e i g h t y s e v e n

I'm awoken on Saturday morning to a sound that I know isn't my alarm. Dan is still lying sleepily beside me, not affected by the noise. I mess around with his hair a little, causing his to smile sleepily and cuddle up to me, probably slightly conscious now, before checking my phone. Th noise was, in fact, a notification, for a text; to be more specific.

It's from Louise.

heyy phillll

is ur keyboard broken or something

shut up, saying heyy phillll is more exciting that hey Phil

true. so whats up??

wanna come over? u and Dan obviously. Zo will be there too

I'll ask dan I respond, placing my phone back down and cupping Dan's face, kissing him on the forehead.

"Hm?" He says, quietly, stretching out his arms and yawning. I find the way he wakes up adorable.

"Do you want to go to Louise's today? Zoe will be there, too."

"Sure. When?"

"I don't know, but soon probably."

"Ugh, I have to get up."

"We don't have to go if you-"

"Phil, I'm joking."

"Oh, right," I say with a laugh, partially laughing at Dan's hair which is currently sticking up in places, drooping down over his eyes.

Dan and I are coming 

great, be here at 12


"Right, we need to be there at 12, and it's, uh," I say, checking the time on my phone. "10:30."

"Okay, can you make me breakfast cause I'm too lazy." He says, running a hand through his mess of hair on his head and yawning again. "Please?"

"Yeah, sure!"

I walk out of the bedroom, him nuzzling up to the sheets of the bed where I usually am.

He just asked me to make him some breakfast. I didn't make it and ask him to eat it, it was the other way round. I can't help but smile, and for a good reason. Maybe Dan's getting better. Maybe.
