n i n e t y o n e

(This has a LOT of swearing)

"Oh come on! For fuck's sake!" Phil shouts, a mouth full of food, and I look to his part of the screen to see him skidding into the side of the track. 

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES, SHIT!" Louise yells.

"Fuck yeah, suck it, Louise!" Zoe adds to the non-stop screaming that's been going on. 

"Fuck you!" She responds.

It's not that I'm not mad at this game, but I don't want to shout because I'd annoy everyone. I don't mind their shouts, but for e to o it would be wrong.

"Doesn't Mario Kart make you agr- SHIT!- angry?" Phil asks. "You're being quiet."

"It does, but I-" I stop to dodge around some cows that are inconveniently in the way. "I don't want to shout, cause I don't want to annoy you guys," I say, speeding into second, shortly behind Louise.

"You won't," He states. "SHIT!- It's part of the fun. we're all do-ING IT!" He says, voice hitching part way through due to a red shell.


I speed towards Louise, hitting her with a green shell, causing her to stop momentarily, meaning I could go into first.


I laugh violently, taking joy out of my victory. "Take that, bitch!" I say, just letting it slip out, and really not meaning it. What if she's mad? "Sorry."

"It's fine, just FUCKING MOVE SO THAT I CAN WIN!" She screams, and Zoe and Phil start laughing at her, while I turn around a corner, the finish line in view, meaning the third lap is coming to an end, and I might win.

"YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!" I shout, nearing the end. "FUCK, FUCK YOU!" I then shout, being hit by a blue shell.

 After starting to drive again, Phil comes out of nowhere and drives alongside me, and I bash into the side of him, going ahead and crossing the finish line.

"FUCK YEAH!" I scream, putting the remote down and doing a victory dance, accompanied by Phil cheering for me.

I plop back down onto the sofa, nuzzling into the side of Phil, Louise and Zoe crossing the finish line. "Well done." He says, placing a kiss on the top of my head, and then messing up my hair, my flower crown having fallen off onto the sofa during the screaming and thrashing around.

"Hey!" I say, poking him on the cheek.

"That was for beating me."

"Yeah, well," I begin, and he turns directly to me, me placing a heavy kiss on his lips, taking one of his snake bites between my lips for a moment, and then pulling away. "am I forgiven?" I ask jokingly.

"Of course." He says, pressing a tiny kiss on the tip of my nose.

"That was fucking adorable," Louise says, causing me to blush even harder than I probably am already, generally overheating from the stress of the game.

"Another round?" Zoe asks.

"Sure!" Phil and I say in sync.
