n i n e t y t w o

After a few more games of Mario Kart, most of which I win, we stop.

"What now?" Phil asks.

"I have an old twister mat," Louise responds with a grin.

"You're joking right?" 

"It'll be fun!" She argues with him.

"I'm wearing jeans." He says

"Phil, the rest of us are wearing skirts, that's, like, flashy as fuck. I think you can manage a pair of jeans." I add, tugging at my own skirt.


"I'll go and get it, you guys sort out the mess."

She returns with the mat in hand, and we lay it down on the ground, begging the game, deciding Phi should go first.

"Right leg, red." the automated voice says.

"Easy enough so far then." He says with a chuckle.

I go next.

"Right arm, red."

"Wow, such variation!" I answer to it sarcastically.


Somehow, I end up in a slightly risque position with Phil, his crotch very close to my face, and my skirt having ended up being pulled up, exposing my scars, but it's fine. I'm around people who I like and trust. I'm fine.

I begin to giggle at the situation, accompanying Zoe and Louise, who are laughing about the positions they're in which are definitely testing the boundaries of their flexibility. Phil falls from his position, ending up on his ass, and I begin to laugh at him, so much so that I do the same, joining him as a loser.

I lay on my back, taking a rest after the surprisingly tiring game, suddenly hit my Phil tickling my stomach, which is exposed because of my t-shirt riding up. I begin to giggle like a little kid, Waving my arms around and squinting my eyes shut, frantically tossing and turning underneath Phil's touch.

"I WIN!" Louise squeals, causing Phil to stop his actions. 
