Chapter 14

*It was morning and Izuku with his friend's and All Might and his girlfriend's are coming back from I-Island, Then the jet is landing at it land's on the ground and a shake wakes them up as they get all of their suitcases and then the door opens and they hop off and Izuku and his girlfriend's enter the limo that momo's got and as they enter Izuku sees jirou enter the limo and he asked her a question because he wonder why she hugged him back on the jet*

Izuku: 'Say jirou?'

Jirou: 'Yeah?'

Izuku: Why did you joined the hugging me back on the jet?

Jirou: 'Well...I uh'

*She looks at Momo who nodded and so she took a deep breath and started to talk*

Jirou: 'Back at the island, When me and momo were changing for the party, I asked her if i can join, She then wanted to know my reason, So i told her that just like them you don't see woman for their body but instead who they are, she then accepted me'

Izuku: 'Oh really well then welcome to the harem'

Jirou: 'Thanks my favorite mophead'

*They then kissed and then let go, While on the way to Izuku house melissa had to say something*

Melissa: 'Say Izuku i'm sorry for what happen when the peace treaty thing that was about your monster family and human's were about to sign the treaty but then you know that lady screamed out about your dad killing her daughter'

Izuku: 'It's fine, It's just i wonder if he went to jail for admiting to the things, That he did in the past'

*They're drive arrives at their location and they get out of the limo, They enter the house and is greeting by toriel and then Frisk come up to him with some important news*

Izuku: 'Frisk what's going on where's dad?'

Frisk: 'That's the thing uh... the police took him into further into question and then put him in jail'

Izuku: 'Oh well how's betty?'

Frisk: 'She fine, She's at Uncle Gaster lab'

Izuku: 'Alright well let's head over there to see how's he doing'

Frisk: 'Okay let's go'

Izuku: 'Girl's i'm gonna go with frisk, I'll be back'

The girls: 'Alright Izuku/Deku/Dreemurr be back soon'

*Izuku and Frisk head out the door and to their uncle gaster lab*

Timp-Skip to them getting their*

*As they open the door they called out to they're uncle who was reading but feel asleep but then that woke him up and makes him drop his cup of coffee but managed to catch with blue magic*

Betty: 'Hey! Come back here!'

*Izuku and Frisk see betty chasing akumu with a book in it's mouth*

Frisk: 'Oh hey betty, I thought you were gonna leave'

Gaster: 'Actually Frisk, her mom came last night and said if it was ok for her to stay here for a couple of days'

*He says that after remembering a woman in orange dress and an apron at the door with betty*

Gaster: 'They're moving somewhere else apparently, So she will stay until the things of her room are moved... right?'

Betty: 'Correct!'

Frisk: 'Have you found anything about her pink soul?'

Gaster: 'I've been reading the whole night... and not even a clue, However there is an interesting story about a pair of wizards that created the barrier, I'll read on that later'

Gaster: 'Frisk, Izuku..., Be careful, whenever you go out... specially if one of us is with one of you'

Frisk: 'Huh?, What do you mean?'

Gaster: 'I've always noticed the AMD cameras around the city. But... they don't move much, However... lately they've been more active than ever. As if they were looking for something'

Gaster: 'I'm not telling you both to don't go out of course. I know you two have to attend to your aunt Mettaton's first live report today, they would get really angry if you don't go

Izuku: 'Sadly i can i got to head to school'

Frisk: 'Bummer that you can't come with us, I'll tell aunt mettaton why you were there'

Izuku: 'Alright thanks!'

Betty: 'May i come with you frisk?'

*Gives a thumbs up with have their -_- face on'

Izuku: 'Good luck out there you two!'

Frisk: 'Good luck at school bro, anyway cmon betty'

*As Izuku and Frisk spilt ways, Izuku walked back to his house and grab his stuff and head back to his school with his girlfriend's


*Izuku get's to UA and enter's his Classroom where he wear talking from the girls saying that they're going to training camp as he took his seat and the rest of his classmates did and then aizawa enter the room with some news*

Aizawa: 'Alright settle down and listen up, the place where your going to training camp is changed, So the only people who are going to the training camp are the student's who passed the final exam, If your a student who didn't finish your still gonna go with us but do lesson's, while's i'm teaching you there'

Mina/Denki: 'Aw man!'

