Chapter 25: Sukuna Awakens!

"Dammit..." Jaune thought to himself, a heavy sigh escaping his lips as he leaned forward on the unforgiving ground, a defeated posture mirroring the turmoil within.

With a mere slap by the monstrosity, Jaune was taken down, He could barely reacted to it, He did however managed to escape a death blow but at the cost of extreme damage that would leave a fatal wound to his chest being created as Jaune rib-cage crushed in itself and his lungs were pieces by his shattered bones.




Jaune stood up... all signs of blood were gone, and he appeared perfectly fine. No injuries were visible, and no negative emotions were apparent, unlike his initial condition. It was a deception that could easily fool anyone. However, hidden beneath the surface, black markings had manifested across Jaune's body. As he raised his hand to slick back his hair, his eyes turned red, and two smaller red eyes emerged beneath them.

Sukuna had finally seized control. "It feels good to be back in control. I would have let this brat die, but I can't afford him to die just yet. I still need him" Sukuna declared, walking forward to face the massive giant.

"Keeping this false commander alive would put Ruby's life in danger. That silver light I sensed could have incapacitated her to the point of unconsciousness," Sukuna warned. He paused, raising his fist and crouching down slightly. "Let's start with a little taste, shall we?"




The mighty Mahoraga initiated the encounter, conjuring a dagger-like blade that materialized swiftly behind its clenched fist. With tremendous force, it brought the weapon down towards Sukuna, who adeptly defended himself by blocking the strike with a single outstretched wrist. The impact shattered the ground beneath them, and the shockwave alone began to crumble the wall behind Sukuna.

Observing the glowing blade, Sukuna swiftly discerned its significance. He vanished in an instant, reappearing in the air behind Mahoraga. Without hesitation, he unleashed a barrage of rapid yet potent jabs to the creature's head, followed by a sweeping slash of his hand, uttering, "Dismantle" Multiple unseen slashes sliced through Mahoraga's body, inflicting noticeable damage.

Anticipating a counterattack, Sukuna swiftly unleashed another Dismantle towards Mahoraga, resulting in a collision of their forces. The impact sent both combatants hurtling backward, crashing into nearby buildings. Sukuna found himself within a clothing store, while Mahoraga ended up in a furniture establishment.

Sukuna strolled out of the store unscathed, adorned in a crimson dress he had found. He examined the attire briefly before dismissing it with a casual tap that reduced it to tattered fragments. "Not my taste" he commented, shifting his attention to the dark hole where Mahoraga had been propelled.

Observing the ominous sword that had been used against him, Sukuna deduced its nature. "A Sword of Light, specialized in combating darkness, slightly linked to cursed energy. However, due to this connection, it now harbors the same positive energy through a reverse cursed technique" he mused. Sukuna couldn't help but express irritation at the thought of the entity behind this, remarking, "Seems like that old bark still has some sticks left to throw at me. If I were a cursed spirit, that would've eliminated me on the first blow."

As Mahoraga emerged from the hole, each step left deep footprints on the road. Sukuna, frustrated by the encounter, wiped his finger and used Dismantle on Mahoraga, creating a substantial wound on the beast's chest. However, to Sukuna's surprise, the creature swiftly regenerated. Mahoraga lunged at Sukuna, grabbing him by the head and landing on the side of a building. Running across the surface, Mahoraga ground Sukuna's face against the wall before hurling him across the street. Sukuna landed on his hand, skillfully planting himself securely on the wall.

"You wanna go?!" Sukuna taunted Mahoraga, leaping off the building and shattering the walls within that section of the structure. Mahoraga soared towards Sukuna, launching a series of strikes. With quick reflexes, Sukuna evaded the attacks, leaping higher on the wall. Undeterred, Mahoraga continued its relentless assault, using its large hands to slam into the wall where Sukuna confidently stood, a smirk playing on his lips.

Sukuna, displaying remarkable reflexes, executed a series of backflips up the building, evading Mahoraga's unyielding attacks. The relentless confrontation persisted until they reached the pinnacle of the building. There, Mahoraga clasped its hands together and slammed down on the roof, sending shockwaves reverberating through the city streets. The impact extinguished some fires and stoked others, leaving chaos in its wake.

