Chapter 17

(A/N: "The votes for the music box for eri's and kota's have been choosing and the songs will be Home for Eri and Undertale for Kota")

'With that out of the way onto the chapter!'


*After Izuku used his new and untested skill but it did managed to take muscular down and it did destroy his arm, meanwhile someplace else Tomura shigaraki was sitting at the bar with Kurogiri near him*

Kurogiri: 'You sure they will be alright on their own'

Shigaraki: 'They'll be fine, even though I'm not a playable character, but I finally realized that this isn't just a RPG. We have pretty good equipment but we challenge the final boss while we were still at level one but instead it like simulation game just like chess, we take down his pawns while gain experience and strength while we finally make it to him at the end, so I'm the player and I'll use all my pawns and use them to smash through the hero ranks but the first thing we have to do is gain a new character while also put cracks in this super hero world, thats what the vanguard squad is for. It doesn't matter that they win or lose, The heroes will be scared that they even showed'

Kurogiri: 'So their sacrificed pawns'

Shigaraki: 'I'm not that heartless, I won't have to send them if I didn't believe in their strength, they may have different goals from me but their still my comrades no-less and society by quirks and ridiculous rules villains aren't the only one that are being oppressed'

*He looked at a picture of Izuku and said*

Shigaraki: 'Let's just hope they can pull this off..'


*Meanwhile back with Izuku, he was catching his breath as he struggles to stand and he was down on one knee and Kota was still speechless but after he saw Izuku fell on his knee, he rushes over to him*

Kota: 'H-Hey are you alright?'

Izuku: 'Y-Yeah.. I just need to catch my breath... everything will be okay but there's more work to do'

Kota: 'But your injured, what more can you do now?'

Izuku: 'We'll leave this villain here for now, the power from my attack must've put him in shock so he shouldn't get up anytime soon and even if he did the pain of the attack won't leave for a while, but for right now I have to make sure that your safe and we're going to need some help only you can do it. The forest was set on fire and my friends could be trapped in the flames, but we have hope your quirk could put those fire out, Kota we need you *He say smiling at Kota*

*This made Kota understood the situation and he nodded willing to help*

Izuku: 'Now get on my back, we have to get you back to camp'

Kota: Are you sure that your able to carry me, your busted up'

Izuku: 'Don't worry, I can use my knife and sword to help us stop falls so hold on tight'

*Then Kota saw a blue Ball of fire coming out of nowhere and he yelled*

Kota: 'Jump now!'

*Izuku was confused and turned to see the blue fireball and his eyes widen and he jumped down avoiding the impact of the ball of fire hitting the ground and Kota screamed as they fell but Izuku took out his knife and stabbed it into the side of the cliff stopping them from falling*

*Pretend that Chara is Izuku with Kota on his back*

Kota: 'Thanks for saving us'

Izuku: 'No problem'

Kota: 'Now how are we gonna get down?'

Izuku: 'I know a way of how we can get down'

*He summons a gaster blaster and he hops off and onto it with Kota still on his back*

Izuku: 'Mind taking us down buddy?'

GB: 'Rrraawrr'

*They float down to the ground and Izuku hops off*

Izuku: 'Thanks for your help there pal'

*It nods before being dissappearing, then they heard something in the forest and stop moving*

Izuku: 'Kota, go hide in the bushes and do not come out until I tell you to'

*Kota could only shake and nod his head for yes as he hides in the bushes while Izuku was getting ready to defend him and Kota, even though he wasn't in the condition to fight but he stopped himself when he saw Ragdoll running away covered in her own blood and see that right behind her was a Nomu with multiple Chainsaws attached to it*

Izuku: '*Thought* A Nomu here too damn and probably has shock absorption too, so that leave me one option... To save them, but first I can't let that monster get her'

*Izuku activated Animosity Cowling and ran at the Nomu as fast as he could before the Nomu had a chance to catch Ragdoll, Izuku summoned his sword and stabbed it in creature exposed brain causing it to screech out in pain*

Ragdoll: 'Y-Your arm..' *She said weakly*

Izuku: 'I'm fine but for now let's hurry and run, this is out only chance and Kota hurry we have to go'

*And just like that, Kota came out of the bush and got back on Izuku back and Ragdoll grab Izuku right shoulder in order to help her run but as they run something was happening at the main camp. Earlier when Aizawa was almost blasted by fire but Dabi just looks up and see Aizawa grabs a piece of the building when jumping to get away from the fire*

Dabi: 'Nice move guess you really are a pro.

*Then Dabi got ready to fire another attack but it was to late as Aizawa erased his quirk*

Aizawa: 'I don't think so'

*Then using his scarf Aizawa pulled in Dabi and kneed him in the the face while after doing that he pinned him to the ground*

Aizawa: 'Now tell me.. What do you want and where are your friends

Dabi: 'My what'

*Aizawa then places his hand on Dabi's left arm*

Aizawa: 'Your right arm is next'

*As he said that he broke Dabi's left arm*

Aizawa: 'Be logical about it, It's gonna be a pain if I have to drag you to prison'

Dabi: 'You can take all your time Eraserhead'

*This only made Aizawa break his right arm but then he heard a loud noise*

Aizawa: 'What the hell was that'

*But then he heard someone*

Iida: 'Mr. Aizawa!'

*Aizawa turns to see right behind him was all the other people who were at the end of the test and they had Pixie-Bob on Iida's back while still injured*

Aizawa: 'You can tell me what happened later but for now stay back'

*Then Dabi got loose of Aizawa hold but still had the scarf around him*

Dabi: '*Thought* He's good but I won't be able to take much more of this'

*Then Dabi slightly turn to Aizawa*

Dabi: 'I should have expected that you would show me more performance from a U.A teacher'

*Then Aizawa tried to pull him in but instead Dabi slowly turned into a mud like substance*

Dabi: 'Are you worried for your students

Aizawa: '*Thought* Wait.. Was the fire not only his quirk?'

