Chapter 11

*So you guys voted and Izuku is gonna be fighting all of the teachers*

*Izuku was training for the test when he got a call from the Principal askingif he can come to his office and Izuku agreed and headed there*

*Knock Knock*

Nezu: 'Come in'

*Izuku enters and see the principal and his teacher aizawa*

Izuku: 'Yes principal you said you need to talk to me?'

Nezu: 'Yes Dreemurr about your test i'll only tell you what is it about'

Izuku: 'Well what is the test?'

Nezu: 'The test is known as the final exams and in this test that you and your friend are gonna have is the Student's of class 1-A Vs The Teachers of UA!, Also me as well'

*Izuku was shocked to find out that he and his classmates have to team up in order to take on the teachers of UA*

Izuku: 'Is that all of the news that you need to tell me principal?'

Nezu: 'No their is two more pieces of news i have to tell you now about your test your not gonna be teaming up with any of your classmates to take one down of the teachers instead due to your extreme power you'll be taking on all of the teachers, Those people are Shota your teacher over  here and class 1-B teacher vlad king and midnight, Present Mic, Cementoss, Snipe, All Might, Magnetic, Thirteen and including myself!'

*Izuku was in more shock to find out he had to go up against the teachers and his past mom and dad and the principal himself*

Izuku: 'Ok so what the last piece of news that you got for me?'

Nezu: 'The last piece of news is that three students from the 3rd year they're known as The Big Three for UA you'll meet them after i'll tell them where you headed off to train so they can fight you to test your power sense they haven't seen it'

Izuku: 'Alright when are they gonna come a find me and fight me?'

Nezu: 'You'll noticed them if a group of 3 people attack you while you train, Also speaking of training where are you gonna train?'

Izuku: 'I train at Takoba Municipal Beach Park sir'

A/N: 'That's what google says about the beach that he and all might trained in the canon anime'

Nezu: 'Alright at what time?'

Izuku: 'I train at beach before school and then after school at the beach and sometimes my house sir'

Nezu: 'Alright i'll call them and tell them when to fight you at the beach to test your strength and power'

Izuku: 'Alright sir'

*Izuku when back to training for his test but he walk into his classmate who had a question for him*

Iida: 'Midoriya we would like to ask you something'

Izuku: 'What is it guys?'

Uraraka: 'Well deku-kun we were wondering if you could train us for that test?'

Izuku: 'Sure but where do you guys want to train at?'

Tyusu: 'I was wondering if we can train at your house?'

Izuku: 'Sure!'

Uraraka: 'Oh and deku do you know that the test is about?'

Izuku: 'According to the principal one of us is gonna team up with another classmate in our class and take on one of the teachers for the test called the final exams'

Everybody(except Izuku): 'Wait what!? We gonna have to team up with somebody to take down one of the teacher's?!'

Izuku: 'Yeah'

Uraraka: 'Wait deku-kun why are you scared about it'

Izuku: 'Oh let's just said you guys are gonna have to wait on the day of the test to find out what's in store for me'

*They nodded and planned to head to his house but didn't knew where he lived so he gave them his address and head towards location and saw that it was in the woods and enter it and saw the small community that the monster's had and saw the house that was bigger than Momo's house and Knock on the door and toriel open the door*

Toriel: 'Oh hello their who are you supposed to be?'

Momo: 'We are your son Izuku classmates and we ask him if we can come here and train for our test'

Toriel: 'Okay he's outback in the backyard' *She points to the slideing door and see Izuku outside*

*They head over to him but also see three women on the couch reading books and thought that they're his girlfriends and the girls thought if they can ask them if they can share him and then they open the door and outside they see him holding a sword and the attacking dummy's*

*Izuku then swung his sword and concentrated and out came arrows and he controls the arrows with his finger's and made it multiple into ten arrows and it made his classmates surprise and shocked*

Uraraka: 'H-How is deku-kun doing that?!'

Momo: 'I-I don't know!'

Izuku: 'Human Soul Magic'

Iida: 'W-What?'

Izuku: 'I said Human Soul Magic'

Momo: 'What's that Dreemurr-san?'

Izuku: 'Human soul magic was a power that was greater than anything before it but then the with the lack of use the human race lost their soul magic but thanks to my mom's monster magic it activated mine'

Uraraka: 'Could you train us in human soul magic?'

Izuku: 'Sure just let me get my mom to help us out... MOM CAN YOU COME OVER HERE!'

*Toriel opens the door and heads to the kids*

Toriel: 'Yes my child?'

Izuku: 'My friends was to learn human soul magic so can you use your monster magic to activated their souls please?'

Toriel: 'Of course my child'

*The green shirt kid is Iida, Kirishima,Tyusu,Ochaco,Momo*

*After toriel reached her hand out to them a set three spirals of 5 different colors managed to shape themselfs into a heart*

Toriel: 'Ok let's see here, Frisk dear do you mind getting the book that sans and papyrus father had about human and monster magic please?'