Despite Mahoraga's onslaught, Sukuna's agility proved unmatched. He deftly sidestepped each crushing blow, outmaneuvering the opponent. Seizing an opportunity, Sukuna leaped onto Mahoraga's hands and ascended, delivering a powerful kick to the creature's cheek. Quick to recover, Mahoraga attempted to retaliate by grabbing Jaune hoodie. However, Sukuna swiftly countered, slicing Mahoraga's arms to pieces. Floating backward in mid-air, Sukuna swiped his arm across, severing Mahoraga's leg and sending it plummeting off the roof.

Recognizing the escalating threat posed by Sukuna, Mahoraga swiftly inhaled an immense volume of air in a mere second. A powerful sonic blast erupted towards Sukuna, propelling him backward and causing him to crash through multiple buildings. However, the impact was small as Sukuna expertly caught onto a building, his swift reflexes allowing him to regain control. feeling something on his neck, Sukuna pulled out a large white finger and flung it away with disgust.

As Sukuna surveyed his surroundings, he discovered Mahoraga right in front of him. Undeterred by the creature's attempt to push him down with its foot, Sukuna easily resisted and retaliated, thrusting Mahoraga back into an office building. The clash wreaked havoc, destroying chairs, tables, and computers.

Leaping off the wall, Sukuna pursued Mahoraga into the building, raising his fist for a devastating punch. Mahoraga mirrored the movement, and the ensuing impact shattered the building's glass and entire floor. As they descended together, both combatants resembled war machines, engaged in an intense brawl. The relentless exchange of hand-to-hand blows continued, with Mahoraga absorbing the brunt of the damage. Sukuna, utilizing his palm for both defense and offense, took advantage of Mahoraga's punches by employing Dismantle, inflicting even more damage on his formidable adversary.

The battle intensified with a relentless exchange of blows, escalating from tens to twenties to forties, with Sukuna's Dismantle strikes cutting through not only Mahoraga but also the surrounding structure. The building, unable to withstand the onslaught, exploded and collapsed, showering debris on the city streets. Amid the chaos, Sukuna seized the opportunity to set up a strategic move.

Blitzing out of the crumbling building, Sukuna grabbed a metal line and swung it around Mahoraga with a wicked smile. The swing caught Mahoraga and a piece of the destroyed wall, initiating a twisting motion that sent Mahoraga hurtling across the city streets, crashing into a car park.

Finding joy in the ongoing battle, Sukuna relentlessly pursued Mahoraga. Mahoraga, aware of Sukuna's airborne approach, began to hurl various vehicles from small vans and buses to normal cars and trucks at Sukuna. However, with precision and speed, Sukuna sliced every incoming car in half. The divided vehicles crashed into buildings, claiming unfortunate victims within. The cries of terrified children echoed across the city block.

Even the Grimm, typically avoiding the two, suffered heavy losses in the unintended crossfire. The creatures, seemingly afraid, attempted to distance themselves from the powerful combatants.

Maintaining a safe distance from Mahoraga, Sukuna sent a powerful kick followed by a massive Dismantle attack. The attack sliced straight through Mahoraga's body, causing the top half to fall away. Yet, to Sukuna's surprise, the decapitated part quickly healed, leaving Mahoraga looking as good as new. "Oh? You did something, didn't you?" Sukuna remarked, acknowledging the unexpected resilience of his enemy.




Amidst the chaos that echoed across the city of Vale, the cacophony of collapsing buildings and explosions reverberated through the air. The frightened citizens, huddled in hiding, could do nothing but listen in dread. The unsettling sounds only intensified their fear, compounding the terror already instilled by the presence of the Grimm.

Inside a makeshift refuge, the palpable fear gripped the people tightly. A child, trembling and tearful, clung desperately to her mother. The mother, though equally terrified, sought to comfort her daughter, urging her to stay calm. "Mother, I'm scared!" the child cried out, and the mother, despite her own fear, did her best to soothe the child's distress.

Yet, even if this particular child managed to find solace, the collective fear of every soul within the building and across the city of Remnant continued to permeate the air. The Grimm, sensitive to the negative emotions emanating from the populace, grew more feral and aggressive in their pursuit, adding another layer of threat to an already dire situation. The struggle to remain composed and silent became a collective challenge, as every frightened heartbeat threatened to draw the Grimm closer to the unsuspecting victims.




