f o u r t y f o u r

I can't sleep so here's an update, enjoy.

 At 9 pm, I decide it's about time I should be leaving, not wanting to overstay my welcome. Phil is probably sick of me by now if he wasn't in the first place. I don't understand someone wanting to be my friend, someone inviting me to hang out with them. It doesn't make sense, and yet, here I am, friends with a punk that I was once scared of and despised.

"Bye," I say, stood in the doorway and about to leave, him stood there in front of me. It feels like we should do something, like shake hands, no, too formal. Kiss? Hell no, we're friends, not that I'd be against it. Friends. He's probably straight too.

It's almost as if he can read my mind, as he opens his arms and pulls me in for a hug. I like hugs, they make me feel close to something, but I never want to let go. 

"Thank you," I whisper quietly in his ear, almost inaudibly.

"For what?" He questions, a fair bit louder than me.

"Being my friend."

"Really, it's my pleasure, stop thanking me! Now you should get going before it gets any darker. Text me once you get back so that I know you're home safe."

The hug ends, most likely lasting longer than Phil had anticipated, but I feel so alone, and connection to someone else takes away that feeling for the moment. I shut the door after we say our final goodbyes, walking down the set of stairs and past all of the other flats, reaching the crisp and cool air of the evening. 

I shiver slightly; I always get cold easily these days. The walk back is short, me reaching my own flat in merely 5 minutes. The second I walk through the door I text Phil to tell him just like he asked. Maybe he actually cares, or maybe he's just being polite. My bet is on the second option. 

He texts back immediately, and I flop down on to my bed, taking off all of my clothes besides from my boxers and pulling my duvet over myself. It's warm, it's comfortable. I feel okay. It's the evening, and I'm not doing anything harmful to myself. Maybe it's because of Phil, or maybe it's because I'm seriously too lazy to get out of bed now.

Phil and I end up texting until 12 am, the last topic of conversation being hippos, which I'm not sure how we ended on, but I chuckle to myself and put my phone down, double checking that my alarm is set and drifting off to sleep a little while later.