Dabi: 'I wonder if you save them at the end.. Well then see you soon' *As he said that as he was now a puddle on the ground*

Mineta: 'What the hell was that, how did he melt!'

*Aizawa didn't have time to answer them fully as he just went to the forest*

Aizawa: 'All of you just go and head back inside, I'll be back'

*Meanwhile in someplace else Dabi was there with someone who looks like a rip off of deadpool*

???: 'Oh come on Dabi/ You got your ass kicked out there'

Dabi: 'Damn how weak that happen quick'

???: 'Hey don't say that think of it of them being too strong/ It's important to keep your self esteem up even at situation like these'

Dabi: 'Just shut up Twice and make another one of me, I have to keep those damn pro's busy'

Twice: 'Right another small fry on your way/ Just leave it to me'

Dabi: '*Thought* But if I do see those bastard's who've hurt Izuku.. I won't hesitate to kill them'

*Meanwhile Izuku was running to the forest trying to get to the camp when Kota noticed Aizawa running nearby them*

Izuku: 'Aizawa!'

*This caught Aizawa attention as he saw Izuku heavily injured with Ragdoll injured as well with Kota on his back*

Aizawa: 'Dreemurr'

Izuku: 'Thank god I found you, I have to tell you what I found out about but we don't have enough time'

Aizawa: 'Hey' *He said trying to slow Izuku down*

Izuku: 'Plus I have to get Mandalay and tell her something'

Aizawa: 'Hold on dreemurr'

Izuku: 'Please take care of Ragdoll and Kota while I'm gone'

Aizawa: '*Thought* This kid is running on pure adrenaline'

Izuku: 'I'll be back soon' *He said as he tried to run to the direction he last saw Mandalay*

Aizawa: 'Wait Dreemurr'

*This caused Izuku to stop in his tracks*

Aizawa: 'You went overboard didn't you? I can tell from your injuries, I know that you are the only one in the class who won't get into the trouble for fighting back, but remember that you may be at a disadvantage against those people so be careful and tell Mandalay this'

*Meanwhile Mandalay and Tiger were fighting against the two villains that attack Pixie-Bob*

Mange: 'It's no fair my item was broke'

Tiger: '*Thought* Dammit, she already figure out the cat combat fighting style during the battle'

*While Spinner was spit out how Mandalay wasn't a hero as he try to strike her with his sword*

Mandalay: 'Jeez your persistent'

Spinner: 'So are you but it's time to knock you off your fake throne' *He said as he swung his sword at Mandalay*

*But it was stop by Izuku who sneezing it with what little of energy left to break the sword on it side'

Izuku: 'Mandalay, Kota safe now'

Mandalay: 'You found him'

*Then Izuku fell back to the ground gritting his teeth but still continued to speak*

Izuku: 'And I have a message from Aizawa, we need you to use your telepath'

*Meanwhile Aizawa was rushing back to the camp with now an unconscious Ragdoll and carrying Kota as he remembered Dabi's words*

Aizawa: '*Thought* His words made it clear that our students are the targets so this is unavoidable so I'll take the for what's about happen next

*That's when Izuku told Aizawa message to Mandalay*

Izuku: 'Tell everyone from class A and B that they have Aizawa permission to use their quirks and engage in combat with the villains'

*Then Mandalay sent out the message to the rest of the students*

Mandalay: 'Students from class A and class B, you have the permission from Aizawa yo use your quirk's and engage in combat I repeat you have permission to use your quirk. Use everything you've learned up till now'

*After she sent that Message out she only had one thought in her mind*

Mandalay: '*Thought I hope you know what your doing Eraser'

*Meanwhile Aizawa was still getting to camp with Kota and Ragdoll*

Aizawa: '*Thought* Crap I forgot to tell Dreemurr to come back right away, he needs to hurry so he can patched up'

*That's when Kota spoke*

Kota: 'Mr.? Will he be okay, he still got Hurt so he could save me I never Apologized or even thanked him so please tell me.. Is he going to be alright and not gonna get hurt more?' *He said while crying on Aizawa scarf*

Aizawa: 'Don't worry he's not the type of person to die so easily but as his teacher I'll have to scold him for his reckless behavior'

Kota: 'Really'

Aizawa: 'Anyway you'll get a chance to apologize to him and when you do put emphasis on the thank you part'

*Kota nodded and he remembered how Izuku kept him safe from muscular and it made Kota feel safety like from a parent and thought Izuku was like almost like a dad protecting his own child*

Kota: '*Whisper* Thank you for saving me... Dad'

*Aizawa managed to heard this and smirked*

Aizawa: '*Thought* Well looks like problem child is gonna be a dad some time soon'

*Meanwhile Izuku was trying to keep the villains away from the camp*

Mandalay: 'Get back to camp right now those injuries aren't normal'

Izuku: 'I'm sorry but I have to go help my friend I'll tell you this some of the villains probably have more than one quirk so tell that to everyone because I just fought one'

*Izuku then began to rush to the wood but what he just said caught Magne attention*

Magne: '*Thought* That kid must have fought muscular, he was the only one in the group given multiple quirks. You can tell with all that power, he still able to take him down, but this is the perfect chance to knock him out and retreat'

*Then Magne try to throw a punch to knock Izuku out but they were stopped when a knife was thrown near her hand*

Magne: 'What the hell Spinner that kid was the person, we came here to capture'

Spinner: 'Shigaraki is the one who wants him'

Magne: 'Uh yeah, he's the reason why we are even here'

Spinner: 'But that boy was somebody stain wished to save which means he was worth to be deem a true hero'

*But as the two villain's talk it was cut short when Tiger and Mandalay knocked them down*

Tiger: 'Mandalay did you hear what they say'

Mandalay: 'Yeah I'll send a message now'

*She used her quirk and sent out a message to everyone of the students and teachers*

Mandalay: 'Everyone listen we've found out one of the villain's target's, it's the student's Izuku Dreemurr'

*This message made everyone worried but the most who were more worried was Izuku girlfriends Momo, Tsuyu, Uraraka, and Jirou, and Izumi, Katsumi, and Shoka were worried for their crush that used to Hurt and don't want to see*

Mandalay: 'If you see him make sure you stay by his side make sure he doesn't get into combat'

*Meanwhile Kendo and Testutestu were running into the center of the gas*

Itsuka: 'Wait Testutestu do understand how this gas works?'

