Chapter 30 (The Finale)

There was blood slowly spreading on the floor underneath the dead person's back.

Beside the body stood a shell shocked Ameer unable to come to terms with reality.

He was trembling with fear and more than that he felt his head spinning on the revelations made by DOT.

Even Suriya, who was the center of all the hate till then, felt a shudder crawl up his spine on seeing the dead body.

DOT let out a sound mimicking empathy and quickly began talking again.

"Do you guys know what's more sad than death? Dying like this! " he said pointing towards the body.

In that direction, pointed by DOT, lay Chezhiyan sprawled on the floor lifeless.

The graphic sight made Ameer flinch so frequently as he cried hopelessly for his friend to come back to life again. He was pretty much gagging every single second.

"Poor boy, had to die this way! You know I sort of liked him but he had to go! " said DOT.

Everyone in the room was too distraught to respond.

After what seemed like ten-fifteen minutes the cold atmosphere of the room was broken by the voice of Ameer. He speech was broken due to his gagged breathing.

"Wh-why did-you kill him-m? Hu-h?
Why? Wh-y?  "

Ameer was sobbing uncontrollably.

The DOT wasn't a man to fall for sympathy. He was as cold as ever.

"As always I do have my own reasons boy! Now if you permit me, shall I? "

Ameer was still sobbing.

"Fine then, I shall take that as a go ahead.

The mistake made by Suriya and his team was comfortably ignored by everyone and so they virtually got off. Well that wasn't the case with me.

If you remember, my friend Ameer, you and this little dead asshole here overheard Pandian and James talking about a serial number sometime back?

And you just ignored it afterwards but this chemistry wizard didn't. He didn't take long to decipher it as the molecular formula of pancuranium bromide. My guess is that he did it with the help of Google just because he didn't strike me as a Heisenberg at all! Hahaha! Never mind. Now coming back, this revelation didn't come alone, as is the case with everything in the internet, he got to know all about the lethal injection and all that. By the way truth serum is a part of the three drug lethal injection cocktail.
And as every educated person might, he too got suspicious about an illiterate like Pandian mentioning it.

He then stepped out of his way and made contact with Jacob to tell about this in a hope that the so called good one of the twins could alert the cops. But he was wrong, Jacob and James worked hand in hand with Pandian. He came to know that as Jacob arranged for him to meet them. The trio then threatened him to not reveal anything to the cops to which he surprisingly gave in.

Thinking that he's so smart, he showed up at the police station after some three four days and reported about this to Suriya.

And he took care of the rest. Being the mastermind in here, he hatched a plan to initially silence him by taking his complaint but he later planned to involve him in the case.

That very day, he along with Suriya met the trio.

He tried to smooth things out by coaxing him into joining them. Wonder what a thick wad of cash couldn't do!

This lad gleefully accepted it and kept mum. To ensure that he didn't even think of turning them in, Suriya vouched a plan.

He made him take part in the murder of that boy's mother. Subbu was instructed to tug him along to the scene and thus he ensured that if at all Chezhiyan thought of coming clean, then he too would face the same fate as them.

Either willingly or unwillingly, this 17 year old boy had helped two men kill a lady.

And that is why he is spewing blood from his chest right now!

Anymore doubts on dead people? Huh?

Shall I move on to the ones that are alive?

Now the only person left in this masterful squad is Suriya. The kingpin! Wah!  " laughed DOT.

Arul, all while, was wondering what would his fate turn out to be as he was sure that once Suriya has been tended to, DOT's attention would turn towards him. And all these on spot judgements coupled with a workstation that seemed to be designed exclusively for executions made him ever so closer to death than before.

Ameer was slowly regaining his self and part of that could be due to the denial of whatever the DOT said.

Sensing that Ameer didn't believe him, the DOT came forward towards him. Ameer was scared and he crawled backwards a few yards.

"Hey! Don't be scared. Honestly? Did you actually think that he was sane enough when he talked you into accompanying him to Jacob's hut? Or were you too naive?

At least you could have realised that something was fishy when Suriya didn't warn you off or something for walking into a crime scene just like that!

Come on man! Why on earth would a police officer go out of his way and take advice from you both? Haven't you thought about any of these?

Oh! Please don't tell me that you got carried away by your newly earned role of being Watson to Chezhiyan's Sherlock! That would be the most pathetic reasoning ever made! "
The DOT was wailing his arms in exasperation.

Ameer was fully listening now and he was angry with himself for not seeing through Chezhiyan's act.

"Whether you believe or not, is up to you! But I would suggest you to put that process on hold and listen to what I have to reveal next!

