car and Izuku decides to hop out to Iida cause he remembers after the sport festival he had a look of anger and then Izuku runs through to find hosu in flames and chaos*

Izuku: 'Iida?! Iida!'

*He calls out to him but doesn't get anything and see class 1-B student Yui kodai with her intern choice pro hero native she watches hopeless as the person who intern her was gonna get killed by the Hero Killer: Stain but suddenly Iida kicks him away from him*

Stain: 'Argh... Who are you'

Iida: 'I am the younger brother of tensei Ida also known as Ingenium and you'll pay for what you did to him!'

Stain: 'So your the brother of that fake huh why are you coming to get revenge for him he just a fake hero like the rest'

Iida: 'You paralyzed him from the wasted down! Now he wouldn't be able to work again!'

Stain: 'You're just like the rest including him nothing but fake's'

*Iida got mad and felt rage and rushed at Stain only for him to block the attack and cut Iida and he licked the blood on his sword making Iida fall on the floor not be able to move*

Iida*Thought*: 'How is this possible is this his quirk?'

Stain: 'Now look at you nothing but a child in a suit of armour, Now perish along with that fake hero known as your broth-

*Stain couldn't finish what he said cause Izuku came into the fight after he couldn't watch his friend died like that and punched him away*

Stain: 'Who are you?'

Izuku: 'It's Izuku Dreemurr and i know you are your that hero killer stain aren't you, You kill off heros cause you think of them as fakes people who only do this for fame and riches and stuff but i am not one of them i am a hero who is in training and believing that true heros are the people who give up their lives up to save the innocent lives that need help!'

*Stain saw that Izuku was another true hero like all might and then smiled as he said*

Stain: 'Your that kid that shigaraki wanted and you aren't like them, You are worthy of a true hero, Very well let's see i need to prove that you are one by fighting me and protecting these two'

Izuku*Smirk*: 'Very well'

*Izuku summoned his sword and shield and prepare to fight stain while stain himself was shocked to see a power different than a quirk but he got ready to fight to and then they clashed their sword's together*

*Stain got the chance and knock Izuku DT sword to the ground and it faded back into Izuku soul and threw a knife that got in his shoulder when Izuku was on the wall stain took the chance and was about aim his sword for Izuku head but Izuku blocked it with his shield but it was broken after stain pushed Izuku to the side of the ground*

*Pretend that frisk is Izuku and the bete noire and her spear of fear and scythe is Stain and his knife that he threw and the sword that he was gonna use to cut Izuku head*

*Then when stain was gonna finish Izuku of Shoto and Shoka who were interning for their father attacked stain with both of their fire which stain almost got burned by but managed to dodge it*

Stain: 'Ugh two more fakes'

Shoka: 'Get away from Izuku and Iida!'

*She send Ice toward's stain but he managed to run and dodge through it all threw knifes and it lands in their arms and Stain was about to lick the blood but the managed to dodged and get away from him*

*Izuku managed to get the knife out of his shoulder and rushed toward stain*


*Izuku then took out some blue bones and rushed toward stain and hit him with some bones and hit him in the face and then Izuku clashed the blue bones with stain sword and stain was about to hit him but Izuku managed to teleport out of the way and hit him with bones sending stain out of the alleyway and he stop his fall by stabbing his sword on the ground and hopped on it*

Stain: 'You're really worthy for an opponent to fight'

Izuku: 'Thanks i should say the same for you'

Izuku: 'Let's see you'll survive this!'

*After stain got off of his sword he turn to see Izuku on large tall bone and looking down at him while Yui,Native,Iida,Shoto,Shoka look at Izuku fight with stain in fear hoping that he does die and yui had a blush because of Izuku protect her*

*Xtale chara Is stain and Underswap papyrus and chara are Iida,yui,Native,Shoto, and Shoka and Underswap sans is Izuku*

*Izuku then summon spikey bone and launched them at stain and Stain ran through all of them and jump on the rubble from the building and Slashed through the bone that Izuku was standing on making him fall but he teleport away and stain looked for him but turned around and see him on a gaster blaster and blast him to the building making him pass out*

*Before stain passed out he said*

Stain: 'Heh i guess you really are a true... hero *Passes out*'

Izuku: 'Alright let's get him tied up, Native sir are you alright?'

Native: 'I'm fine kid let's get you to a hospital'

*They all exit the alleyway and see chaos is still there and see endeavor and Gran Torino taking down a nomu, and then they turned and look at them with stain knocked out and in ties to hold him down*

GT: 'Kid! What did i tell you about staying in the train!'