Testutestu: 'Of course I do it's dangerous and didn't you hear? We're allowed to hit them'

Itsuka: 'Listen to me this gas isn't normal'

Testutestu: 'What do you mean'

Itsuka: 'Mandalay didn't say anything about the gas so that means it's not anywhere close to her so that means the gas is flowing only in this area and not like normal gas would so that means that there must someone at the center make this gas'

Testutestu: 'I see now'

Itsuka: 'Thank your

Testutestu : 'So we'll just run to the center of the storm and punch this bastard' *He said that while running to the center of the gas*

Itsuka: 'You idiot' *She said as she chased behind him*

*But she couldn't help but worried from what she heard*

Itsuka: '*Thought* Please be safe Izuku'

*Meanwhile there was someone in the center of the gas who was holding a gun*

???: 'Three no, two people are coming my way I guess a few people would have figured out my gas and realized that I'm here, I should have expected this from UA but no matter how wonderful their quirk may be'

Testutestu: 'I found you

???: 'But their still only human'

*He then fired his gun at Testutestu but it only breaker his gas mask*

???: 'Oh your the boy at the sports festival, your quirk was to harden your body and turn it into steel so that means your bullet proof'

*But Testutestu didn't say anything as he was trying to hold his breath*

Mustard. 'But that doesn't matter, it only a matter of time of how long you can in this poison gas filled area. I'll tell you my name before you die it Mustard'

Testutestu: '*Thought* Seriously this bastard pulled out a gun and what's with the school uniform? He's probably my age'

*Testutestu tried to rush at him.. But only to be shot again*

Mustard: 'Do you think that your like terminator just rushing like that? That's is a fool's move I've expected you to be a lot smarter since your in UA so.. don't be so rash'

*He then aimmed his gun away from Testutestu*

Mustard: 'Use your head' *He said that as he pulled the trigger*

*But then Testutestu jumped in the way of the bullet cause Itsuka who was standing where he aim the fun and fired and was worried*

Mustard: 'Or your not worth killing'

Itsuka: 'Testutestu' *She said worried*

Testutestu: 'We can't win retreat' *He said still not trying to breathe the gas*

Mustard: 'Did you really think a surprise attack would work? I know what happens cause the gas is showing me your move ente making the fact that you can't hide from me' *He said this as he stars to produce more gas*

Mustard: 'You UA students are shattering the image that I had of your school.. What a disappointment'

*Then Testutestu got up again and tried to rush in and attack him again but for him to be hit by the back of the gun*

Mustard: 'You moron'

*He then aimmed the gun at him*

*Oh you gotten softer then earlier what is it, you didn't enough iron this morning but.. I'm more curious of how many more shots you can take' *He said as he shot Testutestu*

Mustard: 'I thought they did an endurance test for people like you who have basic quirks but you've rushed in like your indestructible'

*He shot at Testutestu again*

Mustard: 'You guys just want to grow up to be heroes that's strange to me just so you can have people to fawn all over you, a one try just because of where you went to school' *As he said that he kept firing shots until he kick Testutestu in the gut sending him back*

Testutestu: '*Thought* Crap.. I can't hold my breath any longer and my vision is getting blurry' *He thought as he saw Mustard aim his gun at him*

*Then Itsuka had enough and came in*

Itsuka: 'Stop' *She said and she puts a hand out like she was trying to grab the gun*

Mustard: 'Did you forget already? I can tell where people are thanks to the gas flow'

Itsuka: 'I don't give a crap about if you know where I am'

Mustard: 'Think you can best me with that pathetic quirk?' *He said as he backs away into the gas*

Itsuka: 'You may think that but someone believe that it has a lot of potential'

*Itsuka then expanded her hands and clears the gas by powerfully fanning the gas away*

Mustard: 'How the he-, you know what never mind. All I need to do is shoot this brat'

*He aimmed his gun at Itsuka but he noticed Testutestu getting back up on his feet and coming right him*

Mustard: 'Damnit the gas got thinner so I didn't noticed him'

*Testutestu hold his breath and he delivered a strong blow to Mustard face and it breaks his mask and not only knock him out but also stopping the gas as it disappeared*

Testutestu: 'If the gas user is wearing his own mask then break it' *He said as he fell on his back*

*Meanwhile Izuku was still looking for his friend, when he suddenly was attacked. He didn't get enough time to see what it was, but before he knew it he was on shoji's back*

Izuku: 'Shoji! What happen?!'

Shoji: 'I should be saying that to you, but you want to save your friend no matter the cost'

Izuku: 'So you were injured too'

Shoji: 'Yes by a villain but it's not like it's gone forever but the attack triggered Tokoyami's quirk'

*Izuku then Remembered that Tokoyami's quirk will grow stronger in the dark but it will be out of control*

Izuku: 'So that means?'

Shoji: 'Well in order to get to the others we have to get through dark shadows

*Then they saw Tokoyami trying to control dark shadow*

Tokoyami: 'Get away from me now, you'll die'

Izuku: 'No Tokoyami! We won't let that happen!'

