Chapter 14

"Yes I am certain! " said Chezhiyan.

"Let's just say that you are wrong! What we'll do then? " asked Ameer.

"I don't know! " came the reply from Chezhiyan.

"What do you mean you don't know? If you are wrong then we'll be doomed for breaking into the crime scene and also they'll suspect us of distracting them on purpose! " said a restless Ameer.

"You're right. But those will happen only when I'm wrong. I don't think I'll be wrong here. " said Chezhiyan.

"But what if you are right? " asked Ameer.

"Seriously macha, how many questions you'll ask? You never change buddy! " laughed Chezhiyan.

"Hello? we are in no mood to have sweet talks, and was that your way of dodging my question? " asked Ameer.
"What question?  " Chezhiyan asked in reply.

"If the police are behind this, then telling them about what we found will be suicidal, won't it? " Ameer raised the question.

"It depends on who we are going to say about it" said Chezhiyan.

"How will you know that the person we are reporting is clean? " asked Ameer.

"That is what I am thinking of, also when are we going to approach them? " Chezhiyan said as Ameer sat down beside him.

"What about morning? " suggested Ameer.

"What if it's too late? I mean anything can happen. " asked Chezhiyan.

"Yes that's right. But we can't tell our homes that we're headed to the police station and that too at this hour! Can we? " said Ameern

"Yeah. Maybe we can tell them that we are going out" suggested Chezhiyan.

"What will happen if it takes too long?" asked Ameer.

"We'll tell them something then, it doesn't matter. Once we're out, then the only problem is finding the right person to approach! " said Chezhiyan.
He continued " Did you remember the cop who discovered Pandian's death?"

"Yup I do! We shall approach him. He is of the Muthialpet station only! " exclaimed Ameer.

"No we shouldn't approach him! There's a huge chance that he might be the killer or at least he could be working for the killer " said Chezhiyan.

On seeing the barren look in Ameer's face, Chezhiyan continued
"I say this because we think that a cop is behind this and the only way to convince the cops about our point is to tell them how we came to that conclusion. That means we need to tell them everything we know. Right from the conversation to the truth serum. So that cop, who found out about Pandian's death is a no go. "

"What if he isn't the culprit and the one we report to is the culprit? " asked Ameer.

"That's why I'm planning to reveal only a part of our findings initially and after confirming that they are clean, we can tell them all. " said Chezhiyan.

"What are you going to hide? " asked Ameer.

"The part about the truth serum or lethal injection in this case. " said Chezhiyan.

"What am I supposed to do? Do I have anything to keep in mind? " asked Ameer.

"Don't worry, Just play along with me. You'll be fine. " said Chezhiyan.

"No it's okay if I am involved. It's only good to tell the whole truth by ourselves. Don't try to protect me and all! " told Ameer.

"As you wish! We better get going then! " Chezhiyan said as he copied the notes he made to his phone.
On their way to the station, Chezhiyan sent a copy of the notes to Ameer.


Kumaresan was sitting in his workplace looking into his phone. He glanced a few times every now and then at Suriya's cabin. In his whole career spanning close to two decades, he hasn't seen such a gruesome case nor did he work this much. But deep inside he knew it was all needed.
He saw a couple of teenagers walking into the station.

"Who are you boys? What makes you to come here at this hour? " he asked looking into his wrist watch.

Ameer instantly recognized Kumaresan and placed a hand on Chezhiyan's shoulder as instructed by him, This way Chezhiyan could be warned about the cop who discovered Pandian's death.
Chezhiyan understood the signal and began to speak.

"Um.. sir we are here to say something.. you know..regarding the murder of Jacob in the slums. I live a few blocks adjacent to the slums... so I thought I might share what I know.. to help you of course! "

"What is it? " asked Kumaresan scanning the two boys with his eyes.

"It is something that we overheard and I thought it might help you with the investigation " said Chezhiyan.

"Will you two please sit down? Over there. " said Kumaresan pointing to a bench on the opposite side.

"Yeah sure... no problem. Will do! " said Chezhiyan and they both went towards the bench.

Kumaresan went to a nearby cupboard, took out a ledger and walked towards them. He gave them the ledger and said
"Sign it with your details and the purpose of visit. After finishing it come to my place. "

After filling out the details, the two of them went to Kumaresan's desk.
"Sir we filled them. And what should we write in the column for purpose of visit? " asked Chezhiyan.