Izuku: 'I know i'm sorry it just that Iida my friend was in trouble and i needed to help him and we got the hero killer'

GT: 'Huh?! You got the hero killer?! How?!'

Iida: 'It was all Izuku job on taking him down sir while i was lost in rage and hatred for stain but he saved me in the last minute'

GT: 'Oh really well nice job kid!'

Izuku: 'Thank you sir' *He rubs the side of his head and they didn't notice a winged nomu coming at him and it grabbed it and flies away*

Shoka: 'Izuku!'

*Suddenly stain frees himself and rushes at the nomu and kills it and frees Izuku from it's grasp*

Hero 1: 'Did stain just save that kid?!'

Hero 2: 'No you idiot he has a hostage!'

*Stain then puts Izuku down and when he was gonna leave he saw endeavor and became irated by the sight of him*

Stain: 'Endeavor...'

*He then releases his bloodcurled quirk making everybody scared in fear of what they saw*

Stain: 'You are just one of the many fake hero's out there in the world'

Stain: 'So just try to come and kill me you fake's!'

Stain: 'The only one who is worthy enough to kill me is... ALL MIGHT!'

*Stain then passed out a second time after having piece rubble impericed in his lungs*

*They then grabbed him and Izuku, Iida, Shoto, and Shoka were taken to Hosu hospital*

*After getting patched up in the hosptial, Izuku monster family visited him and toriel managed to heal him up with her healing magic which shocked recovery girl who was also there to heal up Izuku and his friends*

Toriel: 'How are you feeling my child?'

Izuku: 'I'm feeling fine now mom' *He said while taking of the bandages off of his arm that look clean with no cuts or bruises on them*

Undyne: 'You sure showed that stain guy punk!'

Izuku: 'Thanks Aunt undyne'

Sans: 'So what your gonna do now kid?'

Izuku: 'Head back to school and see what's next

Toriel: 'Alright my child good luck'

*Izuku said goodbye as his family wished him luck as he heads back to UA*

*He was walking until somebody grab and pressed him against their breasts and it was Mt Lady and Midnight and Izuku was blushing*

Mt Lady: 'So we have great news for you Izuku~

Midnight: 'We asked your girlfriend if we can join and we needed to give our reason why and gave them to her and she allowed us in to your harem~'

Mt Lady: 'So here a lil something from us before you go~'

*They both kiss him and he passed out in Mt Lady's breast she giggles and hands him over to Midnight and she holds him and press him with her breasts*

Mt Lady: 'You can take him to his class now i'll visit him later'

Midnight: 'Alright see ya later'

Mt Lady: 'See ya'

*Midnight holds him while he's in her breasts still passed out and blushing midnight giggled and said*

Midnight: 'You like my breast Izu-kun~ *Giggles* Don't worry when we're together you can my body all you want~' *She kiss him on the lips and places him back in her breasts and he's now having a nostbleed*

*She then reaches his class and opens the door and all of his classmates were shocked to se Izuku in Midnight's breasts*

Iida: 'Midnight-Sensei! Please let him go don't you see that he's passed out and nearly died from bloodlost!'

*Midnight let's him go and places him back in his seat and saw all of the girls in the room having deadly glares at her*

Midnight: 'Ara Ara~ You are jealous of me having Izuku near my breasts? It's not like you wanted to do it'

*This made all of the girls blush of at the thought of Izuku laiding on their breasts*

Mina(Smirk): 'I wouldn't mind letting him rest on my breasts~'

Momo(Blushing): 'M-Mina!'

Mina: 'What? Your probably thinking about it to'

*After Mina said that Momo rushed towards Izuku and places him on her big breasts and said*

Momo: 'Okay fine i got jealous and now i did it now what are you gonna do!'

*After this was said the girl rushed toward him and the first one was Uraraka, She shoved momo off of him and placed him on her breast and then came Mina then toru and then tyusu and jiro as they all atempted to place Izuku face on their breasts even Izumi, Katsumi, and Shoka got jealous and joined in meanwhile Denki and mineta were crying blood in the corner while mental screaming out*

Mineta and Denki: 'Midoriya you bastard!'

Aizawa: 'Alright you girls leave him alone' *He closed and open his eyes making his quirk activated*

*They girls listen and Momo who had managed to place Izuku on her breasts place him back in his chair and gave him lit kiss on the cheek and when back to her seat and Izuku woke up and Midnight left the room*

Aizawa: 'Good to see that your awake problem child now listen up after your internship your gonna need to train for this test'

Everybody(Except Izuku): 'Oh man not another test'

*The bell then rang and they head out and Izuku when to his dorm and slept and getting ready for to train for their test*

End Of Chapter
