n i n e t y f o u r

I wake up, and Phil is messing with my hair, smiling at me.

"Good morning." He says to me, and I pull his head down, connecting our lips briefly.

"Morning," I say, voice croaky. "I'm starting to think all of that screaming was a bad idea," I add a laugh.

"Yeah, want me to get you a drink?"

"No, it's fine."

"Okay, well I might head out now, I'll be back in a few hours. Text me if you need me."

"Okay, see you later."

"I love you!" He shouts, walking out of the room.

"Love you too."

And then he's gone, out of the door. I want to go out so that it doesn't seem like I depend on him. I have no clue what I'd do though. There's something I've always thought about doing, but I'm a wimp. I've always liked the idea of getting a belly button piercing, and if Phil's surprising me, then I'll surprise him. Also, it's a good way to be more comfortable about other people seeing my body.

I get dressed, grab some money and heading out of the door. I know there's a tattoo and piercing parlour nearby, so I look it up and find directions. The walk doesn't take too long, and not much later, I'm walking into the place. It has a very Phil vibe, and hardly any people in, just those who work here.

"Hi, how can I help you?" a middle aged, tattoo covered guy asks, smiling. It feels like I should be intimidated, but I'm not.

"Hey, uh, I'm not sure if I need an appointment or anything, this is sort o a spur of the moment thing, but I'd like a piercing."

"Yeah, sure, we're not busy. Follow me." He says, leading me further into the shop.

"What piercing are you interested in?"

"Belly button?" I say as if it's a question.

"Cool. Have you ever had a piercing done before?"


"That's fine, it's not very painful, to be honest."

A little bit of talking later, and I'm laying down on a table, pulling up my t-shirt, almost forgetting about my insecurities, almost.

"If you're scared, close your eyes, it'll be over before you even notice."

He begins to clean the area, talking to another person working in the area. "Lester's getting another tattoo, you know."

"Really?" The other guy says. "I thought he said he was done with them."

"He did, but I guess he changed his mind."

"Y-You mean Phil Lester?" I ask, seeing him preparing the needle for piercing.

"Yeah, you know him?"

"He's my boyfriend."

"Oh, wait, what? You mean punk Phil Lester is your boyfriend?"

"Weird, I know, I don't believe it sometimes," I say with a laugh.

I squint my eyes shut, feeling a slight pain where the needle goes in momentarily, which ends soon.

"All done!" He says, and I crack open my eyes.

"Thanks." I say, looking at the piece of metal in my skin.

"Like it?"

"Love it!"