Qrow turned on the docks, witnessing the aftermath of the devastating battle. The scene before him was a grim tableau of destruction and chaos. Multiple lifeless and injured bodies lay scattered across the area. Professional Huntsmen, determined to protect the remaining survivors at all costs, were positioned near the docks, surveying the wreckage.

His attention drawn to the city, Qrow's expression darkened. The district he had left behind, where the young Arc had been, now bore the unmistakable signs of a cataclysmic event. As he gazed in horror, approximately ten entire structures of large buildings hovered in the air, remnants of what once stood tall. The buildings, now destroyed, began to descend, crashing down into the city below.

The impact echoed through the once vibrant streets of Vale, leaving a scene of devastation in its wake. The roads, once bustling with life, were now filled with the ominous hue of red, a stark contrast to the city's former vitality. Qrow, overwhelmed by the scale of destruction before him, could only mutter, "Oh god..." The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him as he took in the extent of the catastrophe that had befallen Vale and took a deep drink of his flask.




Back in the city of Vale, Multiple of more buildings was getting flung into the air at a extremely fast paced, Sukuna was flung into a structure that had hordes of people hiding within it, "AHHHH!" The people screamed as Mahoraga came crashing through the roof and tried to slash down its sword at Sukuna who blocked it again as the surrounding humans was Severed with Blood covering the ceiling. Placing both of his hands on Mahoraga stomach and spammed his Dismantle ability on the skin of Mahoraga which caused the surrounding area to be cut through as well as the building as it all came crashing down with the dust-cloud covering a good amount of distant on the street. 

Not a single soul lived through that crash beside Mahoraga who laid on the ground bleeding and Sukuna who stood beside Mahoraga, leaning down, "Something was odd..." Sukuna commented to himself he took a few steps back just in time to narrowly evade another slash from Mahoraga. They found themselves in an underground car park, a momentary pause before Mahoraga seized the opportunity.

Mahoraga, capitalizing on Sukuna's distraction, swung its sword toward Sukuna's neck in an attempt to decapitate him. Sukuna, ever resourceful, revealed another mouth on his neck, catching the blade with its teeth and shattering it. Seizing the offensive, Sukuna swiftly raised his leg and delivered a powerful kick upward, accompanied by another Dismantle attack. Mahoraga was sent hurtling into the air, breaking up the road and eliminating some Grimm in the process.

Nonetheless, the relentless battle between Sukuna and Mahoraga persisted. Sukuna, determined to defeat his formidable opponent, unleashed a powerful kick that sent Mahoraga hurtling into another building. The wheel above Mahoraga's head glowed once more, prompting Sukuna to comment with an amused tone, "Again?" Undeterred, he delivered another Dismantle blow to the midsection of Mahoraga's guts.

Unexpectedly, Mahoraga retaliated with a side swipe, blasting Sukuna through the wall and onto a piece of crushed concrete. Despite the setback, Mahoraga continued the chase, and as they clashed in mid-air, Sukuna, demonstrating superior strength, sent Mahoraga flying across Vale into a district reserved for the city's affluent residents.

Their chaotic trajectory led them to a tower crane, with Mahoraga crashing through its top half as Sukuna, agile and relentless, grabbed onto a hook and swung across. A devastating kick to Mahoraga's stomach ensued, colliding with another tower crane and causing a domino effect of destruction that razed mansions in its wake.

As the dust settled, Sukuna stood on the remains of a collapsed mansion, hands in his pockets, facing Mahoraga. The beast, however, was entangled in metal bars and wires connected to the mansions and local powerhouses. Despite the electrical currents coursing through Mahoraga's body, the creature's raw physical strength allowed it to tug the weight of numerous large mansions, showcasing the strength that Sukuna had to faced.

The destructive clash between Sukuna and Mahoraga continued, heedless of the devastation they wrought upon the city of Vale. Another three minutes passed, and the construction warehouses, housing expensive gears and top-grade Dust, exploded in a fiery spectacle that engulfed the entire district. The resulting inferno spread rapidly, consuming the city in chaos.

Sukuna and Mahoraga, engaged in their relentless rampage, demonstrated a complete disregard for the lives of the people caught in their path. In their eyes, the inhabitants were mere ants, inconsequential in the grand scope of their destructive power. As the clash unfolded, approximately 760 lives were lost, with an additional 1,450 individuals sustaining injuries from falling debris.

