Chapter 8: First Day Of School Part 2

The man's words ignited annoyance and anger among the students, feeling insulted by his remarks about them and their friends.

Glynda addressed the situation, her voice stern, and her glasses adjusted as she focused her gaze on Todo.

Glynda: Mr. Todo, why are you once again skipping your classes?

Todo, brimming with confidence, responded dismissively.

Todo: What's the point of attending a class I have no interest in? I simply won't go.

His laughter filled the room, irritating Miss Goodwitch.

Glynda: Are you seeking another suspension, then?

The mention of suspension startled the class, indicating that Todo had faced disciplinary action before.

Todo didn't take kindly to the threat.

Todo: If you dare tell me what to do again, I'll Kill You.

His menacing glare sent shockwaves through the class, causing Glynda to take a step back, aware of his seriousness.

Glynda: Then may I ask why you are here?

She softened her tone slightly as Todo approached the group.

Todo: I'm here to observe the first-years and assess their power. Unfortunately, most of them are pathetic and weak... I suggest you all drop the idea of becoming Huntsmen, as you are not needed.

His calm words confused many students initially, but soon gave way to anger.

Glynda let out a sigh, while Jaune glanced at Ruby, who shrugged in confusion, seemingly not as affected by Todo's taunts with everyone as she was beside Jaune side.

In the midst of the tension, Cardin Winchester from Team CRDL couldn't hold his tongue any longer.

Cardin: Who the hell are you talking to, you oversized ape? Do you want a beating? I'd be more than happy to send you crashing to the ground.

Silence fell upon the room as everyone watched intently, curious about what would unfold. However, Todo, triggered by the insult, felt a faint bell ringing in his mind.

Todo: I'll make sure you're the first one I kill!

Todo took a moment to calm himself before turning his attention towards Glynda.

Todo: Me and this child right here, right now.

His tone was serious as he approached her, causing students to instinctively step away, overwhelmed by his presence.

Glynda hesitated, knowing the consequences of denying him.

Todo: You will, or I will do it with or without your permission. I suggest you have everyone move now before I take their lives as well.

Though Todo had never actually killed anyone, he had severely beaten students in the past, resulting in several suspensions. However, he had never been expelled from the school because he restrained himself from crossing that line.

Glynda looked uncertain but turned her gaze to Cardin.

Glynda: Mr. Winchester, do you agree to this duel?

Normally, Glynda would expel Todo for such behavior, but his unique situation made her apprehensive. She wanted Ozpin to take action and remove Todo from the school due to his constant harassment and disrespect towards the staff, as well as the severe injuries he had inflicted on others.

Cardin wore a smug expression, believing that victory would come easily.

Cardin: Yes, I'll crush his attitude into the ground and make him beg for mercy! HAHAHA!

Jaune, observing the situation, knew that it wouldn't end well. Todo was incredibly dangerous, and Jaune himself doubted his ability to defeat him, which spoke volumes.

Both Team JNPR and Team RWBY stepped back, watching with concern. They all recognized the looming danger in the air.

Yang: Is he even a student...?

Blake: I thought he was a teacher, but his words...

Pyrrha: I don't like where this is heading...

Weiss: He shows no manners or respect for others!

Ruby turned to Jaune, seeking his guidance.

Ruby: Jaune... what should we do?

Jaune: For now, we can only watch and see what happens. Just be prepared for Cardin to face a brutal beating.

Ren looked at Jaune, sensing Todo's strength as well.

Ren: You can sense his power too?

Jaune nodded.

Jaune: He's no joke. Out of everyone here, I don't think anyone stands a chance against him.

Pyrrha: Really?!

Jaune: Observe him and watch. you will see it too as well.

Pyrrha turned her gaze towards Todo as everyone quickly cleared the area, leaving only Todo and Cardin in the ring. Pyrrha watched intently.

Glynda announced the start of the match between Cardin Winchester and Aoi Todo.

Glynda: Cardin, avoid close-range combat and do your best to endure. Good luck...

As she stepped away, Cardin was left perplexed by her words, while Todo crouched down slightly and ripped off his shirt, revealing his incredibly ripped physique. His grin grew wider, exuding a sense of madness.

Todo's unexpected comment about his preference in women sent shockwaves through the room, causing a mixture of reactions from the students.

Female student #1: Pervert!

Female student #2: Hey!

Female student #3: Weirdo!

Weiss couldn't help but express her disbelief.

Weiss: What kind of question is that?!

The girls in the class felt weirded out by Todo's statement, while a few blushed in embarrassment.

Cardin, determined to maintain his bravado, responded to Todo's comment.

Cardin: Why are you talking about your taste in women? You're just some random guy I'm going to beat into the ground.

Todo's grin faded, replaced by a look of confusion.

Todo: Hm?


Silence followed.


Todo: Aoi Todo, third year at Beacon. Introduction over. Now, we're friends. Now, hurry up and answer my question. If you prefer men, that's fine too. A person's fetish reveals everything about them. People with boring taste in women are boring people themselves...

He grew increasingly furious.

Todo: And there's nothing I hate more than a man I find boring! Fighting is something I live for, and I despise fighting weak and uninteresting men!

Todo continued to speak, bewildering those around him.

Todo: I'm only cutting you some slack by deciding to beat you half to death. Now, answer me, Cardin! What kind of women do you like?!

Cardin, feeling the pressure, responded thoughtlessly.

