Chapter 3

James saw the naked dead body of Jacob, with a huge cut in the throat and a stab wound in the stomach.
He then looked at Suriya who was keenly observing the cot on the opposite side.
James asked him "what happened? "

"Is that your brother Jacob?"came the cold reply.

"Yes... but how.. how did this happen? " asked James.

"Well that's what I was about to ask you and do you mind if I ask what you were doing last night? " Suriya calmly asked.

"First tell me what is going on here! When did this happen? How did Jacob die? What the hell is happening? Someone tell me for christ's sake! " cried James letting out his emotions.

Suriya signalled to his colleague to close the door...

At the same time, some 10 kilometres away, inside a subway near the Reserve Bank stood Subbu leaning on his car anxiously waiting for a call from his close aide.
His phone began buzzing, displaying the name Arul. He attended the call "Yes?"
the voice on the other end replied "Everything is going as per plan, good job mate! " and then the call was disconnected...