Sukuna, sent into the air, surveyed the chaotic scene. Trains floated ominously, crashing into Manticore and Griffon Grimms along the way. Mahoraga, with a strategic move, hurled one of the floating trains at Sukuna, prompting a visceral response. Anger flared in Sukuna as he deftly sliced the incoming train into thin pieces.

As Mahoraga reappeared, kicking Sukuna into the still-floating trains filled with people, a revelation dawned on the cursed being. Sukuna realized that Mahoraga was wielding not positive, but negative cursed energy. A wicked grin spread across Sukuna's face, and he proudly declared, "You've done it now!" With a swift and decisive motion, Sukuna unleashed his attack once more, dicing up every train in the air. The result was a grim spectacle as the blood of countless victims rained onto the ground below.

Shocked and surprised by Mahoraga's sudden growth in size, Sukuna found himself in a dire situation as Mahoraga wielded a train and swung it at him. Sukuna was sent crashing through a door and into a crowd of unsuspecting people, their lives abruptly cut short as they were sliced in half by the impact. Before anyone could react, the entire train was flattened by Mahoraga's colossal hands, the once-bustling vehicle now resembling a crushed pancake.

The force of Mahoraga's blow sent Sukuna flying miles away, crashing into a mall within the residential district. The collision didn't just end there... Sukuna's trajectory took him through the mall, eliminating an Alpha Manticore in the process. Emerging from the wreckage, Sukuna looked up to see Mahoraga, now back to its normal size, ready to resume their intense clash.

As they clashed once more, Sukuna executed a backflip and swiped his hand to the side, using Dismantle to slice through the entire floor of the mall. Amidst the chaos, Sukuna began to laugh uncontrollably, a wild and joyous expression on his face. "You can see it! You can see my technique!"

The destructive confrontation between Sukuna and Mahoraga escalated to new heights, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. Outside the mall, the debris from Sukuna's wide-ranging Dismantle attack crashed into buildings, slicing and dicing everything in its path. Floating people were caught in the destructive force, meeting a grisly fate as they were cut in half.

Above the shattered city of Vale, a massive cut through the clouds exposed the night sky. The moon, already damaged, cast an eerie glow through the opening. In the midst of this chaotic scene, Sukuna, charged by Mahoraga, decided to intensify the battle further. He unleashed a barrage of Dismantle attacks, widening the range to prevent Mahoraga from evading them. The onslaught caught Mahoraga within its cutting range, severing all its limbs with Sukuna even smacking away one of the beast's arms.

The dismembered top half of Mahoraga was sent hurtling into the tallest building in Vale... the famous clocktower built during the peace era after the Great War. As Mahoraga's limbs regenerated, it lifted the entire top half of the clocktower, leaping off the remnants and hurling it down at Sukuna, who had noticed the populated area below. Seated on a street filled with people, Sukuna pointed at the falling clocktower.

In response, Sukuna unleashed another wide-range Dismantle attack, cutting through the clocktower and sending debris crashing into the hidden bunkers below. The underground sanctuaries, where people sought refuge, collapsed under the destructive force, burying over nine bunkers beneath the debris. The toll of the battle extended beyond the physical destruction, claiming the safety of those who had sought shelter in the bunkers.

The destruction reached catastrophic proportions as the remnants of the clocktower cascaded down upon the city of Vale. The impact not only obliterated the street where Sukuna lounged but also ravaged the entire city block, causing the collapse of over 20 buildings and potentially more. The once-majestic clocktower, a symbol of peace, now served as a catalyst for widespread devastation.

As the city crumbled around him, Sukuna reveled in the chaos and destruction. A sadistic smile adorned his face as he raised both hands, a twisted acknowledgment of the pure horror and suffering unfolding in the background. The anguished screams of children, women, and men filled the air, a cacophony that echoed like haunting music to Sukuna's ears.

The casualties extended beyond the human population. The relentless clash between Mahoraga and Sukuna had not only claimed countless human lives but also significantly diminished the presence of Grimm in the city. Most of the creatures of darkness had been eradicated, leaving only the choice for the remaining Grimm to either flee in instinctual fear or succumb to embrace their meaning for being created and seek out the remaining survivors to feed on their raw flesh based on their negativity emotion's.

Above the chaotic scene, Atlas Army airships, caught in the crossfire, were set ablaze and crashed onto the beleaguered city. The burning wreckage illuminated the stage of destruction, with Sukuna playing the role of a malevolent host and Mahoraga serving as his ominous assistant.