*Izuku wondered how did Tokoyami quirk was out of control*

Izuku: 'How did Tokoyami quirk got out of control?'

Shoji: 'Like I said before, a villain got the drop on us and doing so I pushed Tokoyami out of the way from the villain attacks causing me to lose one of my doople arm's'

*This made Izuku look at his friend's bleeding arm*

Shoji: 'But's not like it's gone forever I can still make duplicates but Tokoyami lost control after seeing this it might be grief or regret but that was trigger to call out Dark Shadow and lose control in the dark'

Izuku: 'I know that it get stronger in the dark but didn't expected that it would be like this

Shoji: 'But right now Dark Shadow is attacking anything that's making noise or movement like a beast attacking wildly'

*But during this Tokoyami was warning them*

Tokoyami: 'Hurry and go just leave me and help put classmates instead'

*But Izuku and Shoji was still behind the tree's*

Shoji: 'But Dark Shadow still has a weakness and it's light so can't you use your fire to make him weaker?'

Izuku: 'Yeah I'll do it'

*Izuku got off of shoji's back and Dark Shadow saw him and rushed at him but Izuku shoots his fire and the light made Dark Shadow feel weak and it was now under control*

Izuku: 'Tokoyami are you alright?'

Tokoyami: 'Yes thank you dreemurr but we gotta head to camp'

Shoji: 'Right'

*They ran to the camp but as they ran they saw Bakugou, Katsumi, Shoto, and Shoka were up against one of the villains that was in a bondedge and his teeth reached a far distance while being sharp as a blade*

???: 'Fresh piece of meat flesh'

*Then his teeth shot out multiple directions hits the ice wall that Shoto and Shoka had set up*

Katsuki: 'Teeth attacks is this guy for real that he actually think he can beat us with that? I'll just blast him with my explosions'

Shoto: 'You can't here'

Katsumi: 'So what if the trees burn can't you two just freeze them?'

Shoka: 'A big explosion will impair our vision and we won't be able to see all the fire, plus how will we be able to get close to him'

*This only made the explosion's twin's frustrating but then they heard something in the far distance destroying the forest and creating a path to them then they heard someone familiar*

Izuku: 'I see ice here, shoto and shoka are in this part of the woods

*Then they finally Izuku and Shoji and along with Tokoyami*

Katsumi: 'Icchan'

Shoka: 'Izu-kun'

Katsuki: 'The hell happen to the damn nerd'

Izuku: 'I got into a fight with a villain up in the mountain, I managed took him down. But for now all of us need to get back to camp'

*But then this was when the villain started to get up*

???: 'Fresh slabs of meat I'm the only one who gets to cut, don't steal from me'

*He tried to attack Tokoyami but he called out Dark Shadow and he blocked the attack then Dark Shadow grabbed him and then started to crush him breaking his teeth and then throw him through the the trees like it was nothing and then Izuku used his fire to make to Tokoyami normal again*

Tokoyami: Thank you for saving me again Dreemurr'

Izuku: 'No problem Tokoyami'

*Shoka looked at the villain who was now unconscious*

Shoji: 'Okay we should hurry back and I don't know if you were able to hear this when Dark Shadow was out of control but the League is after Dreemurr'

Tokoyami: 'Wait Dreemurr? But why are they trying to kill him'

Shoji: 'I don't know but we have to get him back to camp, the condition that he's in is great so we need to move'

Tokoyami: 'I understand so the mission is to get Dreemurr to the camp safely'

Izuku: 'But we can't take the walk way path, we're doing this cause it's possible that the pussycats could be still fighting in the clearing and if we go through there we'll draw the attention of the villains so our best choice is to go straight through the forest'

Tokoyami: 'But we might meet some villains on the way'

Izuku: 'That's way Shoji will use his search ability to make sure that we don't run into anymore villain's and if we do that with both Kacchan's, Shoto, and Shoka raw power and if you don't mind Tokoyami now that we have control of Dsrk Shadow, you lend a helping hand with we can probably go up against the villains that's in our way'

Tokoyami: 'Of course I'll help you out in anyway'

Shoka: 'We'll make sure that you make it safe'

Katsumi: 'I'll protect you Icchan'

Shoji: 'Now let's hurry guy's'

Katsuki: 'Don't tell me what to do'

Shoto: 'Make sure to keep up Bakugou'

Katsuki: 'Shut the hell up half and half

Izuku: '*Thought We'll get everyone back safely no matter the cost'

*Meanwhile in the forest Ochaco and Tsuyu were face to face with one of the villain called Toga and she had her knife out and already cut Ochaco arm and it was bleeding*

Tsuyu: '*Ribbit* Ochaco is your arm okay'

Ochaco: 'Yeah I'm fine it's just a scratch, I'll just heal this with my healing magic'

*As they talked, Toga was looking at the blood on her knife'

Toga: 'Shallow not that much blood'

Tsuyu: 'What kind of person come out of nowhere and starts to slashes their knife just who do you think you are'

Toga: 'I'm Toga, man you two are cute Uraraka and Asui'

Ochaco: 'How does she know our names'

Tsuyu: 'Maybe from the sport festival but we know nothing about her putting us at a disadvantage so we have to stay on guard'

Toga: 'There is not enough blood normally I would suck it from the cut but there is not enough time but don't worry girls this machine will suck your blood as soon as I stab you, I'll get my fill and move on' *As she said that she pulled out a Needle from the machine on her that will suck up blood*

Toga: 'Now then who's first'

*Then Toga rushed at them but Tsuyu used her tongue to get Ochaco out of the way*

Tsuyu: 'Ochaco you have to get back to camp we were allowed our quirk to defend ourselves not to counter attack I'm sure that's what Aizawa meant'

Ochaco: 'Tsu come with me'

Tsuyu: 'I'll be right behind you'

*But then Toga rushed in about to stab Tsuyu but she managed to dodge the knife but still cutting her tongue*

Toga: Tsu huh? What a cute nickname I'll thing I'll call you that'

Tsuyu: 'No you won't the only ones that can call me that is my friend Ochaco and boyfriend Izuku'

*Toga's eye's widen as she heard Izuku name and she blushed of how he could look if was bleeding but then she thought on how he was Tsuyu boyfriend and she couldn't help jealous and then as Tsuyu tries to make her escape but Toga threw her Needle at Tsu catching it in her hair and being stuck to a tree*

*Ochaco sees this and rushed to Tsuyu*

Toga: 'I feel different like.. I'm mad for some reason but I want to ask can I have a chance for you to share Izu-kun with me?'

