chapter 2

(Izuku P.O.V)

Izuku: I woke up and i felt different i like i was healed or something, then i look to my left and saw two children, and a goat kid sitting on the couch eatting what looked liked to be pie, they look at me and saw me awake and looking around.

Frisk: Mom! The human is awake now!

Then a tall goat looking person walking and saw me awake she walked over to me.

Toriel: Hello dear i'm toriel how are you feeling ok?

Izuku: Yes ms. toriel i'm feel fine.

Toriel: Oh good that fall nearly killed you but glad that bed of flower managed to break your fall.

Izuku: Oh so that's what made me survive the fall.

*Frisk and chara walked over to izuku*

Chara: Hey i'm chara so why did you fell into the mountain?

Izuku:  Well hello chara the reason is well I-It's personal stuff

Toriel: Oh that's ok dear you can tell us some time later, are you hungry do want any of my butterscotch pie?

Izuku: B-Butterscotch pie?

*Asriel walked out and began talking*

Asriel: It's this great pie mom knows how to cook.

Toriel: So would you like some?

Izuku: W-well yes please.

*Toriel nods her head down and up as for a ok and head's toward the kitchen*

Izuku: So what's up with the whole stack of boxes over there?

Asriel: We're moving to the surface today!

Izuku: S-Surface? What do you mean by that?

Chara: Guess we're gonna have tell you our tale do you know about monster kind?

Izuku: Well i heard it from stories that my parent's tell me and my sis at night.

Frisk: Well we're gonna have to tell you our story.

*Izuku relaxs himself to hear the story*

Frisk: Long ago, two races ruled over Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS.

Chara: One day, war broke out between the two races.

Asriel: After a long battle, the humans were victorious.

*Izuku watches with awe on his face*

Chara: They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell.

Frisk: Many years later...

Asriel: MT. EBOTT 201x

Frisk: Legends say that those who climb the mountain never return.

Chara: Then I tripped into the hole.

Frisk: Meanwhile i fell into the hole.

Izuku: Oh ok.

Chara: Now can you tell us why you fell into the hole?

*Toriel came back with a plate of butterscotch pie*

*Izuku just sighs and had no other choice but to tell*

Izuku: The reason why i fell into the mountain because i was bullied, neglected, and abused by my famliy and friends because i was quirkless.

Author's note: The monster's knew about quirks before they we're trapped underground.

Toriel: Oh you poor child.

*Toriel hugs izuku and he couldn't help by get the feeling like mother's love was happening through that hug*

*Frisk,Chara, and Asriel felt bad for him*

Izuku: A-Are you gonna send me back?

*Toriel's eyes widen after she heard this*

Toriel: What? No no no dear we're just gonna keep you here instead of going back to your old famliy.

*Izuku smiled knowing for once in his life can be happy*

*suddenly the door open and four people came through the door*

???: Hello miss toriel!, and hello to you too human Frisk and chara, and prince asriel. * Said a tall skeleton person wearing a hat backwards and a shirt saying Cool dude and having orange shorts named papyrus.*

???: Heya tori and heya too you kiddos. * Said a shorter skeleton with a blue jacket and black and white striped pant's and have wearing pink slippers named sans.*

???: Heya tori! and heya punks! * yelled a fish looking woman with ponytail wearing a leather jacket and jeans named undyne.*

???: H-hi m-miss t-toriel a-and h-hello t-to y-you t-two f-frisk a-and c-chara a-and a-asriel. *said a short dinosaur looking person wearing a labcoat named alphys*

*frisk,chara,asriel, and toriel greeted them then the four saw izuku*

Sans: Hey tori who's the kid. *Sans said and pointing to izuku*

Undyne: Yeah... never seen you before?

Papyrus: Wowe! , a new human friend to have!

Alphys: A-Another h-human h-how?! i-i t-thought f-frisk a-and c-chara w-were t-the o-only h-humans w-who f-fell?!

Toriel: Yes i know he's human and you're wonder why he's here let him explain himself tell them izuku.

*Izuku explain to the four about his past, and his bullying ,neglect, and abused he got from his famliy for just being quirkless*

*The four were sad, angry, and pissed to hear what Izuku was going through in the past.*

Toriel: So i have decided to adopt him into the dreemurr famliy.

*Frisk and Chara and Asriel were happy that got a another sibling.*

*Meanwhile the other were shocked to see toriel do something like this.*

Izuku: Wait really you mean it?! * Izuku said shocked to hear toriel words*

Toriel: Yes my child i mean it i decided to let you join our famliy so you won't have to suffer anymore.

*Izuku was bawling out happy tears as he hugged his new found mom while saying thank you over and over again.*

Toriel: Not a problem my child. *She said smiling*

Toriel: Now finish your food i have something to said with the other go talk to frisk and the others ok?

*Izuku nods and walks over to frisk and co.

Toriel: Now i need to ask of something of you two brothers.

*The two skeleton bros listen to toriel as she talked.*

Toriel: I need you two help him to see if we can teach him monster magic.

Papyrus: M-Miss toriel is that possible to him skeleton magic?.

Toriel: there has to be a way that you two can teach him the magic.

*Suddenly sans remember an experiment that his father tested on him and thought it fail but it  work.*

Sans: You know there might be a way after all. *Sans said making the two confused*

Papyrus and toriel: Sans/brother what are you talking about?

Sans: I know a way to give human's skeleton magic but it's gonna be a painful experiment and Izuku gonna be the testing person for it.

*Papyrus and toriel look at each other worry before nodding up and down for a ok.

Sans: alright uh bro i need some of your magic too mix with mine so can you please give me some?

*Papyrus nodded and gave some of his magic to go with his brothers.*

Sans: Alright this will do.

*But they didn't know that frisk,chara and asriel heard about helping Izuku with teaching magic frisk and chara decided to teach him human magic.

End of chapter 2.