As the chaos unfolded and Sukuna sensed Mahoraga's presence, he vanished from his location, narrowly avoiding the impending crash of an airship. In the blink of an eye, Sukuna reappeared in front of Mahoraga, unleashing a relentless barrage of Dismantle attacks. The destructive force swept through Mahoraga, and over 85 large buildings were caught in Sukuna's cutting range, collapsing under the immense power.

Time seemed to slow down as the city bled red from the blood of the innocent and oozed black with the Grimm caught in Sukuna's cutting range. Amidst the devastation, Sukuna, with a malevolent grin, began to piece together the puzzle. He recognized similarities between Mahoraga and Yamata no Orochi, understanding that both entities followed his slices and attacked with cursed energy. This revelation led Sukuna to a startling conclusion... that Mahoraga, created from the old tree, was a similar copy to the false gods designed to deal with him.

With a sinister smile, Sukuna brought his hands together in a malevolent formation. He revealed his awareness of Mahoraga's shikigami ability, explaining that it could adapt to anything and everything... an ultimate late-throw rock-paper-scissors.

The atmosphere grew tense, "Let end this dance of ours's!" Laughter erupted from Sukuna, echoing through the apocalyptic scene as he started to raise his hands and force a unknown pattern with his hands. "HehehahaHAHAHAHA!"

In response, Mahoraga, now towering like a skyscraper, attempted to grab Sukuna while the city block crumbled around them, claiming the lives of hundreds. As Mahoraga's entire body shifted to black.

"Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine"

In a chilling moment of convergence, the air beneath Sukuna's feet transformed into a nightmarish shrine of grotesque imagery. Bull-like skulls adorned the ground, while the roof sprouted menacing horns, and human skulls dangled from the structure. The four entrances to the shrine manifested as large, grotesque mouths, complete with humanlike teeth and tongues. The collective horror of the shrine eclipsed even the enlarged form of Mahoraga, casting a foreboding shadow over the once-peaceful city of Vale.

The fall of Beacon was marked not just by physical devastation but by a profound shift in the balance of power. The city, a symbol of peace and equality between Humans and Faunus, now lay in ruins, bearing witness to the consequences of a relentless and destructive clash between two formidable adversaries.

In a swift and decisive moment, Mahoraga's colossal form was sliced by Sukuna's techniques. Dismantle and Cleaved worked in tandem, unleashing an endless striking swarm that extended to a staggering range of 200 meters from where Sukuna stood. The impact of the techniques severed Mahoraga's body and plunged the city into darkness.

As the city fell into disarray, power was cut off, leaving those in bunkers and the few survivors bewildered and confused.

"No signal..." A Faunus girl, with soft blue hair and yellowish-green eyes, whispered to her friend, who happened to be there for a vacation celebrating the birth of her child. They were not as worried as everyone else. "My husband is here, so I don't have to worry" The girl held the man beside her hand, and he smiled back, carrying a two-year-old child. "I will protect everyone, so don't worry" the father stated with a reassuring smile, earning appreciation from his wife and her friend.

It was comforting to have hope and someone to illuminate the positive aspects even in the midst of adversity. They all believed the Huntsmen would arrive and save everyone, trusting these modern-day heroes.

"Huh? What is that glow out there?" The wife pointed it out, capturing the attention of her friend and husband. They, too, were confused. "Do you think that's Atlas bringing backup to help?" the friend questioned. "I don't know, but it looks quite beautiful" an elderly man responded as he slowly made his way to the ground.

"You feeling better, Dad?" the wife asked as she got up and checked on him. "Oh, please, I'll be fine. I may not be as young as I was back then, but I can still defend myself!" he argued with his daughter, who only smiled and hugged the old man.

The moment the hug made contact, a blinding light exploded, engulfing everything and anything visible to the family and friends in a storm of dust. Despite what they witnessed, no one could move or speak, as they all disintegrated into utter nothingness, including their blood, cells, and atoms.

In just a second, Cleave and Dismantle were unleashed, raining destruction upon a 200-meter radius of the city in an endless storm that showed no signs of stopping until Sukuna's Domain ceased to exist.

