Chapter 16

*It was now the next day and everyone was continuing with their training even though some of them were still tired*

Aizawa: 'Remedical group look alive and keep at it' *He said while had to used his scarf to keep Kirishima head up*

Kirishima: 'Yes sir'

Mina: 'I'm sorry but I need more beauty rest'

Sero: 'Would go on in two in the mornings

Sato: 'And start all over at seven'

Aizawa: 'I told that it would be tough remember your not just improving your also improving the many weaknesses I saw at the finals think more carefully why your more tired more then the others before you start whining you have much to improve here'

*But Aizawa wasn't done so he turns to the other student's as well*

Aizawa: 'Don't lose focus each of you can move faster and no matter what your doing Remember where you started from and don't forget who you were before U.A and why your sweating always keep in mind why your limits are getting tested that what it means to improve'

*Then Izuku, Izumi, Katsumi, katsuki, Shoto, and shoka have thoughts*

Katsuki/Katsumi: '*Thought* Where we started'

Shoto/Shoka: '*Thought* Who we are'

Izuku/Izumi: '*Thought* How we got here'

*This was about the same time when Izuku thought about something that kept bugging his mind*

Izuku: 'Uh Aizawa'

Aizawa: 'What is it dreemurr, you should be continue with your training'

Izuku: 'Yeah I but I was wondering when will All Might and the other teachers be here?'

Aizawa: 'Most of the teacher don't know the location, we've kept it secret and All Might won't be here, The reason for that cause his the main target for the League so he won't be here for all your safety that's what he get for always being in the spot light'

*Aizawa then walked off, as Izuku had a thought*

Izuku: '*Thought* It's mostly for the worst thses days, so All Might won't be here, but won't stop training hard I'll get strong enough so can protect the people I care'

*That's when Izuku walk away from the group and do some secret training and use the inspiration be got yesterday meanwhile Pixie-Bob was sitting on a crate and laughed*

Pixie-Bob: 'You kittens better not get too tired cause we'll be hold up a test of courage later tonight we'll set classes against each other so get ready to have some fun'

*This only got most of the students exhausted and worried but it was finally done with train and they were senting up for dinner and everyone were surprised that the bakugou twin's lends a helping hand*

Ochaco: 'Wow your really good with that knife Bakugou it's weird did Deku show you?'

Katsumi: 'No our mom taught us'

Kaminari: 'Wow the both of them aren't blowing anything up'

*Meanwhile Izuku was setting up the fire but it look like he was distracted, Shoka sees this and took some deep breaths and head to him*

Shoka: 'Is everything alright Izu-kun?, You seem out of it and ask Aizawa ablut All Might earlier did you need All Might for a practical reason?'

Izuku: 'Yeah cause it was because of Kota'

Shoka: 'Kota, who's that?'

Izuku: 'They boy over there he's Mandalay cousins-'

*But when he looks back Kota wasn't there*

Izuku: '*Thought* He probably went to his secret hide-out he really doesn't like being around us'

Izuku: 'You see Kota hates heroes no... More like he hates this super human society completely and I wanted to ask All Might what he would've done to help him, I mean what would you say to him Shoka?'

Shoka: 'That depend's'

Izuku: 'Right...'

Shoka: 'I mean.. To have a complete stranger try to change your mindset sound really annoying conversation but sometimes it can be nice, but really matters is actions you have to show him what your trying to prove and if your going to rely on words alone they better be meaningful what you say doesn't matter as much what you actually do'

*Her words made Izuku realised that Shoka change during the sports festival and how she changed since then*

Izuku: 'Your right thanks Shoka'

Shoka: 'I don't know your intention with this Child is but it sounds like you shouldn't stick your nose into a delicate situation you ten to cut to the heart of people feeling it's kinda annoying' *She said with with a blush that Izuku didn't noticed*

Izuku: 'Right sorry about that

*After that they finished up cooking and finish up eating and this was when the test of courage began*

Pixie-Bob: 'Alright then you finish you filled your belly and clean the dishes it's time for

Mina: 'A totally awesome test of courage'

*And the other guys in the remedial group celebrate too but it was cut short*

Aizawa: 'Sorry but the remedial group will be having lessons with me tonight'



Mina: 'You've got to be kidding me!!!'

