Chapter 7: First Day Of School Part 1

As the morning sun bathed Beacon Academy in its golden glow, Jaune and his team roused themselves from sleep, eagerly preparing for their first day as students. They exchanged glances, considering whether to inform Team RWBY about their class schedule.

Pyrrha: Shouldn't we let Team RWBY know about our classes?

Jaune waved his scroll nonchalantly.

Jaune: Nah, they'll be fine. The dorm has a clock, and I'm sure they have alarms on their scrolls or other devices.

Satisfied with Jaune's response, Pyrrha nodded. Nora turned to Ren, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Nora: Hey, Ren, what class do we have first?

Ren: First we have Professor Port Grimm Study and then-...

Ren began explaining their schedule, listing each class they had for the day. 

Ren: And at 4 PM, we have Miss Goodwitch Combat Classes.

Nora's excitement started to grow.

Nora: Ohhhh, combat! Yay!

Their discussions continued as they strolled towards the classroom. Upon entering, they were greeted by a jovial, portly man with an impressive mustache.

Port: Ah, Team JNPR! Good morning and welcome to Beacon, and to your first class of the day! Please take a seat, and we will begin shortly.

Team JNPR settled into their seats near the front, buzzing with anticipation for the lessons and knowledge they were about to gain. Team RWBY arrived just in time, slightly out of breath from their hurried journey.

Jaune: They seem tired.

Pyrrha agreed.

Pyrrha: Perhaps it would have been a good idea to inform them.

Jaune sighed, reflecting on his decision. 

Jaune: Maybe.

As Team RWBY took their seats nearby, Professor Port commenced his lesson,

Port: Good morning, my diligent students! Today, I have a tale that will surely keep you at the edge of your seats.

The class of students was prepared for a epic tale as this must be a action filled with plot twist and drama to be told here.

Port: It all began on a gloomy day in the depths of the Forever Fall forest. I was on a solo mission, hunting down a particularly elusive Grimm creature. The rain poured down relentlessly, drenching me to the bone.

He adjusts his glasses and clears his throat, ready to launch into the long story.

Port: Now, this Grimm, let me tell you, was the most unremarkable of its kind. A lowly Beowolf with extraordinary traits as it had one large claw that was Twice its size! It was a tedious adversary, my friends. But being the valiant Huntsman that I am, I pressed on.

Some students start fidgeting in their seats, anticipating a more exciting turn in the story.

Port: I tracked that Beowolf for hours, slipping and sliding in the muddy terrain, with the rain pelting against my helmet like a never-ending symphony. Oh, the countless times I stumbled and nearly lost my footing. But did I give up? No! I soldiered on.

A few students stifle yawns, struggling to maintain their focus.

Port: Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I caught up to the Beowolf. It snarled at me, its eyes filled with a mundane level of ferocity. We engaged in a lackluster battle, my weapon clashing against its claws in the most toughest way thought possible!.

One student starts doodling in their notebook, clearly losing interest.

Port: You see, my dear students, not every encounter in the world of Huntsmen is a riveting tale of heroism and danger. Sometimes, we face mundane challenges that test our patience and resolve. It's in those moments that true character is forged.

Some students struggle to stifle their yawns, while others discreetly check their scrolls as Ruby started to draw random things and make random faces.

Port: In the end, I defeated the Beowolf with a powerful strike, and it dissipated into black smoke, leaving me standing there, soaking wet and feeling rather accomplished. But it was a valuable lesson, my young adventurers.

He looks around, noticing a few students who are barely awake.

Port: The life of a Huntsman is not always filled with excitement and grandeur. It requires dedication, perseverance, and the ability to endure the occasional mind-numbingly dull battle. Remember, even the most mundane encounters can teach us valuable lessons.

As Professor Port continues with his story, some students struggle to stay awake, while others mentally plan their next nap. It seems that this particular tale lacks the spark and thrill they were hoping for.

Port: I have a challenge for those who believe themselves to be true Huntsmen! Who feels up to this challenge?

Weiss, still mad at Ruby for her antics during Port's tale, raises her hand instantly.

Weiss: I do, sir!

Port: Well, then, let's find out!

He turns to gesture at the glowing red eyes surrounded by shadow, shaking the cage that traps the creature.

Port: Step forward and face your opponent!

Weiss, back in her fighting attire, readies her Myrtenaster at the growling creature in the cage. Her teammates cheer her on from their seats in the front row, with Yang raising her fist.

