Chapter 29

"A reunion that would lead to a nasty turn of events including my unfortunate involvement and that of you all. "

As DOT finished saying it, everyone was staring at Suriya with some sort of frustration.

"About that boy, let me give you a short background information.

He was a student too, a twelfth grader at a local school and he lived with his brother and single mom in that opposite flat. His brother was seven years his elder and he was an alcoholic, on the other hand his mother was looking after their famed ancestral business.

What prompted the boy to talk to the teacher about his daughter is not known, however he was forcefully made a suspect due to some faulty citations by the cops immediately after a new person took charge of it.

Now, if you were a cop handling your first case and this one happens to be it, what would you do in such a scenario? Dig deeper right? "

After taking a deep breath, DOT continued by pointing towards Suriya
"But this arrogant bastard here chose to manipulate the situation into his favour. "

Suriya was left speechless. He couldn't move a muscle in response.

Ameer asked out of the blue, " Why would he try to manipulate the story of which there is no personal gain? Even if anyone was to believe your 'connection' angle of the story, how would it justify this statement? "

DOT was visibly impressed by the question of Ameer.
"That's a nice one kid! And I believe, if you come to know of this connection between her and Suriya, you would understand. So shall I proceed? "

Ameer nodded to the amusement of DOT. He was now smiling like a kid looking to tear apart the wrapper of a chocolate.

"That wasn't any other connection kid! That was the connection. You do remember the fact that Suriya is a doctor first and then a cop? So he should have studied MBBS right? And it also happens that he was a visiting lecturer to a private institution during the same time he was practising in Stanley hospital. No prizes for guessing which institution it was.

So, rumors regarding this girl used to circulate in the college circles every once in a while. This beautiful bloke here made use of it, though unintentionally.
He accidentally came to know of it through herself.

Eventual negotiations lead to them becoming some sort of partners and it's everybody's guess to what might have happened next.

Then fast forward a two and a half years, he is a cop and that girl is the  first suspect of his career. Classic right? Hahaha!

Now comes the best scene ever, this reunion of theirs creates a sand storm of skepticism in Suriya about his past association with her. So he decides to free her up and tries to frame that boy up. And before anyone knows it, he did that!

And for the cherry on the cake, the boy wasn't budging anytime and so there comes the suicide POV."

Chezhiyan started to flinch slightly on hearing it.

The day light was slowly creeping up the windows parched high above their side walls.

DOT continued with his new found enthusiasm.
"Won't you ask what pushed the boy to commit such crimes? Drug abuse obviously! And that too wasn't any drug! It was none other than.... the mother of all, the Truth Serum! "

Suriya had just heard the words that make his puzzle complete. He now understood how somebody else sniffed it up to him.

"Apparently, the boy took it with an intention of committing suicide! What a pity isn't it? The ever so restricted drug ends up as the weapon of choice for a teen wanting to end his life!

And what's more cinematic is the fact that no one gives two dimes about its involvement.

Then after about three or four days, the girl elopes somewhere and the case is successfully ended with the judge warning, the authorities in charge, about the growing rate of drug abuse related crimes in the city.

But that wasn't the end to the story, I did some ground work and found that the boy's mother died of respiratory ailments a couple of months later and just a few weeks back, the eloped girl was found murdered.

I presume you didn't know about all this, or did you Suriya? "

Suriya was raging inside and he was waiting for the opportunity to see off DOT.

After what seemed like a short silence, the coarse voice of DOT continued.

"Even a high school kid would've connected the dots and come to a conclusion that the case needs to be reopened. But the cops thought otherwise and they just blatantly ignored it.

Perhaps Suriya thought four deaths in his first case would have been too much to bear or simply he would have committed them with a con man called Subbu. "

Arul was left astonished at the revelation. He thought that the things were finally falling into place.

"As a matter of fact, Subbu only committed three murders - the boy, his mother and that girl.

Now you might ask, how were Sathya and Kumaresan involved in this? Well, Subbu and Suriya had no face to face contact. Suriya had seen Subbu but the latter didn't have that privilege.
Kumaresan helped him with the murder of the boy while Sathya was the one accompanying Subbu for the next two murders.

And for your right to know Arul, this made Subbu to take the extreme step when he connected the dots himself and he decided that he was not going to live another night the moment he saw Sathya as the person he was going to kill. "

Chezhiyan kept mum so as to not break out crying and he prayed with all his heart for him to escape this unscathed.

Arul then broke his silence by talking stubbornly "If that's the case then why did you make us kill Jacob, James and Pandian? Was that some sort of attention seeking stunt? "

"No no, not at all! It was pre planned as usual! You see, this drug peddling was the sole reason of all this fiasco and the ones responsible for it were Jacob and James. As for the involvement of Pandian, he tugged along like some sort of a godfather to this business. You know, investment and all.

And this Jacob guy was real close to this girl. So it all seemed necessary that I tended to all of them. And oh! How can I miss that?.. the moment I came to know about the involvement of Pandian, I also stumbled upon his past associates and one of them was his trusted mole in the police, Kumaresan.

In fact, he was the one that linked eveyone up! Suriya with Subbu and Pandian. So it all seemed connected ever than before.

Did you know, Mr. Suriya Prakash, you made one terrible mistake in sketching this plan. And that was what caught my attention. It all seemed believable except for that truth serum angle. So I had this itching me down all the while before I decided to get going with it.

I found out that it was supplied to the cops illegally by Pandian and through Kumaresan it reached Subbu's hands and it all went smoothly till there. But that little comedian of an assassin, fucked things up! Hahaha!

Instead of following your instructions on how to administer it in such a way that it won't be detected as truth serum in the autopsy, that rat administered it just the right way! And that's where the suspicion arose! I sniffed it and it has ended up in here.

You want to know on how exactly that mistake lead me to you? " the finished the question and loaded his handgun to the scare of everyone.

Everyone took a step back as the DOT took a step forward.

"One person in this room is the answer and... that person is alive.. only for a few seconds more though!"

The DOT raised his gun and fired in a smooth motion.

"Oh my god!! "

To be continued!