*In the end Aizawa drags away the remedial group everyone felt bad for them, After it was done the pussycats explained the rules of the test of courage and set up the teams*

Team1: "Tokoyami and Shoji"

Team2: "Katsumi and Shoka"

Team3: "Jiro and Toru"

Team4: "Momo and Aoyama"

Team5 "Ochaco and Tsu"

Team6: "Katsuki and Shoto"

Team7: "Ojiro and Mineta"

Team8: Iida and Koda"

Team9: Izuku and Izumi"

Izuku: 'Say what about shinsou?'

Tiger: 'According to Aizawa, He's gonna train his quirk to get a better hold on it so he'll be trained by Mandalay'

Mandalay: 'He's right so cmon kid I'll help you train your quirk'

Shinsou: 'Alright'

*It then started off pretty good and they were three groups left but that's when everything started to go down hill cause meanwhile*

*Dabi/Touya was near a tree and Toga was with him and had a question*

Toga: 'Say... Whyere you looking at the Izuku?'

Dabi: 'I guess I have no other choice but to tell you... You see after I faked my death, I was gonna surprise Izuku of the fact that I wasn't dead but what I saw it shocked me and it made feel rage and true hatred not only toward my father.. But now toward my brother shoto and sister shoka and my other friend's'

Toga: 'What did they do to him that made you hate them'

Dabi: '...*Sighs* I saw them Bully him and beat him up with their quirk's all because my little cousin is quirkless.. Now that he's alive I can now give him vengeance by showing him the death of tormentors and that's gonna happen cause now...'

*He places his hand on a trees*

Dabi: 'Let the hunt begin...' *He says as he sets a tree on fire and then the whole forest*

*Back at the start of the test of courage then Pixie-Bob got a smell of the air and they saw blue flames in the forest*

Iida: 'Did someone set the forest on fire'

Dabi: '*Thought* Take them down those who believe that they deserve the tilt of hero the vanguard squad of the League of villains will knock them off their pedestal, While I'll make sure that those bastard who tortured my little cousin and think that using they're quirk's on him is somehow "Protecting" him.. I call that bullshit'

*This was when suddenly Pixie-Bob began to float and going behind everyone else and end getting hit in the head and the person who did it was part of the League elites and was followed by another*

Izuku: 'You bastards!' *He yelled out for hitting a woman right in front of him*

*Izuku was gonna charge at them but was stop by Tiger and Mandalay*

Mandalay: 'This is bad..'

*Then as Izuku calms down a bit and then he realizes something*

Izuku: '*Thought* W-Where's Kota' *He thought terrifed*


*Meanwhile Kota was at his hideout and remembering what Mandalay told him*


Mandalay: "Trust me Kota it will happen you'll meet someone and you'll finally understand why we do this because someone who will risk their life and put other first and first and somebody who will be-"

*Flashback ends*

*Kota just scoffed at the memory*

Kota: 'Yeah right nobody like that exists'

*But this is when Kota noticed the poison sand fire but he never noticed the person behind him*


*Meanwhile tonight was the night that everything went wrong because right now Izuku was standing behind Mandalay and Tiger who were face to face with two of the League members but earlier Aizawa amd the other students made it for the remedial classes that's when they got a message from Mandalay using her quirk*

Mandalay: 'All students return to the main camp I repeat return there are villains and there probably more in forest so hurry to the camp and don't disengage them'

Aizawa: 'Vlad you stay with students I'll go and help'

*As soon as Aizawa rushed out of the build he saw flames coming from the forest*

Aizawa: '*Thought* It is full on attack' *He thought as then he heard a voice*

Dabi: 'It looks like your concern has you distributed'

*This caught Aizawa off*

Aizawa: 'Vlad-'

*But he was stopped when a blast of fire look like it hit him*

Dabi: 'You pros need to lay off, we didn't came here for any of your

*Meanwhile back with Izuku and the group were in a hostage situation*

???: 'Hello U.A we are the League of villains vanguard action squad'

*This caught them by surprised*

Ojiro: 'The League of villains what are they doing here'

*But they just ignored the question*

???: 'I can crush this kitty head so easily how about it dear should I?'