*The two girls were pissed at knowing that this psycho girl wants to be with their man*

Ochaco: 'What give's you the right idea to have us give you a chance to share our man with you'

Toga: 'I love him and he looks even cuter when he bleeds so I can join?'

Ochaco: 'Maybe if you weren't a crazy person then we would but we'll make sure to get him away from you

Toga: 'Oh well looks like I have to take him and make him my own boyfriend... And no other girl can have him'

*Then she rushed at them but Ochaco managed to pin her down with her moves taught by Pro Hero Gunhead during her time interning with the pro*

Toga: 'You see he's almost looked like a guy that I became back then and the more he got injured during the sports festival made me fell in love with him and it made look so dreamy'

*This made Ochaco and Tsuyu worried what toga must said but then Toga grabbed one of her needles and was about stab Ochaco leg but she noticed it and summoned her kindness armour and it blocked the needle and it shocked Toga*

Toga: 'W-What is this?!'

*But then Ochaco summoned her shield and swung it at Toga's head and it knocked Toga off of her*

Toga: 'It doesn't matter I managed to get some blood from your pal Tsu there'

Shoji: 'Uraraka! Asui!'

Ochaco: 'Hurry guys'

Toga: 'There is way too many people here now and I don't feel like dying so toodles'

*But then she took a glance at Izuku and her face turned red from seeing how hurt he was*

Toga: 'Bye for now Zuzu'

Izuku: '*Thought* W-Why did she call me the same nickname as Momo does?'

Ochaco: 'Get here

Tsuyu: 'We can't, we don't know what kind of quirk she has'

*They see that Toga made her escape into the woods*

Tsuyu: 'She was one of the villains and she was crazy'

Izuku: 'Tsu your hurt'

Tsuyu: 'I'll be fine, Ochaco can heal my tongue with her healing magic later but for now your the one we should be concerned about'

Shoji: 'We can't stand here and talk we need to move back to camp'

Izuku: 'I'm just glad that you two didn't get too Hurt now let's hurry with Katsumi, Katsuki, Shoto, and Shoka raw power we can make it back safely'

Tsuyu: 'Wait if the Bakugou twin's are helping then were are there?'

*This made Izuku confused*

Izuku: 'What are you talking about their right behind us'

*But as Izuku look behind him and see's their gone this left Izuku speechless*

???: 'Nice trick aye'

*This made everyone look in the direction of the voice and they see a man wearing a mask, gloves, a top hat, boots, and a trench coat*

???: 'I took the twin's that your talking about with my quirk'

*This left everyone shocked*

???: 'I saw that you being guarded and that all of you would notice that you disappeared from someone back, so I just took the next best thing the twin's terrifying personality will make an excellent addition'

Izuku: 'Give them back!'

Compress: 'I see.. I'll give them back but in trade I'll take you and to get on friendly terms I'll tell you that my names Mr Compress and this is your friend' *As she said that he showed two orbs that have Katsuki and Katsumi in them*

Shoka: 'No way in hell were trading, we'll save them right now' *As she said that she sent ice at him but for him to jump into the sky and getting away from the attack*

Compress: 'I see what a disappointment, the boss wants your friend Izuku Dreemurr very much'

*But then Shoji noticed something else*

Shoji: 'It's not just the Bakugou twin's, but Tokoyami is gone too'

Shoto: '*Thought* He managed to snatch three of our strongest classmates without us noticing*

*This made Shoto turn to the villain*

Shoto: 'If your playing around just cause you think you beat us then you have another thing coming'

Compress: 'My bad, I used to be an entertainer taking your friend Tokoyami was just an improvement on my part after seeing him taking down Monmfish so easily and brutality, I thought he would also make a fine addition'

Izuku: 'You bastard! You can't just take them!'

Shoji: 'Dreemurr calm down'

*Then Shoka went in for another ice attack but he was still able to dodge it*

Compress: 'I Apologize but slight of hands and escaping is my specialty not combat, did you actually think I'm foolish enough to fight a hero candidate from U.A' *He said as he was escaping through the sky*

*But this didn't stop them, they all started to chase him*

Ochaco: 'Dammit this guy quick if only Iida was here'

*Izuku had enough and summoned a gaster blaster and it shoot Mr Compress down, while the other villains were at the rendezvous point*

Toga: 'What gives I'm the only one here'

Dabi: 'Hey crazy how many different kinds of blood types did you get'

Toga: 'Only one person'

Twice: 'Just one/ Hey what gives weren't you supposed to get at least tree'

Toga: 'Sorry but I thought those brats were going to kill me'

Twice: 'That's strange/ shouldn't you look disappointed'

Toga: 'Yeah but I got to make some new friends and got to meet my sweet darling Zuzu'

Twice: 'Ah to be young/ What a barf test'

Dabi: 'Both of you shut up your too loud'

*But then Dabi heard something coming from the sky and looks up to see Mr. Compress make a crash land after getting shot down by Izuku attack, and sees the Izuki and the rest rushing at him*

Twice: 'Woah woah what this wait a minute I know these guys/ Who are they?'