Now only two more left! One is undoubtedly the lord and the other was a rather unexpected wildcard entry.

I am talking about Arul here! Though his best mate was involved right from the beginning, he didn't. But that is not true!

Suriya, you remember the night when you called to confirm whether the girl is dead? And the call wasn't attended? That exact night, Subbu revealed to Arul that he was involved in a secret mission with you and all the details with it. But you still got to know Arul only when you joined forces alto counter me didn't you? Excellent!

It was actually Arul who killed that girl and not Subbu! In fact, Subbu had fucked it up so terribly that Arul had to shoot the girl before she escaped.

I presume you were in love, weren't you both? Huh Arul?

A lot of cliches broken here na? I like that! A doc turned cop, killer daughter, gay assassin couple and twin drug peddling assholes lead by another asshole. Woah! My plate's full!

So you get the privilege of being the ones to know the entire story other than me of course! So you also get the honour of dying without any nuclear doubts hanging over your head!

The only question is, who should die first? " DOT loaded his hand gun again and was about to aim when he was interrupted by Arul who flaunted his silenced weapon so effortlessly.

Both Suriya and Ameer were surprised to see that happening.

"Not so soon dude! You think you know it all? Nah! Though you did a commendable job of digging up things, you left a blind spot for us to talk. Actually we knew this would happen forehand and so I came prepped. To answer your question, it's going to be neither of us! It is you who is going to die now! And I'm going to ensure that you die the most painfu-"

The DOT raised his palm as a signal for him to stop.

"Thats enough man! I just left an opening for you to speak something. I have to admit how much of an idiot you are! Do you honestly believe that I overlooked your phone call to Suriya which you made just after kidnapping both the boys. Am I right?  And I thought Subbu was the dumbest of you two! Phew! " 

He then took a deep breath and shot Arul repeatedly without allowing him to react. As many as three bullets pierced his chest and torso.

Ameer swallowed a lump on seeing the body of Arul collapse.

The DOT then stared at Ameer and in a sudden he turned his gaze towards Suriya who was clueless on what to do next. One would've thought that he was about to give up on seeing him.

Suriya did just enough to lead DOT into believing it as he patiently waited for the split second opening for him to draw his gun and shoot through DOT's head.

Ameer thought it was going to be his turn next.

It was as if seconds took an eternity to get over.

Everyone could hear their own hearts beating.

Ameer was throbbing inside with fear. He was so sure of his own death.

Then all of a second, the two adults in the room were seen moving.

Suriya drew his gun the same moment DOT loaded his. Both of them were literally holding the gun against each other in a straight line.

Ameer was just watching on as the ultimate Snowdon unfolded right in front of his eyes.

None of them was talking and none of them was ready to take their chance.

Suriya was overly cautious while the DOT feigned so.

The early morning warmth crept up the room and it was only a matter of time before at least one of the three alive in the room stopped breathing.

It was then, at that exact moment, Ameer did the unexpected. He began to run towards the stairs through which he entered that room of hell.

Both the men didn't focus on him running too much and were staring at each other.

Ameer reached the stairs and for the last time took a glance at his friend. He didn't even bother looking at the two other humans standing at each other's gun points.

He then ran for his life and unlatched  the hinge on the trap door.

He was expecting to get shot at any moment. It was not until he was half hanging - half climbing he heard the heart stopping sound.


And the pigeons began to fly peacefully once again as the new day was born!


The workstation had witnessed three murders within the space of two hours and finally it was calm again.

The final murder was committed.

The final victim had crashed to the ground.

The final bullet was resting inside a skull.

And the final footsteps leaving the workstation were heard echoing.

The long haired man was leaving the building through the proper entrance to the workstation placed inside the glass cubicle.

Finally he felt that he had achieved inner peace.
The once careless, alcoholic, burden to the family had sought revenge successfully for his deceased mother and brother.

After all, that teacher's death was the beginning.

As left the crime scene towards the beach railway station, he thought :

Who would've thought I could kill?

The man who christened himself as DOT had accomplished his mission.



Yes! Finally it has come to an end!
Thank you dear readers for this awesome journey!

I apologize for my use of foul language during the course of the story but it demanded it!

I started this slightly a year back and it has been a wonderful experience if not for the time mismanagement from my side.

Hope you all had a great time reading it!

A huge shout out to some of my friends- LoneWolf_18 who stood by me throughout this journey helping me with their valuable comments and insights! Love you all!

I did get to experience what people actually think of my writing for the first time!

Overall it's been a hell of an outing and it's all because of you - my readers!

Thanks a ton!

Until next time!


- Rupesh Balaji
