
In a secluded forest, Jaune Arc, a young boy with blond hair and blue eyes, finds himself cornered by a malicious Grimm. The creature, emanating an aura of boundless malevolence, raises its claw to strike Jaune down, threatening to end his fragile existence.

Frozen with fear, Jaune senses a different darkness emanating from the object in his hand. It is not directed at him, but at something else entirely.

In a desperate moment, Jaune hears a voice echoing in the distance, urging him to consume the object for power. Without hesitation, he opens the box, revealing a repulsive-looking finger. Acting on instinct, he swiftly tosses it into his mouth, swallowing it whole, disregarding the taste.

Just as the Grimm prepares to deliver its fatal blow, an explosive force erupts, obliterating the creature's upper half and rending the surrounding trees apart.

Jaune witnesses a transformation unfolding before his eyes. Dark markings gradually etch across his face, and his nails grow into razor-sharp claws, a testament to the power he has now attained.

Kid Jaune?: Heh... Hee Hee....AGHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Jaune Blue eyes shifts to Red as a wicked smile slowly formed on his face as his eyes widen in happiness and pure excitement. 

Kid Jaune?: Ah! I knew it! Light is best appreciated in the flesh!

He yelled in pure unbridled exhilaration as he rip his shirt off as black markings was on the boy chest.

Kid Jaune?: A Curse Spirit flesh is no fun! Where are the people?! The women?!

He spoke as he look around though only to see a bunch of forest and Grimm.

Kid Jaune Look at the Grimm in confusion.

Kid Jaune?: Oh my, Grimm~ It has been a long time since I seen them~

He spoke excitedly.

Kid Jaune?: Tell Her that I am back okay~? If she is still around that is~

He spoke with a quite happy attitude though the Grimm didn't listen and charged Him as he frowned before smirking, his gaze filled with mischievous delight.

Kid Jaune?: Well you all wont listen so guess I will just Kill you all instead! Hihi! Haha!

He understood that he was in a child body already which angered but it also excited him as this can work for him. With blinding speed, He unleashes a devastating wave of Unknown power, obliterating the approaching Grimms. They scatter in disarray, unable to withstand the sheer force of his attack.

Kid Jaune?: Is this all you can muster? Pathetic.

The remaining Grimms gather their strength, attempting to regroup and retaliate.

Kid Jaune's eyes gleam with excitement as he revels in the chaos.

Kid Jaune?: Come now, my dear Grimms. Let's make this dance a little more entertaining, shall we?

He teased the Grimm as with astonishing agility, he weaves through the swarm of Grimms, evading their strikes effortlessly. His tiny form becomes a blur of motion, each movement calculated and precise.

Kid Jaune Began to laugh.

Kid Jaune?: You may be born of darkness, but you will never surpass the malevolence that flows through my veins!

In a final surge of power, Kid Jaune unleashes a devastating blast, obliterating the last of the Grimms. Silence falls upon the forest, broken only by Kid Jaune triumphant laughter.

Kid Jaune?: Such joy! Even in this child's vessel, I am an unstoppable force.

Suddenly, a voice echoes in the background, filled with urgency.

??????: Jaune?! Jaune?! Where are you?!

The female voice carries a sense of panic, causing Kid Jaune to turn towards it, a mischievous grin forming on his face.

Kid Jaune?: Oh my~ Someone's approaching~ Let's go greet them-

His playful demeanor abruptly fades as he feels a sharp pain shooting through his leg, causing him to collapse onto one knee, clutching his head.

Kid Jaune?: Huh?

The throbbing in his head intensifies, and his hand involuntarily tightens around his own neck.

Kid Jaune?: This sensation...

With a frown, he relinquishes control to the Real Kid Jaune, leaving behind a lingering message that will stay etched in his memory.

Sukuna: I am Sukuna. We will talk in the future.

As those words hang in the air, Sukuna's influence fades, and Kid Jaune regains consciousness, collapsing on the ground and struggling to catch his breath.

Kid Jaune: What... What just happened?

He clutches his face and chest, still recovering from the ordeal, when he feels someone embracing him tightly. Initially startled, he looks up and finds solace in his mother's calm yet concerned expression.

Mother: Jaune, my dear! It's alright now. Mother is here...

Her comforting hug begins to ease Kid Jaune's anxieties, but a lingering question remains at the forefront of his mind.

Kid Jaune: Who... Who is Sukuna?
