Chapter 25

The screeching sound of the motorcycle awoke a few stray dogs near the Gandhi statue. 

The statue was located in a three way junction at the center of which stood two iconic pieces that were so synonymous to the Marina beach.

The white pillar-held monument depicting the national symbol and the statue of Chevalier Sivaji Ganesan were unmissable to anyone driving by.

In the midst of both stood a small  blue clock tower. It showed Suriya that the time was well past one.

Accompanying Suriya as per his plan was Ameer who was so terrified that he shivered every now and then.

Suriya got down the bike after asking Ameer to get down. Seeing the scared look in his face, Suriya patted him on his shoulder and smiled.

Ameer still wasn't sure whether to trust Suriya or not.
Those final words of Chezhiyan before they were forced to part ways was still running through his mind.

"Hey! Psst! Ameer!, listen. Don't speak back. No matter what happens after Arul is finished talking in his phone, don't trust anyone. It is likely that the DOT has figured out both of them are working together and he'll be furious to get rid of them. Stay away from any suspicious activity and don't hesitate to harm anyone if they seem to harm you. Understand? I'm going to do the same. I don't know what's going to happen, let's hope for the best. "

"Why are you looking so red? " asked Suriya.

Not knowing what to reply Ameer started to fidget with his trousers.
Sensing the concern of Ameer, Suriya let out a laugh that was slightly coy.

"If death is your fear then you don't have to worry because anything looking to harm you should have to pass through me first. You can be assured of it. Same applies for Chezhiyan. I've lost a lot already and the DOT is going to pay for that. I swear to god. " Suriya thought a lot more but refrained from saying them so as to not worsen the condition for Ameer.

Even after listening the talk with sheer attention, Ameer couldn't muster the courage to speak out his mind.

Amber thought trying to speak anything would only worsen the situation. He decided to play the scared teen character till they reach their destination.

As promised earlier, DOT called Suriya.

"Doctor, are you in the place I asked you to be? "

"Yes I am and what next? " he asked.

"You seem worried doc! What's the matter? Aren't you excited to meet me? " teased the DOT.

"I just need further directions and nothing more. "

"Well since you insist! You know we could talk a lot when we meet in person and I have some-"


"Okay! Relax! From there drive down the RK road towards the Citi Center mall and take the left just before the mall. Proceed further till you reach the St. Bede's Cricket ground and wait there for further instructions. "

With that the call ended.


The SUV driven by Arul had just entered the road connecting the Poonamalle high road with the periamet road.

He pressed the accelerator and the bulk four wheel vehicle whirred through the straight road till it reached the main gate of the Nehru Stadium.

Arul didn't know what he was supposed to do to signal DOT about his arrival.
For a moment he thought of entering the stadium when he was stopped from doing so by a missed call in his phone.

It was Suriya. It was their way of announcing that the DOT has contacted.
Now this missed call indicated that DOT had given further instructions to Suriya.

This encouraged Arul to wait a little longer.

About five to ten minutes later Arul's phone buzzed and instinctively he stepped out of the SUV to attend it.

It was DOT. 

"Hello?" he asked.

"Yes it's me DOT. You shall now drive towards the Elephant Gate police station and wait there for further instructions. "

"Alright! "

Arul then drove his SUV to the mentioned place.


Sitting idle in the back seat was a confused Chezhiyan. All that was planned prior when they were in Arul's apartment was perfect to be executed and then out of the blue came DOT's call to ruin it all. 

Chezhiyan felt something was fishy in this decision.

Two things were not clear for Chezhiyan.

One was the timing in which both Suriya and Arul were contacted by DOT to meet him in person.

And the second thing troubling him was the proposed confrontation of DOT and it's aftermath.

He began to think in depth of all the possibilities.

Suriya could easily have captured Arul and took the DOT head on but he chose to believe Arul and agreed to play the waiting game. This meeting might hold the key to solving the connection between DOT and the others.

Even if DOT was a serial killer or a psychopath, he wouldn't want to contact the police and tempt them to meet him. This is clearly something more.

Either the DOT doesn't know of the fact that Arul and Suriya have joined forces or he is just waiting for the perfect timing to reveal what he is up to.

Regardless of what happens during the confrontation, both Ameer and I would be vulnerable. If the DOT wins he'd look to erase off the remaining evidence, that would be us.
If he is defeated then Arul wouldn't want to get caught for the murders and so he'd either kill Suriya... no wait! He'd use us to escape and then... no! Every way I think there is something blocking it.

For us to be safe, whether it is right or wrong, I want Suriya to win. I am more inclined towards it as it is the only way in which I see us safe.

But Suriya isn't what he used to be. I should be careful with him too. Only god knows whether the DOT plans to meet both Arul and Suriya together or separately.

Whatever be the case, I must ensure Ameer is not harmed. I shouldn't have brought him in either.

Please god help me out in here! Please!


"Please don't kill me! Don't do it! I swear I won't be of any issues to you! Let me live please! Come on don't! " cried the 41 year old cop.

Holding his silenced weapon agonizingly close to the throat of his captive was DOT, not so jovial anymore. He meant business, serious business.

To the surprise of the captive, he moved the weapon away and turned back.

"Won't it be pathetic for you to die without knowing anything? Do you have any idea of who I am? Why am I doing this? Anything? No?
I should've known! " he told.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you just yet. You shall die after you get to know all the details. Then why do I put the gun to your throat, you ask? Simple! To make you talk! Hahaha! "

"What are you? A maniac or something? " cried the captive.

"Well I'm no maniac. I'm just another human being like you! Only I'm not clean like y'all! Have you ever met anyone like me? Huh? "

Before the captive could answer, the DOT menacingly came close and said "I hope not! "

To be continued!
