Chapter 21: Round One

Jaune introduced his father to his friends, who couldn't help but be surprised by the unexpected meeting. They greeted the man warmly, and for a brief moment, father and son shared a connection that had been long overdue. However, their reunion was cut short as their team's name was called out, signaling their next match. Jaune bid farewell to his friends and his father as he and his team departed to prepare for the upcoming battle.

The arena was electric with anticipation as they stood on one side, facing Team ABRN on the opposite end. The raucous crowd roared, adding to the excitement of the moment. The sun beamed down, casting a warm and intense light on the preparations below. Jaune couldn't contain his nervous energy, hopping on the spot, shadow boxing, and stretching in a bid to keep his muscles warm.

Professor Port took the stage, delivering an introduction for both teams. He then pressed a button that triggered a screen displaying different logos, each representing a distinct environment where the battle would take place. The slots were chosen, and the ground beneath them began to shift, transforming into the selected environment. Soon, they found themselves in an icy forest, ready to face the challenges of their next match.

Port: 3....2....1.... Begin!

In the heat of the battle, both teams charged at each other with fierce determination. Jaune took the lead, running ahead of his teammates. With a determined expression, he leaped into the air, his fist raised high. Team ABRN anticipated this move and prepared to block and counter Jaune's attack, which appeared to be aimed at Nadir, their weakest member. As they closed in around Nadir, Reese, riding her hoverboard and ready to use Gravity Dust to repel Jaune, braced for the impact.

However, Jaune had a different plan. Just as he reached Reese and her hoverboard, he opened his fist and, to everyone's surprise, grabbed onto the hoverboard. He forcefully pulled it away from Reese, causing her to lose balance and fall to the ground. Fortunately, Bolin was quick to react, catching her before she hit the icy forest floor.

Reese: Thanks.

Bolin: No problem.

As Reese regained her composure, she noticed Jaune still holding onto her hoverboard and immediately demanded it back.

Reese: Hey! Give me back my board!

Jaune, with a sly grin, called for Nora to execute their planned move.

As Jaune flipped onto the hoverboard, he charged up the Gravity Dust that Reese had been using to keep the board afloat. The board hit the ground, and thanks to the activated dust, it propelled him into the air at a rapid pace. At the same time, Nora lifted her hammer and prepared to deliver a powerful blow right where the Gravity Dust was being projected to keep the board suspended.

Jaune raised his knees to shield the board from any potential damage caused by the sudden change in direction. The Gravity Dust reacted like a high-speed projectile, flinging Jaune across the battlefield. He soared just above the icy ground, heading directly toward Team ABRN.

Port: Look at this! Mr. Arc is using Miss Chloris's own weapon against her team! Genius! But what is his plan now?

With precision timing, Jaune leaped off the hoverboard, raising his knees and delivering an extremely powerful knee strike to Nadir. The impact was immense, and Nadir took the full force of the blow, skidding across the forest terrain and crashing into multiple trees.

Arslan: Nadir!

Pyrrha: Keep your focus, Arslan.

In the midst of the intense battle, Pyrrha seized the opportunity created by Jaune's distraction and swiftly launched an attack on the off-guard Arslan. Arslan looked surprised at first but quickly shifted to a determined expression as they engaged in a heated exchange of blows, clashing their weapons with skill and precision.

Meanwhile, Reese managed to regain control of her hoverboard, but Nora, not finished with her yet, leaped into the air, attempting to bring her hammer down on Reese. However, Bolin, using his bow, tilted Nora's swing slightly to the right, narrowly avoiding the strike. Reese quickly hopped onto her board and started to hover away, searching for an opening to rejoin the battle, but she was met with a sudden ambush by Team JNPR.

Ren found himself facing the badly injured Nadir, while Jaune squared off against Bolin. Nora engaged in a brief skirmish with Reese. Finally, Pyrrha stood face to face with the leader of Team ABRN, Arslan Altan.

Bolin charged forward, utilizing his staff to launch icy projectiles at Jaune. Jaune displayed remarkable agility, dodging the projectiles with grace. In response, Jaune retaliated with a rapid barrage of punches. Bolin raised a barrier to deflect the punches, but the force of Jaune's blows proved too much, and the barrier shattered.

Undeterred, Bolin conjured ice pillars, attempting to trap Jaune within them. However, Jaune quickly assessed the situation and leaped into the air, evading the icy trap. He then brought his fist down towards the ice, shattering it with sheer force. Bolin, seeing an opportunity for close combat, closed the gap between them, preparing for a physical confrontation.

Bolin had his few shares of getting hits on Jaune as Bolin was just as agile as Jaune but it would not be enough to overwhelm the leader of Team JNPR.

In the midst of the battle, Jaune maintained a keen awareness not only of his own enemies but also his teammates. Pyrrha, engaged in combat with Arslan, was gradually being pushed back, her aura diminishing to a concerning 50%. Jaune couldn't help but worry about her.

Jaune's thoughts raced with concern for his friend.

Jaune's Thoughts: Come on, Pyrrha... You can do it!

