Chapter 4: New Faces Part 2

Jaune and the girl walked around Beacon, taking in the sights of the trees, architecture, and the winding road alongside a river. They introduced themselves to each other.

Jaune: The name's Jaune Arc! It's nice to meet you. Ah...?

Ruby: Ruby, Ruby Rose.

Jaune: Ruby Rose... Nice name.

Ruby smiled in response to Jaune's friendly gesture.

Ruby: Thanks, you too. So, what's your weapon of choice? This is mine! Crescent Rose!

She pulled out her weapon in its compact form, which then transformed into a sniper rifle attached to a scythe.

Jaune: Whoa! A scythe and a sniper rifle? That's... unique! How does it work exactly?

Ruby grinned and explained.

Ruby: Well, the scythe part is pretty self-explanatory. But check this out!

She pressed a button, and the scythe blade split apart, revealing a rifle barrel.

Ruby: It transforms into a powerful sniper rifle! I can take down enemies from a distance and then switch back to close combat if I need to.

Jaune: I've never seen anything so versatile before.

Jaune's surprise and compliment made Ruby beam with pride and happiness.

Ruby: Thanks! I designed Crescent Rose myself. It took a lot of work, but it's totally worth it.

Jaune: I can imagine. It must have taken a lot of skill and creativity to create something like that. You really put a lot of thought into your fighting style.

Ruby: Yeah, I wanted a weapon that would match my speed and agility. Crescent Rose is perfect for that. My Uncle Qrow did help with its design, but this is my own variant that fits my style.

Jaune: Well, Ruby, I'm impressed. Your weapon is truly remarkable. I can't wait to see it in action.

Ruby: Oh, I have an idea! Maybe we can train together sometime. It'll be fun to show you what Crescent Rose can do once we get into Beacon Academy.

Jaune nodded in agreement.

Jaune: That sounds like a plan, though we need to succeed in the exams first.

Ruby nodded nervously, losing some of her self-confidence.

Ruby: Yeah... I hope I do well...

Jaune patted her shoulder reassuringly with a smile.

Jaune: You will, I'm sure. Just do your best, and you'll get in.

Ruby looked at him in surprise.

Ruby: You really think so...?

Jaune: Of course! Just do your best, and everything will work out.

She nodded with a smile, feeling more determined and grateful towards Jaune.

Ruby: Thanks, and I know you'll do well with your weapon... by the way, what exactly is your weapon?

Jaune: I am just a Brawler.

Ruby: A brawler, huh?

She looked at Jaune from bottom to top, feeling his arms out of curiosity.

Ruby: You're... quite muscular...

She blushed out of embarrassment and quickly stepped back.

Ruby: S-Sorry! I just got curious and all! I just wondered if your body was like my sister's! Not like I wanted to do anything! I jus-

Jaune: It's okay, Ruby. You were only curious.

He laughed lightly as Ruby looked away, embarrassed.

Jaune: So, where are we going anyway?

Ruby stopped mumbling to herself and looked around, confused.

Ruby: I... don't know. I was following you?

Jaune: Really? I was following you?

After a few moments of silence, someone spoke up, interrupting their confusion.

Someone: Lost, are we?

Jaune and Ruby turned to see a girl with fashionable clothing approaching them.

Jaune: Uh, yeah. We were trying to find the Amphitheater, but we seem to be going in circles.

Ruby: We're really sorry for bothering you. We'll figure it out.

Fashion: No worries. Getting lost is a common occurrence around here especially for kids that prepare for the exams. Lucky for you, I know this place like the back of my hand.

She proceeded to give them directions before leaving with a wave.

Ruby: Thanks a lot! Bye!

Jaune waved at their helpful guide as Ruby and Jaune followed the directions and finally made it to the Amphitheater for the Headmaster's speech.

Ruby and Jaune entered Beacon Academy's giant auditorium, filled with people. Ruby heard someone calling her name, and Jaune noticed Blake in the back right, nodding at him.

Someone: Ruby! Over here! I saved you a spot!

A blonde girl called out to Ruby, and Ruby saw Blake nodding at Jaune. They decided to go their separate ways.

Ruby chuckled softly.

Ruby: It seems like we both are needed somewhere else.

Jaune smiled with a nervous laugh.

Jaune: It seems so. Shall we meet later on, Ruby?

Ruby smiled happily at the proposal.

Ruby: Yup! We'd best be going. See you later, Jaune!

She left with a smile, and Jaune did the same, making his way to Blake's side.

Jaune: Sorry for leaving you like that, Blake.

Blake shook her head as she put away her book.

Blake: It's fine. How is she? That was your reason for staying with her, right?

Jaune nodded.

Jaune: She was fine. Though We did get lost, but a Beacon student came by and helped us with direction.

Blake understood why they were late.

Blake: I see. Hm? It looks like the speech is about to start.