Frisk: 'Ok mom'

*Frisk head over to sans room and get's the book and head back outside and hand's it over to toriel and she opens it*

A/N: 'I used the info about the souls from the glitchtale wiki'

Toriel: 'Thank you my child let's see here... Miss Momo your soul color is purple and that relates to the perserverace soul with this you are able to summon arm blades that are able to cut through anything and the other power's are Defense Breaching: With this you are able to destroy as many defences your foes have in battle, 

Next is Statistics Amplification: With this you are able to gets stronger when someone nearby shares the same feeling of being perseverance, the will to achieve.

 Next after that is Persistence Shot: With this you have the ability to fire a beam of magic to your enemies, After that next is Purple Slash: You can fire a slash attack just by swiping the air, 

Next up is Slow Healing: According right here Perseverance wizards are known to cause damage that takes a long time to heal, even with the assistance of a kindness wizard, 

Last one is called Perseverance Armor: It is possible for users of this trait to make a sort of armor that they can use to protect themselves or others.'

Momo: 'Oh my i didn't know that human magic can be this powerful'

Toriel: 'Indeed next is miss Ochaco Uraraka Your soul color is green with is related to the soul trait known as kindness! Your eye color with either change to green or mixed the green with the brown in your eyes. These are the power's you have, Armor/Shield of Kindness: According here Kindness wizards can make magical armor to defend themselves, such as shields, chestplate, helmets etc. The strength depends on the wizard. 

'Next is Healing Magic: This magic can heal anyone who has been injured, or they can heal themselves. 

'After that is also like Momo you have Statistics Amplification: If a person shows some kindness near a kindness wizard (even if they have a different trait) it will help make that wizard become stronger. 

'Last is Hate Resistance: Hate cannot affect a soul of kindness very easily because its pure essence alone can push hate away from it.'

Uraraka: 'Wow kindness really is powerful, Also Miss toriel what's Hate?'

Toriel: 'Well i'll let my child chara to explain to you what Hate is'

Chara: ' Hate is not a soul or trait. It just works as an enhancer for me and Izuku and it's able to take over other traits besides kindness. (That's a true fact in the in glitchtale and the glitchtale wiki)

Momo: 'Oh ok then'

Toriel: 'Alright after Uraraka is Mr. Kirishima your soul color is orange and that relates to the soul trait known as bravery, These are the powers you have first is Magic Blasts: This trait has the ability to spawn magic spheres and throw it at their enemies as a blast. 

'Next is Weapon of Bravery: People with a bravery soul are able to make a weapon made out of magic, but it takes an immense amount of practice to do something like this. 

'Last is just like Momo and Uraraka you have Statistics Amplification: If a Bravery soul is fighting next to other people that feel like being brave or feel self-confident, that bravery soul would get stronger as a result.'

Kirishima: 'Alright i'll stay brave no matter what!'

Toriel: 'Alright after you kirishima is Mr. Iida, Your soul color is yellow which is relates to the soul trait known as justice, These are you power's first is Ranged attacks: Justice magic focuses primarily on ranged attacks, and usually takes the form of projectiles or fills objects with magic to turn them into projectiles'

'Next is called Weapon of Justice: A person with a Justice soul has many different forms of range weapons that match the user's "theme" such as bows or spark pellets.'

'After that just like these three other's you too have Statistics Amplification: A justice soul gets stronger when people around them feel the same way in the situation that needs justice'

'Last is called Armor of Yellow: It's an invisible barrier that surrounds the user's body. This is similar to Armor of the Red but a weaker version of it.' A/N: 'This was seen in game over part 2 on Ronan here's what it looks like.'

Iida: 'As a hero in training i'll not only fight to save people but also fight for justice against the villain!'

Toriel: 'Lastly is Miss Tyusu your soul color is cyan which is related to the soul trait known as patience here are the powers your soul has first is Time Manipulation: Under very rare circumstances, few Patience wizards can slow down the time of people and objects to varying degrees.' 

'Next is Ropes/Strings of Patience: This ability allows the user to spawn strings from their hands, it is assumed that they are able to stick on to the enemy and is able to cut through their enemies like a sword if they move or it is yanked.'

'Last is the like the rest of these 4 you too also have Statistics Amplification: A patience wizard soul can get stronger when people share the patience even if they don't have a patience soul.'

Tyusu: *Ribbit* 'I'll be patience with attacking my enemies and save innocent people in need and helping my friends during the fight'

Toriel: 'Looks like that all of your friends traits Izuku so you can help them now'

Izuku: 'Thanks mom now let's start to train!'

