Chapter 12: Unknown Creature

Vale, a bustling city which is renowned for its vibrant streets, diverse population, and advanced technology. The cityscape combines elements of modern and classic architecture, boasting towering skyscrapers alongside intricate buildings. Shops and cafes line the streets, adding to the lively atmosphere. Vale is also home to Beacon Academy, a prestigious institution dedicated to training Huntsmen and Huntresses. Nestled amidst breathtaking natural landscapes, including lush forests and shimmering lakes, Vale offers a picturesque backdrop for its residents and visitors.

Accompanied by Professor Oobleck, also known as Dr. Oobleck, Jaune Arc embarked on a journey of discovery and growth. As they traversed the city, Professor Oobleck emphasized the weight of Jaune's potential and strength in battle, particularly against Grimm. However, he stressed that being a Huntsman entails much more than simply combating these creatures. A true Huntsman must protect the innocent, embody hope, and exhibit courage in the face of adversity.

Oobleck: Listen, Mr. Arc. Your combat prowess is impressive, but remember that a Huntsman's duty extends beyond battling Grimm. You must be a beacon of hope and symbolize courage. As a Huntsman, you'll face dangers head-on and make split-second decisions that can save lives.

Jaune: It sounds like a tremendous responsibility, but I understand the importance.

Oobleck: Indeed, Mr. Arc. It is a significant responsibility. A Huntsman must possess not only combat skills but also knowledge, adaptability, and compassion. You'll need to comprehend the strengths and weaknesses of different Grimm, utilize your surroundings effectively, and work seamlessly with your team.

Jaune nodded, acknowledging the wisdom in Oobleck's words. However, their conversation was abruptly interrupted as Oobleck's attention shifted.

Oobleck: Stop, Mr. Arc.

Jaune halted, perplexed by the sudden change in direction. Oobleck swiftly darted into an alleyway, and Jaune, caught off guard by the professor's speed, hurriedly followed. Concern etched on his face, Jaune called out to Oobleck, seeking an explanation.

Jaune: What's wrong?

Oobleck: Something... is down there.

As they cautiously advanced, their eyes widened with alarm as they caught sight of a peculiar creature on all fours. Its horse-like head and unnaturally configured naked body struck an unsettling chord.

Monster: Bento... Bento... Box...

Oobleck furrowed his brow, contemplating the nature of the creature before them. It defied his understanding and didn't fit the typical profile of a Grimm.

Oobleck: By the dust, it's unlike anything I've ever seen... Is it a Grimm, or...?

His mind raced through various possibilities and theories, but he found himself at a loss. This enigmatic being perplexed him.

Jaune shared Oobleck's confusion, observing the creature's unnatural movements and the unsettling fact that it was speaking human words. The situation grew increasingly unsettling with each passing moment.

Meanwhile, within Jaune's soul, Sukuna, the notorious Curse Spirit, watched the events unfold with a smirk, thoroughly entertained by the unfolding chaos. Sukuna realized the significance of this encounter and how his own plans were progressing.

Sukuna: It seems my contingency plan is taking effect. It appears that "They" aren't as formidable as everyone once believed.

Sukuna: I have high expectations for you.

Speaking to himself about an unknown individual, Jaune glanced at Dr. Oobleck, seeking guidance.

Jaune: What should we do?

As Jaune retreated, his eyes widened with a sudden realization. The creature before them emanated an overwhelming amount of curse energy. It perplexed Jaune, for humans typically possessed a limited amount of curse energy, while Grimm exhibited little to none. Why was this creature different?

Dr. Oobleck took a moment to consider their next course of action.

Oobleck: We will attempt to capture it. However, if it becomes aggressive, we must be prepared to neutralize the threat.

Jaune nodded in agreement as they decided to divide their efforts. Oobleck stealthily maneuvered around the creature, while Jaune took a decisive step forward. But just as Oobleck caught the creature's attention, it charged at him with fierce intensity. Acting swiftly, Oobleck transformed his weapon from a container to a bat and swung it at the creature, striking its head and forcing it back with a growl.

Oobleck carefully observed the creature's response. It didn't exhibit the typical behavior of a Grimm. This being, whatever it was, felt different. It seemed wild and untamed, far removed from the calculated possession of a Geist Grimm.

Seizing the opportunity, Jaune unleashed a punch infused with curse energy, landing a devastating blow that tore through the creature's body. Jaune marveled at the increased strength behind his attacks, recognizing the impact of his training with Todo.

Jaune: Fighting Todo really helped, huh...

As Jaune looked down at the wounded creature still uttering "Bento," Dr. Oobleck approached and began to examine its body, feeling its peculiar skin.

Oobleck: Hm...

Despite the creature's dissimilar appearance, its skin felt remarkably human-like. However, something caught Oobleck's attention. The faint sound of a small clicking coming from a wristwatch adorning its limb. His eyes widened in astonishment as he realized the implications of this discovery.

Oobleck's eyes widened in disbelief as he quickly retrieved his scroll and snapped a photo of the creature's body and the watch it wore. He turned to Jaune with a sense of urgency.

Oobleck: Jaune, I must contact Ozpin immediately... This is a matter of utmost seriousness.

Perceiving the seriousness in Oobleck's voice, Jaune nodded in understanding. Oobleck stepped away to make the call, while Jaune returned to the spot where Oobleck had initially stood. As he stood there, he heard faint chirping noises coming from the creature's watch, capturing his attention.

Jaune's eyes widened as he realized the significance of the watch on the creature's wrist.

Jaune: A watch... on its wrist...

Later on, Jaune and Oobleck found themselves in a quiet café in Vale, sipping coffee and enjoying a small snack. Oobleck's scroll was placed on speaker mode as they engaged in a conversation with Ozpin, ensuring privacy within their secluded corner of the café.

Ozpin's voice came through the scroll, addressing their discoveries.

Ozpin: These individuals were once human, or rather, ex-humans. We were unable to identify them fully as the configuration of their bodies proved to be beyond our capacity for examination. However, we did detect indications of tampering in their brain stems, resulting in a distortion of their consciousness and leaving them in a state of confusion. It appears that no known Grimm were involved in this alteration, Shion Zaiden one of my contacts arrived and found no Grimm but their souls seem to have undergone forcible changes caused by something else entirely. Is Jaune Arc listening?

Jaune responded with a confirmation.

Jaune: Ah, yeah.

Ozpin continued, offering reassurance.

Ozpin: Their deaths were a result of the shock caused by their bodies being contorted. You did not kill them, Jaune. Do not burden yourself with such guilt.

Jaune's smile reflected his relief, grateful that he hadn't been responsible for their demise.

Jaune: Yeah.

Dr. Oobleck concluded the call with a sigh, a weight upon his shoulders. Jaune, however, grew increasingly serious, his demeanor shifting as his tone hardened.

Jaune: Nevertheless, His death still weigh heavily on me. This... It's just too disgusting.

Dr. Oobleck nods in agreement.

Oobleck: We need to gather as much information as possible and uncover the truth behind these horrific events. If someone is responsible for these abominable acts, then we must act swiftly. Let's approach the law enforcement and obtain a list of missing individuals or recent cases of suspicious deaths in Vale. We need to connect the dots and piece together the puzzle.

With a sense of urgency, Oobleck quickly downed the remaining coffee and briskly made his way out of the café, his words tumbling out rapidly as he continued to express his thoughts. Jaune followed suit, his fists clenched tightly, his expression serious and filled with a mix of anger and disgust. The mere thought that someone could commit such heinous and vile acts fueled his determination to seek justice and put an end to the darkness that plagued Vale.
