Chapter 8

"This is impossible! How could this be? No no it is not at all true. Such a thing cannot happen! This is just a bluff, isn't it? " James was shouting like a mad man on seeing the letter left behind by the killer.

"I can assure you that I am not bluffing. Also it can't be a fake since we took it as soon as we arrived here. It was deliberately placed in such a way that it could be easily found. Would you mind opening it? " Suriya asked.

"How could it be addressed to me? " a bewildered James asked.

"We'll get to that once you have read it, in fact you will find it for yourself " Suriya told and gestured him to read it.

James pulled out the piece of paper from the transparent plastic cover, the cover was already opened indicating that Suriya had already read it.
He unfolded the piece of paper and saw the writing.
It was written :

To whoever that is reading this, be warned. As you would have noticed, Jacob is dead. This is just the start. There is still a lot to be witnessed. This letter was not left behind to tell you to stop trying to find who we are, actually we encourage you to find who we are. Let's see if you can do it. And we also have a message for James - Your brother was the first to die, don't worry he will soon be followed by three more.

'When death kisses you, you won't be able to kiss back'

With utter disbelief, James stared at the letter. He was brought back to the reality by Suriya's voice
"You should also see the cover. It was marked with the word 'SAD' "

"What? " James was unsure of what he heard.

"I don't know what it means. Just three alphabets S-A-D. Can you make something out of it? " Suriya asked him while looking a bit more serious.

"No. I don't know what it means. And it is written three more to be followed, isn't it? So are three more people going to be murdered? Will it be me? This must be some sort of a clue that I am among the next three! Sh*t! I am gonna die! What the f**k is this all about? Why am I fee-" James's words were cut short by a visibly thoughtful Suriya
"Please calm down. We'll ensure no such thing happens to you. First we need to send your brother's body for autopsy, then we'll sit down and discuss. Does that sound good? "

"Whatever! Just.. just keep me safe. I'll do whatever you ask! " James said.

"Well thank you. Now let me call Kumaresan to check if he had arranged for the autopsy. Meanwhile you have to promise me that you won't say a word to anyone about this letter. Can you do that? " Suriya asked as he took the letter from James and pocketed it.

"Yeah sure sure.. will do it. " James managed to say.

Suriya's phone began to ring. It was Kumaresan himself.

"Sir thank goodness! I thought of calling you myself! "Suriya told over the phone.

"Listen sir! Pandian is dead. He has been murdered. But it is far worse than Jacob's, he was... he was naked and tied with a rope inside a refrigerator. Plus there was a note pinned to the inside of the refrigerator's door similar to the one that was pasted on Jacob's chest. You need to come here ASAP! "Kumaresan said as fast as he could.

"What?! Ok just wait I'll be there in a moment. Don't tell anyone else about it.  And have you arranged for Jacob's autopsy? "Suriya asked him.

"Yes sir I did on my way here" Kumaresan assured him.

"That's good. I'll have someone from the station to look after the autopsy while I'm there. I will also tell James to be at the police station in the meantime. Is that fine? "Suriya told to Kumaresan. It was a habit of his to tell the others working with him in a case about his ideas.

"As you say sir! "Kumaresan replied and disconnected the call

'So Pandian is the second victim here. The note is true after all. This changes the whole perspective of this case. At first the culprit was expected to be Pandian, now that he is dead.. who might be behind this? What would their motive be? Sure they aren't no pushover by the looks of it! Well I'm up to it fellas! Let's see who wins! ' Suriya thought to himself.

"Uh.. James? Can you please wait for me at the station? I need to go somewhere and I'll be back in an hour. I'll inform them about your arrival. What say? "Suriya asked.

"Alright. " came the reply.

"I also would like you to switch off your mobile phone for now and please don't try to contact anyone while I'm away. Ok? " Suriya instructed him as they both came out of the hut and boarded the SUV.

Suriya dropped James at the police station and informed the people there about James before he left for Pandian's residence.

At the entrance  of Pandian's house, Suriya found Kumaresan sitting with his mobile phone and the note. On seeing Suriya, Kumaresan stood up and gave him the note. Suriya carefully took it with the handkerchief it was placed on. He read it and gave it back to Kumaresan who put it in a bag. They both walked in and saw the lifeless body of Pandian.
Suriya was in deep thoughts when he was disturbed by Kumaresan.

"What do we do next sir? " asked Kumaresan.

"Get the autopsy done for this body too,  but by a different doctor, if possible a different hospital altogether. I'm heading to the station. You will stay here and oversee the autopsy. I will take both the notes with me. Once the autopsies are over, just send me their reports and wait for further instructions. Is that alright with you? " said a determined Suriya.

"Okay sir. " Kumaresan said in awe of Suriya's words.
Suriya  took both the notes and left for the station.
