f i f t y s i x

I wake up to the sight of Dan laying next to me, still in his clothes from yesterday as am I, breathing softly, chest rising and falling. It feels slightly less creepy to look at him now that he's my boyfriend, which is a strange thing to be able to say. I can't help but appreciate everything about him; from his pretty brown curls to his adorable little nose, and those fucking dimples that burst out whenever he smiles.

He begins to stir, turning and moving closer to me, his head now on my chest.

"Danny?" I ask, poking his nose, causing him to smile. Evidently, he's awake.

"Yes, Philly?" He asks with a slight sense of sarcasm in his voice, though not completely.

"Time to wake up. We're not going to school, I mean, unless you want to, but I assume-"

"I'm not going to school. I'm not going near him. Not yet."

"Do you think you could maybe tell me what happened? Can you just explain everything, really?"

"Y-yeah, I guess."

"Do you want breakfast? I have a bunch of cereal."

"If you're having some then I will."

"What do you want?" 

"I don't mind."

He follows me out of the bedroom, sitting down on the sofa as I prepare two bowls of Frosties, then sitting next to him and handing him one. I pay too much attention to him, and I know I probably shouldn't, but I can help it. He takes twice as long as I do to eat his, but I don't mind, leaving a little behind.

"Can you- can you explain now?"

"What do you want to know?"

"Well first and foremost, what the fuck was the deal with Anthony?"

Uh, well, before he asked me to be his boyfriend, we'd never talked really. I said yes cause I-I just wanted to get you out of my mind, cause I never thought you'd like me back. It was a bad idea. He didn't make me happy and he kept me away from you, I hate him. You make me happy, so I wasn't happy. He invited me over to his house and I couldn't bring myself to say no, he then ended up dragging me to his room, and- and-"

"It's fine if you don't want to say," I tell him, cupping his cheek and looking him in the eyes softly.

"No, no, I want to. He, uh, he shoved me against the wall and tried to undress me, and I couldn't- I couldn't stop him. I ended up shoving him off of me, and then he started screaming at me and said he only wanted to be y boyfriend so that he could have sex with me." By the end, his voice is hurt filled, eyes watery. That fucking dickhead hurt Dan.

I wrap my arms around him, pulling him close, his head nuzzling into my neck.

"I'm so sorry."

"Why? It's n-not like you did it."

"I know, but I hate seeing you hurt. I- well, I love you, Dan."

"I love you too."
