Chapter 32: The Aftermath

The aftermath from the event that would go down in history as the downfall of Vale  would never be forgotten by every victim. Everyone suffered, everyone down in the dumps, everyone lost.

Hope was hardly a thing in the time, This was clear to many, a example being Ruby Rose. Her sister, Yang lost her arm, her teammate, Blake. She ran away from Vale right after the Grimm had died down slowly but not completely. Weiss, another teammate of hers was forced to flee from the country and back to Atlas to be safe as there was no way out of her father commands.

But... Let flip the perspective to the man who lost it all.

Jaune sat on the steps, looking down with his arms laying on his knees, his memories still feel like they are pulsating in his head, every second of silence passing would increase the beats.

"He is the cause.... Sukuna..." Jaune cursed out loud.

"Come on now, dont be sad~ We are the same Afterall." Sukuna amusedly spoke as Jaune had but his lips, drawing blood as his aura was no longer healing himself.

"Shut it...." Hearing Sukuna voice speak in his head almost made Jaune lose his cool, It was all his fault.. His fault... His... fault... Jaune... Fault.

"When the times comes, you will come to understand my words."

"You good?"

Jaune eyes widen for a second before he notice Qrow spoke, looking down with a worried expression planted on his face, clearly he was as well everyone else in the area, all feeling like pure shit.

"Y-Yeah..." Planting his hands on his knees and standing up, about to walk pass Qrow who did not stop him, he just watched on as the kid left.

"Dammit kid..." He sighed silently before drinking some alcohol out of his flask and breathing out heavily with heavy eyes. He had known what the kid had to deal with but not everything but the things that he was explained by someone was more then enough, the kid most likely suffering from PTSD is something Qrow would bet on.

A week and a half has passed as many things went down, Ruby and Yang was taken back to Patch, their home to recover, Jaune willingly came with Qrow and Tai to help them back in their house and beds where Tai only had a very short discussion with the boy before Jaune left, feeling like he was tainting their home by being inside with his sins.

Jaune had to speak to Nora and Ren after the whole ordeal with what happened to Pyrrha to where he had to explain... That is the thing... He had kept most of it all a secret.

He had explained that Pyrrha faced with a stitched man named Mahito who can manipulate souls and she sacrificed herself for him. This killed any hope in the duo who silently teared up, Nora clanged to Ren, face of tears as Ren stayed quiet.

As for the destruction of Vale during when he was in town, Jaune didn't say anything beside "Sorry" which wasn't an answer but there was no other reply but that. They did not ask anymore questions as they knew that Jaune would be the most affected by Pyrrha sacrifice.

All of his injuries such as his split face and lips all healed without Aura but it left scars. The once innocent and gullible boy that would laugh and smile in any situation would long gone. There was only a Huntsman left inside him...

 An Unawaken Predator.


Sorry for no updates on any stories, had to deal with pure Wi-Fi nightmare for the past month that will continue to mess everything up for a long time after now but it will only fuel ideas that I am thinking upon to either creating or continuing such as this story which I had time to re-think everything and make prepare to make a better story that will be amazing to read for you all...

Thank you and enjoy! 