Tiger: 'You get away from here'

???: 'Hold on Magne and you too Tiger calm down, we decided when someone lives or dies we must follow the Stain philosophy'

Iida: 'So your the one's that Stain inspired'

Spinner: 'And your one of self righteous brats who attack Stain in Hosu let introduce myself I'm spinner' *He said as he pulled out a Collab of swords put together*

Tiger: 'I don't care who you are but that woman you have there is the pro hero Pixie-Bob and she saved countless live and giving it her all for these kids so they can reach their full potential, she looking for a mate and she perfectly happy but.. who are you deciding to end her happy life so short'

Spinner: 'Haven't you heard it's not a heroes job to be happy'

*Then Spinner came charging at them while Mandalay and Tiger were getting ready to defend but they didn't have to cause Izuku activated animosity cowling and instantly kick Spinner in the guy sending him back and destroying magna weeping while picking up pixie-Bob and get away from the situation*

Mandalay: 'I knew that you were fast but I didn't think that you were this fast'

Ojiro: 'But why didn't you also hit that guy?'

Izuku: 'Well because that's not a man she's a woman'

*This fact shocked all of the males student's and it may some of them grossed out and Magne saw this*

Magne: 'How rude well at least that boy knew that I was a woman' *She said as she blew a kiss*

*This made Izuku feel shiver's down his spine'

Izuku: '*Thought* Why do I feel like I'm going to meet people like this again'

Tiger: 'Alright me and Mandalay will hold them back so you guys can take Pixie-Bob and go back to the main camp*'

*But Izuku had a different plan in mind then he passed Pixie-Bob to Iida*

Iida: 'Dreemurr what are you doing'

Izuku: 'I'm sorry Iida'

*Izuku then turns to Mandalay*

Izuku: 'Mandalay I know where Kota is'

*This caught Mandalay attention meanwhile in the gas filled forest, Kendo was running with her classmates in the Gass trying not to breath in the air, Then they Met up with testutestu wearing a mask carrying Ibara who's wearing a mask too but was unconscious*

Itsuka: 'Tetsutestu where did you get that mask?'

Testutestu: 'Yaoyorozu was passing them out she even gave me some just incase I run into other classmates, take some we have a bunch'

*Then they all put on gas mask*

Itsuka: 'We have to hurry we don't know how many villains could be in the forest so let's go back to camp'

Testutestu: 'You guys go ahead I'm going to fight, you make sure those two get to camp'

Itsuka: 'what didn't Mandalay told us to retreat'

Testutestu: 'I know but I can't help but feel jealous of class A we all got into the same school but their the one who get the most attention and why are they better it's obvious now class A been through crisis over crisis and turn each one into an opportunity so I'm going to do the same for our class and Kendo a real hero doesn't turn their back on a bad guy'

Itsuka: 'Yeah I know but'

Testutestu: 'Don't try to stop me I've made up my mind I'm going to find these villains and show them what were made of'


*Meanwhile during all of this Kota was standing face to face to the man in the black hood and he was terrified while Mandalay is sending him a message*

Mandalay: 'Kota! I hope you hear can hear my voice hurry back to camp I'm sorry that I can't come and get you I don't know where your always hiding but just get to the camp fast!'

*But the only thing Kota could do is back away from the man while he just kept moving forward in front of Kota*

???: 'I came up here for scouting for a nice point but here I find someone who's not on the list.. By the way nice hat you got there. It's much better then this dumb mask, I have so why don't you trade with for this lame mask. They made wear it cause I'm new and they said they couldn't get shipments of the good one on time' *He said this as he was taking off his mask*

*This was the moment when Kota decided to run*

???: 'Aw well then'

*And then just like that he jump right in front of Kota breaking some of the mountain*

???: 'I think we should have some fun, ready'

*But as Kota got a clear look of the man's face he recognized it was from long ago when his parents died no.. When this man killed his parents*

Kota: 'It's you..'

