e i g h t y e i g h t

Phil walks into the bedroom where I'm currently sat on the bed, now fully clothed with a flower crown atop my head. It's a familiar sight; Phil with the food he's made, handing me some. I wish it wasn't, cause I never do stuff like this for him. I'm a shit person.

"I'm sorry," I say as he sets the plate on my lap. Pancakes. I smile.

"Why? You have nothing to be sorry for!"

"Cause you always do nice things, like making food, and, and- everything you do is nice!"

"You don't need to do nice things because just being with you is the best thing I could ever ask for in life. You do a lot more for e than you think, so me doing nice things is a way of showing you how much I love you for that. My top priority is you, Dan."

"I- I don't know what to say."

"Then don't say anything, just eat the pancakes that I totally didn't burn, or just completely fail at making."

I laugh and set my head on his shoulder, beginning to eat the pancakes, realising he even remembered that I like them with lemon and sugar. He's a fucking prince if you ask me.