Dabi: 'Out of the way Compress' *He said as he was ready to use his fire his flames*

Compress: 'Got it' *He said as he turned himself into an orb*

*Then Dabi was about to fire his flames when he saw Izuku and knowing he didn't want hurt his cousin, so Dabi shot his fire at the ground making one wall of blue fire blocking them from attacking*

Twice: 'The beat up guy you were on Shigaraki's kill list/ No he wasn't we were supposed to catch him

*But Shoto made an ice wall and try to block Twice while Toga was rushing to Izuku*

Toga: 'Hi Zuzu my name is Toga' *As she said that she pinned Izuku on his back*

Toga: 'I can't take anymore I wanna see what your blood tastes like

*She was ready to suck Izuku blood it Shoji came in time and knock Toga off Izuku*

Toga: 'So that's how it is you want to come between me and my Zuzu love that so be it although your not my type but I'll still cut you'

Shoji: 'Jeez they're right she really is crazy'

*Meanwhile Shoto and Shoka try to attack Twice but he used a measuring tape that was a blade to cut through all the ice*

Twice: 'Is that all you got?/ Hey give me some slack'

Shoka: 'What with this guy'

*Then in the back Compress turned back to normal*

Compress: 'I can't believe you recked my exit, you amateur'

Dabi: 'So what did you take that made the chance after you'

Compress: 'Well I did take some of their classmates that could make a good addition in trade of the place of the boy'

*But as he checked his pocket for the orb that have Katsuki, Katsumi, and Tokoyami in he noticed that they were gone*

Shoji: 'Dreemurr, Todoroki's we're done, he gave away his best trick I'm not sure that his quirk is but it had to do with those look-a-like right? The one's you stashed in your pocket so I'm guess that these are Tokoyami and the Bakugou twin's?' *As he said that he showed the orbs*

Izuku: 'You managed to rescued them'

Compress: 'Well I'm impressed but I should've expected that from someone with that many hands'

Shoto: 'Right nice job shoji'

*He then made an ice wall blocking Twice*

Dabi: 'You idiot' *As he said that he was ready to blast his fire*

Compress: 'Wait' *He said as he stopped Dabi*

*But as the three were running, Izuku saw the same Nomu he was attacked by earlier*

Izuku: 'Crap it's back'

*Then they try to move to a different direction but as soon as they turned a black mist was in front of them*

Shoji: 'Not this guy again'

Shoka: 'He was at the U.S.J'

Izuku: 'The warp villain'

Kurogiri: 'It's been five minutes since the signal now let's go everyone'

Toga: 'Sorry Zuzu I have to go but I'll see you soon'

*As Toga, Twice and the Nomu went through the warp gate, Dabi spoke out*

Dabi: 'Hole on were not leaving until we get the Dreemurr kid'

Compress: 'Don't worry, we still have constellation prizes they were so proud of stealing the marbles in my pocket that I thought I let them flaunt'

*This made them look at Compress*

Compress: 'Here I'll explain a basic tale of my magic if I'm flaunting something shiny that means I'm hiding something I do want you to see' *As he said that he took his mask off and showing them the real orbs in his mouth that had Katsuki, Katsumi, and Tokoyami*

Izuku/Shoto/Shoka: 'He's still has them!'

*The Compress snapped his fingers revealing what was in the orbsthey had and it was Shoto and Shoka ice*

Shoto/Shoka: 'Is that my ice'

Compress: 'That's right during your freezing attacking I prepared a decoy and slip them into my pockets to fool you'

*Then all three of them started to rush at the two villains*

Izuku: '*Thought* Dammit his quirk let's him compress and hold things'

Compress: 'A little bit misdirection on my part but I forgive so I adore a twist ending' *As he said that he slowly went through the gate*

Izuku: 'You can't do this

Compress: 'One last bow and the curtain falls'

*But then his mask was shot by a laser that came from Aoyama and making him spit out the orbs and that's when all three of them sprinted toward the orbs and try to catch them, and Izuku activated Animosity Cowling and managed to catch the orbs that had Katsuki and Tokoyami and he was close to grabbing the orb that Katsumi but Dabi took it at the last second and Izuku fell down*

Dabi: 'Well isn't that a tragedy poor little Izuku Dreemurr'

*Izuku forced his his body up and sprinted toward them knowing that using up the last of his energy was gonna make him unconscious*

Dabi: 'Compress you can release them now'

Compress: 'That laser ruined my finally'

*Then he snapped his fingers releasing Tokoyami, Katsuki, and Katsumi who was in grabbed by Dabi still*

Dabi: 'I guess we'll just take your

*Then as Izuku saw Dabi slowly pull Katsumi through the gate and Izuku knew he was close to fell unconscious so he used up the last of his energy to teleport in front of Dabi*

Izuku: 'Hey it not her that you want it's me so take me! Take me instead!'

*As he reached his right hand as he was so close to them this made everyone eye's widen while Dabi had a grin*

Dabi: 'Thanks kid your a real pal'

*Then he shoved Katsumi out of the gate and grabbed Izuku right arm and pulled him in with Katsumi trying to grab Izuku but she wasn't able to reach him, now he was fully in themgate as it disappeared leaving everyone speechless*

Katsumi: 'Icchan... Why?' *She said as she was crying and stared where Izuku dissappear*

*Meanwhile Izuku was now at the base but he was passed out but before he passed out he had one thought*

Izuku: '*Thought* I hope that thing's for Frisk and the other's are going better than this'

*Meanwhile back in the city Frisk, Betty, Asriel, and Sans were in a room talking and Frisk was remembering they're actions of the destroying the reset button and how they thought it was a bad Idea*

Sans: 'Hey kid'

*Frisk didn't hear his word's as they're still remembering they're actions*

Sans: 'Frisk!'

Sans: 'Got any ideas on how to sort this out?'

