Chapter 1

(Izuku P.O.V)

Izuku: My life has been nothing but a living hellhole after my mother was told by the quirk doctor that i was quirkless and my sister had a strong version of her quirk my mom was so happy that she pick up my sister and lift her up in the air

Inko: My baby girl! You have a strong quirk, your gonna be a hero!

My sister was happy meanwhile i was just sitting there trying to process what happened i forgot about it and thought that maybe thing's won't be so bad... but oh how wrong i was

We returned to the house and my Dad was waited for us

Toshinori: So how did it go at the doctor's?

Inko: Good, izumi has a strong quirk while izuku quirkless

Toshinori: Oh well that doesn't matter come here princess

Dad lifted my sister in the air she was happy while i was sad

After sleeping for a bit I when to get some lunch but i found that no food was there for me i just thought that they forgot so when to get some left over's from the fridge i thought that school might be normal but... i was wrong about that too.


Izumi: guys i'm worried for onii-chan we need to protect him if he tried's to become a hero sence he's quirkless.

Katsumi: anybody have any ideas?

Katsuki: How about we bully him until he stop's thinking about be a hero

Shoto: What?! Why would we do that to him?!

Katsuki: Think about if we bully him enough he maybe be able to give up his dream on become a hero

Shoka: Well... ok we'll do that only for him to give up on his dream.

Izumi: Ok then let's go

*They do to where izuku is sitting on a tree*

Izumi: Hey izuku! Still thinking about to becoming a hero even tho your quirkless?

Izuku: Well yes! i'll still try to-

Both Katsuki and Katsumi unleashed explosions on him he hits a tree

Izuku: Ow! wha-

He didn't finish his sentence as fire and ice from shoto and shoka came at him

The ice cut him a bit and gave him frostbite and the fire and explosions gave him a 220% degree burn and made his back red.

Izuku: please sto-

Again he didn't finish his sentence because his sister used her strong telekinesis and threw him on a bunch of tree's and in loops she then let go of him he fell on to the ground, he was bleeding has cuts, frostbite, burns, a concussion.

Izumi: Cmon let's leave this loser

The 5: Alright

Izuku quirkless live turned into a living nightmare his parent's wouldn't care about his wound's and bruises when he came home they only cared about their daughter the only people that treated izuku wound's and bruises is his aunt mitsuki and aunt rei and cousins fuyumi and natsuo.

Mitsuki husband died in a car accident so she's was grieving her husband's death and her nephew izuku was there to comfort his aunt and for his aunt rei he help her through her mental breakdown after her a**hole of a husband endeavor abused her and her kids.

However school life gotten so worse for izuku everbody he knew join the bully and when he was in middle school even the teacher's joined the bullying until one day it gotten to the pointed when Katsuki plan when too far.

Everybody was talking until the teacher came in and sat down at his desk with a stack of papers

Teacher: alright everybody settle down I'm gonna go over the choices of career's you have to choose from.

Everybody was still until the teacher said

Teacher: I'm just joking i know all of you want to go to the hero cources!

Then everybody cheered and started using their quirks except for Izuku and katsuki, katsumi, and izumi, and shoto, and shoka until bakugou said.

Katsuki: Cmon teacher don't lump me and my sis with these's extra's

Everybody started booing at katsuki and say that they can beat him.

Katsuki: big deal! Cmon i can take all of you on!

Teacher: oh yeah Bakugou you and your sister and Friends are heading to U.A right.

Everybody(expect for katsumi, izuku, izumi, katsuki, shoto, and shoka) started to say OOO.

Katsumi and Katsuki: That's right U.A is the only school worthy for us we'll be even great and compared to all might we'll be the greatest hero of all time!.

Teacher: Oh yea izuku didn't you say you were aiming for U.A too

Everybody in the room stared at the quirkless boy until

Katsuki and Katsumi: DEKU!

*They hit him with explosions*

Katsuki: You're Idiot deku!

Katsumi: Are you trying to kill yourself.

Izumi: Just Face it izuku your nothing but a quirkless loser.

They laughed at him and headed back to there desks.

Classes and school ended Izuku was Packing his thing until he was gonna grab his notebook until it was snagged by Katsumi.

