t w e n t y e i g h t

When I lift up his head, his eyes are red and bleared with tears, cheeks stained. It crushes my heart. A boy so perfect and beautiful crying- wait, what? Yes, he is beautiful. I'll think about this later. 

"Dan, what's up?" I ask in the quietest and most gentle voice I can muster up.


"What? Why are you scared?"

"I'v- ve never had a friend before."

"Don't worry, Dan. I really like you, you don't need to worry." I state because it's true, I lo- like him, a lot.

He sniffles, breathing beginning to slow down, but still abnormally fast, and tears still running down his pretty cheeks that have a slight pink flush.

After ten minutes of me rubbing his back and whispering little things to him, his breathing regulates, and he seems to obtain full sanity once again.

"I'm sorry."


"You had to see that and deal with it. Sorry."

"I don't mind."

He moves a little closer to me and turns his head fully so that we're staring at each other. "Thank you." 

I smile at him, my eyes for some reason on his lips, my mind too, more specifically mine and his lips- uh, what?

"Wh-whats your number?"

"Pass me your phone." He says with a chuckle. And I do so, only seconds later being handed it back with a new contact named 'dan :3'.

"You can, uh, text me later. I think lunch ends soon." 

"I will."

His smile is different. I've seen it before and loved it, but this is different. It looks brighter, more sincere, his eyes looking happy too, not just his mouth. I like it. I like him.