"Just write what you are here for. " said Kumaresan.

Ameer, being the keen observer he was, had noted James's name in the ledger. He was waiting for the perfect time to alert Chezhiyan about it.

"Here you go sir. " said Chezhiyan as he placed the ledger down.

"Now then.. Ilanchezhiyan? " asked Kumaresan as he looked into the ledger.

"Sir! " Chezhiyan raised his hand.

"You are Ameer eh? " asked Kumaresan to which Ameer nodded.

"Okay tell me what you heard. " said Kumaresan.

"It was sometime back. We both were at the excellent hotel in mannady when we saw Jacob and Pandian talking. We were there waiting for a friend when we overheard them. They were talking about some sort of a transaction, kind of an account number. They mentioned it more than once and after a few minutes Jacob got agitated and began to shout.  That's all. " said Chezhiyan.

"That's all?! " Kumaresan asked.

"Yes" replied Chezhiyan.

"Do you realize that this information has no value in this murder case? Not even remotely! " raged Kumaresan.

"Uh? " Chezhiyan didn't know what to say.
After glancing at Ameer. He began to continue "Sir, Pandian too is dead right? "

"Yes and what does it have to do with it? " said Kumaresan with a piercing glance.

"Obviously anyone would have suspected Pandian at first. But now that he too is dead, it is sure that someone from the outside is the killer. And that account thing we heard might have a role in this! That's why we thought it might help you. " said Chezhiyan.

"Fine but what is there to believe you? " asked Kumaresan.

"That is entirely up to you sir. " said Chezhiyan.

"Just this overhearing thing will not suffice and so I must ask you to leave now" said Kumaresan.

"But sir won't you even look into it? I mean we came forward with some information that could be of help to you! " said Chezhiyan in a slightly raised voice.

"There is no need for me you to listen you! Just leave now will you? " replied Kumaresan.

"Thank you sir! For your treatment! " shouted Chezhiyan throwing his arms in despair.

"Look boy, get out of my sight when I still have patience! " threatened Kumaresan.

"Just come we'll go" said Ameer and dragged Chezhiyan out.

As they both were about to leave the station, Suriya came out of his cabin.
"What's with the noise sir? " he asked.

"Two boys came in saying that they had some information regarding the case but they only had overheard something long back which is irrelevant to the case. So I asked them to get out. " replied Kumaresan.

"Where are they? We can't neglect anything at this moment sir! At least you should have called me! " Suriya said as he looked outside.

"Sir!" Ameer called from outside.

"Are you the boys who came in? " asked Suriya.

"Yes sir! I am Ameer and he is Ilanchezhiyan" said Ameer.

"Come to my cabin you two and also you Kumaresan sir " said Suriya and he went inside the cabin.

"Sit down everyone" said Suriya

Everyone sat down.

"So? " asked Suriya
Chezhiyan and Ameer said everything they had earlier told to Kumaresan.

"See sir? I told you that this wasn't any useful information at all. That's why I asked them to leave. " said Kumaresan.

"I too think the same boys! This doesn't mean anything but thank you for-" Suriya was interrupted by Chezhiyan "Thats not all sir! Had he let us speak for some more time we would have told him. We actually managed to sneak into Jacob's hut! "

Both Suriya and Kumaresan were shocked. Before they could do anything Chezhiyan continued "we managed to find a bottle of Sodium Thiopental there. As you would know, it is the truth serum. It is highly likely that the victim was drugged with it. "

"Do you guys realize that breaking into a crime scene is an offence? And you could be arrested for it?  Asked Suriya.

"Yes but won't this help you out? " asked Ameer.

"I can't believe how stupid teenagers of this generation are! We conducted an autopsy and we already came to know of it! " said Kumaresan. For some reason he didn't like the two boys.

"But I bet you wouldn't have found out the amount injected! " challenged Chezhiyan and he didn't like Kumaresan either.

"What do you say? " asked Suriya still calm as ever.

"Sodium thiopental can be used to kill a person and when it is used that way it is called as lethal injection. I think...  about 5 grams of it can kill a person within 60 seconds. " explained Chezhiyan.

That is exactly what I suspect! This boy is correct. Thought Suriya.

"And so we think that it might be used to kill Jacob and maybe Pandian too! " said Chezhiyan.