With determination, Jaune leaned back, narrowly evading a swing of Bolin's bowstaff. Team ABRN was proving to be a formidable opponent. Their leader, Arslan, possessed aura-style techniques that seemed to be of a higher degree than Ren's. Bolin displayed impressive talent in wielding dust and using his weapon with great agility. Reese posed a unique challenge with her hoverboard and creative thinking, while Nadir appeared to rely on a singular fighting approach.

Pyrrha, despite her initial strength, found herself pushed back as Arslan seemed to have analyzed and countered many of her techniques.

Arslan: After you humiliated me at the tournament, I made sure to study every video of your fights and devise counters for each one! Prepare to lose!

It was becoming evident that this battle was more about technique and strategy than sheer power.

Oobleck: Miss Nikos and Miss Altan are very skilled individuals! Simply amazing form what we are watching!

Port and Oobleck gave their commentary over the fight in the office booth 

Jaune gripped his fist as he is ready to end this.

Jaune: Sorry about this.

Bolin's confusion proved to be his downfall as Jaune seized the unexpected opening. Jaune infused his unique energy into his fists and unleashed a rapid barrage of powerful blows aimed at Bolin's face. Bolin, caught off guard and unable to react in time, found himself unable to defend against the relentless assault. Each blow struck with incredible force, causing the air to be forcefully pushed back behind his head.

Professor Port: It seems Mr. Arc is prepared to bring this battle to a close!

Professor Oobleck: Indeed, Mr. Arc demonstrates remarkable leadership skills and brawling prowess.

Bolin's face bore the evidence of Jaune's relentless assault, with a broken nose and bloodied appearance. The force of the punches sent him hurtling through a tree before he collided with a boulder, cracking it on impact.

With Bolin incapacitated, Jaune shifted his attention to the ongoing skirmish involving Nora, Ren, and Reese. Reese, using her hoverboard, adeptly dodged Nora's hammer attacks and Ren's agile movements. However, the icy terrain posed a challenge for Nora and Ren's movements, while Reese's hoverboard allowed her to navigate effortlessly.

Jaune, realizing Reese's reliance on a solid surface to hover, formulated a plan.

Jaune's Thoughts: She needs the ground to hover, right... then...

Jaune called out to Nora, offering a strategic suggestion.

Jaune: Nora, leap into the air!

Nora turned to Jaune, acknowledging his suggestion with a determined nod. She quickly activated the grenade launcher mechanism on her hammer, propelling herself into the air with a powerful blast. The unexpected move puzzled those watching, but Jaune's intent became clear in an instant.

As Jaune neared Reese, he unleashed a devastating punch straight into the ground in front of him. The force of the blow shattered the ground beneath him and created a powerful updraft, sending a shockwave of wind and debris shooting upward and forward. Reese, caught in the path of the formidable attack, was left stunned by the sheer force of Jaune's punch.

The impact launched her into the air, causing her to spin uncontrollably, leaving her temporarily incapacitated.

Reese's initial confusion quickly gave way to realization as she understood the dire situation she was in. With no way to counter the impending attack, she watched helplessly as Nora, who had launched herself into the air, closed in on her.

Reese: Oh no...

Nora, grinning with determination, swung her hammer around herself, building up momentum before raising it high above her shoulder. With the full force of her strength behind it, Nora unleashed a devastating swing that connected with Reese. The impact shattered Reese's aura upon contact, and she was sent soaring through the air and out of the arena, crashing into a nearby wall.

Port: Reese Chloris is now eliminated due to both Aura Depletion and crossing the arena bounds! Only the leader of Team ABRN remains!

The spectators in the crowd erupted in applause and cheers, acknowledging the incredible performances and feats displayed by these young students.

Meanwhile, Pyrrha was gradually gaining the upper hand in her duel with Arslan. Both combatants were running low on aura, but Pyrrha's superior speed gave her the advantage. With a swift and powerful blow to Arslan's chest, she sent her opponent crashing to the ground, her aura now depleted.

The crowd's excitement continued to grow as they witnessed the intense battles unfolding before them.

Port: And with that, Team ABRN has been defeated, making Team JNPR the victors of this match!

The cheers from the audience grew even louder as Nora celebrated with her signature boundless enthusiasm. Ren wore a contented smile as he patted Pyrrha on the back, and she reciprocated with a smile of her own.

Jaune approached Arslan, extending his hand as a gesture of sportsmanship and respect.

Jaune: That was an incredible match. Your team is exceptionally strong. I honestly thought we might lose.

Despite her initial anger and frustration, Arslan rejected Jaune's hand with a resounding smack, choosing to rise on her own.

Arslan: I don't care what you say or think. We may have lost today, but we will defeat you and your team in the future!

Her words were filled with determination and a hint of lingering frustration. Jaune maintained his easygoing smile and nodded.

Jaune: Well, when that day comes, we'll be more than happy to accept your challenge and face strong opponents.

His confident tone and demeanor seemed to confuse Arslan, but she eventually let go of her anger and agreed to a friendly rivalry. She made it clear to Pyrrha that she expected her to remain undefeated until their next encounter.

Pyrrha, although a bit hesitant, accepted Arslan's challenge with a smile. Jaune nodded in approval as Arslan and her team departed for the medical bay. Team JNPR, victorious in their first round, left the stadium to celebrate their hard-earned win.
