Chapter 5: Exams Part 1

The morning arrived with little happening, aside from a boisterous girl following a quiet boy around as they went about their morning routines. Jaune, accompanied by Blake, Yang, and Ruby, headed to the armorer to collect their weapons.

Ruby: I wonder what those two are so excited about.

Jaune shrugged.

Yang: Who knows? So, you seem unusually cheerful this morning!

Ruby: Yep! No more awkward small talk or "getting-to-know-you" stuff. Today, I'll let my sweetheart do the talking.

She lovingly stroked her crescent rose.

Yang: Well, remember, Ruby, initiation isn't just about you. If you want to grow, you need to meet new people and learn to work together.

Ruby sighed in frustration.

Ruby: You sound just like Dad! First of all, what does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And secondly, I don't need others to help me grow up! I drink milk!

Jaune: Ruby, she didn't mean it that way.

Yang: Jaune is right, Ruby. What about when we form teams?

Ruby became nervous.

Ruby: Um, I don't know. I guess I'll just join yours or Jaune's team or something...

Yang brushed her hair over her shoulder, giving it a thoughtful stroke.

Yang: Ruby, you need to open yourself up to meeting new people. You can't just stay by my side all the time.

Ruby: Are you implying, dear sister Yang, that you don't want to be on the same team as me?

Yang: What? No! Of course I do-!

Jaune: Ruby, she means that you won't meet new people if you're not willing to put yourself out there. You need to express yourself without holding back due to nerves. I may not know much about you, but I'm sure that you can do it and make a lot of allies if you believe in yourself and stay open.

His inspiring speech worked, and Ruby nodded slowly.

Ruby: I understand...

Jaune: Don't worry, Yang, Blake, and I are here to help you.

He smiled, while Blake blinked in confusion, having been zoning out.

Blake: Huh?

Ruby smiled back.

Ruby: Thanks, Jaune!

Jaune: I'll be heading to the cliff. I'll meet you all there.

He started to walk off, and Ruby quickly grabbed her weapon, catching up with Jaune. Meanwhile, Blake noticed and left with Yang to retrieve their weapons from their lockers.

Later, they arrived at the cliff, overlooking a forest. Several students, some familiar and some new, stood on silver tiles in front of Professor Ozpin, holding a mug, and Glynda with her tablet.

Ozpin: You have trained for years to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest.

Glynda: Now, many of you have heard rumors about team assignments. Allow us to clarify. Each of you will be given teammates today.

Ruby: What? Ohhh...

Ozpin: These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So, it's crucial to be paired with someone you can work well with.

Ruby groaned.

Ozpin: That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years.

Ruby was shocked.

Ruby: Whaaat?!

Someone in the back exclaimed, "Told you, Ren!"

Ozpin: After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will encounter opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to overcome any obstacles... or you will face the consequences. You will be monitored and graded throughout your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. At the end of the path, you will find an abandoned temple with several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. Your choice and performance will be evaluated accordingly. Any questions?

A moment of silence followed.

Ozpin: Good! Now, take your positions.

Everyone struck a pose on their respective tiles. Nora crouched low, Ren gripped his weapons, Yang raised her fists, Ruby prepared herself, and Jaune prepared himself.

One by one, more students were launched into the air.

Yang winked at her younger sister, Ruby, and then winked at Jaune as she put on a pair of aviators. With a "Woo-hooooo!" she flew off, followed closely by Ruby. Blake nodded at Jaune before taking off, and Jaune was the last to be launched.

Ozpin: I love my job.

As Jaune soared through the air, he spread his arms and legs, maintaining control, and as he neared the ground, he maneuvered himself into a position for a parkour roll to land safely. He executed the move perfectly.

Jaune: It's a good thing I've gotten used to being airborne, thanks to Sukuna...

He whispered to himself, slightly annoyed, before a mouth and eye formed on his cheek.

Sukuna: I told you that being thrown around would come in handy. HAHAHA!

Sukuna Laugh's as Jaune slaps his cheek, but the eye and mouth quickly return to their normal state as Jaune realizes he just slapped himself and feels the pain.

Jaune: Ow!

Hearing the laughter in his head, Jaune groans.

Jaune: Dammit, Sukuna... Quit it! It's weird.

With a defeated sigh, knowing that Sukuna doesn't care about his complaints, Jaune continues walking forward, clenching his fist in preparation to confront any Grimm he might come across.

The walk continues for quite a while, but Jaune still doesn't encounter any teammates or Grimm.

Jaune: Strange... I thought I would have seen a Grimm by now... I need to do something to impress the Headmaster, or I won't get accepted...

A mouth forms on his hand once again.

Sukuna: Don't you remember what I told you, Brat, about curse energy?

Jaune looks at the mouth on his hand and ponders for a moment before lightly slapping himself with the hand, even though the mouth had already disappeared.

Jaune: Curse energy is a manifestation of humanity's negative emotions, which can be sensed by Grimm, so...

As he speaks, Jaune begins to envelop himself in curse energy, focusing and channeling it, creating a blue aura that surrounds him.

Jaune: I get it now....

Suddenly, eerie growls echo through the trees, causing Jaune to tense up. A group of menacing Grimm, black shadowy creatures with glowing red eyes and sharp teeth, emerge from the shadows. They hiss and advance towards Jaune, focusing his cursed energy into his clenched fists.

Jaune: Here they are....

The Grimm lunge at Jaune, their claws slashing through the air. With incredible speed and agility, Jaune dodges their attacks, his cursed energy empowering his movements.

Jaune counters with a series of lightning-fast punches, each strike accompanied by a surge of cursed energy. His fists connect with the Grimm, shattering them into dark smoke and shadows.

As more Grimm appear, Jaune's determination only grows stronger. He flows seamlessly from one enemy to another, his punches landing with precision and force. The forest becomes a flurry of motion and energy.

Jaune: I can do this!

His fists crackle with cursed energy, intensifying his blows. The Grimm struggle to keep up with Jaune's speed and power, unable to match his determination.

With a powerful uppercut, Jaune sends a Grimm flying into the air, its dark form disintegrating upon impact. He swiftly turns, delivering a devastating spinning kick that disperses several Grimm at once.

Jaune: Heh! This is getting fun!

The remaining Grimm growl ferociously, but Jaune remains undeterred. He channels his cursed energy, engulfing his fists in an intense aura of power.

With a single punch, Jaune releases a concentrated burst of cursed energy, obliterating the remaining Grimm in a spectacular explosion of shadows and smoke.

Jaune takes a moment to catch his breath, sweat glistening on his forehead. He looks around at the defeated Grimm, a sense of accomplishment filling him.

Jaune: I did it! Hell yeah! Hahaha!

He celebrates as he wipe the sweat and slowly release the curse energy on his fist as he stares at the Grimm dusting away in the air as he Smiled and continue to walk forwards.

He continue forwards with a new found determination and excitement.
