Chapter 6

Kumaresan is associated with the police department for the past decade and half. Now 41, He never thought that he would have to work under an officer who was 9 years younger to him.

He first worked under him a few months ago and after six cases he knew enough about Suriya to decide that he deserved to be a higher ranked official than him.

He was shocked to know that he had a medical background and he thought of it as a reason for his expertise in identifying the cause of death just by looking at the corpse.
What made Kumaresan to admire Suriya even more was his calmness in compelling situations and his ability to view things from a different perspective altogether.

" 'Can you bring Mr. Pandian here, Kumaresan sir?' I know he likes to keep things to himself but asking me to bring someone without letting me know the reason? What would I tell that person if they ask for it? " Kumaresan thought to himself as he drove to Pandian's house

Niniappan street in Mannady is a quiet road and one would be surprised to find such a place in the ever busy Mannady area.
When Kumaresan got down from his bike to enter Pandian's house he saw a nameplate at the entrance that read:

R. Pandian B.A
Ex. MC  Harbour constituency

"What happened to all these politicians? Won't they get fed up of all the negative things and start to live a clean life? Maybe it won't happen anytime soon" Kumaresan sighed and climbed the stairs.

He reached the first floor and rang the calling bell of Pandian's house. There was no reply, Kumaresan was certain that he saw Pandian's bike parked in front of the house so he rang the bell once again but to no effect.
He then called out for him and then when he got suspicious he decided to break in.
To his surprise, the door was open and he sneaked in. The fact that he didn't bring his revolver dawned upon him as his consciousness grew with every step he took.
Everything in the house was normal except for the refrigerator which was switched on. All the other electric appliances were off. His instinct told him to probe it but he was a bit unsure of what to do.
He decided to go with his instinct and opened the door of the refrigerator.

"What the hell??! " he screamed on seeing the content inside the refrigerator.
Inside, Pandian's lifeless body lay tied with ropes. As soon as Kumaresan recovered from the shock, he noticed something even more disturbing on the inside of the refrigerator's door...