*Izuku starts to train his friends he helps momo with finding a place to test her arm blades and he find a spot in the forest and they head there and she test them out by slash a few trees that get cut down in a second*

*Then she fires a purple slash destroying the trees and then she wanted to test if her souls power really did so much damage that it took a lot of time to heal so she fought Izuku and she managed to do a little bit of damage to him but he beated her and she saw that it really did take a lot of time to heal from her magic wounds* *Here's what the slashes look like*

*Instead of chara and the knife, It's Momo and the arm blades*

*After that she managed to focus and did a Persistence shot and she aimed it at the tree and she tested out the defence breaching thing she had and made robots and some walls and she managed to get through each of them*

*She then wanted to test out the Perseverance armor and she focus and then she summoned the armor which wrapped around her arms and legs and torso forming a chestplate that fitted her breasts and the armor protecting her arms and formed a helmet on her head and summon her blades and made another defence's and ran through them destroying them in the process*

*Izuku then helped out Ochaco with her kindness magic and he showed kindness to her and it made her stronger due to her Statistics Amplification power and it made her bashing with her soul shield stronger*

*She then tested out her armor of kindness and green soul magic wrapped around her arm and legs and torso forming a chestplate fitted her breasts too and also had a helmet like Momo's and tested it strength by asking Izuku to throw a slash at her and Izuku does it and sends a slash at her and her armor managed to protect her while it had some cracks and bents in it*

*After that she tried to find something to test her healing magic on and couldn't find any wounds for her to heal until Izuku got and idea and took out his knife and cut his arm and Ochaco saw this and ran and was able to use her healing magic while asking izuku if he really need to do that and Izuku said yes it was for him able to get cut so she can test her healing abliltes and as he thank her he had a little blush on his face and so did she*

*Also this is what it looks like when she healed him*

*Pretend that goat dad and goat mama are Izuku and ochaco*

*Izuku knew she can't get affected by the hate and so he leave's her to keep on training and after her he when to Kirishima who with his spear was doing some of his magic blasts attack and Izuku told him to spawn it near the dummy by the near tree and he listened and spawn it near the dummy and blew up not only the dummy but the tree to Izuku then gave some words of bravery which made kirishima power grow stronger*

*Izuku then when to Iida next who was shoot at the dummy with a bow and yellow arrows and then launched sparks at it and then clenched his fist and the little sparks spinned and circled around his hand and sended magic punches at the dummy he was using*

*Iida then saw Izuku and went to him*

Iida: 'Dreemurr i was wondering if i can use your help with my magic please'

Izuku: 'Uh sure what do you need?'

Iida: 'Can you help me test out my invisable armor?'

Izuku: 'Sure but it's gonna hurt ready?'

*Iida nodded and braced himself and Izuku launched a blade wave at him making him hit the wall and his armor showed for a couple seconds before vanishing and he started to bleed from the head*

*Frisk is Izuku and Ronan is Iida and forget the bete noire and ronan's kid*

Izuku: 'Uraraka-San! Can you heal Iida please?'

Uraraka: 'Sure thing deku-kun'

*Iida stop feeling pain when ochaco was using her healing magic to heal his wound on his head and Iida was back up on his feet*

Izuku: 'Alright i'll check on tyusu next'

Iida: 'Alright midoriya'

*Izuku went to tyusu and see her using the ropes of patience on the dummy and cuts it in half and wraps a knife that another dummy had in it's hand and cut's it too and Izuku think that she can do this on her own and then he see her move fast cause she was using time manipulation on the dummy wrapping it in as much she as she cut put it on the dummy and cut's it into pieces*

Izuku: 'Alright that's enough training for today you can train at your home's and we'll continue training on day after the final exam you all can go home now'

The 5 of them: 'Ok Izuku bye'

*As the 5 of them left 3 stay behind those 3 were Momo, Ochaco, And tyusu and they went to Fuyumi, Rei, And Mitsuki and they asked if they can share Izuku and they too also give their reason of why they like him and they accepted them into the harem and they head back home*

Izuku: 'Alright mom i'm gonna train at the beach i'll be at night ok!'

Toriel: 'Alright my child but be careful ok!'

Izuku: 'Ok mom bye'

*Izuku then closed the door to his mansion and he was gonna head out until a monster who delivered mail to the people in the town spoke out to him*

Monster: 'Mr. Izuku!'

Izuku: 'Yes?'

Monster: 'You and your sibling frisk a letter in the mail... It's from the people in the city you are still deciding to let us in so today they mailed you their decision on us being let in'

*Izuku takes the letter*

Izuku: 'Alright thank you so much'

*Izuku then starts to read the letter*

Dear Izuku and frisk dreemurr we the people at the HSO also known as the Human Safety Organisation and the other party's have decided to let you and your monster family and friends into the city but however one of our party's have decided to not let you in and that's the AMD director also known as the Anti Monster Department adn their head director who is known as Miss Jessica Grey, She believes that monster's are still a threat to us so if you can show her that Monster's aren't a threat to humanity then you and your monster's family and friends but also we would like to sign a peace treaty so you and your family and friends wouldn't be in any harm by the humans but she didn't want to sign it either so if you can show her that monster's are harmless and why signing the peace treaty is good thing then you and your family and friend's can move into the city officially.

