Chapter 14: Curse Hunt Part 2

Jaune continued his journey down the abandoned subway tracks, relying on his scroll's faint glow to guide his way through the dim tunnels. Frustrated by the lack of map layouts for this particular tunnel, he realized the risk of getting lost without careful navigation.

Jaune: Great, without a map, I might end up completely turned around...

Jaune muttered, a tinge of annoyance in his voice. His gaze shifted around the surroundings until he noticed a hole in the wall. Curiosity piqued, he peered through the opening, revealing a set of stairs leading even deeper underground.

Jaune: Wonder where this leads.

He began to pondered aloud, pausing to weigh the potential destinations in his mind. After considering the possibilities, he decided to take precautions. Retrieving a silver coin from his pocket, he pressed it firmly into the wall next to the steps.

Jaune: Just in case...

He acknowledging the need for a marker to ensure he could find his way back. With a determined nod, Jaune descended the steps, mustering the strength to kick open the door that awaited him on the other side.

Entering a new corridor, Jaune began to express his thoughts but abruptly stopped as the corridor's lights flickered on. Relieved to have found a new light source, he stashed his scroll away in his pocket and proceeded along the illuminated path.

Jaune: Finally, some light... My scroll was about to die...

Jaune spoke with a glimmer of satisfaction, appreciating the reprieve from relying solely on his dwindling scroll battery. Unbeknownst to him, far off in the distant darkness behind him, a malicious grin stretched from ear to ear before vanishing into the shadows.

A few minutes had passed, and Jaune continued down a seemingly endless corridor, growing increasingly puzzled by its length. Suddenly, he arrived at an open area deep underground, hidden beneath the city's hustle and bustle. The vast expanse was dimly lit, supported by sturdy pillars that loomed overhead. Scattered benches and debris contrasted with flickering fluorescent lights, while gusts of wind brought a metallic scent and a hint of dampness.

Perplexed, Jaune rubbed his head, surveying the unfamiliar surroundings. 

Jaune: What kind of area is this?

He wondered aloud. Approaching the walls, he knocked on them, curious about his surroundings. Just then, he heard a noise and glanced upward, spotting a young girl with pink and brown hair and eyes struggling while tied up.

Reacting swiftly, Jaune leaped onto the wall and launched himself toward her, landing safely while punching the rope to set her free. Holding the girl protectively, he noticed that she appeared to be a child, and to his relief, her mouth was not covered. Confusion and concern filled his mind. Why was she tied up in this underground place? Who had done this to her?

Jaune: You're safe now... Who are you?

Jaune asked, his voice filled with genuine care. The girl made rasping noises from her mouth, suggesting she might be mute or severely dehydrated. Despite her struggles, Jaune tried to comfort her. 

Jaune: Don't worry, I'll get you out of here... Just relax, and I will untie you.

As he prepared to unbind her, he noticed her lips moving strangely. Jaune looked up at her, and it became clear that she was trying to convey something important. Reading her lips, his eyes widened as she mouthed the words, 

Girl: "Behind you."

Swiftly turning around, Jaune discovered a man with patches over his face walking towards him. "Who are you?!" Jaune demanded, his voice filled with suspicion and determination. Something felt off about this man, and as he took a closer look, Jaune caught sight of his eerie appearance, an otherworldly aura exuding from his slender figure, pale ghostly skin, disheveled dark hair, and large, piercing eyes with a sinister yellow hue.

Man: It is nice to meet you.

The man greeted with a chilling smile. 

Man: You seem to have dealt with the bug. Good work, I suppose.

Realization dawned upon Jaune as he recalled the information he had gathered. 

Jaune: You're Mahito, right?

Jaune questioned, his voice filled with a mixture of recognition and disdain.

Mahito's eyebrow raised in amusement, his unsettling smile widening. 

Mahito: So you know of me. Interesting. I take it that stupid bug told you? I'm not really well-known, after all.

Their eyes locked, and Jaune couldn't help but feel a surge of anger and protectiveness. 

Jaune: You're the one causing trouble with the curses in the city...

Mahito's smile grew even more unsettling as he acknowledged Jaune's statement. 

Mahito: You are correct. And that girl you're holding will be my new creation.

He declared, his eyes shifting to the short bounded girl in Jaune's arms.

Jaune held the girl tightly against his chest, noting her slight flinch and the mix of defiance and fear in her eyes. Both Jaune and Mahito noticed the girl's emotional turmoil. Jaune's anger intensified as he drew her closer, his gaze locked with Mahito's.

Jaune: You won't lay a finger on her, Mahito.

He declared, his voice filled with a mixture of determination and restraint.

Mahito remained motionless, his smile twisted. 

Mahito: Who says I will touch her~?

Confused, Jaune sensed movement behind him and swiftly leaped to the side, clutching the girl tightly to his chest. She accepted his embrace, realizing he was her only hope for survival at that moment. A small creature emerged where Jaune had stood, struggling to stand. Jaune then turned his attention back to Mahito, who produced two other objects filled with curse energy. In a matter of moments, those objects transformed into two additional creatures, each with a similar but distinct appearance.

