Chapter 1

James can home around 4:00 pm, only to find a police SUV parked right in front of his hut.

A police officer who seemed to be in his early thirties walked towards him. A sense of fear surged through James's body, instantly causing him to sweat. Encounters with the police was not a new thing for him, but seeing them in front of his hut was.

The officer introduced himself as Suriya Prakash, the Sub-inspector of the area.
"You must be James, right? The twin brother of Jacob? " he asked with a cold tone.
"Yes I am, what are you all doing in my hut? " came James's reply.
"Look mister, we are here with a few questions and I hope that you of all people should be able to answer them " said the SI while walking to the entrance of the hut with him, asking a few questions.
James now saw some of his neighbors gathered near the SUV, almost all of them wore a rude expression on seeing him and some of them even swore at him in some foul language. All this made him even more curious to find out what might have happened.
Suriya Prakash stopped just before the entrance of the hut and asked "Are you sure you weren't here last night? "
"How many times do I have to say this to you? Don't you understand? " said James.
Another police man who was in a track suit came out of the hut and nodded to Suriya, only then James was told to go in and he was accompanied by the two policemen. 

The moment he tried to open the make shift door of the hut, a bad stench entered his nostrils warning him of the grave scene inside. Feeling conscious, he took each and every step with extra care, as soon as he entered the place meant for cooking he found the floor covered with a layer of dried blood. He then gasped on seeing the source of blood...
