Chapter 5

Having sent his colleague to bring someone, Suriya walked towards James and told him to have a seat.

"I asked what happened to my brother? Are you deaf? "Shouted James.

"First sit down. This is going to take sometime " assured Suriya

James reluctantly sat in the cot.

"Okay! So let me first clear your doubts and then you will clear mine. Is that a deal? " asked Suriya

Nodded a teary eyed James

"A lady called Kaantha called the police station around noon to inform about a murder here. I sent Mr. Kumaresan to check it out and once he confirmed it, I came. We found your brother's naked body lying in a pool of dried blood and he seemed to have been stabbed first and then cut in the throat. We then called you and here you are some three hours late! " told Suriya

"Didn't anyone know about this before noon? " asked James

"No. But they did hear someone moaning in agony around 3 a.m. last night. Today morning when Kaantha came to your hut she saw your brother lying dead and she informed us" elaborated Suriya

"Its.. its all my fault..  should have not let him stay here anymore! " James started to cry

Suriya tried to calm him down and then he slowly asked him "Does your brother take drugs? "

"I know where you are getting to! But this is not the time! My brother is murdered and all you want is to know about me?!" James shouted

" I didn't say anything about you. In fact we know all about you. I just asked whether your BROTHER took drugs? " clarified Suriya

"Why do you ask?" Asked a stunned James

"Just answer my questions and I promise you will get to know everything " said Suriya

James wiped his blood red eyes.
"Never. He hated me because of my addiction to that s**t! He wouldn't even dream of taking it! " he told

Suriya made a mental note and said "Okay..  who do you think might be behind this murder? I mean, do you know whether your brother had any enemies or any such things? "

"I can't think of anyone else except that ba***rd! He is the one who would go to such great lengths of murdering him! That filthy swine! " cried out a very angry James

"And... who is that? " asked a calm Suriya

"Pandian! He is a local politician. He clashed with my brother right from the beginning. If it wasn't for Kaantha, that pig would have been dead by now! " James said with sheer rage

"Please calm down" told Suriya patting James on his shoulder.
James then nodded in agreement and listened to him

"Why would he want to have him killed?" asked Suriya

"I don't know the exact reason but he once asked me to not stay with him. He even warned me to have him sent somewhere else. From the first itself  he didn't want him staying here. For some reason Jacob too hated him, they seemed to have been enemies since eternity " told James

"When did he say all this to you? " asked Suriya

James was expecting this question.
He sighed and then answered "He told me all this when I was working for him. I worked for him sometime back, helping him with his underground dealings. But that was months ago! "

Suriya then stood up and said in a very serious tone"Okay. Now I want you to see something that the killer had left. It was addressed... to you! "

Hey people!

Hope you all enjoy my story! If you do like it please vote for it!
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Thank you
