f o u r t y o n e

The only things circulating my mind is 'how the fuck am I supposed to do this'. Phil did his painting of me and it was, well, it was crap. But it's fine, it's funny, and he tried, and his concentrating face is one of the most adorable things I've ever seen, despite him being extremely punk, and that's why I'm not sure how to do this.

From the piercings scattering his face to his arms covered in tattoos, I'm screwed. Sure, I don't have to do his arms, but still, encompassing how attractive Phil Lester is in a painting; not gonna happen. I'll wing it. That's what I do in life, wing it. Not much works out that way, but it's easier.

The pencil runs across the page, lightly creating the base of a face. His jawline is perfect, hell, his cheekbones are perfect. After the sketch, I add more detail, the facial features generally going okay besides from a wonky eye the first 5 tries. His hair is basically just 2007 emo, so it's fairly simple, and ears, wouldn't be able to do them well to save my life.

Then comes the piercings. He has snakebites, a septum piercing, and industrial piercing in his right ear, along with an eyebrow bar. It'll probably end up looking like he has a bunch of grey splodges on his face, which might make it look better as it would hide the masses of flaws everywhere, including the crappiest eyebrows you could ever see and a wrongly sized nose.

"Why the hell is the teacher making us do this. Mine is awful, and yours is, uh," And then I start to laugh, reminded of whatever Phil did. I laugh and I'm happy. I never used to laugh. I never used to be happy. And who do I have to thank for all of that? Phil.

The rest of it goes okay, and in the end, it just looks like something an emo would draw if they were bored, and also had no talent. I'm not emo, I just have the no talent part of that.