Yang: Go, Weiss!

Blake waves a small flag with "RWBY" on it.

Blake: Fight well!

Ruby: Yeah, represent Team RWBY!

Weiss: Ruby! I'm trying to focus!

Ruby flinches a bit and looks sheepish.

Ruby: Oh, um... Sorry...

Port: Allllright!

He stands next to the cage, pulling out his weapon.

Port: Let the match... begin!

The professor swings down and breaks the lock, dropping the cage door and revealing the Boarbatusk Grimm inside, which immediately charges at Weiss. She uses Myrtenaster to deflect its attack and rolls to the side, readying herself for its next move. The Grimm stands a distance away from its enemy, studying her.

Port: Ha-ha! Wasn't expecting that, were you?

Ruby: Hang in there, Weiss!

Weiss speeds towards the oncoming Boarbatusk, sticking her blade straight at its skull until they meet and Myrtenaster gets trapped in the beast's tusks. Weiss is still hanging on to the hilt and is tossed around as she struggles to retrieve her rapier.

Port: Bold, new approach. I like it!

Ruby: Come on, Weiss, show it who's boss!

Weiss turns to glare at Ruby, only for the Boarbatusk to turn its head and rip the sword from her grip. Myrtenaster lands far away from its master, who is knocked back by the creature's tusks.

Port: Oh-ho! Now what will you do without your weapon?

Weiss looks up just in time to see the Boarbatusk charge again, rolling out of the way just in time to avoid getting trampled and making it crash into a desk. Weiss rushes towards her sword and slides to retrieve it.

Ruby: Weiss! Go for its belly! There's no armor underneath—

Weiss glares at Ruby, which distracts her from looking at the Grimm. Jaune notices this and curses in his mind, realizing that Weiss being easily distracted could cost her life one day.

Weiss: Stop telling me what to do!

Ruby looks hurt at Weiss' rebuttal. Meanwhile, the Boarbatusk leaps into the air and rolls into a ball, spinning rapidly before landing on the ground and consistently gaining speed until it launches itself at Weiss.

The Grimm comes closer and closer, but Weiss activates one of her blue-white circles and blocks the roll, leaping up into the now-black snowflake symbol and turning it blue again so she can drive the blade into the Boarbatusk's stomach. It squeals and falls silent while Weiss gasps in relief.

Port: Bravo! Bra-vo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true huntress-in-training!

Weiss stands up at attention from her exhausted position, and Ruby continues to frown.

Port: I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and... stay vigilant! Class dismissed!

Weiss glares and turns away, walking hurriedly to the exit past her teammates.

Jaune sighs, and Pyrrha looks concerned about Weiss and Ruby. Nora is still slightly sleepy, and Ren is packing up their things.

The remaining members of Team RWBY look at each other with the same question.

As everyone starts to leave, Jaune stays back slightly after telling Pyrrha and his team that he will catch up to them soon. He listens to Weiss and Ruby arguing.

Ruby: Weiss!

Weiss: What?

Ruby: What's wrong with you? Why are you being—?

Weiss: What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? You're supposed to be a leader, and all you've been so far is a nuisance!

Ruby scoffs, not understanding why Weiss said that.

Ruby: What did I do?

Weiss: That's just it... you've done nothing to earn your position! Back in the forest, you acted like a child, and you've only continued to do so!

Ruby: Weiss, where is this coming from? What happened to all the talk about "working together"? I thought you believed in acting as a team.

Weiss: Not a team led by you. I've studied and trained, and quite frankly, I deserve better... Ozpin made a mistake.

She walks away as Ruby looks dejected. Jaune sighs and notices Ozpin down the hall, watching. Ozpin looks at Jaune and nods before turning to leave, and Jaune understands. He walks over to Ruby.

Jaune: Ruby?

Ruby, looking doubtful and on the verge of tears, looks at Jaune.

Ruby: Jaune...? Is she right? Did Ozpin make a mistake?

Jaune sighs, and tears nearly drip from Ruby's eyes.

Ruby: Maybe she's right. Maybe I'm not cut out for this.

Jaune places a hand on Ruby's shoulder, offering her support and understanding.

Jaune: Ruby, I may be new to being a leader, like yourself, but just hear me out. Being a leader isn't about never making mistakes or having all the answers. It's about having the courage to step up and guide others, even when you're unsure yourself. And let me tell you, you have that courage in spades.

Ruby looks at Jaune, still in doubt.

