Chapter 15

"What is he thinking? Is he out of his mind? " asked a completely awake Arul.

"Yeah. I guess it is tough after all! " said Subbu.

"You are going to do it? Are you insane? " asked Arul.

"Yup. I am going to do this! At least for my own satisfaction. " said Subbu.
"What are you saying? " asked Arul.

"You know, I've always looked up to you. Ever since I met you in college. You've been my living inspiration. I've often wondered how you could go on doing incredible things without much fuss. It was simply awesome. That's why I badly wanted to be your friend! " revealed Subbu.

"So? " asked Arul, unaware of where this was heading.

"That's just one side of the story. Actually I yearned to emulate you! I wanted to be better than you! And then I wanted us to be the best in whatever we did in this world! Even after being with you for the past eight years, I can't even be of your level! That drove me mad! I felt humiliated! But then I realized, I liked you only because you were better than me. Now, this series of murders gave me one last opportunity to reach your level. You, as you always do, did your job perfectly. And now it's my turn to prove that I can match your skill and complete this smoothly. " said Subbu with a cold tone.

"You thought all this?! I can't believe it man! You were a fool! " exclaimed Arul.

"Say whatever. I need to prove to myself. I have to do this! " said Subbu with sheer grit.

"Look, you don't have to do this to prove that you are better! In fact you helped me complete my tasks and thus you have a part in it. Just quit these thoughts and be yourself again. " advised Arul.

"No! I will do it! " shouted Subbu.

"I'm not joking! Killing a cop isn't as easy as it sounds! If something goes wrong then.. " Arul stopped in mid sentence.

".. I'll get caught. That's it. " Subbu completed the sentence.

"No! That's not it! " said Arul.

"What? You mean to say that our mission will get spoiled? We won't receive the money? " asked Subbu.

"That's what you've thought of me? Pathetic Subbu! I was referring to you getting killed! " said Arul.

"Oh! I'm sorry mate! Real sorry! Just understand my situation. You need to see it from my point! " pleaded Subbu.

"See, if you want to do it, just do it! All I want to say is that, don't do it for some lame reasons! If you succumb to your emotions then you won't be fully into the motive. Irrespective of whatever happens, you remain the same to me! And I won't change either! " assured Arul.

"Is that really it? " asked Subbu.

"Yes it is. And for the record, I didn't think that you were lower than me!" said Arul.

"I know that... it's just my inferiority complex that makes me feel all this. You know... I kind of love you! The thought of me getting rejected because of my skills... was too much to handle! For me, it was always you. I don't know how but it is that way. " confessed Subbu.

On hearing this, Arul got a bit insecure and felt that this feeling of Subbu might jeopardize the mission. In fact, Arul was forced to be friends with Subbu. During their college days, Subbu had seen Arul work for someone else in return for cash. He had a knack of doing things discreetly and this made Subbu fall for him. To avoid being blackmailed by Subbu, Arul decided to be friendly with him. He didn't realize the motive of Subbu's relation.

"Arul? Are you listening? " asked Subbu.

"Yeah. I didn't expect this from you man! I don't want you to feel like that about me. Let's just finish the job at hand and then talk about this later, shall we? " asked Arul.

"Yeah I thought you might say that. Anyways its better than getting rejected straightaway. Ok so as it is instructed I'll do the job in exactly 20 minutes. And then we both have to text DOT confirming that cop's death. So, you in? " asked Subbu.

"Hell yeah! Get in man we have a murder to commit! " said Arul who was actually thinking of murdering Subbu once the final murder is committed.

They both boarded their car and headed straight to the Muthailpet police station. DOT had sent a text message instructing Subbu to kill the police officer who enters the station in a motorcycle. He also mentioned that the police officer in question will be in civilian clothes.

As the car came to a halt near the Francis Xavier church, opposite to the police station. They received the notification regarding the details of the cop to be murdered from DOT.


"Phew! Finally it's over macha! We've got this out to someone  who can actually solve this case. " said Chezhiyan.

"Yeah and now I'm going to sleep peacefully tonight! " said Ameer.

After chatting for some more time they both parted ways to their respective houses around 11:00 p.m.

Just as Chezhiyan entered the house, he received a call from Suriya. He attended it.

"Yes sir? " asked Chezhiyan.

"Can you come out of your house now? " asked Suriya from the other end.

"What? You're here?! " asked Chezhiyan as he turned around towards the entrance.

There stood Suriya in his motorcycle. He waved at him. Instinctively Chezhiyan waved back and went towards him.

"What is it sir? Anything left for us to discuss? " asked Chezhiyan.

"Yes. I'm afraid we can't talk here. Can you come with me to somewhere where we can talk? " asked Suriya.

"Ok, if you say so! " said Chezhiyan. He felt very comfortable with Suriya.
Chezhiyan hopped onto the bike and they both left.

Suriya drove the bike to a nearby lane where they parked the bike and started talking.

"Lets keep this short. I have got something to say to you that I hid initially. " said Suriya.

Chezhiyan just nodded.

Suriya continued " about that lethal injection thing. You realize that it is not available to anyone, don't you? "

"Yes" came the reply from Chezhiyan.

"In fact I had thought of all this before. And I have figured out that you must have come to the same conclusion. So you must now suspect the cops, right? " asked Suriya.

"Yes but that doesn't mean I suspect you! " said Chezhiyan.

"No no! I didn't mean that. I said I too have suspicions like it. To be precise, I suspect two men from my team. " said Suriya.

"What? Why would you think so? " asked Chezhiyan.

"I thought you might ask this. " said Suriya.

He then explained everything about the notes found in the crime scene and the phone call from a mysterious person.

"But what is there to pinpoint only two of your squad? " asked Chezhiyan.

"The phone call. He addressed me as doctor. Only those two know that I was a doctor before I became a police officer. " said Suriya.

"You were a doctor?! " asked Chezhiyan out of amazement.

"Yes but that's another story altogether. That's the reason I suspect those two. " said Suriya.

"And who are they? " asked Chezhiyan.

"Kumaresan and Sathya" revealed Suriya.

To be continued!..