She looked ahead, and Jaune followed her gaze, seeing an older yet young-looking man walking up to the microphone on the stage.

Ozpin: Welcome, students of Beacon Academy! I am your headmaster, Ozpin. Tomorrow, you embark on a remarkable journey, one that will test your mettle and shape your destinies. As Huntsmen and Huntresses, you have chosen a path of courage, sacrifice, and unwavering resolve. You are the defenders of Remnant, and it is with great pride that we welcome you into our ranks for those who succeed in the Exams.

Taking a breath, Headmaster Ozpin continued.

Ozpin: In the halls of this academy, you will learn to harness the power of Dust, wield weapons with precision, and unlock the potential within your souls. But remember, being a Huntsman or Huntress is not just about strength and skill. It is about the indomitable spirit that burns within you, the light that drives you forward even in the darkest of times. It is about standing tall in the face of adversity, knowing that your actions can change the world. Beacon Academy is not just a place of learning. It is a crucible where your character will be tested, where friendships will be forged, and where heroes are born.

He paused for a few seconds, creating a more dramatic moment.

Ozpin: Remember, heroes are not defined by the battles they win, but by the compassion they show and the lives they touch. It is the simple acts of kindness and the unwavering belief in the goodness of humanity that set you apart. As you navigate the challenges ahead, know that you are not alone. Your fellow students, your teammates, and the faculty are here to guide you, to lend you strength when doubt creeps in. So, embrace the unknown, face your fears, and let your dreams guide you. In this academy, you will discover who you truly are and the mark you will leave on this world.

The room erupted in applause and cheers, a chorus of determination and resilience.

Ozpin: Welcome to Beacon Academy, where legends are forged and heroes rise. Together, we will illuminate the darkness and inspire hope in the hearts of all.

As Headmaster Ozpin finished his speech and began to leave, a blonde woman stepped up to the microphone.

Glynda: I am Glynda, one of the staff members at Beacon. Tonight, you will gather in the ballroom and prepare to sleep. Tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed.

Jaune smiled at the speech, feeling determined, while Blake looked more composed. Jaune turned to see Blake's reaction and noticed a slight smile on her face.

Later on, Jaune and Blake joined Ruby and a blonde girl named Yang. They chatted happily after the welcoming speech by Headmaster Ozpin. Jaune and Ruby were engaged in a lively conversation, while Yang teased Ruby and Jaune. Blake mostly stayed quiet, reading her book, and never left Jaune's side.

Now it was nighttime, and the students were spread out in sleeping bags. Ruby, wearing her pajamas and a sleeping mask, had a journal and a pen in her hands. Blake and Yang, also in pajamas, lay nearby. Jaune, shirtless, was lying down with his eyes covered, seemingly asleep as the girls would steal a peek at his muscles, Ruby began writing in her journal To distract herself as Yang couldn't help but peek over to see what she was writing.

Ruby: I don't think Dad would approve of all the boys, though.

Yang: I know I do!

She purred, looking at the shirtless Jaune. Ruby, annoyed, hit Yang with her pillow.

Ruby: Don't!

Yang chuckled at Ruby's reaction.

Yang: So what are you even writing about?

Ruby: A letter to the gang back at Signal. I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things are going.

Yang: Aw, that's so cute!

Yang was hit again, this time with a pillow to her face.

Ruby: Shut up! I didn't get to take my friends with me to school! It's weird not knowing anyone here besides Jaune and Blake!

Ruby sighed, and Yang's teasing stopped. Blake, who had been quietly reading her book, laughed softly.

Blake: What's it about?

Ruby: Huh?

Blake: Your book. Does it have a name?

Blake's smile turned into a frown.

Blake: Well... it's about a man with two souls, each fighting for control over his body.

Yang: Oh, yeah... That's real lovely!

Ruby: I love books. Yang used to read to me every night before bed. Stories of heroes and monsters... They're one of the reasons I want to be a Huntress!

Blake softly laughed.

Blake: And why is that? Hoping you'll live happily ever after?

Ruby: Well, I'm hoping we all will. As a girl, I wanted to be just like those heroes in the books... Someone who fought for what was right, and protected people who couldn't protect themselves!

Blake: That's... very ambitious for a child. 

Her smile turns into a frow.

Blake: Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale.

Ruby: Well, that's why we're here! To make it better.

Yang: Oh, I am so proud of my baby sister! 

Yang hugs Ruby as Ruby was about to resist Yang hug but stopped as she noticed Jaune sleeping and didn't want to wake him up so she decided to endure Yang hug, They eventually went to sleep for the night as they prepare themselves for tomorrow exam to get into Beacon.










Deep within Jaune Soul, Sukuna smiled as he has been keeping his eyes on Ruby Rose....

Sukuna: Silver Eyes..... 

He smiled for a unknown reason.

Sukuna: That one has a lot of potential then.... How Festinating... Ruby Rose... I will remember her name.