*Kota even remember how the man received an injury on one of his eyes the left one*

Kota: 'Mama.. Papa..' *He said that as he was tearing up as he was facekng the man who killed his parents*

*But as the man was going in to land a punch on Kota, Izuku came in by teleporting out of nowhere and pulling Kota out of the way while getting some good distance*

Kota: 'What are you doing'

*But the only thing that the man saw was Izuku smiling at Kota*

???: 'Oh I recognize you.. Your the boy and you were on the top of the list'

Izuku: '*Thought* I came here to make sure Kota would make it back safe I didn't actually think I wound run into actual villains'

*Izuku turn and saw his phone on the ground completely broken*

Izuku: '*Thought* Dammit that landing broke my phone I didn't tell anyone where I was going so I can't expect any reinforcements coming any time soon to help us so... It's me against this guy, I have to stop him no matter what but.. Can do that while keeping Kota safe?'

*But as he turn to look at Kota, He saw that he was crying while being terrified*

Izuku: '*Thought* No I don't have time to think I just have to do it right now with all of my strength*

*That's when Izuku activated Determination Cowling*

Izuku: 'Hey I promise that everything will be alright I'm going to save you Kota'

???: 'You really think you can save this brat, that does sound like what a wannabe hero would say that type sure like to mouth off about justice'

*But during this whole time Izuku just kept his guard up just in case of sneak attack*

???: 'Your name is Dreemurr right, that's perfect cause your the person we're looking for and the whole reason why we are here'

*This cause Izuku to remember what Shigaraki said to him back at the mall before he went to I-Island*

Muscular: 'I'll tell you my name since you'll be coming with us, The name's Muscular and the boss said if you put up a fight the we can get a little rough with you but he said to make sure not to kill you so I'll take advantage of that and have some fun with you now then.. Show me your blood'

*And just like that Muscular came right at Izuku but this was earlier catching Izuku off guard and he tried to hit Izuku but Izuku dodged and muscular kept trying to hit him while Izuku just dodged his attacks*

*But then Izuku let's his guard down and muscular hits his left arm and Izuku lands into the mountain also breaking it and causing his DT armor to appear*

Muscular: 'Man I'm loving these extra quirks then boss gave me, He was the one who really wanted you the most

Izuku: '*Thought* Quirks... so that means he made this guy stronger and he's the reason for doing that is because he want's me but.. Why me?'

Muscular: 'But I still have little bit of time to have fun before I'm going back to work'

*Then Muscular came charging at Izuku but Izuku dodges again and Muscular tries to keep on hitting Izuku but then Izuku dodges again and launching him with a bone and slams him back down with a gaster blaster*

Muscular: 'I'm taking your silence that you don't know why the boss wants you is that of good and then it'll be a surprised when we get there'

*After he said that he rushes to Izuku and he tries to dodged but Muscular was quicker and he kicks Izuku in the gut sending him into the wall and causes his determination armor to show with it cracking and with blood spilling from his head and his determination cowling deactivates*

Muscular: 'Yes blood is exactly what I wanted from you, now what did you say earlier? Didn't you say that you would protect that boy, how can you do that when you can't protect yourself. Now then don't just sit there get up'

Izuku: '*Thought* AFO must've given this guy two or even three quirks and he so much that he's almost stronger than me... But now I have to come up with a plan and focus on the enemy in front of me'

*Then Izuku got up and activated animosity cowling and kicks Muscular arm and knocks him back down but he manages to get back up*

Muscular: 'Nice one kid but that's not strong even strong enough to take me down..'