Cardin: Fine, I'll tell you. I don't care about their looks as long as they're not some Faunus freak. They just have to obey me.

His remark angered a small group of Faunus students in the class, and for some unknown reason, Blake flinched slightly.

Suddenly, Todo began to cry...

Todo: If you hate Faunus Girls then you must hate Takada....

He remembers Takada who was a Faunus.

Glynda's expression turned grim as she anticipated the upcoming clash.

Glynda: Oh no...

Cardin barely had time to react as Todo swiftly closed the distance between them. In an instant, Todo delivered a powerful blow, sending Cardin hurtling through the air. The sheer strength and speed displayed by Todo left the watching crowd astounded and speechless.

Todo walked towards Cardin who slowly gotten up as he glowed slightly to heal himself with his Aura.

Todo: I knew as soon as I saw you, You would be boring... But you should never judge someone by how they look right?

Todo was still crying as he looked completely sad and betrayed.

Todo's voice quivered with a mix of anger and sadness as he wiped away his tears.

Todo: I went out of my way to ask a simple question, and yet you trample on my kindness.

The crowd watched in shock as Todo swiftly vanished from sight, only to reappear behind Cardin with lightning speed. He seized Cardin's chest tightly with his hand, causing the young Huntsman-in-training to gasp in surprise.

With a forceful motion, Todo leaned back and slammed Cardin's upper body into the ground, creating a shattering impact that echoed through the room.

Todo's voice rang out, filled with disdain.

Todo: Your weakness extends beyond your body... It permeates your taste in women as well!

The spectators stood frozen, unable to comprehend the incredible speed and strength displayed by Todo. The intensity of the moment hung heavy in the air, as the clash between the two combatants unfolded before their eyes.

Suddenly, Todo leaps in the air and fly down as he prepare to slam his fist where Cardin head was which Cardin with his aura near Red already just barely avoids.

Todo, consumed by his anger and determination, relentlessly swung his fist at Cardin's head with increasing force. The impact of each blow echoed through the room, leaving Cardin's aura shattered and blood trickling down from his wounded head.

Glynda's voice reverberated, urgently trying to intervene and call off the match. However, Todo's relentless assault showed no signs of relenting. His grin widened, fueled by a mix of rage and a thirst for victory. He shifted his focus from Cardin's head to his chest, delivering powerful blows that further weakened his opponent.

The room fell into a tense silence, with onlookers witnessing the brutal display of Todo's unyielding aggression. Concern etched on their faces, they felt a sense of helplessness as Glynda's attempts to stop the onslaught proved futile.

The scene grew more distressing with each strike, as Cardin's body absorbed the punishing blows. The sounds of impact and Cardin's pained groans filled the air, intensifying the atmosphere of unease and concern.

In the midst of the chaos, The other students felt a surge of conflicting emotions. Shocked by the relentless violence unfolding before them.

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon the onlookers, with each strike serving as a painful reminder of the harsh reality of combat.

Todo was suddenly trapped within a shimmering purple bubble, causing the horrified students to turn their gaze towards their teacher, Glynda. She stood with an air of authority, pointing a black riding crop at Todo.

Glynda: I said, "That is enough!"

Todo, still wearing his unsettling grin, responded by throwing a punch towards the bubble, causing it to shatter instantly as Glynda aura flickers for a second. He then turned his attention back to Cardin, who lay on the ground, bloodied and bruised from the relentless beating.

Todo: Pathetic.

His disappointment was palpable as he cast a disapproving gaze at Cardin before turning to leave. Glynda's voice, laced with anger and strictness, filled the room.

Glynda: You will see the Headmaster after this, Mr. Todo.

Todo waved off her words, completely unfazed by the consequences that awaited him.

Todo: I will see the old man later. I am hungry.

The students quickly cleared a path for Todo, fear evident in their eyes. They couldn't help but wonder if they would be his next targets, subjected to a similar brutal beating. Moments later, Cardin's team rushed Cardin to the medical bay while Glynda rubbed her eyes in annoyance and anger. She readjusted her glasses, contemplating the situation.

As the class settled down, someone finally mustered the courage to ask the teacher about the mysterious boy.

Glynda: That was Todo Aoi. He is a 3rd-year student and the strongest and most dangerous student Beacon has to offer.

The classroom buzzed with murmurs of understanding. It was no wonder that Cardin had been defeated so effortlessly. He had crossed paths with a 3rd-year student, renowned as the strongest in Beacon.

Glynda continued, emphasizing the importance of avoiding and ignoring Todo at all costs.

Glynda: He has no team since he refuses to be placed in one. He would beat them all up. I highly recommend that you all steer clear of him.

Pyrrha turned to Jaune, sharing her thoughts.

Pyrrha: I don't think I would want to fight him either...

She, like the rest of the class, preferred not to experience firsthand what Cardin had endured. The thought of facing Todo's overwhelming strength was unsettling.

With the class ending on a somber and terrified note, Team RWBY returned to their dormitory, while Team JNPR retreated to their own. Jaune, taking charge, suggested calling it a night, mindful of the upcoming classes.

Jaune: Let's call it a night, guys. We still have classes tomorrow.

Pyrrha: Hai!

Ren: Yes, definitely.

Nora: Alright, leader!

As they settled in for the night, Ruby and Weiss began to mend their wounds, hoping for a fresh start tomorrow.