Katsumi: what's this Hero Analysis for the future are you still trying to become a hero deku

Izuku: k-katsumi p-please c-can i have m-my book b-back p-please?

Katsumi: Fine

She lend her hand with the notebook out to him he tryed to grab it until she snagged it back away from him and lended it to her brother.

Katsumi: here blow it up

Katsuki did as she asked and blew up just like how did to a letter that izuku tried to get her to read but she asked katsuki to blow it up and he did and that torned izuku heart to pieces even the same thing happen with shoka she lit it on fire thats when he knew he couldn't never find true happyness.

Katsumi: you know you can get a quirk

Izuku: H-How?

*Izumi jumped in by saying*

Izumi: By taking a swan dive off of buliding

and with that said izuku mind listen but decided to take his life somewhere else

Before they Left Katsumi,Izumi and Shoka who came in looking for them listen and heard izuku open and window and ran out, they open the door and follow worried that that he did take they're advice.

*with izuku*

Izuku was running to a mountain know as mt. ebott, izuku heard many stories about a legend saying that those who climbed the mountain never returned they all thought that the people who when there took there only lives.

Izuku was at the top of the mountain and said

Izuku: well guess this is it now no meaning for living.

And with that said he jumped into the mountain

Izumi, katsumi and shoka were looking for him they gave up they thought he ran out to home.

Izumi and the gang returned home and were welcomed by her mother after a couple minutes they said.

Izumi: hey onii-chan not back yet

Katsumi: I'm worried for him

All of a sudden the T.V switched to the news channel

Reporter: Breaking news a child at the age of 14 commited suicide by jump into mt.ebott here's what the person looks like

*They show izuku in his school clothing at the mountain*

Izumi and the people around her couldn't believe it that they made their own son/brother/crush take his own life, mitsuki found out and was pissed when rei, fuyumi, natsuo found out they lost it, rei almost had another mental breakdown and her kids tried to calm her down but she was lost in her mind that her own nephew killed himself, fuyumi cried cause during the time when she treated his wound's they bond and she developed a crush on him when she saw how ripped he was when he at the age of 13 started to work out, natsuo cared for his cousin and couldn't believe that he took his own life, Katsuki started to regret his plan on bullying him, Shoto started to train to protect the weak and fearful, Toshinori tried to work and keep a smile on his face even tho on the inside she was torn apart, inko bawled into tear's and started say how sorry she was and the only thing he did was cry in her room, go the bathroom, eat, or go to izuku room which she forgot that he had one, izumi, Katsumi, and Shoka, were sad and empty and felt a whole lot of regret cause they made there crush kill himself, Howeven they didn't know that he wasn't dead.

*back with izuku*

Izuku started to wake up he was resting on a bed of golden flowers he called out for help.

Izuku: Hello!  Can anybody help me!?

The bed of flower made him feel a little pain he managed to get off of the bed of flower's.

He then passed out from the pain but before he passed out he saw two children and a goat looking kid heading his way.

???: What happen to him?! *said a kid with a blue and purple striped shirt and brown shorts and black shoes.*

???: Why do we need to know frisk? From the look of bruises he fell into the underground *said a kid with a green and yellow striped shirt and also brown shorts and black shoes.*

???: * taps him izuku with his hand* is he ok?

Frisk: let's just take him back help us chara.

Chara: Alright Cmon asriel.

Asriel: O-Ok chara.

*They pick izuku up and started to take him back to where the other's are where there packing to leave for the surface.

Frisk: Ok we're here

*They enter the house and see a bunch of boxes*

Frisk: Are you almost done mom?

Toriel: Why yes we are my chil-

*toriel see a passed out izuku and head there way to help him*

Toriel: Oh this poor child what happen to him?!

Chara: Best guess is to say that he fell into the underground

Toriel: Oh my goodness another one?!

Chara: Yup

Toriel: Let me see if i can heal him

*Toriel sets izuku on the couch and uses her healing magic to heal him*

Toriel: There all better now let him rest children i'm making lunch before we leave to the surface

The 3: Ok Mom

Next chapter meeting the monster's and becoming a dreemurr