                                                                                                                       - Human Safety Organisation / HSO

*Izuku was glad that he and his family of monster are allowed in the city but was pissed to hear that this jessica grey person didn't want monster's in the city cause she think's that their still dangerous so he was determined to show her that monster's are harmless and why signing the treaty is a good thing and put's the letter in his jacket and left for the beach*

*After Izuku got the letter from the HSO he then left to the beach to train and he didn't noticed that 3 figures were looking at him from near the benchs near with the trees*

???: 'So why did the principal wanted us to fight this kid? *Said by a boy with blond hair and blue eyes name Mirio*

???: 'I don't know all i know is that he said something about to fight him to test his power' *Said by a girl with periwinkle hair and blue eye's named Nejire*

???: 'S-So w-wait do we just hop in their and start fighting? *Said a another boy who was nervous with indigo hair and eyes name Tamaki*

Mirio: 'I guess so cmon let's surprise attack him'

*Izuku was training until he felt 3 presents near him and as mirio was about to punch him izuku just dodge and before Mirio can punch Izuku again izuku launched him up with a bone and slammed him back down with a gaster blaster just like what he did to shigaraki back at the usj*

*Tamaki then turned his arm into octopus arms and launched them at Izuku but izuku just used his knife and slashed through the arms and it was about to hit but he made his arm into a crab arm to block it*

*Flowey is Tamaki and Chara is Izuku and instead of the gaster blaster it's the crab arm that tamaki used to block it*

*Tamaki then rushed at izuku trying to hit him but Izuku dodged and grabbed him by the collar and slammed him back down into the ground and stun him with blue bones*

*Cross is Tamaki and Izuku is delta*

*Tamaki couldn't move if he did he only felt pain and passed out after getting slammed into the ground then izuku saw nejire in the sky and ready to blast him with wave motions so Izuku got ready and aim as many gaster blaster's he could summon and they fired their attacks and Izuku managed to overpower nejire engulfing her in the blast making her scream in pain*

*Gaster is Izuku and Sans Is nejire*

Nejire: 'AHHHH!'

*Nejire was falling but Izuku managed to catch her and for some strange reason nejire snuggled into his chest and he placed her on the bench, But then mirio started to get up and tried to punch izuku again but izuku just dodged a lot faster for mirio to not land*

*Here's what it look's like*

*Sans is Izuku and Chara is mirio and there's no knife it's just punches Izuku dodging*

*Mirio was about to punch izuku again but Izuku then launch him with a bone attack into a rock and then stunned him with blue bones*

*Izuku had enough of the fighting and decided to end it right then and there*

Izuku: 'Listen pal, i'm tired, you're tired, they're tired, let's just end right here okay?

*Izuku then snapped his finger's and did his special move gaster destroyer he knew he was gonna be tired but he did care he then blasted Mirio while he was in shocked a tried to get out and at the last second when Izuku fired the blasters mirio got after using his quirk to phase through it*

Mirio: 'Alright you win i can't beat you man'

Izuku: 'But you and your friends did put up a good fight tho so your UA Big three huh?'

Mirio: 'Thanks and you too and yup we are the big three we were told to come and fight you to test your strength from the principal'

Izuku: 'Yeah i've heard that he was gonna send you guys'

Mirio: 'How did you get that many quirks?'

Izuku: 'It ain't quirk what's it's called monster magic'

Mirio: 'Oh alright'

Izuku: 'So how did i do for the testing strength?'

Mirio: 'Pretty good you managed to take down all of us'

Izuku: 'Alright i'll let your friend get unstunned from my attack'

*Izuku snaps his fingers and the blue bone's on Tamaki go away*

Izuku: 'Alright i test to get ready for see ya later man'

Mirio: 'See ya later Izuku'

*Before he left he healed up all three of them and left, After Izuku was gone Tamaki and Nejire started to wake up*

Tamaki: 'What happen?'

Mirio: 'Izuku won'

Nejire: 'Who's Izuku? Is that the name of boy we fought?'

Mirio: 'Yup'

Tamaki: 'How is he that strong tho?'

Nejire: 'And how come he's so cute'

*She then blushes from thinking about Izuku and took her phone out ans starts to look for an image of Izuku so she can look at how ripped and sexy he looked, Meanwhile Mirio was wishing his new friend that he made good luck on his test tomarrow*

End Of Chapter 11