Aizawa: 'For those of you who have pass please head outside to get onto the bus that will lead to the training camp please'

*After that Izuku and the rest of his classmates go outside, After heading outside and getting annoyed by monoma until Izuku thanked itsuka for knocking him out and she blushed and then he saw the 1-B was also heading to the same training camp as them and then aizawa hopped on and started up the bus and head to the training camp*

Another Time-Skip

*They get to the training camp and sees that it's in a forest, Then after getting off the bus, they then see a black car come up and see two women in what look like a colored cat costume and a small boy with a hat with horn's on it*

???: 'Hey Eraser!'

Aizawa: 'Heya long time no see'

???: 'Your feline fantasies are here! Say meow!' *Says a woman in red*

???: 'Purrfectly cute and catlike girls!' *Said a woman in blue*

Both: 'You can call us the Wild, Wild pussycats!' *Both of them says that while the boy is unamused*

Katsuki: '*Whisper* Who the fuck are these clowns?'

*He whisper that to Shoto, Who just shrugged and then aizawa speaks*

Aizawa: 'These two are mandalay and pixie-bob, They'll be helping you during your training'

*Then at this point, Izuku realised who they were*

Izuku: 'Oh yeah, they're the Wild Wild Pussycats, they're a four person team who specializes in mountain rescue and I think this marks as their 12th year as a-' *Izuku stop when he saw Pixie-Bob rushing at him to grab his face but he uses blue magic to stops her, which shocks her and mandalay as well the boy with the hat with horns'

Izuku: 'Pro heroes' *He says wondering why Pixie-Bob was gonna grab his face*

Pixie-Bob: 'I'm pretty sure your math must be off. I'm 18 at heart'

Izuku: 'Um... sure' *He said confused but he just shruggs it off*

Pixie-Bob: 'Also how are you doing this?!'

Izuku: 'Calm down, It's just my blue magic'

*He then drops her and she falls on the ground*

Aizawa: 'Alright class, say hello to your instructors'

Class 1-A: 'Hello'

Mandalay: 'Well either way, we own the whole stretch of land down there and the camp you'l be staying at is right at the base of the mountain' *She points at it*

Everyone: 'It's that far'

Uraraka: 'Then why did we get off the bus?'

Tsuyu: 'I think we know the answer for that question *Kero*'

Sato: 'No I don't think they wouldn't do that, would they?'

Sero: '*Nervous* Um guys, let get back on the bus! Hurry! Let's go!'

Kirishima: 'Good idea!' *As he said that everybody except Izuku nodded*

Mandalay: 'The time is 9:30, you have until 12:30 and if you don't make it in time, you won't get any food'

Sero: 'Cmon guy's let get back on the bus!!'

*Then Pixie-bob pounced right in front of them and touching her paw to the ground, a blue ligt appeared and it caused an erparth slide sending nearly everyone off the cliff except for Izuku who summoned a large bone to stand on and this shocked mandalay and pixie-bob*

Pixie-Bob: 'How did you do that to get away?!'

Izuku: 'I made it happen, why?'

Mandalay: 'What's your quirk?'

Izuku: 'It ain't a quirk, It's monster magic'

Aizawa: 'Good thing you did, I almost forgot to save you because you're not going to work with the class'

*This made Izuku confused and he raises his eyebrow*

Aizawa: 'You're gonna have to do this on your own,

Izuku: 'Sure, sounds like fun' *He said with a smile as Aizawa left eye was twitching'

Aizawa: '*Thought*: 'This kid...'

*Izuku then jump down the cliff on the wall to help his fall down until he reach the bottom*

Katsuki: 'You damn nerd!, Why weren't you thrown off the cliff too!'

Izuku: 'I just summoned a large bone to stand on and then walk to Aizawa-Sensei cause he need to tell me that i won't join you guys and that i need to do this alone'

*His classmates were surprised that of the fact that their teacher wanted their friend to go alone then they were someone from above*

Mandalay: 'You guy better hurry if you want the food'

*With that said the class started to walk while Izuku walks away but was still been able to see each other, Izuku then sees some beast made out of rocks attacking his classmates and has a thought*

Izuku: '*Thought* I'm sure that the one's that i'm facing are gonna be alot bigger than the one's they're facing'

*After walking for a bit, He was now not been able to see his classmates, and as he was right about what he thought, Izuku was then confronted by two larger version's of the rock beast that roar at him*

Izuku: 'Alright I'm just gonna end this'

*Meanwhile back at the top of the cliff*

Mandalay: 'Eraser are you sure about this, your really pushing this first years hard'

Aizawa: 'I have to take that you've heard about the recent attack, I have to make sure that they're ready for anything'

Mandalay: 'Yeah but still, why did you tell one of them to move away from the group?'