Frisk: 'Uhm... I'll hear everyone else else's ideas first...'

Asriel: 'Well.. Papyrus did said he was at the crane because he saw a little girl asking for help but... after doing what she said, he felt dizzy and passed out' *As he says that he remembers Papyrus back at the crane holding his head*

Asriel: 'Now... Sans got attacked by something, and it nullified all his powers, say Sans how are you feeling by the way?'

*Sans used his eye and summoned a bone but his eye quickly flickers and the bone fades away*

Sans: 'It's coming back slowly. By tomorrow, I should be fine'

Asriel: 'I'm glad now, I have this idea... I know Papyrus would never do something like that... So.. Maybe if we get access to the AMD cameras, we could find something we haven't seen'

Sans: 'That sounds great, you and I could go do that while frisk can go on with their idea.. so what was it?'

Frisk: 'Oh yeah... I was.. Uh.. My idea... I wanted to.. W-What if I can find a way to RESET? We could prevent all this mess'

Sans: '...What?' *He said with an angry tone*

Frisk: 'If I can start over, things would be better! Maybe the timeline is not glitched enough to get erased with a reset, I could-'

*Frisk was about to finish when Sans spoke again*

Sans: 'Stop. Right. There.

*This made everyone in the room feel shiver down their spine*

Sans: 'So aside from being selfish, looks like humans also have a really really poor memory'

Asriel: 'Sans'

Sans: 'No seriously, that's the best that you can come up with? A difficult situation shows up and all you think of is to reset?'

Frisk: 'I-I mean-'

Sans: 'Let's say that in your attempt to rest, we don't all die and you actually go back. But what will happen to asriel? Or Gaster? You know that what happened back then... Won't ever happen again, plus what about Izuku? If you were to reset wouldn't Izuku just head back to his old Quirkless life where those bastard of people who he once called family would just abused and neglect him and again' *He said making Frisk feel more guilt*

Frisk: 'I can find a way to bring them back and Izuku too I won't let those bastard's abused my brother again and I'll bring him with us too I'll fine a way.. Somehow'

Sans: 'If you don't get bored by then, that is..' *He said remembering of a knife with monster dust on it*

Frisk: 'I'm not doing that again!'

Sans: 'Just like how you promised me that you wouldn't reset? I just.. That's cruel y'know. Making me believe I finally had.. Had a future.. To look foward to... All that "I'm sorry" talk'

Frisk: 'Sans please understand, I-'

*They're soul get pulled by Sans using his blue magic while Frisk soul flickers from red to blue*

Sans: 'Sense you like breaking promises so much.. You wouldn't mind if I broke mine, right?.'

*Then Asriel had enough and stepped in*

Asriel: 'Sans. That's Enough'

*Sans listens and let's go of Frisk as they fell to the ground and they see the "Don't forget" bracelet they gave to Sans fall to the ground*

Sans: 'You should've let Chara kill me..that would've Hurt less than this.'

*Frisk got up and tried to reach to Sans*

Frisk: 'Sans i-'

*Sans slides his foot and it caused a crack in the ground and it made Frisk stop*

Sans: 'Asriel are you coming? I think I have enough magic to teleport us into the building'

Asriel: 'Y-Yeah.. Let's go..'

*Sans teleports them both to the AMD build leaving Frisk with a look of guilt*

*Meanwhile in Gaster's lab, he was reading a book when he turned to a page that showed him something he remembers about that he read a some time ago*

(Playing Glitchtale OST - A Welcoming Smile)

Gaster: 'Hm? The Tale of the Twin Siblings again?,  Perhaps i'll be able to finish it this time.  This language is easier to understand after all I've learned these past few days.'

'The two siblings, both powerful wizards responsible for creating the barrier. They had agreed on all during their shared ruling of the kingdom. However, their opinions on monsterkind differed'

'The soul of Determination wanted to destroy the barrier. While Bravery thought it was a good measure to keep the peace. Confident, Bravery challenged her brother. If he could prove to be more powerful than she, then he could destroy the barrier'

'Bravery's power was greater, but as the battle continued she felt an incredible strength within her sibling. His Determination had no limits, Leading him to victory'

'Bravery felt humiliated... As a consequence of this she lost her trait, and with it... her magic. She exiled herself, searching for a trait greater than Determination, and alas she found it'


*Meanwhile Sans and Asriel managed to teleport into the AMD building*

Sans: 'Oh look, we actually ended up in the right place this time. It'll be a while until I can teleport us out. So let's check on those recording, and what are looking for exactly?' *He said as Asriel turns on the computer that's in the building*

Asriel: 'I have a feeling that the AMD had something to do with this whole mess and Whatever they did, it's all recorded. And they're probably trying to hide it somewhere...'

*Then something catches Asriel's attention*

Asriel: 'How funny, this room doesn't have cameras. Sans look, this folder has weird recording from different places'

*They then see a recording of Izuku summoning his Shield to protect Betty from nothing which made them confused*

Asriel: 'Huh?...'


'A spell that could change the very essence of your soul... It was a dangerous and forbidden spell. However, she didn't care for the laws of magic'

'She returned once more to challenge her brother. During their final confrontation, F̷̡̧̢͕̗̩̌͆̇͑̎̌̔̈́͗͒̓͐̃̐͋ė̴̮̌̕͘á̵̲͔̠̄͊̄̀̾̂r̵͎̣̈̐͠'̸̼͎͔̲̥̱̜̙̥̗͌͋̌̉̈̍̓̚͝s̴̻̼̲̮̀̀̒͊͒̂̓́̌͛̎̈́͊̕͝ Power overcame Determination. This time, instead of growing stronger Determination lost more and more power as the battle progressed'

'The kingdom fell into ruins from the destruction of the battle. And she came out victorious... But her soul could never adapt to the sudden change'


*Sans and Asriel were trying to figure out why Izuku summoned his shield*

Asriel: 'Why would Izuku summon their shield in the middle of the street?'