Ruby: But what if I mess up...? What if I make the wrong decisions and put everyone in danger...?

Jaune: Mistakes happen, Ruby. We're all bound to make them. But true leaders learn from those mistakes and grow stronger. It's not about never falling down, but about getting back up, dusting yourself off, and learning from the experience.

Ruby holds back her tears.

Ruby: But... how do I be a good leader...?

Jaune: You can't force yourself to be a good leader. It's best when you learn from your mistakes and experiences instead of trying to follow everything by the book. Personal lessons are more valuable than what is taught in class. This is only the first day. Give it time, and I am certain that you will be able to convince Weiss that you are the best person to be the leader.

He grins and speaks with confidence as Ruby slowly and softly smiles at Jaune's words.

Ruby: Thanks, Jaune... It helps hearing that...

Jaune: Anytime. We should get to the next class already. I prefer not having a detention on the first day...

He nervously smiles, and Ruby shares a chuckle with him.

Ruby: Then let's go.

She speaks back happily and determined to do her best, feeling grateful for Jaune's support.







It was now the final class of the day, and the students gathered with excitement for Miss Goodwitch's Combat Class. The classroom buzzed with anticipation as Miss Goodwitch, a stern and skilled Huntress, stood at the front, radiating authority.

Glynda: Good morning, class. Today marks the beginning of your journey as future Huntsmen and Huntresses. I am Miss Goodwitch, your combat instructor here at Beacon Academy.

The students straightened up, fully attentive to their instructor.

Glynda: Combat goes beyond raw strength and flashy moves. It requires discipline, strategy, and quick thinking. Today, we will focus on the basics to build a solid foundation for your future battles.

She moved to the center of the room, scanning the students and assessing each one.

Glynda: Now, I want each of you to find a partner. Choose wisely, as your partner will play a crucial role in your growth and development. Look for someone who complements your strengths and weaknesses.

The students quickly paired up, some glancing nervously at their potential partners.

Jaune felt a gentle tug on his sleeve and turned to see Ruby looking at him with a warm smile.

Ruby: Can we be partners for this class? I don't think Weiss will team up with me until I prove I'm a capable leader.

Jaune smiled and nodded.

Jaune: Sure, let me just inform Pyrrha.

Ruby nodded as Jaune went to talk to Pyrrha, who agreed to partner up with Weiss. Jaune then returned to Ruby.

Jaune: We're all set. Let's make a good team.

Ruby smiled as they shook hands, her confidence growing.

Glynda: Excellent. Now, each pair will engage in a friendly sparring match. Remember, this is not about winning or losing, but about honing your skills and learning from each other.

The students nodded, ready to put their training to the test.

Glynda: Begin!

The room burst into action as students engaged in combat, displaying calculated strikes and defensive maneuvers.

Ruby and Jaune faced each other, determination shining in their eyes.

Ruby: Let's show them what we're made of, Jaune!

Jaune: You got it, Ruby! Together, we can handle anything.

They launched into action, their movements fluid and synchronized. They supported each other, seamlessly blending their individual strengths. Experts in combat could notice Jaune adapting to Ruby's fighting style with a large scythe and a sniper, which was impressive for a first-year student who had just arrived.

Glynda: Remember, teamwork is crucial in combat. A strong partnership can make the difference between victory and defeat.

Ruby and Jaune demonstrated their ability to adapt and strategize, countering their opponents' moves and coordinating their attacks.

The class watched in awe as Ruby and Jaune's teamwork shone through every action. It was as if they knew each other's fighting styles by heart, even though it was only thanks to Jaune adapting to Ruby's style. They faced a tag team of students as Glynda called off the training and began providing feedback to each group. Some received constructive criticism, while others received praise.

Glynda: Well done, Miss Rose and Mr. Arc. Your teamwork and coordination are commendable. Remember, the path to becoming a Huntsman or Huntress is not an easy one. But with hard work, dedication, and a reliable partner, you can overcome any obstacle.

Ruby and Jaune exchanged smiles, and Jaune patted her shoulder. They were about to celebrate further when a loud, mocking voice interrupted them from the classroom door.

Someone: Partners? Pathetic! Hahaha! Don't make me laugh!

They turned to see a tall young man, the tallest in the room. He possessed a defined, muscular build and had relatively tan skin. His small black eyes and shoulder-length black hair, usually tied into a top-knot bun, caught their attention. One of his most prominent features was a large scar running down the left side of his face.