Aizawa: 'Oh nothing i just wanted to see how he'll deal with this alone'

*Mandalay nodded and then they felt like they couldn't move and then they heard a roar and see that it's coming from Izuku, This shocked the two pro heroines and as well for the boy who feel fear for the first time*

*Buddy is the rock beast and Chara is Izuku*

Mandalay: 'I-Is that your student?!'

Aizawa: 'Don't worry he does that sometimes'

*Then they see Izuku holding a red sword with it, They watched as he ran to the beast and he saw more 12 coming and he slashed through 11 of them and send a blade wave at the last one and it hit the beast and caused an explosion*

Pixie-Bob: 'H-How did he do that?!, He just destroyed 12 of my beast's?!'

Mandalay: '*Shocked* What the heck is with this kid?!'

Aizawa: 'Heh, I guess this trip will at lease be worth it after all' *He said with a grin*

*Then the boy was looking off to the distance at the class*

???: '*Thought* Why would anyone want to be a hero'

Mandalay: 'Come on Kota let's go'

*After awhile, Aizawa, Mandalay, the little boy and pixie-bob just arrive at the camp as they look around*

Aizawa: 'Huh I would expected Problem child to be here now..'

Pixie-Bob: 'Problem child who's that?'

Mandalay: 'I think he means their wild card' *She said as pixie-bob nodded*

*Just then they heard another explosion in the forest as it get louder and louder closing in on them*

*Immediately two Rock Beast flew and crashed in front of them and Izuku rushed in as a dark blur followed next and immediately destroyed the Rock Beast with his sword while he did a roar in victory while Mandalay and Pixie-bob went into a defensive position around the boy as they see Izuku with his hate face on in front of them*

Mandalay: 'What the hell happen to the kid?!'

Pixie-Bob: 'Just what did he do to destroy my beast?!'

Aizawa: 'Alright problem child, That's enough you can calm down now..' *He said with a smirk*

*Izuku nodded and his face turned back to normal after making a couple of huff's of exhaustion and he stretched his body while looking at the pussycats who eyes widen*

Izuku: 'Geez, you really had to make it hard for me to get here, I just had to destroy a bunch of those huge Rock Beast on my wat here so I had to use my HATE form to get over here faster which bringes me to ask on how the hell did you create a lot of those thing!?' *He said looking at Pixie-Bob who was still shocked but snapped out of it'

Pixie-Bob: 'Haha Aizawa, your class is pretty interesting but this guy caught my attention the most so that's why I'll train him personally myself' *She said as she surrounded Izuku*

Aizawa: 'Another i've had to add in as a problem childs' *He said while shooking his head sideways as Mandalay just giggled*

Mandalay: 'Although she is not wrong, This boy also caught my attention too' *She said while looking at Izuku who had a sweatdrop as Pixie--Bob continues to check him out*

*Then she speaks about something else*

Mandalay: 'Say I've been meaning to tell you have you seen this post on the media?'

Aizawa: 'What are you talking about, what post?

Mandalay: 'Some person at the sports festival took a photo of your student making that face and one of it's hashtag's is called #Demonboy' *She pulls her phone out and show's Aizawa the post of Izuku making the hate face*

Mandalay: 'Why are they calling him that when it's just a face that he made, also did your student see's this?'

Aizawa: 'No, but is it noticed by the public?'

Mandalay: 'Yeah, His photo had almost 2.5 Billion view's and 1.5 likes, He's now noticed by the public a lot now and they're still calling him Demon boy'

Aizawa: 'I hope that this doesn't get threw to the kid's head, Imagine if the villain's got threw to him and managed to get him to join their side, that would mean that it's the end of hero society as we would know it'

Mandalay: 'I can't imagine that, that would be terrible'

*Then they turned back to Izuku who is still being checked out by Pixie-Bob*

Aizawa: 'Has Pixie-Bob always been like this?'

