Chapter 22: One Destiny

As the days passed and the end of the festival tournament drew near, Jaune spent his time with his father. Jaune found himself frequently embarrassed as his father regaled his friends and team with tales of Jaune's younger, more adventurous and outgoing self. Despite the initial embarrassment, Jaune and everyone around him found themselves thoroughly enjoying the lighthearted stories.

His father, in particular, took delight in teasing Jaune about Pyrrha and the apparent closeness between them. Pyrrha, in turn, blushed at the attention and seemed to have won Jaune's father over, who openly supported the idea of them being together. Jaune could only manage a reddened face in embarrassment, a sentiment that Pyrrha mirrored. The playful banter added a new layer of warmth and camaraderie to the group as they approached the climax of the festival.

As Jaune and the rest of the team encountered numerous individuals with diverse backgrounds and life experiences, each person bore a different flag and a unique story. The exchange of tales wove a tapestry of memories, bringing everyone closer together. As the final matches approached, the competition narrowed down to one-on-one battles. Team JNPR had to decide who would represent them, and much to everyone's surprise, Jaune declined the opportunity.

Confusion hung in the air as Jaune explained that he had promised Todo to head into town with him to grab some limited edition merchandise of his idol as well dont feel like he would be able to do with with just his hands or his sword that he hardly ever use. Though met with perplexed stares, the team agreed, and Pyrrha was selected to enter the finals. However, Pyrrha's behavior raised concerns... she seemed absent-minded, daydreaming with a vacant expression that worried her teammates.

Jaune, having observed this recurring behavior since the previous day, decided to take matters into his own hands. Before Pyrrha's match, he resolved to check on her and uncover the cause of her apparent distraction.




"Brother!" Todo hugged Jaune with backbreaking force, expressing his gratitude. "It's good that you got your merch and all, but can you let me go?" Jaune pleaded slightly, and Todo, realizing, released him, much to Jaune's relief.

"Ho~? Seems like Yang, your friend, is fighting some silver-haired kid" Todo mentioned, pointing to a screen on a TV in a shop as they stood in the street.

Watching the screen, Jaune observed Yang's impressive skills and fighting prowess. A slight smile crept onto his face. "She is good" he whispered, feeling excitement welling up just from watching the intense battle. However, something seemed off, especially towards the end. The silver-haired boy crouched down on the ground, seemingly about to get up, when Yang, who appeared perplexed, leaped towards him. She swiftly switched to her shotgun gauntlets and fired straight into his leg, shattering it for everyone to see.

"AHHHH!" The scream from the silver-haired boy echoed in sync with the gasps of the surrounding viewers. It was shocking. Why did Yang do that? She may be hot-headed, but she was also smart enough not to make such reckless decisions. The unexpected turn left Jaune and Todo both bewildered and concerned.

Moments after the injured boy was helped off the arena by the Atlas guards, the screen abruptly switched to an ad.

Todo and Jaune exchanged silent glances, understanding passing between them. With a nod, they left the area and returned to Beacon.

Several hours passed, and Jaune found himself standing in front of Pyrrha, who looked surprised to see him. In the past hours, Jaune and his team had met with Team RWBY to check on Yang. She could only look down at the ground from her bunkbed, and Blake appeared conflicted.

Jaune had made sure to spend time with Yang, occasionally checking in on her. He could sense her troubled state, but he refrained from prying into her emotions when she like that.

"What do you mean?" Pyrrha stared at Jaune, who met her gaze with unwavering resolve. His heart was set on a new goal, and he spoke to Pyrrha not just as a leader but as a friend. "Pyrrha, what is causing you to be distracted? You never daydream like this, so please, not as your leader but as your friend, can you tell me what is wrong?" Jaune asked, his concern evident in his eyes.

Pyrrha sighed and gripped her arm, sitting on her bunkbed and gazing out of the window. "I don't know what to do" she admitted, her tone filled with sadness, leaving Jaune perplexed.

"Do you believe in destiny, Jaune?" she asked, introducing a question that added to Jaune's confusion. While he acknowledged the concept of destiny, he viewed it differently... believing in a predetermined fate that one couldn't escape. Jaune understood the weight of destiny, particularly given his own challenging path, but he hadn't fully comprehended what awaited him at the end.

"When I think of destiny, I don't think of a predetermined fate you can't escape. But rather... some sort of final goal, something you work towards your entire life" Pyrrha explained, her speech slowing down, becoming quieter as her struggle to articulate her thoughts became apparent. "Well... what would you do if something came along that you... never expected? Something that had the potential to stand between you and your destiny?"

Perplexed and worried, Jaune asked Pyrrha to explain further. The stress that had been building up in Pyrrha spilled out of control, leaving Jaune shocked and concerned. "Where did this even start from?" he wondered.

Pyrrha continued, revealing a deeper layer to her dilemma. "Or what if you could suddenly fulfill your destiny in an instant, but at the cost of who you were? Jaune... I've always felt as though I was destined to become a Huntress... to protect the world... and it's become increasingly clear to me that my feelings were right. But..." She paused, looking at Jaune as if she were begging for an answer from the man she trusted and could rely on.

She stood up and walked to his side, though avoiding eye contact. "I don't think I can do it" she finally admitted, releasing all the pent-up stress that had been plaguing her, robbing her of her natural smile and endearing attitude. She didn't specify the cause, but the confusion and stress about what to do were evident. Jaune realized that providing her with an answer would be tricky; someone as remarkable as Ruby or others might be better suited for such profound matters. Still, Pyrrha had sought his opinion alone, and he felt compelled to respond genuinely.

Jaune took a deep breath and exhaled, "If you don't like the method that is presenting itself to you, one that may take you to your goal, then change it. Take a different path that you choose, that you like, and so you take it." Jaune straightened up, delivering his response with sincerity, recognizing the gravity of the question and the need for an earnest answer.

Surprised by his response, Pyrrha smiled and looked at Jaune's hand before lightly holding it. Caught off guard, Jaune didn't resist but instead reciprocated the gesture, holding her hand as well. A moment of peaceful closeness unfolded between close friends. Pyrrha made up her mind, deciding to forge her own path and pursue the journey she wanted, just as Jaune had advised.




"You can do it, Pyrrha!" Nora's loud cheer echoed through the sky. Everyone took their seats, fixing their gaze on the center of the stage where Pyrrha Nikos stood, facing Penny. Team RWBY cheered for both contestants, and Jaune smiled, hoping for the best for both of them. He believed that this would be an extraordinary match.




Only 10 Minute's has passed and Chaos arrive...




The air was filled with screams, and panic seized the hearts of everyone in Vale. Terror spread like wildfire as Grimm soared over the city, encircling it in a nightmarish dance. Jaune's heart pounded slowly as he witnessed the devastation unfold.... civilians and fellow students falling prey to the merciless onslaught of Grimm and the ruthless attacks of the White Fang that had arrive as they seem to be somehow working along with the Grimm.

"What happened... Grimm?" Jaune whispered, the reality of the horror sinking in as he saw innocent lives being brutally taken.

"It all happened so fast." Jaune walked forward, a haunting path strewn with bodies and blood-soaked ground. The sky, now tainted with dark clouds, unleashed a rain that felt more like a shower of blood. As he moved through the grim tableau, the world became increasingly obscured, lost in a sea of shadows.

Suddenly, Jaune fell through a puddle of blood, the sensation turning cold as he lost all feeling. In the midst of the darkness, he uttered words heavy with despair, "Why must I suffer so much..." And then, everything faded away, leaving Jaune with an overwhelming sense of loss.... he had lost EVERYTHING.
