Chapter 18: The Dance

As the night approached, Beacon's highly anticipated dance was beginning to take form. Team RW_Y had been given the responsibility of organizing the party, and they were joined by both Team JNPR and Todo to assist in setting up the venue. This involved moving equipment such as large speakers and tables into place to ensure everything was ready for the festivities.

Once the teams had completed their tasks and the preparations were complete, everyone dispersed to their individual dorm rooms to get ready for the upcoming event. The excitement and anticipation in the air were palpable as they prepared for a night of dancing and celebration.

Jaune stepped out of his room, dressed in a stylish suit that accentuated his charm. He had taken the time to shower, ensuring he was refreshed and at his best for the evening. His neatly brushed hair framed his face, and a confident smile graced his lips as he readied himself to make his way to the dance.

Jaune: Well, let's head to the dance.

Jaune made his way toward the dance venue, his steps filled with anticipation and excitement. The venue awaited him, along with his friends, as they gathered to celebrate and enjoy the night's festivities. With each step, he drew closer to the promise of a memorable evening at Beacon's dance, ready to create lasting memories with those he held dear.

As Jaune made his way to the dance, he crossed paths with Neo, who was dressed elegantly for the occasion. Jaune couldn't help but offer her a compliment.

Jaune: That dress suits you really well.

Neo responded with a written compliment of her own, and together, they continued toward the dance venue. They arrived to find Yang, who warmly welcomed them.

Yang: Oh wow, that suit really suits you, Jaune.

Jaune returned the compliment with a genuine smile.

Jaune: Thank you. You look amazing in your dress as well.

With mutual compliments exchanged, Yang welcomed them to the dance. Jaune and Neo found a spot to sit together, sipping on some punch and engaging in a conversation through sign language. They seemed to be enjoying each other's company and the atmosphere of the dance.

Under the soft, romantic glow of the dance floor's lighting, Jaune and Neo embarked on a wondrous journey through their dance. Their movements were a harmonious blend of grace and passion, creating an ethereal spectacle that left onlookers breathless.

Neo's lithe figure seemed to defy gravity as she glided effortlessly across the floor. Her every move was a poetic expression, her dress flowing like a cascade of pink silk. With a subtle flick of her wrist, she would twirl, leaving behind a fleeting trail of stardust in her wake.

Jaune, though initially more reserved in his steps, quickly adapted to Neo's dance, his movements gaining in fluidity and confidence. He became her willing partner, learning from her subtle cues and becoming entranced by her elegance.

Their dance began to pick up in intensity, a delicate synchronization of two souls drawn together by the music's spell. Neo led with finesse, guiding Jaune through a series of intricate steps. Jaune, determined to keep up, matched her every move, their hearts beating in unison with the music's cadence.

As they twirled, Neo's dress shimmered like a moonlit sea, catching the light in such a way that it seemed to change colors with each step. Jaune's suit, while more understated, complemented her perfectly, and the two of them together formed a breathtaking tableau of elegance and love.

Their eyes remained locked throughout the dance, an unspoken connection that transcended words. In that fleeting moment, Jaune saw Neo's eyes briefly shift from their mesmerizing emerald green to her natural pink and brown hues, a reminder of her Semblance. However, Jaune paid it no mind, he was captivated by the person she was, not the appearance she chose to wear.

As the final notes of the music played, Jaune and Neo completed their dance with a breathtaking flourish, their bodies drawn together as if by an invisible force. The crowd erupted into applause and cheers, moved by the sheer beauty and intimacy of the moment they had witnessed

Jaune:... I like the dance, Thanks.

Jaune and Neo returned to their seats, both wearing smiles of contentment. Neo communicated her thoughts through sign language, expressing her enjoyment of the dance.

Neo: "Same. I never knew you could dance that well."

She playfully nudged his arm, and Jaune chuckled in response.

Jaune: I did grow up with seven sisters.

Neo seemed genuinely surprised.

Neo: "Seven? Wow! No wonder you're good at it."

She smiled and silently laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. Jaune jokingly nudged her arm back.

Jaune: Well, I'm not exactly good, but I know how to adapt quickly to different changes.

Jaune's sisters had all loved to dance with their brother, and since they each had their own unique dancing styles, Jaune had become adept at adapting to different dance forms on the fly. His primary goal had always been to make sure they enjoyed themselves and stayed safe while having fun. It was a skill that had served him well on the dance floor tonight.




As the night unfolded, Pyrrha finally arrived at the dance. Jaune noticed that she appeared somewhat downcast, prompting him to approach her. They engaged in a heartfelt conversation, where they shared their thoughts and feelings. The dance provided them with an opportunity to connect on a deeper level, and as they danced, it seemed as though the weight on Pyrrha's shoulders was lifted. There were some misunderstanding that they realized as they both apologized to each other for it.

After their dance, Jaune turned his attention to Ruby, engaging in a conversation with her. Neo, who had been keeping her eyes on Jaune during their interaction.

Jaune, feeling a sense of camaraderie, asked Ruby to dance. Initially hesitant, Ruby eventually agreed, and Jaune had the honor of dancing with her, marking the third girl he had danced with that night.

Meanwhile, Neo and Jaune continued their conversation and shared a drink or two. Ruby eventually took her leave, with Jaune offering to assist her as she navigated the people and headed outside the dance venue. Though she may not have excelled at the dancing, her effort was commendable.

The night continued on, filled with laughter, shared moments, and the forging of deeper connections, making it a memorable evening for Jaune and his friends.