Mandalay: 'She's at the age where she's looking for a mate'

*This then reminded Izuku of something*

Izuku: 'Speaking of age-'

*But he interrupted when Izuku saw Pixie-Bob ready to claw him out*

Pixie-Bob: 'What were you gonna say?' *She said making Izuku sweatdrop*

Izuku: 'All I was gonna say is who's that kid?' *He point's toward the little boy*

Mandalay: 'Oh this is Kota my nephew, he lives with us now'

*Then Izuku walks up to Kota*

Izuku: 'Hi there, I'm Izuku Dreemurr, nice to meet you'

*But then Izuku saw Kota was about to throw a punch at his balls, then when Kota launched his fist Izuku just summoned his DT Shield and blocked the punch, the block from Izuku shield makes Kota shocked from the shield appearing out of nowhere and as well Mandalay and Pixie-Bob*

Izuku: 'I wouldn't do that if i were you little buddy' *He says while releasing an aura that makes Kota feel a shiver down his spine*

Kota: 'I don't care about your names, it's not like I want to hangout with you wannabe Heroes'

*He says that as he walks away*

Mandalay: 'I'm sorry about him, he's just going through a phase'

*Izuku just nodded but can't help but think*

Izuku: '*Thought* Thats not a phase, I can kinda see it through his eyes, it showed with hatred and sadness in him'

*Izuku lets out a sigh at this* 

Izuku: 'It's fine...'

*Mandalay nodded as after that, she explained where everything is and where their rooms are*

Mandalay: 'Alright that should be everything. Your friend's will be here soon enough so we'll have to get ready to make something for you to kinda eat'

Izuku: 'If you don't mind can I help with the cooking?'

Mandalay: 'Uh sure, so you know how to cook?'

*Izuku nods as Mandalay sighed*

Mandalay: 'Alright then'

*Some time later, Mandalay was now greeting the rest of the students as well as explaining the whole thing about this place and she led them to the kitchen*

*But as they open the door, they were greeted with the delicious food's aroma that made some of them drool from it*

*In front of them was Izuku putting the last dish on the table and then putting the last toppings on the piece of dessert he made which made them drool even more*

Izuku: 'Heya guys!' *He greeted them all with a smile*

Kaminari: 'This looks so good!' *He exclaimed with a drool*

Mina: 'Now I'm feeling happy that Dreemurr got here first!, We get to eat his amazing and delicious cooking!' *She stated happily*

*Meanwhile with Mandalay and Pixie-Bob. The two feiline wearing women were impressed by Izuku able to cook*

Pixie-Bob: 'I didn't know that this kitten could cook this well, That looks good!'

Mandalay: 'This kid's full of surprises...'

Pixie-Bob: 'I say! He's husband material!'

*After the whole class ate the food that Izuku made for them. All were satisfied and full from it as after, that spent the end of the day in a separate bath*

Kirishima: 'Man this is the best'

Sero: 'You said it man, After a day of hard work, we got to taste Midoriya's cooking again and take this a nice relaxing bath'

Iida: 'What about you Dreemurr? How do you feel?'

Izuku: 'Quite relaxed. I'm quite tired after having fought my way through those Rock beasts'

The Guys:*Thought* 'So that explains the destroyed trees we found while running over here...'

*Then Izuku saw Mineta talking to himself near the wall separating the boys and girls bath*

Izuku: 'Hey Mineta, are you talking to yourself again?'

*That's when Mineta starts climbing the wall as this made Izuku shock*

*Izuku then charged up to Ofa full cowling 5% and was about to stop him but Mineta was stop by Kota who was at the top of the wall making the little shit fall*

*Izuku then was about to turn of his Full Cowling but then he saw Kota falling off the wall making his eye's go wide and he instantly move and catched Kota and landed on top of the wall letting of a sigh of pure relief that he didn't get injured*

Mina: 'Nice save there midori!'

*He hear Mina cheery voice*

Izuku: 'Oh it was nothing I-' *He Immediately stops talking remembering the girls were naked as he saw there the smug smiled of mina and the other girls covering themselfs*

Mina: 'Like what you see Midori~?' *She teased him*

*Then at the moment Momo, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Jirou, and then even Izumi, Katsumi, and Shoka got up and uncovered themself, Revealing their vagina's and Breast to Izuku who blushed up a storm and the fell with Kota in his arms but then stopped falling after Izuku quickly summoned a gaster blaster to ride on*

Izuku: 'Thanks for the help little buddy we really needed that *He wipes the blood on his nose with a his arm*

GS(Gaster Blaster): 'Raawwrr'

*They both flew down and were greeted by Iida*

Iida: 'Dreemurr! Are you alright!'