Sans: 'This one's from the meeting day. In front of Gaster's lab'

*They looked at the recording and see it glitched for a second before seeing Betty walking by the lab making them even more confused*

Asriel: 'Betty?'

Sans: 'Wasn't she sleeping at Gaster's lab when the reunion was happening?'


'Knowing her time was running short, she sacrificed her own soul to create the most powerful and destructive being imaginable. A creature who's sole purpose is ensure that that humans and monster's would never live in peace...'


*Sans and Asriel now realized that it was Betty who cause all of this*

Sans: 'It was all her.. Asriel we need to warn the other's

*Then they door opens while back at Gaster's lab he too realized that it was Betty's fault too... But it was too late*

Bete Noire: 'That pink trait... A "Bete Noire"... The soul of Fear'

*Both Sans and Asriel on guard ready to leave*

Bete Noire: 'I wished to be the one to reveal the big surprised... Oh well.. Not like it matters. I already obtained all the information I needed'

Sans: 'Let's go..'

*Suddenly a beam of energy comes from another open door hit's him nullifying him from using his powers and it was Jessica Grey*

Asriel: 'SANS!'

*Jessica didn't care and her gray soul started to crack*

Bete Noire: 'Your SOUL very special Asriel, mind if I take it? Akumu is hungry'

Asriel: 'STAY AWAY!... Huh?'

*The Bete Noire cast an illusion of Chara for Asriel to see*

Sans:  'Asriel... Move!'

Bete Noire: 'He can't hear you, don't worry... I'll make it quick' *She said while turning her soul into a spear*

*She then threw it as Asriel snapped out of the illusion, but then Sans using up the last of his magic and teleports in front of Asriel taking the killing blow for him...*

(Now playing Glitchtale OST - Melancholy)

*The Bete Noire then pulls thr string of the spear pulling Sans soul to her*

Asriel: 'Hang in there Sans! I'll think of something' *He said to Sans who was slowly dusting away*

Bete Noire: 'Here Akumu enjoy..'

Asriel: 'I'll-... I'

Sans: 'Asriel... Enjoy the future for me' *As he said that Asriel gasp remembered that their talk about enjoying the future*

*Then Akumu ate Sans soul and with that he dusted away, Meanwhile Gaster and Papyrus felt Sans life force faded away meaning he died*

*Asriel enrage activated his god of hyperdeath form and summoned his rainbow colored fire*

Asriel: 'He was my friend..'

*Asriel threw his fire at the Bete Noire but Akumu turns into a shield similar to Isuku shield, Asriel got ready to throw another fireball but he remembered Sans's words about leaving and telling the other's the news. So giving up Asriel drops his fireball to the ground and it caused to break open the wall and he left*

Bete Noire: 'Don't worry Akumu we'll get him later but for now let's get that file of HATE substance that they got out their family member Chara and it escaped from the mountain but the AMD managed to capture it so I'm gonna need that vile now Miss Gary'

(A/N: 'If your asking me how does Chara have still well he still has some hate in him but the rest of it escaped)

Jessica: 'I said I'd keep it' *She said holding into the black colored vile*

Bete Noire: 'I think you misunderstood' *As she said that Akumu pins Jessica to the wall*

Bete Noire: 'I believe I wasn't asking..' *As she said that she made an illusion of her dead daughter Alina*

Alina(Bete Noire): 'Please mom! Give me the HATE vile, what's wrong mom you look like you've seen a ghost, Well then...I̸͇̹͖̹̝͉͇̼̿'̵̗̣̳͙̪̣̹͇́̐̏̍̏͜l̷̟̟̗̦̜̣̰͓͕̣̑̉͒̿̋̆͜ͅḷ̷̨̭̮̣̼̲̗͕͖̈́̽́ ̵̺̹̝͉̓̿̾̉̈͐̏̋̅ͅj̵̢̖͉̤͗̀̅u̷̢͓̟̐̃͊̇̾̆s̵̭͈̮̺̐̆̾̐̏͂̓͌͆͊͘͝͝͝t̸̰̳̤̉̀̇̈́͒͜͝ ̷̢̯͕̼̲̪̪͙̲̬͕͍̑̿̍̅̊̌̀͘̕t̸̻͓͖̣̹̘̬̘͗̿͘ã̴͚̰̒͂̉k̸̯̃̆̈̑͊̔̓͆̍͘͜͠e̴̳͚̻̦̞̞̹͚͕̺̤̗͎͋̀͌͜ ̸̘̘̪̼͇̯̋͋̏̐̈́̊i̸̡̤̪̥̯̜͆̽͒͌ͅt̷̠̻͍̹͓͉̺͑̄̀̽́͂͆͒̕ ̷̧̭̬̪̗͍̙͙̺̎͑̈́́͒̇͒̓͜ͅf̸͉̪̳͍̙͙͎͉͕̜̩̲͍̈̏̍̀̀̉̈̚͝͠r̶̢͕͉̮͎̥̭̗̥̱̤̱̍̚̚ͅͅo̶̢̮͖̩͘m̸̧̗̹̼̦̗̪̠̘͍͋̏̄̅̿͜͜ ̸̡̛̫̳̲͋͑̉͊̀̀́̔̌̒̽̕͠y̸̓̚̕͠ͅo̴̰͚͆̐͑̐͗̂̆͗͗̿̊̾̀͜͝ȗ̷̦̘̻̮̺̽̉͆̈́̀̈́̐̒́̈́̀̇͠'

*As she said that she starts to attack Jessica making her scream in pain*

Bete Noire: 'Don't worry I'll keep my promise, I'll turn all of those Monsters to Dust...'

End Of Chapter 17