"Hmmm you are right! But how can we confirm it? " asked Suriya.

If he says what I think then he is of another level! But still he has to say it!
Suriya talked to himself.

"What is in the autopsy report sir? " asked Chezhiyan.

Suriya explained the details present in the autopsy reports of Jacob and Pandian.

"That's it! The stabs were a veil to cover the actual cause of death! Jacob died of bleeding and Pandian died of suffocation, right? I bet those were done to cover up the actual reason. " said Chezhiyan.

"But that doesn't hold for Pandian. He was choked. " Suriya countered.

Can you solve this, boy? He thought

"So simple! They would have covered his face with a carry bag, thus restricting oxygen supply. Then immediately they would have injected the drug. Actually a smaller dose would suffice for this. Previously the three-drug cocktail of Sodium thiopental, Pancuronim bromide and Potassium chloride was used as the lethal injection. In this, each drug had their own effect in causing instant death. Thiopental causes unconsciousness, Pancuronium bromide causes paralysis of muscles while Potassium chloride stops blood flow to the heart. Later only thiopental was used in increased amount for this purpose. The killer would have known this and used it to his advantage. The carry bag acted as the method to bring Asphyxiation, this causing respiratory paralysis and then sodium thiopental did the rest. I would say that this is a very planned attempt! "

Brilliant! This is exactly what I thought! So this means he too would have come to the same conclusion as I did. But he will be hesitant to share it considering the reason with which he arrived at it. Thought Suriya.

Chezhiyan then told all of his thoughts on the case. While Suriya and Chezhiyan were talking Ameer noticed how the hitherto rude Kumaresan had turned into an avid listener.

Then all of a sudden Suriya started "I have to tell, I'm impressed with your assessment! Marvelous job! ".

"I just thought of sharing this information" said Chezhiyan.

After few more minutes of discussion, Chezhiyan and Ameer left the station with a copy of the statement they gave and Suriya's personal mobile number.

"Don't you think they both have prodigious talent, sir? " asked Suriya looking at Kumaresan.

"Uh?.. yeah. Yes sir! " said Kumaresan.
"Okay then I'll ask Sathya to stay at Stanley hospital till I go there and I'll have a talk with my friend who is doing the autopsy to help me in unraveling more secrets about this lethal injection! " said Suriya as he prepared to leave.

"What shall I do sir? " asked Kumaresan.

"You stay here sir. I'll send Sathya back and once he comes, you both go straight to Pandian's house and do a thorough search. We might find some evidence which could have been overlooked earlier. And then I want you to gather information on the availability of Sodium Thiopental in the city while I'll have Sathya search the house of James" explained Suriya.

"Sure sir! I will do as you say! " assured Kumaresan.

I am getting closer to this killer! It's one among those two! They'll pay for what they've done! Suriya thought on his way to Stanley hospital.


"Arul? " called Subbu looking into the car.

"Yes I'm here! " came the reply from inside.

"I am sick of waiting! When'll he call? And when do I get to finish my job? " said Subbu.

"As promised, he called and told me how to kill that guy inside the police station. " said Arul.

"Yeah I know it!." Subbu said as he looked into his phone.

"Come to think of it! Everything happened exactly in the way he told! There was a window near the parking and above it was a slab that lead to the window of  another room. Inside the room was a man sleeping. I just had to stick to his instructions and it went real smooth! He sure is some man! " said Arul.

"That's why I'm wondering how he chose us? He could easily have all those three killed without having to spend this much money! " said Subbu.
"Who cares? As long as the transaction is good and we receive the money on time as promised, I won't complain! " said Arul.

"You're right. Just one more kill to go! He told this was going to be a tough one right? " asked Subbu still immersed in his phone.

"There is no such thing as tough! He gives us instructions, we follow them and he pays us for it. So simple. I have finished my work and now you have to finish yours! Two out of two for me!  " laughed Arul.

"Whatever man! Just one more! " said Subbu as his phone buzzed.
It was a call. He immediately recognized the name. It had just three letters. He alerted Arul and picked up the call.

"Hello? "

"It's me, DOT " came the reply.

"Yes go ahead! " said Subbu.

"I presume you are ready for your job. Do it according to the text message you are about to receive. This guy needs extra care. " said DOT

"Ok I will do it. But who am I supposed to kill? " asked Subbu.

"A cop" came the reply.

To be continued...