*He then used his arm and knocks Izuku back*

Muscular: 'Thanks to the quirks that the boss gave me not only did it increase my strength but made my muscle fiber tougher, I'm a walking tank nothing can take me down not even all might'

*Then Muscular started to charge more and more at Izuku while Izuku tries to do his best to dodge the punches until Muscular got a clean shot on the air, then Izuku then got launched back into the mountain*

Muscular: 'How are you going to save him huh? Don't make promise you can't keep, live to your words or they don't mean anything, your no hero your just a fake that's why you're coming with us' *He says this as he was about to throw a hit to make Izuku unconscious*

*But he then stops as he felt water hit his head and he turns to look at Kota*

Kota: 'Remember water-hose? My mom and dad, Did you tortured them too before you killed them'

*When Izuku heard this he was surprised that Muscular was the one who killed Kota parents*

Muscular: 'Seriously those loser were your parents then this must be fate the water-hose heroes are the reason why I have an artificial eye in my left socket right now'

Kota: 'This is all your fault.. Nothing in this world is right anymore because of the crazy people like you'

Muscular: 'You little brats are always so quick to say it's someone else's fault, Don't get me wrong I didn't take them out just because I made about the eye thing I did it because I enjoy killing plane and simple but they got in my way and end result was everyone tried their best'

*Kota couldn't say a word after hearing that and all he could do was cry*

Muscular: 'The real travesty is make promises you can't keep, that's why your dear old mommy and daddy died'

*After he said that, He rushed in to kill Kota but Izuku got back upand rushed at them and launched himself quicker with a bone, then Izuku summoned large bone and it blocks Muscular path from killing Kota*

Muscular: 'What the-'

*Izuku then teleports near the side to Muscular and blasted him away with a gaster blaster and he landed into the mountain instead*

(Sans and Papyrus are Izuku and the bete noire is Muscular)

*A gust of wind happens from it as Izuku puts the large bones away and the wind alone almost knocking Kota off the cliff but Izuku caught him with his right arm*

Izuku: 'I got you sorry about that'

*Then Izuku pulled Kota back up the mountain*

Kota: 'Thank yo-'

*But he stopped talking when Kota saw the condition that Izuku was in his broken and was in so much worse then Izuku saw his injuries were bleeding a little*

Kota: '*Thought* Why...'

Izuku: 'Come on let's hurry up to camp'

*But his victory was short when Muscular came out of the rubble*

Muscular: 'Man now I see why the boss wants you, you were able to do so much destruction it probably would have beaten if only the boss didn't give me shock absorption'

*He then rushed at Izuku with his muscles are exposed and shown real tissue and Izuku managed to block the attack with his fist*

Muscular: 'Look at you now, all weak and damaged and even bleeding from the head'

*He pushed Izuku back at came at him again and Izuku managed to block it again*

Kota*Crying*: '*Thought* Why are you doing this...'

Izuku: 'This isn't enough.. I need to go beyond my usual strength, so here I'll still protect Kota no matter what!'

*Then Izuku activated animosity cowling and then managed to push muscular back and it shocked him*

Muscular: 'W-What!? How are you doing this!'

*Izuku eyes were filled with hate and determination and then his arm had both a red and dark aura on it as he yelled out*

Izuku: 'Ofa 1,000,000%.. Animosity... SMASH!!!'

*He managed to punch's through the tissue and punchs muscular in the face and knocks him at the mountain knocking him out*

Kota*Crying*: 'Why..'

*That was when he remembered his aunt words*

Mandalay: 'Kota your mom and dad the water-hose heroes it's true they ended off leaving you behing in this world but they save so many lives sith their sacrifice you'll see that some days'

Kota: 'Why did you risk your life..'

*As Mandalay words kept going threw his head*

Mandalay: 'You'll meet someone and then you'll understand why we do this'

Kota: 'Even though you don't know me.. Why did you try to save me' *He said this as more tears are coming down his face*

Mandalay: 'Someone who will risk their life for someone who will be'

*In that moment Kota finally found the person that Mandalay was talking about*

Kota: 'A hero... My hero'

*Then Izuku let out a victory scream*

A/N: 'Artwork ain't mine'


End of Chapter 16