Mahito: Get him~!

He commanded, and the curses charged towards Jaune, who held the girl securely as they fled the open area and raced down the corridor. Mahito smiled wickedly, slowly following behind as his curses continued their pursuit.

Running fast, Jaune made it up to the tracks and look to his left to see the coin he left in the wall was gone as he realized that he must of made a wrong turned which he regrets it but had no time as he was nearly grabbed by the small agile curses, taking off to his left, He did not stop running as he just cant kill them. He is a Huntsman-In-Training not a murderer.

Way off in the distant, maniacal Laughing was heard.

Mahito: Cant kill humans I see~! Hahaha! Pathetic!

Jaune did not stopped running as he leaps to the different tracks and leap over some empty mine cart's and slide under signs while hopping on top of some broken down trains carts and hopping down, He realized the danger of going up the streets as it will put others innocent people at risk and giving Mahito an advantage.

Jaune did not knew the subway that well and he couldn't run forever, He looked to his right and left to find anything to out maneuver the curses chasing him with Mahito slowly catching up, Laughing.

Jaune: D-Dammit... Where can we go...?! 

His stamina was nearing its limit, and panic started to set in as he grappled with the dilemma of vanquishing the curses. However, he remained steadfast in his refusal to end human lives, even if they had been transformed into curses by Mahito. Seeking help from Sukuna was an option, though it came with the risk of exacerbating the situation by eliminating both the curses and inadvertently causing harm to innocent bystanders.

Suddenly, the bound girl managed to nudge her head against Jaune's chest, capturing his attention. He quickly glanced down at her, meeting her heterochromatic eyes. She then shifted her gaze to the left before returning it to Jaune. Catching on to her silent communication, he looked straight ahead and noticed a faint light illuminating a doorway on the left of the wall.

Instinctively trusting her guidance, he accelerated, aiming to outpace the curses. He forcefully stomped the ground, sinking his foot deep into the earth, effectively slowing his momentum. With a skillful twist and leap, he burst through a locked door, continuing down a dimly lit corridor. Jaune stole a glance behind him, relieved to find that the smaller curses and Mahito were no longer in sight, A mixed blessing.

Jaune: Smart move.

Without breaking his stride, he exchanged a knowing smile with the girl, who responded with a nod and a hint of smugness on her face.

After a few minutes, Jaune and the girl emerged in a construction zone. He carefully removed the chains that bound her, noticing the marks they had left on her delicate skin. Gently, he applied bandages to her arm, a gesture she initially resisted. However, after a concerned look from Jaune and a polite request, she relented, allowing him to tend to her arm, which had suffered significant bruising.

Jaune: Good thinking.

He did not stopped running as he smiled at the girl who nodded and had a smug look on her face.

A few minutes has passed as Jaune and the girl reached outside in a construction area. He had break the chains on her which left some marks on her soft skin as Jaune gentle wrapped some bandage on her arm which the girl refused but after a worried look of Jaune and him asking politely, She gave in and left him wrap her arm which had been pretty badly bruised.

Jaune: And... Done.

He swiped the sweat on his forehead and breathed out glad that they were away and the girl was safe.

Jaune: May I ask for your name?

He crouched down Infront of her which she realized the reason was because she was short which ticked her off.

She pointed towards her neck and made a "X" sign with her two pointer finger as Jaune came to realized that she must of been muted.

Jaune: Sorry... Can you mouth your name?

She took a few moments to think about it though decided that since he did save her life, It would only be right and that him receiving her name can be the reward for Jaune for protecting her from Mahito.

Girl: "You may call me... Neo."

She mouthed her name, She may cant speak but Jaune could read lips and could "Speak" with Neo through that style of Speaking. 

Jaune: Neo, Huh. I am Jaune Arc.

He put out his hands towards her with a small smile.

Jaune: It is nice to meet you.

She grasp his hand and shook it and stepped back and bow slightly with a smirk.

He could tell that she would say the same if she could speak.

Jaune: We can quickly try to regroup with professo-

A loud voice that sounded panic came towards them as Jaune leap to his feet raising his fist out of a sudden loud voice as Neo was caught off guard by it and was prepared side to side with Jaune facing the noise.

Oobleck: Jaune! Where did you go? and why are you here with... a child?

Neo clenched her fist and glared at Oobleck as she was even more prepared to fight while Jaune sighed and bowed deeply Infront of the professor.

Jaune: I apologize, Professor! I took a photo of the board with the hideout locations related to the person responsible for the Curses and the missing individuals. I headed towards one of few location and-

His explanation was cut short by the Professor's interruption.

Oobleck: Mr. Arc, please remain composed. We can discuss this matter later. First, could you shed some light on how you and this individual ended up at this construction site? I managed to track your scroll as soon as it reappeared on the radar but-

Before Jaune could provide an explanation, Neo, who had beaten up Professor Oobleck, suddenly appeared. And then, Mahito arrived on the scene.

Mahito: Well, well, well, look what we have here~ Oh dear, you've brought some companions with you. How delightful~! You all will make excellent subjects for our upcoming plans and my experiments.
