Chapter 7

"Yeah I am on my way. Have the others arrived yet? " asked Ameer

"As usual both have some thing else to do. They are not coming and I think that is good for now! " told Chezhiyan
"Well I am not surprised to hear it, but why are you so different today? I mean you call me all of a sudden and ask me to come to your house so that we can discuss something you have just found! All this seems to indicate that you either badly want to share something or you are bored to hell. It better be worth something or you'll face my wrath! " Ameer finished as he took a right in his scooter

"Like I am hearing it for the first time! Just come here will ya? We'll sort things out. " said Chezhiyan and disconnected the call.

After some 10 minutes, Ameer came to Chezhiyan's house.

"Welcome young man! Did you forget the route to our house or what? " joked Chezhiyan's grandpa as Ameer entered the house

"No no, it's not like that! How can I forget you all? How are you grandpa? Where's grandma? " asked Ameer

"Oh everyone is fine,she is sleeping inside, thankfully you still remember us! " said Grandpa

"Ok then! I will talk you later " Ameer told and went to Chezhiyan's room

"Come in macha! How long has it been since you have been to this house? I guess the last time we ever had an atti here was almost a year ago, right? " Chezhiyan told and gestured Ameer to sit

"Yes indeed! Ahh.. those times! Wish school life went on forever! " Ameer sat in the cot and looked around

"You haven't learnt your lesson yet, have you? " he said pointing to Chezhiyan's JEE books

"Don't start it now. We have something else to discuss. Which way did you come? Through the chicken market or the Broadway theater? " Chezhiyan asked as he gave a chocolate to Ameer.

"Through the chicken market only. Why? " Ameer opened the chocolate and took a bite.

"Had you come the other way you could have seen the murder spot I texted you about. And yo-" Chezhiyan was cut short by Ameer
"What?! A murder? When did you text me about it? "

"Didn't you receive my message? " Chezhiyan asked as he checked his phone.
"Ah the data wasn't turned on! Sorry my bad. " he explained and continued
"Well that's good too since I had broadcast the message to all three of you and they didn't come here, so it's better that they don't know about what we're about to talk. I'll delete it before I turn my mobile data on. "

"Man you sure are in the mood today! Ain't you? Let's get going then! " exclaimed Ameer

"Okay so you know that a murder took place in that encroached area last night and it's none other than Jacob " told Chezhiyan.

"You mean that twin guy? I thought his brother was the bad one but to be murdered by someone you either need to be too good or too threatening " Ameer expressed his idea.

"I was right after all, am I not? You didn't believe me when I said Jacob wasn't good" Chezhiyan told putting up a cheeky look.

"Fine fine I admit it. And so it wasn't a  coincidence that a cop went to Pandian's house. I saw him entering Pandian's house on my way here" finished Ameer.

"What? they are already there?  they have connected the dots, haven't they? " Chezhiyan told.

"Ha.. big deal! Everyone will think of Pandian in such a scenario. By the way Ila, what did you want to discuss with me about this? " Ameer asked.

"Yeah. Do you remember last year when we were talking in front of this very house, Jacob and Pandian started to fight? " Chezhiyan told as Ameer's eyes lit up.

"Yeah and then after an hour or so when we were going to mannady didn't we see them together near The Excellent Hotel? " asked Ameer.

"Yes and we even did manage to hear some of their conversation. They were talking about some transaction between Pandian and another person. They did even mention some sort of a date or a number right? " Chezhiyan told.

"Hmm. But what that incident has to do with the murder now? " Ameer asked.

"Don't you get it still? I can't believe how naive you are! " Chezhiyan told as he took his notebook and a pen.
He started to write something in it.
Then he started "See, if Pandian and Jacob were fighting on that day doesn't that mean they were enemies? But what happened later completely contradicts that fact, isn't it? So what I am implying is that the hate between Pandian and Jacob is fake! Actually from the way they were discussing that day, it is very much possible for them to be allies "

"But didn't James work under him? If according to your theory had Jacob and Pandian been allies won't he know of it? "Ameer told with a doubtful tone.

"That's the whole point here! What do you think might be the reason? " Chezhiyan asked.

"Well... I for one think that they managed to keep it a secret from James " opined Ameer.

"Also there is a chance that the three were working together and acted differently in front of all"Chezhiyan said confidently.

"Yeah but why should they do so? " Ameer asked scratching his head.

"That's what I too don't know. I have a gut feeling that this might have something to do with the murder" Chezhiyan finshed as he laid down that notebook.

"Now that you have mentioned this I too get that feeling. By the way what were you writing there? " Ameer asked curiously.
"That's related to JEE. But what I really wanted to tell is this : what if Pandian didn't murder Jacob? " Chezhiyan told.

Ameer waited for him to continue
"I mean what if Pandian too is targeted? Who knows, he might also have been murdered and the police wouldn't have found it out yet! If that happens then our theory is correct! " he finished.

"So you want someone to get murdered just because you want the theory to be correct? " asked Ameer.

"No no, I just assumed what would have happened if our theory was indeed correct. You know me, don't you? " Chezhiyan expressed his thoughts.

"I was just joking mate. How could I not know you after being with you for all these years? But then where would it leave James? Was he the murderer? " Ameer asked.

"We can't say that for sure since we don't know whether the three really worked together. But still there is a heavy possibility of him being the culprit unless someone else is found guilty" Chezhiyan said in a serious tone.

" I told you not to go too deep with that death note anime, see now you act like L! " told Ameer.

"Just shut up will you? And by the way is that a compliment? " blushed Chezhiyan.

"No I was just joking! " Ameer clarified.

"Thought so! Do you think we should tell this to the police? " Chezhiyan asked.

"Maybe we should wait for sometime and then move ahead. After all what are we? just 17 year olds. Who would take us seriously? Also this might even turn upon us. So let's leave it for now" Ameer said.

"That's right and don't say this to anyone alright? We both were the ones who saw them talking that day so let's keep it between us" Chezhiyan told to Ameer as he nodded and finished the rest of his chocolate.


Arul reached his apartment and called Subbu. Subbu opened the door and let him in.
"Did you visit Pandian's house? " he asked.

"No. I got carried away a bit in hearing the twins' story while I was there. The tea master started to doubt me and so I came straight back. Had I went there and someone found me, then the cops would have connected the dots easily." Arul explained.

"Oh alright then. But how are we going to find out what is the situation in Pandian's residence? " asked Subbu.

"I don't know, let's wait and watch. " said Arul...
