t h i r t y n i n e

Phil and I walk out of the park and say our goodbyes outside of his block of flats, and then I have to walk back alone. It's no big deal, just walking.  There are a few other people walking home, one of which walking towards me.

"Hey, Danny." They say with a chuckle. Brock.

"What do you want?" I ask as they walk towards me.

"Has little faggot Daniel got himself a boyfriend. Big punk to protect you, little boy?"

"Shut up!"

"Oh, right, he's just a weak and shitty punk. He'd be no good protecting you."

"There's one good thing about being short, you know."

"And what's tha-"

Then I cut him off by kneeing him in the crotch.

"That was for insulting Phil," I say, him holding his crotch and unable to stop me from my next actions. I go up on my tiptoes and hold up my arm, slapping him as hard as possible on the cheek.

"And that was also for insulting Phil, you, you- you c-cunt!"

I run off. People look. It's not very often the 'innocent' little pastel boy uses swears. 