*Izuku didn't say anything as he just left on his gaster blaster and rides off to fine Mandalay with a robe on*

Mandalay: 'Oh Thank you again for saving him'

Izuku: 'I-It was nothing. I just did what anybody would do'

Mandalay: 'You must have been fast to get him on time'

Izuku:: 'Say what was kota doing up there anyway?'

Mandalay: 'Huh?, Oh Aizawa told me that one of you boys were a perv and obsessed with girls so I put kota up there'

Izuku: 'Oh.. Ok then'

*Izuku then had a question and asked away*

Izuku: 'If you don't mind me saying this but, Why doesn't kota like heroes?'

Mandalay: 'Kota is among the few people who don't approve of heroes'

Izuku: 'But I thought a kid would like heroes?'

Mandalay: 'He would've but then something with his family happen'

*Then Izuku had a thought about it and said it*

Izuku: 'D-Did he lose somebody that he loved?'

*Mandalay was looks at him surprised that how guessed it and then Pixie-Bob enter the room*

Pixie-Bob: 'Your right. Kota lost his parents at the line of duty, you see they were pros'

*This is where Izuku couldn't say anything. He understood a bit on the fact of why kota hates heroes but*

*Izuku then said ok and then gave kota back to mandalay and he said goodbye to them as he walked to his room*


*Izuku was now in his room and then had a thought of how did the live report frisk had with they're aunt mettaton and took his phone out and started to text them*

Izuku: 'Hey frisk how did it go with the live report with auntie mettaton?'

                                                                      Frisk: 'It's started out good but then bad things happened'

Izuku: 'What happen!?'

                                                                                       Frisk: 'We were all doing out thing and then Sans saw and crane moving and then wonder where was papyrus cause he was with us'


*Frisk, Betty, Asriel, Sans and Papyrus were watching how mettaton's first live report was doing then papyrus heard a call for help*

Little girl: 'Help! Please!, Up here!'

*Papyrus looks up and sees a little girl on a crane holding onto it*

Papyrus: 'Hang in there! I-I'll get you down!

*As people are enjoying mettaton, Jessica is in an alleyway hidden from the crowd, and holding sometype of gun called a Project #43, as she remembers on the paper what the gun can do*

Project #43:

Nullifies all magic abilities from a monster

Extremely painful for the target

It may crack the soul of the user

It links to teh user's soul and uses it as a power source.

do not use it under any circumstances

Not aproved by the HSO

*Jessica didn't care as she used the gun by pricking her finger causing blood to fill into the gun and was able to use it*

*Sans then had something to say about betty*

Sans: 'That reminds me, How did you meet her?'

Frisk: 'Well according to what Izuku told me he was on his way to the AMD to meet with me, and...'

*Frisk stops talking after the 4 of them hear a noise and see the crane that was there was now moving and the pieces of construstion was now moving over the people there and some of them noticed it*

Papyrus: 'You're right above the ceiling, What now?

Little girl: 'Now press the green button to your right'

Asriel: 'I thought the construction was finished, So why is the crane moving?'

Sans: 'Wait... where's Papyrus?

*Papyrus then hits the button and the little girl glitches for a second and then vanishes out of thin air then the piece off construction that the crane was holding fell to the ground*

Frisk: 'SANS!'

Sans: 'Got it'

*He then used blue magic to stop the falling pieces and it causes a shockwave*


*As everyone evacuted, Jessica then aims the gun at sans ans charges it up to shoot at sans*

Jessica: 'Unfortunately, this won't be strong enough to kill him... but it'll stop him'

*She then fires the gun and it hit's sans causing him to lose his magic and the pieces of construction fall*

*The pieces of constuction fall and kill and injure some people and asriel finds papyrus with his eye's closed but then he opens them and then asriel hears a man called out to him and sees that it's a cop*

Cop: 'Prince Dreemurr please move aside, He's under arrest'

*Flashback ends*

Frisk: 'So yeah that's what happened'

                                                                                                                     Izuku: 'Who was the little girl that papyrus saw?'

Frisk: 'Well according to asriel, When he found papyrus, he said that he passed out after dropping those's piece's of construction, to free the little girl but after waking up, he did see her...'

                                                                                                                       Izuku: 'So what are you guys doing about it?'

Frisk: 'We're trying to figure something out, I'll talk to you later bye!'

                                                                                                                        Izuku: 'Bye!'

*Izuku then puts his phone away and head to sleep but hoped for one thing*

Izuku: 'I hoped that everything will be safe for them'

*As he slept little did he know that thing are gonna turn for the worst...'

End Of Chapter 14