Meanwhile, Sukuna stood where he was, holding the Domain symbols with his hands, staring at Mahoraga. The monstrous entity continued to regenerate at an extreme degree, surprising Sukuna that it persisted. Slowly, Mahoraga advanced toward Sukuna, who muttered, "I just need to kill you before you can even adapt."

Sukuna removed the hand signs for the Domain and raised his hand in the air. In front of him, his hands began to glow.

Instantly, 200 meters of the city were blown back and destroyed without mercy. Sukuna swung from side to side as the fire gained speed and heat, causing every debris within the 200 meters and even things outside the Domain's reach to ignite and melt. Concrete, steel, and all sorts of materials considered too hard to melt down so rapidly succumbed to the intense heat.

As Sukuna unleashed his devastating power, the very ground beneath him transformed into molten lava, sinking down into the earth. The intense heat radiated outwards, reaching even those in Beacon. The airships still in the sky were not spared, having either crashed or begun to melt from the overwhelming heat.




As the residents of Beacon fought desperately against the Grimm, striving to both defeat the creatures and rescue those still within reach, they all bore witness to the unfolding chaos between Mahoraga and Sukuna. Initially, many dismissed the spectacle as an immense gathering and ignition of dust, perhaps combined with the volatile properties of gravity dust. The idea that a Grimm could unleash such destructive power seemed unfathomable to most, except for a handful of seasoned Huntsmen like Qrow. They understood that the scale of devastation witnessed could not be solely attributed to dust. It would require an astronomical amount of mined dust, possibly even the entire reserves of Atlas, and even then, it remained a dubious possibility.

Yet, amidst the confusion, something more ominous transpired. Qrow couldn't shake the uneasy feeling gnawing at him as he observed a colossal rift slicing through the clouds, unveiling the moon. Then, a crimson beam of light pierced the sky. "Salem" Qrow muttered, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. The realization struck him - perhaps she had arrived. Based on his knowledge, it seemed plausible. Oz had never disclosed any information about others capable of such extraordinary feats. Or... "What if..."

Qrow took a moment to ponder, shaking his head. "It can't be... It can't be the Brother Gods...!" The mere thought of their presence sent a shiver down his spine. For them to be here... it was an unsettling notion, and no reassuring answers presented themselves. His mind wrestled with possibilities, but none offered solace. He found himself grappling with the unknown.

In the vicinity, Ruby lay unconscious, while Blake knelt on the ground, tears streaming down her face as she clutched onto the unconscious one-armed Yang, mirroring Ruby's state. Nora and Ren, along with the rest, were left to witness a surreal scene where debris hung suspended in the air, covering an expanse of over 200 meters.

"Jaune... Please be okay" Nora whispered, her grip on Ren tightening for support, her leg bearing the brunt of a serious injury from a Grimm encounter. To say the least, everyone was injured... some with broken bones, others nursing severe open wounds. What was meant to be a day for peace and harmony had devolved into nothing short of a brutal bloodbath.




Mahoraga struggled to regenerate under the relentless barrage of attacks from Sukuna. The relentless assault made regeneration a daunting task. Suddenly, the debris surrounding Mahoraga began to melt as Sukuna emitted a scorching fire. Sukuna took a bowman's stance, a fire bow in hand, and aimed it directly at Mahoraga. "🅞🅟🅔🅝" he commanded, unleashing a fiery projectile.

Erupting from Sukuna's attack was an overwhelming and intense blaze. A colossal amount of fire radiated, giving rise to smaller branches of fiery pillars that spread across the entire city. The spectacle illuminated the entire country for a fleeting ten seconds before gradually diminishing to a diminutive red sphere of fire. Finally, it extinguished, dispersing into gentle particles that softly drifted away. The aftermath left the once vibrant city cloaked in an eerie silence.




As Qrow observed the towering pillar of fire ascending towards the heavens, a profound conviction settled within him. He couldn't shake the feeling that, for a brief moment, the God of Light and the God of Darkness themselves had descended to exhibit their formidable might to humanity. It defied all logical explanation that a mere individual could unleash such devastating power. Qrow reasoned that even if it were Salem wielding her magic, Remnant would have already succumbed to destruction. The scale of firepower exhibited would undoubtedly obliterate a nation, rendering victory impossible for any mere mortal.




Jaune stood still... Eyes wide and staring off in the empty distant as the city around him was on fire and blood and black goop had all stained the empty destroyed road.

(Moments Before)

Sukuna watched at Mahoraga wheel burst into dust and floated away, Turning away. He walked back onto the roar and was stopped Infront of some twins, stopping him from going ahead as Sukuna frowned upon.

"Oi, are you the one who destroyed our club?" the red-haired individual yelled in evident anger, her frustration etched across her face. It seemed they had missed the true cause of the city's destruction. "Get lost" Sukuna spoke, feeling someone grabbing his hand. "I don't think he is. He looks way too handsome for that, don't you agree, Miltia?" the one in the light blue dress commented, prompting Miltia to look at Sukuna from head to toe.

"I certainly see, but-..." Miltia halted as she sensed something on her cheek. Perplexed, she raised her hand and wiped whatever substance it was. Looking down, she discovered a red liquid on her thumb. "Blood? But I never even got hit...?" Glancing to her left, she intended to seek clarification from Melanie. However, Miltia's words caught in her throat as she found Melanie on the ground.... gone. All that remained was a large pool of blood, with a single green eye staring up at her.

Her heart seized. "M-M-Melanie...?!" Miltia's body twitched but froze when her head was decapitated, a fate mirrored by the rest of her body. Sukuna smiled, a sense of satisfaction washing over him.

"Know your place, you fool" Sukuna stared down at the blood puddle, demanding an explanation from the person behind him. "Who are you?" he asked. "Master Sukuna, I've come to escort you," an unknown voice replied, triggering a flood of familiar memories for Sukuna. A smirk crept across his face. "Uraume?!" Sukuna exclaimed with a sense of recognition as he turned to face a white-haired monk with a bob-cut, an irregular line of dark plum pink running horizontally across the back of their head, and dark pink eyes with long eyelashes. "It's nice to see you again," Uraume said with utmost respect, bowing towards Sukuna.

"Do you have it?" Sukuna asked as he stared down at the bowing Uraume, "That I do Master Sukuna however the other power that you sought has yet to be found but they are being somewhat worthy kids to do the hard work so It will not be long" They answered which Sukuna nodded, "Uraume have it under control as I expected, They prove to be useless as always" He smiled to himself.

"Shall we prepare now?" Uraume inquired, but Sukuna surprised them with his response. "Not yet. I am currently busy with something, so wait" he declared, prompting Uraume to fall into silence before eventually accepting it with their lord.

"It won't be much longer until I'm completely free... Don't neglect your preparations. See you later, Uraume" Sukuna spoke, and Uraume, caught off guard, smiled at the parting words. "Understood. I shall be waiting for you" Uraume commented before disappearing, leaving Sukuna standing alone.

"..........." Sukuna looked down at his hands and saw it was beginning to twitch, "Oh, He finally woke up from his slumber" Sukuna looked behind him and grinned as he has a idea, Walking forwards to the edge of the path, "Hey, brat, be sure to savor this."

Sukuna release his control over Jaune body and allow Jaune to witness everything that was Infront of him as he went back sitting on his throne in his soul domain.

(Current Time)

Jaune's eyes held no light, his pallor reflecting the struggle within his mind to comprehend the overwhelming flood of memories. His heart raced, and his trembling body betrayed the inner turmoil. Slowly, he reached a shaking hand to the side of his face, memories of Sukuna's control overpowering his thoughts. The images replayed... murders of people, families, and children; unnecessary bloodshed... the battle with the white giant monstrosity and the tragic deaths of the twin girls.

The weight of it all was beyond overwhelming for Jaune. As a Huntsman, he was meant to be a savior, a hero protecting others and ensuring a brighter day. But...

Jaune collapsed to the ground, vomiting out the visceral reaction to the horror he had witnessed. Tears streamed down his face as he confronted a harsh truth, he was no hero. A hero doesn't kill, but Jaune had become a vessel for Sukuna, responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians.

"Die! Only me! Only me! Die! Right now!" Jaune screamed, grappling with the brutal reality as he smashed his head against the ground and scraped his hands on the roar, making himself bleed. Every drop of blood shed by Sukuna felt like a stain on his hands, and he could only blame himself. The realization hit him hard.

"I have to go... I have to fight...or else... I'm nothing but a murderer" Jaune uttered with a hollow expression. He knew he couldn't linger in self-pity... he had to keep moving. No longer a Huntsman, he saw himself as a murderer, haunted by the consequences of his actions.
